#π—₯𝗣; βͺ headcanons ❫
bitterseadrop-a Β· 1 year
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π—‘π—”π— π—˜:Β  Β  Β  esther
𝗣π—₯𝗒𝗑𝗒𝗨𝗑𝗦:Β  Β  Β she / her
𝗣π—₯π—˜π—™π—˜π—₯π—˜π—‘π—–π—˜ Β  𝗒𝗙 Β  π—–π—’π— π— π—¨π—‘π—œπ—–π—”π—§π—œπ—’π—‘:Β  Β  Β  discord (mutuals ur free to ask for my id!)
π—˜π—«π—£π—˜π—₯π—œπ—˜π—‘π—–π—˜ Β  / Β  𝗛𝗒π—ͺ Β  𝗠𝗔𝗑𝗬 Β  π—¬π—˜π—”π—₯𝗦:Β  Β  Β  recently started again in february this yeah, though i used to rp when i was a lot younger as well + i've got some D&D experience as well
π—£π—Ÿπ—”π—§π—™π—’π—₯𝗠𝗦 Β  𝗬𝗒𝗨 Β  π—¨π—¦π—˜:Β  Β  Β  tumblr and it's also my general preference, though i wouldn't be opposed to trying out rp on discord as well in case anyone is interested.
π—•π—˜π—¦π—§ Β  π—˜π—«π—£π—˜π—₯π—œπ—˜π—‘π—–π—˜:Β  Β  Β  i can't really think of anything off the top of my head, but i think one of the most rewarding things for me is the connections i build with everyone both ic and ooc! kisses to u all mwuah
π—₯𝗣 Β  π—£π—˜π—§ Β  π—£π—˜π—˜π—©π—˜π—¦:Β  Β  Β  once again i can't really think of anything right now β€” i'm glad to say that my rp experience on here has been quite pleasant so far! :>
π—™π—Ÿπ—¨π—™π—™, Β  π—”π—‘π—šπ—¦π—§, Β  𝗒π—₯ Β  𝗦𝗠𝗨𝗧:Β  Β  Β  i'm pretty comfortable with any genre tbh! smut isn't really my cup of tea most of the time though. there's times where i feel like writing it but it's rare. howeverΒ i'm happy to discuss smut related topics / headcanons any time!
π—Ÿπ—’π—‘π—š Β  𝗒π—₯ Β  𝗦𝗛𝗒π—₯𝗧 Β  π—₯π—˜π—£π—Ÿπ—œπ—˜π—¦:Β  Β  Β  it REALLY depends on my energy at the given moment and how long the prompt i'm replying to is. my own rule of thumb is that i try to do 1-2 paras minimum but if my energy is low or i just can't come up with more then it's usually less. though if i receive long replies i'm more inclined to also have a higher word count as it gives me more to work with even when i don't have a lot of energy. tl;dr it realls just depends on my mood :')
π—•π—˜π—¦π—§ Β  π—§π—œπ— π—˜ Β  𝗧𝗒 Β  π—ͺπ—₯π—œπ—§π—˜:Β  Β  Β  evenings my time (CEST) as it's usually when i get home or have free time. though sometimes i also write in the mornings during class when i'm bored lmao
𝗔π—₯π—˜ Β  𝗬𝗒𝗨 Β  π—Ÿπ—œπ—žπ—˜ Β  𝗬𝗒𝗨π—₯ Β  π— π—¨π—¦π—˜(𝗦):Β  Β  Β  I MEAN regarding milou's most prominent characteristics? definitely not lmao. there's some minor traits that i like to project onto her though – for example her being a cat lover and having a sweet tooth.
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stole it :')) feel free to steal it as well and tag me pls pls !! tagging. @thornicidxs . @jadesanct . @enoqian . @ofcryptid . @hirudou . @fractise . @ouchiis . @farspirits . @xamassed . @prsonatm . @moonhund . @giftandguile . @sigmadolos . @bianhuas
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magicresteda Β· 2 years
Wyatt doesnt get along with other covens / families of witches. There are some he can civilly talk to and help when needs to. But his family, let alone himself, are very infamous among other witches.
Most of the covens see the halliwells almost as spoilt brats and outcasts. But there’s a particular coven that are very strict to the rules of the elders and follow them very loyally. So of course, wyatt and them? Clash like crazy.
As well as this, the halliwells are also infamous within the magical community too. However theyre not as disliked as they are within witch covens.
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magicresteda Β· 2 years
wyatt might act the way he does in his morality bites au because he’sΒ β€˜protecting other witches and avenging his aunt’ but lbr deep down he knows he’s doing it for himself :):):)Β 
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magicresteda Β· 2 years
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❝  𝑯𝒆  𝒍𝒆𝒅  𝒖𝒔  π’π’π’π’ˆΒ  π’‚π’ˆπ’,Β  𝒂𝒏𝒅  𝒐𝒏𝒄𝒆  𝒉𝒆  𝒓𝒆𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒏𝒔,Β  𝒉𝒆  π’˜π’Šπ’π’Β  𝒍𝒆𝒂𝒅  𝒖𝒔  π’‚π’ˆπ’‚π’Šπ’Β  𝒂𝒏𝒅  π’˜π’Šπ’π’Β  π’“π’†π’˜π’‚π’“π’…Β  π’šπ’π’–Β  𝒇𝒐𝒓  π’šπ’π’–π’“Β  π’–π’π’˜π’‚π’—π’†π’“π’Šπ’π’ˆΒ  π’‡π’‚π’Šπ’•π’‰.Β  ❞
Wyatts true being, the archaic demon that is in place of his soul, pre-dates god, the devil and creation. However, in my semi-rewrite of charmed god doesn’t necessarily exist as he does in Christianity. The demon is the first thing that existed on β€˜earth’ before humanity existed. It was a desolate wasteland that was controlled and formed by it until humanity was created. For a while, humanity β€œlived” alongside the entity, however their lives were not long at all. If any survived they soon became corrupted and worshipped the entity, sacrificing any others to it rather than trying to hide from it.
