#𝗥𝗘𝗟     ━     román y patricia.
cartelheir · 2 years
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@bornfornothin​   :   💕 do it for pat and roman! IN-DEPTH SHIP MEME,   accepting!
how did they meet?
román worked as an errand boy for pat’s father,  javier,  for a couple years before she was even born.   román remembers the very first time he saw pat  ( fussing in luisa’s arms as she sat on the rocking chair )  very vaguely,  and pat obviously has no memories of it.   to her,  he’s just always been a part of her life in one way or another.
who flirted with who first?
pat.   he rejected her advances initially,  not because he wasn’t interested,  but because she was technically his boss’s girlfriend and he was hesitant.   they would still flirt occasionally,  but it wouldn’t go past that.
was it love at first sight or a slowburn romance?
you could say it was a slowburn,  since they’ve known each other pretty much their whole lives,  and they were obviously not interested in each other before adulthood.   but once they were reunited,  they were attracted to each other quite fast.
did they start dating right away or were they friends before things became romantic?
they were friends for over a year before things became romantic, but again,  they were very attracted to each other from the start, and would occasionally flirt but not act on it.   they were just unsure and hesitant because they were both taken.   as much as they tried to convince themselves they were fine with being just friends,  they desperately wanted more.
what was their first date?
it was during a business trip they took together to colombia.   it was actually not supposed to be a date,  just a work dinner in the hotel restaurant.   except they were all alone in a foreign country for the first time,  away from the prying eyes in juárez,  and they spent the whole dinner flirting more openly than they ever did in the past.
afterwards they had some drinks and made out,  but that was all.   román was a gentleman and walked her to her hotel room,  then spent the rest of the night very confused about what had happened.   the next morning,  they didn’t talk about it.   they spent one day of awkwardness and sexual tension before  finally  that night they gave in and slept together.
what are their favourite things to do on date nights?
román is one of the only people pat enjoys chill casual dates with  ( like staying home and ordering food or cooking together,  or just going for a walk together ),  because she loves his company so much and doesn’t need much else.   sometimes they’ll come up with something new and spontaneous,  like karaoke, which both enjoy a lot.   but their favorite dates to go to are having drinks and dancing,  or a nice dinner.
do they still go on dates after being together for a while?
yes!!   when they finally make their relationship public all they wanna do is go on dates,  because for a long time they couldn’t do this out in the open.
after many years,  life obviously gets in the way and things fall into routine.   they go through a little bit of a crisis,  so they decide to go on dates regularly again.   it definitely helps them to spend more quality time together and rekindle that passion for each other.
what is their love language?
all of them basically,  but physical contact is a big one.   they’re very touchy  ( though not too clingy when out with friends or anything,  but they still like to lean against each other or hold hands ).   pat is big into gift giving,  and román loves quality time.
who kissed who first?
román did,  which came as quite a surprise for pat,  since he’d spent the past year rejecting her advances.    she definitely wasn’t complaining,  though.
who started the relationship?
it just kind of happened after their first time sleeping together.   they never sat down and agreed to keep it up,  they just started calling each other to meet in secret and never stopped doing it.
monogamy or polyamory?
monogamy all the way.   they’re jealous of each other in a very toxic way,  so there isn’t the slightest possibility of them ever being poly.
are they/do they plan on getting married?
yes.   back when román was still technically married,  they’d sometimes mention it casually;  talking about stuff like what pets they’d have,  or how that nice painting they saw the other day would look so good in their living room  when they lived together.
they actually had a serious talk about this for the first time on a summer trip they took together to positano.   they said they wanted to spend the rest of their lives together; not just as an affair.   later that night they went swimming in the ocean,  and román considered proposing to her right there and then;  but well,  he was still married,  and he didn’t have a ring.   pat would’ve said yes regardless.
who proposed?  was it a yes or no?
román will,  in front of their friends and family.   she’ll say  yes  before he even finishes the question.
do they want kids?  who brought it up first?
yes.   their first child was planned,  and román was the one to bring it up first.   pat has always wanted kids so she was quick to agree.
do they already have kids,  together or from previous relationships?
román has a teenage daughter called angelina from his previous marriage.   pat doesn’t.   together they have two children,  javier and lira,  which you can read more about  here.   they might have more in the future, but i haven’t decided yet,
how do they take care of each other when they are sick/hurt?
most of the time,  they argue when they’re sick.   román gets in a mood where he’ll be dramatic and complain a lot, but he also won’t compromise with her when she tries to help.   “i feel really bad” “let’s go to the doctor” “no it’s not that bad” “take your meds then” “no” “how about a nice warm bath” “i don’t feel like it” “then what the FUCK do you expect me to do about it?”
pat on the other hand gets moody and wants to either ignore the fact that she’s sick and work herself to exhaustion or to sleep for 16 hours straight,  usually both in that order.
so,  they’ll take care of each other’s chores and make sure their home is comfortable enough, but they tend to just ignore each other and stay out of their way until it passes.
