#🌂 :: a rain murmured love song
unmeipowerenergy · 5 months
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─ hello ! i'm megh or cal. this account is an archive for my self ship with tetora nagumo & tomoya mashiro from ensemble stars (non-sharing for tetora, selectively okay with tomoya 🙇) more info below 🍮 ★ ˙ ̟ .ᐟ
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🪽 about me。
17, turning 18 in a couple months. south asian. i produce ra*bits & tetora & love theatre club! as for my self insert, you can find more info in this carrd.
🌤️ byf ∕ dni。
discourse & negativity heavy blogs please dni. i am not interested in arguing about this, if you post any kind of pdophilic or incest content, even in fiction, dni. as stated above i do not romantically share tetora & tomoya. i have a pretty low social battery and often reply late or forget entirely, keep that in mind.
🍰 tag directory。
✦、# ⛅ :: sunny sky's monologue → general talking
✦、#🌂 :: a rain-murmured love song → all my yumeship content
✦、#🐰 :: mashiro tomoya → tomoya related lovemail & such
✦、#🐯 :: nagumo tetora → tetora related lovemail & such
✦、#☀️ :: mihir → self insert related content
✦、#🍰 :: pudding mailbox → asks tag
✦、#🪽 :: golden winged gallery → for effortposts, like edits & writing
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unmeipowerenergy · 5 months
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tetora x self insert (mihir), 0.9k words 💤
actually using this blog for the purpose i made it for- archiving! this is a repost of a lil drabble i posted on twitter earlier. you can find it on twitter here. my apologies if i tagged stuff wrong or something ahahaha
to be honest, a part of mihir had genuinely hoped the first part of the predicament sun had found sunself in, the singular bed with just enough space for two people, would somehow split into two while sun took a long, comforting post-rehearsal shower. which clearly did not happen, leaving mihir with the second part of the problem: suns boyfriend. tetora was sprawled on that very bed tapping at some game on his phone in earnest, oblivious to the thoughts swirling in mihir’s head. 
stupid company always trying to cut corners. the least they could've done is give us a single room with separate beds!, the blond grumbled to bunself before returning suns gaze to sols boyfriend/unitmate/problem. 
sharing a bed… there's always a time for firsts like that in a relationship, especially one as new as theirs, but something held mihir back. although tetora had been quite touchy-feely as a friend, he had become more closed off since they had gotten together, rarely initiating physical affection. was it nervousness? or was mihir doing something wrong? either way, sun had a feeling to not press about it. 
after a lengthy mental debate, mihir finally walked up to the bed in the living area of the suite they were given. “i’ll be taking the couch”, mihir declared, hoping to sound steadfast. tetora sat up immediately, insisting that he should be on the couch instead, just as mihir had anticipated. sun hadn't missed the look of relief– or maybe disappointment?– that flashed across his face. 
“you've clearly made yourself comfortable here. besides, it's not like i'm giving the bed up forever. we're so swapping tomorrow”, sun grumbled, throwing one of the smaller pillows that had fallen of the bed at some point right at tetora's face. bullseye! 
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mihir was already cursing sunself at suns stupidity. sol made suns way under the covers that adorned the bed, snaking sols way to tetora’s sleeping form. bun hadn't accounted for sols own sensitivity to the cold that made it unbearable to sleep on the couch and how much warmer sol felt around a certain boy before making sols proclamation to valiantly take the uncomfy option.
sun pressed up against the taller boy’s back, almost spooning him. despite suns efforts to not wake him up, sol felt tetora tense up. “ ‘s just me,” sun said, voice muffled as sol pressed sols face to the back of tetora’s neck. the older boy relaxed almost immediately with a soft exhale.
“it got too cold out on the couch”, mihir said, scrunching up sols nose, “you're always running hot, so i figured– i'm sorry–” tetora flipped over to face sol, face barely visible in the darkness of the bedroom to anyone who hadn't spent too long studying his features. “why are you apologizin’? i wouldn't have minded if ya just stayed here from the get-go, you know. we're dating, so, this kinda thing, ah, it's probably fine, right?”, he responded, voice still a little raspy and rough around the edges from sleep. being this close, mihir could almost feel the heat rushing to his face.
