#🇮🇪 outofwesteros: ramblings of the mun
neithergodsnormen · 1 month
Hit the like for a starter, lemme know if you have a specific character you want, if not I will chose at random
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neithergodsnormen · 9 days
welp, thought i had a sinus infection or an ear infection, but no... it's strep andnowihaveadayoffworkididnotwantoraskforasstrepiscontagious
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neithergodsnormen · 1 month
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              ❝ Valar morghulis. Valar dohaeris. ❞
indie book based multimuse written by Dee the Dragon
Home // Asks // Rules // Muses // Interest Tracker // Thread Tracker // Muse Suggestion
Warning: This blog portrays violence, incest and murder. This is your warning, if you are not ready for this part of the source material then this is not the blog for you.
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neithergodsnormen · 5 days
working on replies and very tempted to find FCs and add the characters from TTGOT on here, especially Gared and Asher....
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neithergodsnormen · 11 days
i often think about Robbaery
I think an expert from the books sums up what I would love to do on this front               “ If you had to fall into a woman's arms, my son, why couldn't they have been Margaery Tyrell's? The wealth and power of Highgarden could have made all the difference in the fighting yet to come. And perhaps Grey Wind would have liked the smell of her as well.” - Catelyn II A Storm of Swords
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neithergodsnormen · 2 days
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              ❝ Valar morghulis. Valar dohaeris. ❞
Indie Book Based ASOIAF and HOTD Multimuse written by Dee the Dragon Mutuals only
Home // Asks // Rules // Muses // Interest Tracker // Thread Tracker // Muse Suggestion
Warning: This blog portrays violence, incest and murder. This is your warning, if you are not ready for this part of the source material then this is not the blog for you.
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neithergodsnormen · 18 days
ship dynamics I love? stoic character/little shit trying to annoy them to death
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neithergodsnormen · 23 days
when you have to work but all you want to do is write ...
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neithergodsnormen · 23 days
loving the new saving to drafts as you work feature, wish that had always been a thing
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neithergodsnormen · 1 month
@adreamofsilk sent: 🖋 (*evil laughter you can hear next to you*)
*  ―  send 🖋 or ( ‘PLOTS’ ) for me to tell you a couple potential plot ideas i have for our muses, whether it just be certain types of dynamics or general storylines i’d like to explore. 
*rubs hands together and cracks knuckles* okay, let’s get started with this, probably gonna be smart and put this under a cut, going by who i already have on here, will likely give you some of the others when they come onto the blog
Addie Upcliff:
Dale Seaworth - Dale is a sailor, so perhaps meeting in one of his travels
Edmure Tully - Addie being a possible match that Hoster was entertaining the idea of
Jorah Mormont - possible match rather than Jorah marrying the Hightower
Sansa Stark - meeting when Sansa is “Alayne Stone”
Stannis Baratheon - Meeting when Stannis looking for help when Shireen contracts Greyscale - possible match for Stannis that Robert would have found funny
Victarion Greyjoy - Meeting when he is traveling, before he swears off taking another wife
Viserys Targaryen III - Possible match for Vis in AUs where he either survives or he is placed as a puppet king for Tywin after the Sack
Willas Tyrell - Willas surely is looking into a match as he is heir to Highgarden
Alysanne Blackwood:
Arya Stark - Arya being fostered to the Blackwoods - Arya ending up with the Blackwoods rather than the Brotherhood - Arya being found by the Blackwoods long before she gets to the Saltpans after the Red Wedding
Brienne of Tarth - Brienne being fostered to the Blackwoods - One of Alysanne’s nephews being betrothed to Brienne before she makes the rule where they have to beat her in combat - Brienne stopping at Raventree Hall when looking for the Stark girls
Dacey Mormont - Ladies under the King of the North and Riverlands - Meeting up and interacting before the Red Wedding as the Blackwoods were sworn to Robb
Domeric Bolton - Possible match for Domeric, Roose surely was looking to have his only heir wed