how do they like to spend time together?
if you put pat and román in a room together,  regardless of what they’re doing,  they’ll start chatting about random things.   that’s literally their favorite thing to do.   as mentioned above they also like to go out to dance.   they like  “cooking together”  which is basically román cooking while pat watches and gives her opinion though she has no idea what she’s talking about.   in lazy days they also enjoy singing and playing guitar together.
what are their favourite non-sexual forms of intimacy?
non-sexual touches,  like hugs and kisses and sitting close to each other.   they’re touching in some way or another 90% of the time.  
what are some of their favourite things about their partner?
pat loves his charisma.   román can just get into a room full of strangers and make everyone laugh and love him in five minutes.   and it’s not forced,  he’s just genuinely a lovable person.   he can be a bit insensitive sometimes,  but he genuinely cares about people and that’s obvious.   he has the talent of making bad situations seem so much lighter.
román admires pat sooo much for her strength and resilience.   if she wants something,  she won’t give up until she gets it,  and he respects the shit out of her for that.   he loves that pat’s not the kind of person who can be overlooked:  she’s loud, she’s bold,  she’s argumentative,  she unapologetically takes up space.   they might fight,  but he loves that she’s hot-headed too;  when not in a serious situation,  her rage can be quite amusing.   he likes his women a little insane and i think that’s valid.
how do they comfort the other when they are upset?
pat’s more likely to offer him a hug,  cuddles or a massage,  or to do nice things for him so he feels better.   román will try to coax her to talk about it.
who buys the other spontaneous gifts?
both!!  pat does it because it’s her love language,  román does it because he loves how  happy  it makes her when he brings her a gift,  even if it’s small.
what position do they sleep in?
usually spooning  ( pat as the little spoon ),  but in the middle of the night they’ll sometimes break apart in their sleep.
do they bathe/shower together?
sometimes!   román is an earlier riser,  so not too often.   but they do enjoy taking baths together after sex when they’re feeling extra willing to please each other.
do they do anything else in the bath/shower other than wash?
they fuck,  but again not that often,  unless they have energy for a second round right after in the bath.
in the bedroom - Vanilla, a little spice, or kinky af?
a little spice,  i’d say.   their sex is often rough and they do have some kinks,  but they’re not out there having a sex dungeon or anything like that.
for applicable ships - who tops/bottoms?
román tops,  pat bottoms.
for applicable ships - who is more dominant/submissive?
in bed,  pat’s definitely more submissive.   in life, they’re on pretty equal grounding but if i had to pick one pat is definitely bossier and more dominant.   it clashes with román’s stubbornness sometimes.
what is their favourite sex position?
prone bone or doggy.   from behind, basically.
do either of them enjoy bringing sex toys into the bedroom?
they’re not opposed to it,  but they just don’t really care that much for toys.   so it’s a rare occurrence.
favourite place to have sex?
their bedroom,  a classic.   the backroom of their favorite club.   or in pat’s office,  ‘cause she really likes being bent over desks.
most adventurous place they’ve had sex?
a quickie in one of román’s airplanes,  on autopilot.
how often do they fight?  what about?
silly fights?   like,   every other day.   about stupid random things.   one time they had a fight over the weather,  because román believed it was going to rain,  and pat  “preferred to believe on the weather man over him.”
serious fights are more rare,  but they’re usually over their irrational jealousy.   or because pat is stressed out and took it out on him,  or román brought up some issue in a super blunt insensitive way.   a lot of their fights revolve around them just not knowing how to have a calm rational dialogue when they’re mad.
have they ever broken up?
LOL.   only 5 million times.   during the affair stage of their relationship they were  constantly  breaking up and getting back together;  the breakups usually only lasted a few days,  unless they had a really bad fight.
when their relationship is more serious and established,  this doesn’t happen as much anymore.   except for the one time they had such a bad fight over the one and only threesome they ever had with another woman  ( encouraged by no one other than @sleazygoing​ )  that it almost caused a divorce.   román was living in the guest house for a month.   they eventually sorted things out,  but they’re never breathing a word about that damn threesome again.
messy breakup,  amicable split,  remain friends,  ride or die or til death do us part?
again aside from their previous short breakups,  they’re really not planning on getting rid of each other any time soon.   ride or die/til death do us part all the way.
