#π™Όπš˜πš—πš˜πšπš˜πš—πš˜πšžπšœ πšπšŽπš™πš•πš’πšŽπšœ
was-theoretically-theo Β· 6 months
Twenty questions that he has to answer.
How is your sleep schedule like? Don't mess with Theodore's. I annoyed him for a year about it and finally he got it right. Tho I am sure he got it right because of someone else. (Aka you) 😏
What are your friends like? Explain in brief. Treat this like a three marks question.
What is your ideal way to spend weekends? Will you take Theodore to museums or not? Will you stay in and cancel your plans if Theodore doesn't feel like going? Without blaming him?
Do you know your love language? Do you know how to convey it? (You don't have to tell me what it is just say yes or no)
What's your favourite thing about dating my best friend? Treat this like a three marks question too.
What are some things you and him have in common?
Will you give all your chocolates to him if he asks?
What's your favourite movie?
Favourite way to relax?
Will you say sorry after an argument even if it wasn't exactly your fault? I believe that saying sorry doesn't mean that you are wrong it just means that you care enough to keep your ego aside and take accountability.
Do you like Spiderman/Percy Jackson? (Very important question)
Any new hobbies you want to pick up?
Will you read a book just because it is Theodore's favourite?
Favourite poet, if any?
Will you get Theodore roses?
Will you help/ask whether you can help Theodore with his chores without him having to ask you?
Extroverted or introverted?
Most played song on your playlist?
If you could master any instrument than which one?
That's it. I guess. Hope you have a wonderful day, take care of yourself and him. Also, nice to meet you, I am Eleanor. Theodore is my best friend, I am his casual friend. I am from India. Eleanor is not my real name but that is what you can refer to me, for now. Any queries? Message me. Take care of my best friend for me. Give him hugs from my side. Time to time, lots of hugs. Theodore, give him a handshake from my side. Thank you.
passing the phone to him
Shalom!! Eleanor (can I call you Ellie?Β Β Oo or even Elea ~pronounced Ella??~ if not that’s groovy too)
I’m very excited I’ve heard lots about you! All good don’t worry babes)
I try to sleep about seven hours a night but sometimes I sleep 8 but I couldn’t do anything less unless absolutely necessary I physically could not lose a day of beauty rest of it would ruin me
Friends….all pretty diverse actually and there are several different personalities.. I’ll give you my ride or dies so okay we All went to an alternative school not because we had disciplinary problems but because we had different problems that made normal schools challenging. Like I for example have dyslexia and ADD. Anyway my best friends and I sorta bonded over this and I’ve been friends with Elton since grade five and we still keep in touch even now but he decided to go to college and I did not he’s a literal fashion icon and the sweetest smartest cinnamon roll you could meet but if he’s not doing his work you need to get on him because he procrastinates like crazy. So now we only see each other on weekends. Kaleb on the other hand went overseas and we FaceTime every morning except Sundays because of church and she’s really into anime and I can’t tell you much about that stuff except the seven deadly sins is better than demon slayer and bleach is something Kaleb rewatchs every few weeks so you best expect that it’s going to be playing when you visit but my life really doesn’t have interesting drama thank goodness. (No offence starshineπŸ‘€)
I love to spend my weekends exploring I used to hike a lot but Arc is not a fan of the outdoors though we’ve found he has a knack for gardening and does very good on the family farm he just really doesn’t see the point and I don’t really blame him I suppose it’s not for everyone and I know Arc is more of a moon person. Yes actually we do go to museums and no I wouldn’t ever get mad at him for that we all have our off days
Yes and yes but ours is not the same so it’s good to keep of communication in our relationship so we stay afloat. We really haven’t had any problems though as words of affirmation is something Arc is good at unknowingly because of his poetry addiction and I’ve always been a really touchy person
My favorite thing about dating Arc is his ability to express himself though body language for example we’re at a party I don’t have a ask in front of everyone if he’s tired from all the human interaction he just shows it with expressions or posture..or whatever he chooses to convey but I never have to ask. This can be a problem on the small occasion that I can’t see him because I cannot rely on him to tell me because I usually know.