Edmure Tully - Possible match for Edmure that Hoster was looking into
Jaime Lannister - Interactions when Jaime stops at Raventree Hall when retaking the Riverlands - Robb having the Blackwoods hold Jaime rather than keeping his hostage where most would expect
Jeyne Westerling - Alysanne being named as one of Jeyne’s ladies-in-waiting after Jeyne marries Robb
Jorah Mormont - Alysanne being the one to catch his eye, not the Hightower
Ned Stark - I think we discussed her being a betrothal option for Ned before Robert’s Rebellion
Robb Stark - Alysanne being sent to represent her brother in Robb’s court - Robb being betrothed to Alysanne long before the series starts
Roose Bolton - Alysanne being an option for Domeric as Roose would have been looking to have his son wed - Roose looking for a new wife after the loss of Bethany and Domeric and looking to the Blackwoods as an option rather than housing his bastard whom he believed had a hand in his heir’s death
Theon Greyjoy - Interactions when the Blackwoods swore to Robb - Theon being fostered with Tytos instead of Ned
Torrhen Karstark - Interactions when the Blackwoods swore to Robb
Tywin Lannister - Tywin looking for a new wife after Jaime joined the King’s Guard so he had an option that is not Tyrion
Viserys Targaryen III - Possible match for Vis in AUs where he either survives or he is placed as a puppet king for Tywin after the Sack
Willas Tyrell - Willas surely is looking into a match as he is heir to Highgarden
Celia Thorne:
Aemond Targaryen - Pre-Dance interactions
Corlys Velaryon - Strategizing on Rhaenyra’s Black Council - Interacting Pre-Dance
Daemon Targaryen - Interactions Pre-Dance - Flirting from him before the war - Daemon ending up with Celia instead of Rhea
Jacaerys Velaryon - Growing up learning from Celia
Laenor Velaryon - Interacting when he is married to Rhaenyra
Lucerys Velaryon - Growing up learning from Celia
Viserys Targaryen I - Interactions from before he started to loose it/slowly die
Dayanna Umber:
Arya Stark - Arya warded to the Umbers
Dacey Mormont - Dacey traveling the North and making friends with Dayanna
Domeric Bolton - Possible intended for Domeric
Jon Snow - Jon being fostered at Last Hearth - Jon being engaged to Dayanna to make ties with the Umbers
Jorah Mormont - possible match for him that is not the Hightower
Ned Stark - Ned visiting Last Hearth
Robb Stark - Possible fiance for Robb for before the series starts
Roose Bolton - An option for Roose to engage to Domeric to ensure that his heir is married - An option for Roose to remarry after the loss of Bethany and Domeric so he has a new heir
Satin Flowers - Dayanna coming to Castle Black for some reason and seeing the pretty recruit - Satin fleeing to Last Hearth after Jon is stabbed
Sigorn - Alternate for Sigorn to be married to in order to tie the Thenns to the North
Stannis Baratheon - Stannis stopping at Last Hearth before making his way to Deepwood Motte
Theon Greyjoy - Theon being engaged to Dayanna to solidify the ward does not cause problems
Torrhen Karstark - Possible betrothed for Torrhen
Tywin Lannister - Tywin looking for a new wife after Jaime joined the King’s Guard so he had an option that is not Tyrion
Viserys Targaryen III - Possible match for Vis in AUs where he either survives or he is placed as a puppet king for Tywin after the Sack 
Willas Tyrell - Willas surely is looking into a match as he is heir to Highgarden
Heighden Drumm:
Arya Stark - Heighden finding Arya instead of the Braavosi ship when the girl was looking to go to Braavos
Bronn - Bronn was well traveled as a sellsword before the War of Five Kings, they could have met
Daenerys Targaryen - Heighden going to Meereen when she hears rumors of dragons - Heighden finding Dany before Barristan and Belwas when she is leaving Qarth
Dacey Mormont - Ironborn meets Bear Islander - Dacey learning by meeting Heighden that not all Ironborn are necessarily bad
Dale Seaworth - Both are sailors and traders, she could easily cross his path
Domeric Bolton - Roose would have been looking for a match for his heir
Jaime Lannister - Heighden bringing Brightroar to Jaime - Heighden meeting him after the Sack in my AU where he leaves after
Jon Connington - Her meeting Griff in Essos, possibly shortly after he brings Young Griff under his wing - Someone had to help him flee after Aerys banished him
Jorah Mormont - He was in Essos for a long time before making his way to Dany and Vis - Him falling for Heighden rather than the Hightower
Melisandre - The Red Witch is very well traveled
Ned Stark - Heighden helping Ned flee from King’s Landing
Oberyn Martell - One of his many lovers?