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cartelheir · 2 years
ok you mentioned pat and román having kids, so what are they like as parents, both individually and as partners? what ways do they work well together, and where do they clash? (also talk about the kids they might have if you wanna add that 👀)
they get along in more ways than they clash;  overall they’re on the same page and work well together.   one thing they tend to disagree on is the way they express authority:  román thinks that if you’re demanding your child to do something,  you have to set up the example  ( like for instance,  you shouldn’t be telling them to get off their phone if you’re on it all day ),  while pat is like  i can do this because i’m an adult,  and you’re a child so you’re gonna do what i say.   she’s definitely the bossier parent.   román is more laid-back,  but he tries to be strict when needed too.   he doesn’t wanna be like his parents who often gave him  too much  freedom simply because they didn’t care about what he was up to.   but he also thinks pat goes a little overboard with wanting to be obeyed sometimes.
the first kid they have is  javier  ( named after pat’s dad who was also a significant figure in román’s life ).   things were mostly easy at first;  pat loved being pregnant,  javi is an angelic baby who barely cries.   but only six months later they find out she’s pregnant again;  this next baby is a girl named  lira.   this is when things start going wrong.
basically,  they highly underestimated how difficult it would be to take care of  two  small children,  or even for pat to go through a pregnancy while taking care of a baby.   they felt guilty that they weren’t enjoying lira’s first months the way they did with javi because they were both so tired.   pat was so stressed and depressed it didn’t take long for them to hire some nannies,  which they would keep for many years.   i wouldn’t say they’re absent parents,  but specially when the kids are little the nannies are the ones doing a lot of the worst parenting tasks.
things got muchhh better after that.   it’s a lot easier to enjoy parenting when you’re not the ones changing 15 dirty diapers a day,  or arguing about who’s gonna get up in the middle of the night to bottle feed the baby.
i haven’t decided yet if they’re gonna have more kids.   but if they do,  it’ll be years after lira.   they learned their lesson the first time 😂
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cartelheir · 2 years
if pat and román could have ended up getting married, how would that have turned out?
at first i thought you meant their wedding instead of like their actual married life,  which i wrote some stuff about then deleted 😂 but anyways
i won’t pretend like they don’t have issues;  they always did.   somehow getting over the benjamín problem and getting married won’t magically solve all of it.   but i can tell you they love each other very much and getting married is something they  really want,  so they’d be willing to do anything to make it work.
not having the stress of being a secret affair anymore  would  make things a lot better for them.   in the first couple of years things are like a fairy tale;  they get along,  they only have minor arguments over stupid things,  they go on nice dates and trips together all the time,  they fuck everyday on every corner of their home.   but eventually they fall into routine.   they have kids,  which is harder on pat than she’d anticipated.   problems start to build up.
a lot of their fights are about jealousy,  even though neither is unfaithful  ( yes they did cheat on their previous partners with each other but there were a lot of other factors playing into that ).   pat losing her patience with tiny things stops being endearing and starts being annoying.   román is blunt and insensitive when bringing up issues.   they both have busy jobs too,  and making time for each other doesn’t seem like a priority anymore.
this is nothing that can’t or won’t be fixed with some dialogue and effort from both parts,  though.   i can see them going through a rough patch,  but never divorcing.   overall they’re not perfect,  but they’re very happy together and there’s no one else they’d rather spend the rest of their lives with.
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cartelheir · 2 years
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just a little updated summary of the relationship between  patricia & román  and how they turned into this mess
román had been working for javier carosella since before pat was born,  and he was basically part of the family.   after she was born he’d be stuck with babysitting duties from time to time,  which he kinda hated,  because all his friends would tease him for it.
in his early 20s román was a trusted henchman to javier,  and while he and pat didn’t have much of a friendship due to their age difference,  he was constantly around so they were very familiar with each other.   he was also pat’s guitar teacher.
a few months after javier’s death román moved to america,  and he and pat had no contact for the next few years save for the few times he caught a glimpse of her when she was visiting juárez.
they met again at a cartel party;  pat at 23,  at benjamín’s arm.   they talked all night,  like there was no one else in the room they’d rather speak to.   ever since,  they stayed in touch and became close friends.
despite working at very different areas in the cartel,  the two came up with a project together that was a success,  earning them both major promotions.   soon after that,  they began having an affair.
even though they fell hard for each other,  their relationship would remain a secret affair for  four years.   things were complicated;  both of them were in committed relationships with other people  ( one of which was a very powerful,  very possessive drug lord ),  they had to meet in secret,  it was a hassle to go back and forth before pat moved to vegas,  they had many arguments.   but,  undeniably,  things were never about  just sex  for them.
when pat had her breakdown over coming to terms with her past,  he was there to support her.   they spent a month together on vacation abroad,  where they talked about things like moving in,  spending the rest of their lives together.   for once,  things seemed to be going forward.
shortly after his return,  román was met with big news:  laura was two months pregnant.   realizing that he needed to be a better husband and father,  he broke things off with pat,  who was very upset.   she ended up getting back together with benjamín,  which román was enraged about.   they had a big fight;  hurtful things were said.   pat told him to go fuck himself and never contact her again.
despite this,  it was about a week before they were hooking up again.
now,  while their affair is ongoing after román’s divorce,  things are definitely strained between them.   they still obviously have feelings for each other,  but it might take some time to work through all their issues
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cartelheir · 2 years
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someone pls explain to me why almost every scene they’re side by side and being cute like that is dark as fuck
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