Eventually, the very first witches were created (the first charmed ones) imbued with the power of the three goddesses to put a stop to the darkness. But they only manage to fragment it, leading to them locking away each piece in order to stop the evil from ever fully forming in the world, ever again. Unfortunately, with the death of prudence halliwell and all events that break the true timeline, the grand design. The Charmed Ones are never able to truly fulfil their destiny of keeping the fragments of the darkness getting free. The fragments are still lost, especially to history. So the darkness does not get the chance to fully become whole again. But one piece does form as Wyatt Halliwell. Leading to his soul becoming the essence of that old demon from the creation of time and the universe.
HEADCANONSΒ  Β +Β  Β Wyatt’sΒ  Β TrueΒ  Β SelfΒ  Β /Β  Β β€œTheΒ  Β Darkness” 
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magicresteda Β· 2 years
Wyatt has issues with alcohol. So to see him drinking it, there’s definitely something upsetting him. It’s not really to the level of alcoholism. But he doesn’t drink because he knows that it leaves him reckless and enables him to make really emotionally driven impulsive decisions ( especially ones he regresses a lot ).Β 
He says stuff he doesn’t mean, or wants to say. He tends to over drink and get worse when he does have a few drinks. And he just doesn’t really have any self control. It’s more of him being responsible rather than an addiction. He’s definitely not addicted to alcohol. But he knows its insanely irresponsible for him to drink it when he knows he can’t stop once he starts.Β 
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magicresteda Β· 2 years
Instead of sarah being outed by chris, what if she outs herself? at her coronation as the source. and its a giant emotional damage mess. Because she needs him there for power and dude she also does love him and wants to bring out his darkness. But also I feel like it’s aΒ β€˜feat’ needed to have the charmed ones defeated or wyattΒ β€˜under their control’ in order to become the new source. so? yeah not only is this boy having the rug completely torn out from under him. He’s being used as aΒ β€˜trophy’ of sorts.
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magicresteda Β· 2 years
not me, crying over the fact that wyatts morals are already so twisted that he only really knows a β€˜kill or be killed’ mentality when it comes to β€˜evil’.
I mean, okay, ive talked about it a lot. But I just realised that in Imaginary Fiends he kills a bunch of witches. Not demons, witches. The show makes it a little fuzzy and confusing for a lil. But vicus’ thing is turning children down the path of evil. So either theyre magical creatures…or witches. Heck, maybe even some of them were human. Who knows. But we know they weren’t demons.
So Wyatt has technically killed β€˜humans’ and did not think twice about it because his family was in danger. There’s probably some covens out there that the halliwells have fucked up because of their messed up β€˜no shades of grey’ view. And the fact that Wy has no worries about killing anyone who puts his family in danger is scary. I feel like they have to work to untrain that out of him because piper and the girls unintentionally gave him that very stereotypical view of black and white. And that if its evil, if its trying to hurt you, vanquish it. Of course, only when it comes to the case of humans because β€˜you can punish the guilty’.
Honestly, its no wonder why evil wy completely destroys all that because its? So? Confusing and dumb? This poor kid probably had so many rules put on him when all he knew how to do was fight. And hey, the fact that he probably didnt kill gideon in the uf straight away bc gideon is β€˜good’ was definitely a big fuck you moment that made him hate the concept of morality.
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magicresteda Β· 2 years
you know, I never actually thought about how demons would 100% try to manipulate/spell/hex wyatt into killing piper, phoebe and paige. because? honestly he’s easy to manipulate and turn evil so he’s probably not that massive a threat. but the Charmed Ones? They’ve been trying to destroy them for years. The only future they were actually ALL *seemingly* dead was the one that Wyatt was in.Β 
and you know what I lowkey love about that? it fits into my hc that wyatt is theΒ β€˜opposite’ power to destroy the charmed ones. he definitely wasn’t supposed to exist. But somehow he does and that existence is probably meant to be the charmed ones undoing.Β 
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magicresteda Β· 2 years
listen...I talk a lot about wys anger being a trigger to his darkness but lbr another big one is when he has panic attacks, obvs from his ptsd. That shit sometimes looks like anger but honestly its all that pent up fear breaking out of him. Anxiety is a bitch and annoyingly enough it produces energy (adrenaline as we know) and when nothing is done toΒ β€˜release’ it or actually listen to your body and go fight or flight (and wyatt is clearly a fight) it feels like you’re going to explode.Β 
So wy and panic attacks? yep, it triggers A LOT which just feeds into the darkness in him. He isn’t that stereotype of punching things bc angry. But when his powers accidentally break something, or he does in fact punch a mirror (mostly bc of regressed self hatred) it feels good. And THATS when evil really shines through bc he has to tell himself so hard that punching that mirror or hurting himself or losing control of his powers is never okay when a lot of his inner monologue is just telling him it IS.
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