#饾櫨饾殑饾殐 饾櫨饾櫟 饾櫨饾殔饾櫞饾殎饾殏饾櫨饾殑饾櫥.
oniborn 2 years
alright, i have a theory regarding the following panels:
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the fact that hana will be targeted because of who his parents are is not news at all. that is to be expected, especially because yoh is related to the shaman king -- it's a default thing. but, the next part is what i want to focus on:
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this is very interesting, and i think there is a very specific reason as to why the other teams in FoM might be fearful of hana's relation to anna in particular. as hao mentioned in the previous panel, anna has mastered his techniques. it didn't take her all that long to learn them either, and it's largely due to her being an itako as well as possessing immense spiritual strength.
the reason i suspect they are fearful of anna is probably because of the dimensional arts that tamao talks about ( shaman king: the super star chap 32 ). it's the ability to access the GS and project duplicates of yourself to multiply your furyoku. now, tamao says she learned it from her mentor who lives in america. i think she may be referring to anna the itako 1, but even if we have not seen anna herself use it, i am pretty certain she knows it as well.
alumi is also versed in this technique, but she used it differently: she was able to access the 'higher dimension' to channel anna's data, if you will. it also allows her to move freely in this dimension and switch between herself and anna ( shaman king: the super star, chap 24 ). you can see this in the following panel:
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this is most likely another dimensional art ability that will be delved into later in the series, i doubt it will be abandoned. but, i am certain anna herself has mastered these very techniques if anna the itako 1, tamao, and alumi are able to use them. it is quite clear how talented anna is with these kinds of things, and i can imagine why their opponents would be fearful of her son if they know she is capable of this. it would mean hana could learn these techniques, and probably quicker too. his potential as a shaman and his oni are troublesome to their opponents as is, so to have those abilities would probably put them at a significant disadvantage.
thanks for coming to my ted talk.
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oniborn 2 years
please like this for a starter from hana !!
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oniborn 2 years
discord call !! please like if you are interested in plotting/discussing threads on discord and i'll DM you.
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oniborn 2 years
饾悥饾悋饾悁饾悡 饾悐饾悎饾悕饾悆饾悁 饾悘饾悋饾悩饾悞饾悎饾悅饾悁饾悑 饾悡饾悗饾悢饾悅饾悋 饾悥饾悗饾悢饾悑饾悆 饾悏饾悢饾悞饾悡 饾悁饾悂饾悞饾悗饾悑饾悢饾悡饾悇饾悑饾悩 饾悆饾悇饾悞饾悡饾悜饾悗饾悩 饾悩饾悗饾悢 饾悜饾悎饾悊饾悋饾悡 饾悕饾悗饾悥 ?
real good back massage: look sometimes your back hurts and you want a really strong and hot person to crack every bone in it. maybe your back hurts all the fuckin time and you really just need a good shoulder rub and you'll melt like the wicked witch of the west. you are so incredibly valid.
tagged by: @otakejin thank you <3 tagging: @chukazanmai, @spiritofsword, @icedshaman, @shikkotsunin, @tenebrosiity
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oniborn 2 years
discord is down yey
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oniborn 2 years
someone give me angst.
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oniborn 2 years
you know what? after talking to @chukazanmai, i am confidently going to say that hana, by accident, finds out that tamao had/has feelings for his father. not from tamao herself, but either the hanagumi or ryu slipped up and told him by accident. it would definitely come as a shock to hana, because he can't see what is so good about his father, but he would realise just how awful him being in her care is for her. how taking care and loving the child of the man she loves, but cannot have is too heavy of a burden. it would make him want to distance himself from tamao.
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oniborn 2 years
i hate red crimson, it makes me CRY.
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oniborn 2 years
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this sounds like something hana would say about hao.
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oniborn 2 years
flower of maize is held on the moon???
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oniborn 2 years
we need more of gakko in the future super star chapters. they have so much potential as buddies, look at them.
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oniborn 2 years
i love how hana's first words when he saw hao is 'dummy'. and hao knew immediately who that baby belonged to. i think it showcases what kind of relationship they have right from the start and it's brilliant.
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oniborn 2 years
i am pretty sure that out of all of his 'uncles', hana only has respect for ren and you cannot change my mind. he takes after his mother in a lot of aspects.
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oniborn 2 years
I need to do my reply here and set up my Hao blog.. but where is the energy and time
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oniborn 2 years
the word 'god' is forbidden in this household. unless its to make fun of god.
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oniborn 2 years
i was reading funbari no uta the other day and there was a point in which tamao says, "its time for hana to find out who his real mother is", and i honestly hate everything about that. hana would know who his real mother and father are and i am not accepting it being otherwise.
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