We’re people pleasers and that’s one of things we sorta bonded over when we first met we feel horrible Γ©gΓ©en if the thing wasn’t our problem or responsibility because it made whoever upset. We don’t have very good people skills I’m overbearing and him not enough which has lead a lot of people to sorta stay away unless of course you’re also like us. I’ve found that we both share an appreciation of art mine is more in fashion design and makeup while his is writing and visual sorta stuff
Without hesitation(I’m not a huge fan of chocolate)
Geek charming (I’m not sorry)
Yes because I will feel bad for making him upset though he’s probably right anyway as he’s more logical than me…but one cannot always choose mind over morals so maybe I might be right on the off occasion
Not really l…sorry..but I think wonder woman is cool if that’s the same fandom?Β 
Crocheting, sewing, working out, and I love to sing but I’m not very good at it despite what Arc says but I do want to get into photographyΒ 
I would if he asked me but I don’t really read them because he likes to tell me about them and I love hearing about them…he also probably wound be very happy at my reading for him because he knows reading is a struggle for me
Oh this is a good one! Probably the Edgar guy I like when Arc recites them especially Anabel Lee
No because he prefers Aster white aster to be exact..
Of course! Most our chores are mutual so we don’t have it set on who does what but if he’s doing something I’d definitely help him finish whatever it is
Teenage dirtbag by weetus I honestly have no Idea how I’m not tied of it yet and a close second isΒ Β in this shirt by the irrΓ©pressibles which I listen to while designingΒ 
Definitely guitar it’s just so pretty but Theodore might get me into piano he plays like a dream
I do Hope your next three days go spectacularly well and this was really fun I definitely might consider this app or the website at the very least thank you.
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was-theoretically-theo Β· 5 months
Hi, well I don't know where you are but I hope that you are well and good. I will try to come here sometime in November might make it here in December too once or twice. But from January to May, well there are no chances of me coming here. Just informing. I will see you after 5th May if everything goes well and by everything I mean my entrance exam. As for Adhi this I think can be her blog, came across it by pure coincidence: @denileinegypt (@denileinegypt)
I had few things to talk to you about but there are already so many asks...I don't wanna add up anymore. Take care of yourself. Bye bye.
I suppose it probably is her. Though I wouldn’t expect her to want to talk. She left for a reason and said nothing upon her return, so I will leave her be.
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was-theoretically-theo Β· 5 months
Oh I forgot to tell you my new friend has got a very um different sort of humour. Oh who am I kidding. It is traumatic. She makes so many....jokes. She does that unconsciously at this point. She is the reason why I know what does, 'That's what she said' jokes mean and I am not going to lie, I am traumatised. Else everything else is good. But her jokes. Apparently I didn't really know what 'Netflix and chill' meant. I thought it meant enjoying and watching movies. I am very embarassed to say I used that term. I have made a decision to never use any term ever again. That's it. Merlin's sake. If you don't know what any of these things mean then please don't look them up, trust me on this one. Don't look them up. Don't.
You live up to your name! I’m not quite surprised but that’s adorable. My class was filled with idiots. I wouldn’t use a term without first learning its meaning. So, yes, I suppose I know what a lot of them mean..however, I would die before I use any of them. I find them simply appalling.
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was-theoretically-theo Β· 5 months
You know what? Fuck it again. I am sending asks anyway. It is YOUR fault that you are not here. It is YOUR fault that you have so many asks to read now and YOU HAVE to read ALL of them. Don't see how that concerns me.
It concerns you because you are easily offended. I will read them when I see fit. Our opinions differ about when that is. There lies our problem..I am currently reading through these though. Give me a couple months.
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was-theoretically-theo Β· 5 months
I have always wondered this, by the way, you are my best friend, who is yours? Out of curiosity.
my best friend is named Cedric. Online you are my one and only best friend. I will not have another. Unless I suppose they prove to be as good of a friend as you to me but you set some very high standards. I will say I did have a girl best friend but I’ve not seen her in awhile.
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was-theoretically-theo Β· 5 months
Why are you such an idiot, huh?
where did these sudden accusations come from?
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Moonshine. Watcha doing?
Irrelevant. What are you doing?
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Oh, your inbox is enabled. πŸ‘€
oh, really.
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I just made coffee and it looked so pretty. Like that swirl when you pour milk in. It looked like a lovely concoction. :D
You should try drawing with the foam. I must say it’s a rather entertaining activity not to mention not many people can get it right easily so it’s an impressive skill I suppose.
