#𝖒; 𝕽𝖚𝖇𝖞 𝕽𝖔𝖘𝖊
mused-like-roses · 6 months
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"So... the heck is a body pillow, anyways?"
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mused-like-roses · 1 month
Water your plants daily, children. Let them grow nice and strong, and they might spare you during the vegetable uprising.
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"OHDUSTIFORGOTTOWATERMYPLANTSTODAYTHEVEGGIEUPRISINGISGONNAGETME-!" Ruby scrambled off her bed, down the steps, and right outside with the gardening hose, spraying it all over the place trying to get every plant in the vicinity. Even the trees, every plant counted for her, and with every plant meant she could be spared easily!
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mused-like-roses · 4 months
🌹 ~ Closed Ruby Rose Starter ~ @skidqrow
Summer vacation was closing in, and boy did Ruby ever have plans to rest up after a long time in Beacon... at least it felt long to her. This semester was a headache to say the least; more homework than usual, exams were rough, it was like every high school nightmare rolled up into one. But it hadn't let her down one bit, the hard times make the good times better like her mother always told her.
And the good times were right around the corner, especially with her planned summer vacation at Uncle Qrow's! She felt bad not being able to hang around him more often than not. Most of the time summer was spent at her home, with the occasional trips here and there to see Blake and/or Weiss. But this year it was gonna be different, she was gonna make up for all those times and spend as much as time as she can with him.
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"UNCLE QROW!!" Ruby called out with glee as she swung the door open. She had her heavy suitcases in both hands and she was trying to hold them up as best as she could, though to no avail she had to drag them in. How much she had packed, Dust only knew. "Uncle Qrow are you home? It's your favorite niece in the whole wooorld!!"
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mused-like-roses · 7 months
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"How the heck are you so good at fighting games?! You're like one of those top FGC players that win the big bucks in tourneys and all that!" Seems like Ruby was getting whooped badly. Such is the curse of having only played Super Smash Bros. all her life!
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mused-like-roses · 4 months
Xaos vc: but consider, it's funny ~ @prettyboywarrior
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"And how do you find it humorous, Xaos? Oh nevermind, knowing you..."
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"Hiya, Mr. Xaos!"
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"You really think fighting dirty like that is funny? It's been awhile since I seen you in combat, but judging by your tone I wouldn't be surprised if you threw shoes at everything and everyone..."
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"Of course, who would I expect to walk into Team RWBY's dorm room and join the convo like it's another Wednseday? Xaos..."
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mused-like-roses · 4 months
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"Who just goes around throwing shoes at people? That sounds like some stupid idea Yang or Ruby would put to use..."
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"But if I went around throwing my boots at people, wouldn't that hurt way more than just a plain ol' shoe? Boots are heavier than shoes, I think..."
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"Got a point there, Sis. Not to mention, I would rather just punch my opponent than to throw something at them."
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"I'm gonna opt out of this silly conversation..."
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mused-like-roses · 6 months
"Don't worry about it." ~ @rubbarband from here.
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"But I really wanna know what a body pillow is! Can you pleeease tell me, mister?"
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mused-like-roses · 5 months
❣ for Ruby?
send me ❣ for 3 pros & 3 cons of dating my muse! ~ @electricea
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You'll almost, always have someone to vent about anything to. Had a bad day at work/school, down in the dumps, need someone to talk to? She's both right there and a phone call away.
She's a huntress, so she'll kick ass, and will protect your ass if needed. Bonus points if you can defend yourself, because she'll 100% fight by your side.
She's more than willing to share her video game collection with you, even if you have the same game she has. Heck, she'll consider it as her & your collection.
She can be clumsy at times and trip up on her cape, and might even stumble over on top of you. At least it's cute when she gets all bashful about it!
Cooking is the last thing she knows any information on. Unless you're a good cook, expect to be eating out and getting plenty of take-out. (thank Dust her Uncle Qrow helps provide money to support her)
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mused-like-roses · 5 months
keeping it going: 👀 for Ruby and Blake from wildxcardrebel
Send 👀 to find out how much my muse would like to _____ yours ~ @wildxcardrebel
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Get to know: NEVER! | I'd rather not | Convince me! | Sure why not? | Yes please! | ALWAYS!
Befriend: NEVER! | I'd rather not | Convince me! | Sure why not? | Yes please! | ALWAYS!
Date: NEVER! | I'd rather not | Convince me! | Sure why not? | Yes please! | ALWAYS!
Make love with: NEVER! | I'd rather not | Convince me! | Sure why not? | Yes please! | ALWAYS!
Hook up with: NEVER! | I'd rather not | Convince me! | Sure why not? | Yes please! | ALWAYS!
Protect: NEVER! | I'd rather not | Convince me! | Sure why not? | Yes please! | ALWAYS!
Help: NEVER! | I'd rather not | Convince me! | Sure why not? | Yes please! | ALWAYS!
Stop: NEVER! | I'd rather not | Convince me! | Sure why not? | Yes please! | ALWAYS!
Kill: NEVER! | I'd rather not | Convince me! | Sure why not? | Yes please! | ALWAYS!
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Get to know: NEVER! | I'd rather not | Convince me! | Sure why not? | Yes please! | ALWAYS!
Befriend: NEVER! | I'd rather not | Convince me! | Sure why not? | Yes please! | ALWAYS!
Date: NEVER! | I'd rather not | Convince me! | Sure why not? | Yes please! | ALWAYS!
Make love with: NEVER! | I'd rather not | Convince me! | Sure why not? | Yes please! | ALWAYS!
