#𝗢𝗢𝗖: // it just really suits her and how observant she is
doctordonovan-a · 2 years
 birdie rambles;   forever tempted to have maeve commonly wear gloves in her star trek verse.    I keep reading more things about how,    despite the telepathic genes vulcans have being dormant in them,   them still having touch based empathy   (  I’ve ranted about it here if anyone is curious  ).   like...  imagine your friend touching you on the arm and you knowing how sad they are but not being able to directly bring it up?  imagine your fiance touching your cheek and you realising what he’s feeling isn’t love?
 maeve probably has had so many negative experiences when it comes to things she’s felt by accident.
“Romulans can feel strong emotion when touching others, though they have no control over this ability, which is why physical contact is frowned upon among Romulans with the exception of family or other loved ones”
 just...  the thought of how much she doesn’t want to feel all she does?  and yes at times it’s useful,  and there are times it’s to her advantage...  is she already touch starved and isolated as hell?   yes.  does she want to invade anyone’s privacy?  no.   (  though,  on a sunday related note,  it’s probably a great trick to have in bed.  )
 when people thought she was half vulcan she was an underachiever when it came to any telepathic skills,  but by romulan standards,  she’s an incredible overachiever with the clarity and depth she can get.   
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