Quentyn Martell - Quent being an option for her before the whole Viserys/Arianne plot went bunk
Robb Stark - Robb falling in bed with her instead of Jeyne Westerling
Roose Bolton - Roose looking for a match for Domeric - Roose looking for a new bride after he looses Bethany and Domeric because he needs an heir
Satin Flowers - Her favorite plaything in Old Town? - Satin ending up going with her rather than whatever happened to make him take the Black
Stannis Baratheon - Stannis being offered Heighden as a bride after he smashes the Iron Fleet - Heighden bringing knowledge from Essos on Greyscale treatments for Shireen
Torrhen Karstark - Possible match for Torr, cos what better way to keep the Iron Isle in check by marrying their daughters to Greenlanders
Tywin Lannister - Tywin looking for a new wife after Jaime joined the King’s Guard so he had an option that is not Tyrion - Heighden currying favor by bringing Tywin Brightroar
Victarion Greyjoy - Rock wife option
Viserys Targaryen III - Possible match for Vis in AUs where he either survives or he is placed as a puppet king for Tywin after the Sack
Willas Tyrell - Willas surely is looking into a match as he is heir to Highgarden
Arthur Dayne - I have an AU where he takes the Black after the Tower of Joy so he would meet her when the Free Folk all come south
Dacey Mormont - We know that the Free Folk of the Frozen Shore raid Bear Isle so that could be an interesting interaction
Dale Seaworth - He is well traveled with his ship - AU where he survived the Blackwater and goes north with Stannis as a guard for Shireen means he would meet her
Dalla - During Mance’s march - We don’t know where Dalla is originally from, so she could be travelled enough to have visited the Frozen Shore in the past
Domeric Bolton - I have an AU where he flees North of the Wall after Ramsey tries to kill him
Jaime Lannister - AU where he took the Black after the Sack means he would meet her when the Free Folk come south
Jon Snow - Interacting in Mance’s camp - Interacting after the Free Folk are let through the wall
Jorah Mormont - Frozen Shore Free Folk raid Bear Isle - AU where Jorah took the Black means he would meet her when she came through
Melisandre - Meeting in Castle Black
Ned Stark - I have an AU where he was actually allowed to take the Black rather than Joff just killing him
Satin Flowers - Meeting when she comes through Castle Black
Sigorn - During Mance’s march
Stannis Baratheon - Meeting at Castle Black after he defeats Mance
Victarion Greyjoy - We don’t know how far he sails so he reasonably could reach the Frozen Shore
Jasline Beesbury:
Brienne of Tarth - Interacting when Renly’s Summer Army was still in the Reach
Bronn - He is well travelled
Domeric Bolton - Roose was definitely trying to get his heir married
Edmure Tully - Jasline being one of many that Hoster looked at for Edmure to marry
Garlan Tyrell - Someone Mace could have had him interact with before he married his wife - Garlan may also travel the Reach more often than his siblings
Jaime Lannister - Jasline could be betrothed to Jaime after he is made to step down from the Kingsguard after the loss of his hand
Loras Tyrell - Loras travelling the Reach means he could interact and her father, not knowing his proclivities, tries to get him to see her as a possible match and the ensuing awkwardness
Margaery Tyrell - Reach girlies interacting
Robb Stark - Someone that he could fall into bed with rather than Jeyne Westerling
Stannis Baratheon - Option for marriage rather than Selyse
Theon Greyjoy - Possibly warded to the Beesbury’s rather than to the Starks
Tywin Lannister - Tywin looking for a new wife after Jaime joined the King’s Guard so he had an option that is not Tyrion
Viserys Targaryen III - Possible match for Vis in AUs where he either survives or he is placed as a puppet king for Tywin after the Sack
Willas Tyrell - Willas surely is looking into a match as he is heir to Highgarden
Aemond Targaryen - Aemond seeking her out when Helena was expecting as he adores his sister and only wants the best for her to ensure her safety