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was-theoretically-theo Β· 10 months
That’s great but..why do feel the need to degrade me after every compliment like..I get it..
Because if I won't then you will degrade yourself which will result in lower self esteem, when here I am trying to do the opposite . To tell you that are special to me sort of. I do that, so you don't self depreciate.
Well I don’t think that’s going how you want it to. I’m like β€œoh, great she agrees. Even people on the internet can’t stand me.” It’s really not a good look for you.
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was-theoretically-theo Β· 10 months
Sometimes when I see your texts and stuff to me I feel so bad for you. Like poor guy has to deal with me. It looks as if you struggle so much. But it's amusing soooo- :D
Glad I amuse you.
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was-theoretically-theo Β· 10 months
Just no.
Okay we are going on a picnic and then sleepover-
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was-theoretically-theo Β· 10 months
Then stop sending asks. Simple.
Nope, I like annoying you.
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was-theoretically-theo Β· 10 months
I’m definitely NOT jealous. Especially of Leo. With his stupid British accent and bubbly personality. I mean seriously who is honestly that happy? Constantly!? I think he should get that checked out. Or see a therapist at least.
Yes you are. Shh. British accent is sort of cute just difficult to understand sometimes. Oh God same with the boys in my class and they are not even the cute sort of bubbly they are the irritating annoying sort of bubbly. Contant he he ho ho ha ha what the fuck are you so happy about? Keep it down for Merlin's sake. I am so done with them Theodore. So damn done. You know I don't really like when people get jealous. Because I think there is no point of that. You are mad about something you can't control? I mean if someone wants to leave they WILL leave you can't do anything about it. If someone wants to divert their attention they will do it?? But your jealousy is so cute, I feel like teasing you about it. 🀭🀭
I’m confused.
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was-theoretically-theo Β· 10 months
Moonshineee you know what happened today? No you don't obviously, I will tell you. I will check your replies in a minute listen to this first. Nice theme by the way. Yeah so listen. First of all boy are so fucking irritating. Little pieces of- *exhale*
Like they irritated our teacher so damn much today he literally had to call them out and he is the most calm and cool sort of teacher. I got the hint that he is going to burst at the whole class because these shameless creatures won't shut up. Where in the world do they even get so much energy from?? Like why so hyper?? Why so happy?? What's so enjoyable?? Idiots. I never ask doubts in class especially biology. I solve them by myself if I get any I am just too much conscious. But just because the teacher's mood was off and I didn't want the poor guy to get mad I started asking doubts to get his mind off. Yeah sounds wierd but he likes answering doubts especially if they are cross question sort of. Even he found it wierd that I was asking questions I am usually quiet in class. Well somebody had to ease the tension in the class, right? Got a fucking headache because of these idiots.
Yeah I know I am overreacting but they are so annoying Theo what am I supposed to do?? I can't even say it to their face. I mean I can it's not like I am scared or shit I just don't because there is no use of reasoning with people who lack common sense.
In my physical science class freshman year I had a group of boys who also annoyed the teachers and disrupted class which was annoying because I was trying to pay attention..science isn’t my best subject and I need all the help I can get..anyway they used to moan and make slurping sounds or ask girls what their body count was or flirted with girls, so the girls sorta got together and went to the councilors to file a claim for harassment and violation of privacy. Three of the boys got suspended for a day or two but that didn’t really stop them. The teacher was female and sweet so the girls felt more comfortable going to her with their problems she anyway didn’t want the boys to feel bad..so she decided to enforce a seating chart which was kinda weird since we’ve never really had a seating chart before. Anyway she separated them and and gave everyone a note the boys got the same ones saying β€œgood luck on your test!” And everyone else got notes saying β€œdon’t laugh at their jokes or pay them any mind. Anyone who even makes eye contact with one will have to solve a problem on the board.” They were ignored for weeks during science class. Eventually the seating chart went away..everyone was so used to ignoring the boys that it was routine and the boys simply stopped because nobody answered them or gave them any attention anyway.
I can’t do much to help you since my class had an uncommon solution that not everyone would agree to but maybe talk to somebody? You may have to look for the right person. The principal didn’t do much but our teacher helped. If not talk to some classmates see if you might be able to find a way together.
simply talk to the boys get them to see your point of view? I don’t know.
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