Hook up with: NEVER! | I'd rather not | Convince me! | Sure why not? | Yes please! | ALWAYS!
Protect: NEVER! | I'd rather not | Convince me! | Sure why not? | Yes please! | ALWAYS!
Help: NEVER! | I'd rather not | Convince me! | Sure why not? | Yes please! | ALWAYS!
Stop: NEVER! | I'd rather not | Convince me! | Sure why not? | Yes please! | ALWAYS! ( The only way she'd stop him is if he was about to do something stupid, or put his life at risk )
Kill: NEVER! | I'd rather not | Convince me! | Sure why not? | Yes please! | ALWAYS!
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mused-like-roses · 9 months
(For Ruby)
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Traveling through an abandoned city, Vergil was on the hunt for creatures of Grimm. He had been hired to clear out the surrounding area's of all Grimm for safety. After finding and killing several of them already, Vergil can suddenly feel the energy and power of another person nearby. Another person? In this old ruined city? Just who else could it be.
Watching the body of a Grimm land right next to him before it died, the half-devil turned to face who was probably the only other living person here with him in this entire area, he was surprised to see someone else here other than himself.
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[{ 🗡️ }] - "Well well, I never expected to see a fresh face around here.."
Like seeing a new face...
Ruby had been traveling through the city for quite sometime now, and the amount of Grimm she had to deal with was quite similar. She had been tasked to look for any, if there was any at all, survivors in this abandoned city. And just as she was about to give up and head back to report her mission... there he was: An older looking male, dressed in blue, and white hair... was he another hunter, a passerby? She didn't remember anyone else being tasked to come here.
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"I could say the exact same thing, sir." Ruby replied. In her eyes, she thought he was a veteran hunter, judging by the appearance. The smaller huntress gave a small bow in respect lest she forgot to show some common courtesy. "What're you doing here? Are you a hunter yourself, or just a wanderer?" She asked. From the setting around her, she could stand and talk and not worry about getting jumped by Grimm.
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mused-like-roses · 1 month
let us beat those rubbish vegetables into submission.
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And now she drops the hose, which was still spraying water about the ground, and brought out Cresent Rose. "HIYAHHHH!!" And there went Ruby swinging her scythe around, dicing up every watered plant in the vicinity and opening fire at all of them. She had went from overtly watering the plants to now cutting them up like grass. Maybe this "uprising" has went in over her head big time...
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mused-like-roses · 4 months
(To Ruby) Opinions on Brandon Astral?
Blog mentioned ~ @astral-multiverse
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"Ohhh, my hubby! Had it not been for him and especially his sister, I don't think Team RWBY, let alone the rest of Beacon and the Academy itself, would be where it's at today. He's helped me out so much throughout the school years and I've returned the favor as much as I could..."
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"Also he's one of the sweetest men I've ever met! He's always there to cheer me up, and his cooking is sooo good, and he kicks all sorts of Grimm butt, oh and he's so good at video games! And did I also mention he's the best guy to rely on for babysitting, I mean he's father of the year- no, decade!!"
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mused-like-roses · 5 months
[Text from Cinder]: Hey Ruby. You should watch this video. It showcases tips about how to best clean your Scythe.
[Cinder has sent a link]: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/2MdalK2t5-0
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Ruby felt the vibration beneath her pocket and whipped her Scroll out to see who it was. Cinder... she was skeptical at first, seeing as it was one of Beacon's darker foes. Until she saw the context; a video for cleaning her Scythe! She was being sweet for once! This was one of those videos where it fell under her watchlist for after-class wind downs. A sincere smile was across her face as she tapped on the link she sent her-
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And she was utterly disappointed to not only see her favorite Eurodance group get utterly tarnished, but memes. Stupid, confusing memes. She scowled a bit as she closed the link and got straight to texting, her thumbs gliding across the screen as she angrily replied to the other.
[Text]: IFHY Cinder, why did you have to fool me like that >:(
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mused-like-roses · 5 months
♡ For Ruby
Send ♡ to see what my muse thinks of yours ~ @ask-jaune-npr
●●●○○ | ATTRACTION ●●●○○ | AFFECTION ●●●●● | INTEREST ●●●●● | LOYALTY ●●●●● | TRUST
LOW | ●●●●● | HIGH
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"Jaune's one of the best friends I've met in Beacon! What's there not to say about him?"
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mused-like-roses · 5 months
♡ for Sumire, Ruby and Blake (wildxcardrebel)
Send ♡ to see what my muse thinks of yours ~ @wildxcardrebel
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Sumire ●●●○○ | ATTRACTION ●●●○○ | AFFECTION ●●●●○ | INTEREST ●●●●● | LOYALTY ●●●●● | TRUST
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Ruby Rose ●●○○○ | ATTRACTION ●●●○○ | AFFECTION ●●●●○ | INTEREST ●●●●● | LOYALTY ●●●●● | TRUST
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Blake Belladonna ●●●●○ | ATTRACTION ●●●●● | AFFECTION ●●●●○ | INTEREST ●●●●● | LOYALTY ●●●●● | TRUST
LOW | ●●●●● | HIGH
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mused-like-roses · 6 months
💋 - Your Ruby to my Weiss, please <3
The first 5 Asks to send 💋 get a kiss [1/5] ~ @divinityunleashed
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"Hey Weiss, stay right where you are!" Aaaaannnd a quick kiss to the cheek before she darts off giggling. Whilst she loved all of her teammates equally, Weiss was the one the rose pampered the most.
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