Arthur Dayne - Arthur bringing Lyla to the Tower of Joy to attend to Lyanna
Ashara Dayne - Lyla helping Ashara through the birth of her daughter
Corlys Velaryon - Corlys collecting Lyla on request of Rhaenys for any of the following: Aemma, Rhaenyra or Laena
Daemon Targaryen - Lyla attending any of the following through their births and Daemon just lurking: Aemma, Rhaenyra or Laena
Daenerys Targaryen - A proper midwife attending her when she gives birth to Rhaego rather than Jorah having to resort to taking her to the Maegi
Dalla - Lyla being able to help Dalla survive her birth
Doran Martell - Doran hiring Lyla to attend to Elia when Elia is expecting Rhaegar’s children
Elia Martell - Lyla helping her through the birth of Rhaenys and Aegon
Jeyne Westerling - AU where Jeyne has Robb’s child rather than her mom feeding her contraceptives, she would need a midwife cos it can’t be known about her pregnancy so they can’t resort to a maester
Jorah Mormont - Jorah hiring Lyla to help his Glover wife
Lyanna Stark - Lyla being at the Tower of Joy to attend to Lyanna
Ned Stark - Ned trying to get Cat to accept a northern midwife for his children’s birth and Lyla getting to witness that argument
Roose Bolton - Roose hiring Lyla for any of his children with Bethany or for Walda’s pregnancy to try and deter Ramsey from being able to kill the babe before it is born
Satin Flowers - Brothels can see a good number of births and would need a midwife on hand
Stannis Baratheon - Stannis panicking at the birth of Shireen and wanting all the chances of a successful birth so hiring Lyla
Viserys Targaryen I - Vis actually having a midwife on hand rather than letting the maester butcher Aemma
Arthur Dayne - Red Keep interactions before Robert’s Rebellion
Arya Stark - Arya finding her way into Meyla’s office
Ashara Dayne - Red Keep interactions before Robert’s Rebellion
Bronn - Bronn wasn’t always at Tyrion’s side and could have come across her in the keep
Dale Seaworth - AU where he survives the Blackwater but is a prisoner in the Red Keep
Elia Martell - Red Keep interactions before the Sack
Garlan Tyrell - He is def in the Red Keep after the Blackwater
Jaime Lannister - Interactions with the only person who likely asked him what happened with Aerys
Jon Connington - Interactions when Jon was Hand to Aerys
Loras Tyrell - He’s been in the Red Keep often
Margaery Tyrell - She was meeting with everyone at court when she was engaged to Joff
Ned Stark - Ned getting to meet the Keeper of the Keys when he arrives in King’s Landing
Oberyn Martell - Oberyn was known to be wandering when he was at the Keep
Stannis Baratheon - Literally have 14 years we can cover where he was at the Red Keep
Tywin Lannister - Tywin looking for a new wife after Jaime joined the King’s Guard so he had an option that is not Tyrion - Interactions when Tywin is Hand of the King (both for Aerys and his grandsons)
Viserys Targaryen III - Interactions with little prince Vis before the Rebellion
Saeralla Targaryen:
Aemond Targaryen - Interactions of angry boy with his second cousin
Corlys Velaryon - Black Council meetings
Daemon Targaryen - Daemon adoring his cousin - Black Council meetings
Harwin Strong - Someone had to be her escort when she came from Volantis, who better than Harwin
Jacaerys Velaryon - Black Council meetings
Laenor Velaryon - Interactions with her when she comes from Volantis
Lucerys Velaryon - Growing up with his third cousin near - Little sweetie just adoring his ‘aunt’
Viserys Targaryen I - Viserys greeting her when she first arrives from Volantis - Someone needs to yell at him for what he had done to Aemma
Sanira Farman:
Dale Seaworth - Dale could easily have sailed to Fair Isle
Domeric Bolton - Possible match for Domeric, Roose would have seen House Farman as a very plausible option due to there being many options
Edmure Tully - Another possible for Hoster to try to marry to Edmure
Jaime Lannister - Tywin engaging them when Jaime is forced from the Kingsguard after the loss of his hand
Jorah Mormont - Another who could have caught Jorah’s eye other than the Hightower
Loras Tyrell - Her father and uncle would have been looking for options for the girls, he could be one of hers leading to awdwardness
Margaery Tyrell - Possible lady brought so Margaery doesn’t just have Reach-born ladies-in-waiting
Oberyn Martell - We know that he is very well traveled
Quentyn Martell - An option for Quentyn before it was known that the Viserys/Arianne plot went bunk
Robb Stark - Someone other than Jeyne Westerling that Robb could fall in bed with
Stannis Baratheon - Option for Robert to have Stannis marry other than Selyse, it would be seen as a family that only has girls which Robert would have found funny
Theon Greyjoy - Possible ward/betrothed for Sanira
Torrhen Karstark - Possible betrothed, as a thirdborn son he is not in line for Karhold and as she has no brothers it would be seen as beneficial
Tywin Lannister - Tywin looking for a new wife after Jaime joined the King’s Guard so he had an option that is not Tyrion
Victarion Greyjoy - He could easily have landed on Fair Isle often - Temptation to take another salt wife even after he swore he wouldn’t after the last one
Viserys Targaryen III - Possible match for Vis in AUs where he either survives or he is placed as a puppet king for Tywin after the Sack
Willas Tyrell - Willas surely is looking into a match as he is heir to Highgarden
Una Borrell:
Dale Seaworth - Boy travels a lot on the sea so he could easily meet her
Edmure Tully - Addie being a possible match that Hoster was entertaining the idea of
Jorah Mormont - possible match rather than the Hightower
Ned Stark - The ‘fisherman’s daughter’ theory
Sansa Stark - Meeting ‘Alayne Stone’
Stannis Baratheon - Robert would find it funny to betroth Stannis to someone from the Sisters
Victarion Greyjoy - Meeting when he is traveling, before he swears off taking another wife
Viserys Targaryen III - Possible match for Vis in AUs where he either survives or he is placed as a puppet king for Tywin after the Sack
Willas Tyrell - possible match for Willas, who needs to marry as the Heir
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neithergodsnormen · 1 month
nothing like coming back and not being sure how to navigate the changes made to this site....
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neithergodsnormen · 2 years
working on homework, while I do so i will be in my drafts as well, hit the like for a starter
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neithergodsnormen · 2 years
working on getting replies, but wanted to let y’all know that as each of them have four or more votes on my poll that I will be adding the following muses to this blog once my tags for them and their profile on my muse page is complete:
Arthur Dayne completed
Brienne of Tarth (request only) completed
Brynden Tully
Corlys Velaryon completed
Daemon Targaryen (heavily canon divergent) completed
Dalton Greyjoy
Davos Seaworth
Edric Dayne
Hoster Tully
Jeor Mormont
Laenor Velaryon completed
Lyanna Mormont
Maege Mormont
Sansa Stark
Shireen Baratheon
Viserys Targaryen I (request only) completed
some of these will be selective request only
as a bonus the following muses will also be added:
Aegon Targaryen II
Aemond Targaryen completed
Daeron Targaryen (son of Alicent)
Harwin Strong completed
Jacaerys Velaryon completed
Joffery Velaryon
Lucerys Velaryon completed
Melisandre completed
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neithergodsnormen · 2 years
am i looking at an article about reasons that men cheat? yes
is it in regards to one of my muses? also yes
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neithergodsnormen · 1 year
I am almost done with my 11 month course, I should have the brain space to be back here once I no longer have to worry about coding homework, I miss all of you
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neithergodsnormen · 2 years
when you think you are not following someone so you auto click and mistakenly unfollow... then embarrassingly follow back again
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