“don't blame me– you've been acting all weird and cagey about skinship lately. i thought you hated it! i didn't want to push you into something you didn't like– there's barely enough space for two people here. i thought you'd dislike being in such close quarters, so–”
“don't go thinking of everything by yourself! it's not that i hate it.. that's a total misunderstanding! i just,” tetora paused, one hand coming to awkwardly scratch at the back of his hair. “cus, well, it feels different with you. when i hold hands with hinata-kun or link arms with hiiro-kun, my heart doesn't start beating like crazy and my mind doesn't go blank– even now, with you so close, it's like the air’s knocked outta my lungs. it's seriously so uncool, it's not manly at all to get that bothered just by a tiny touch from your partner, to wanna be oh so close to them all the time! i don't wanna show you my embarrassing, childish sides, i wanna be cool in front of you! isn't that what every guy would wan- oi?!”
his rant was cut short but mihir leaning in to press a soft kiss to his lips mid-sentence. pulling away shortly after, mihir smiled at him in an impossibly fond way that made tetora’s stomach do acrobatics. yeah, this is definitely bad…
mihir cupped his cheek, squishing the stubborn bit of baby fat there a little. “stupid kotora~ the cute parts, the cool parts, the ugly parts, all of them make up my beloved tetora and i adore all of them, alright?”, sol shifted slightly to allowed sun to pepper soft kisses all over tetora’s face– the tip of his nose, his lips, the part of his forehead hidden behind still-damp bangs– “you don't ever have to hide anything from me. no matter what cheesy thing you say, or how clingy you act–”, this earned a whine from tetora– “you're definitely the coolest to me. you don't ever have to worry about that.” 
tetora took this as a cue to snuggle closer, nuzzling his head into the crook of mihir’s next. sun adjusted sols arms to cradle him even closer, dropping another small kiss on top of his head as the response to a soft, muffled “i love you” leaving tetora’s mouth as they both drifted off to sleep.
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unmeipowerenergy · 4 months
Hi im back i have More questions i care mihir and tetora so much....(i would love to comment under the post. if i Could/lh)
1.What's one mundane thing that you wish you could do with your F/O if they were "real"? Hug them? Talk on the phone? Send them silly memes?
6.What's one image that they would send to you with the caption "this reminded me of you"?
11.What would a ‘beach day’ episode with you and your F/O(s) look like?
I HOPE ITS OKAY TO ANSWER FOR TOMOYA AS WELL :3c i love both of them a lot... soooo
1. i would like to lightly smack him for being so hard on himself all the time. then give him the huuugest hug.
6. OH SILLY BROWN / BEIGE BUNNY VIDEOS FOR SURE. also i wonder how he'd react to the trend of tomoyaP calling him potato all the time www
11. pretty chill beach day~ tomoya would mostly stay by the shore but mihir drags him in to play in the water (⁠人⁠*⁠´⁠∀⁠`⁠) a beach side picnic sounds really good too
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unmeipowerenergy · 4 months
mihiteto are so summer-coded,, the sticky sweet feeling of a popsicle melting on your fingers, getting a little too competitive about silly summer festival games, school shirts open an extra button and loosened ties that hang enticingly low, bickering over who gets to lay in the optimal spot in front of the aircon/fan, foolish teenage pining that simmers under your skin constantly, a hand cool to touch from holding a cold drink already gathering condensation against a sunwarmed cheek pulling you ever so closer.... lord
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unmeipowerenergy · 4 months
ahahaha a mihiteto ❣️ for the pining ask game?
mihir genuinely never considered making a move Ever– suns best case scenario is waiting for the feelings to pass & just being friends with tetsu. although sun can't help but express sols affection thru perhaps Too Much physical touch sjhdhffh. too deep in the tsundere bit to say any genuine feelings in a straightforward way 😭
for tetsu, he is capable of swallowing his feelings but they end up ready to explode at times. maybe it's something like them having time to kill after practice so them going to a little kid's park near ES that's deserted at night. playing around on the swings & talking about childhood memories 🥹 as they're lying on the grass and looking at the stars, he can't help but stare at mihir yapping ab constellations,, it's like all the feelings he bottled up coming to surface w the urge to just. kiss bun silly then and there +#+'7_+3 he does reach out to cup suns cheek maybe, but the rational part of his brain is determined to prevent this train from going off the rails so he just. awkwardly brushes sols hair away from sols face and plays it off as there being a leaf in buns hair or something. he's stupid <3
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unmeipowerenergy · 4 months
tomoya confessed to mihir not long after realising his feelings Due To Circumstances so while mihir has had time to stew and suffer with buns previously one-sided crush, it's all hitting like a truck for tomoya. him very earnestly telling mihir that he has a crush on bun after they've been dating for almost a month and mihir has a heart attack bc sun thinks sol VASTLY misinterpreted things
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unmeipowerenergy · 4 months
this is how tomoya looks at mihir when mihir isn't looking
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unmeipowerenergy · 4 months
hi i sent an ask for the selfship ask game but im not sure you received it? i might be shadowbanned i cant even comment or send dms? ignore this if you did receive the ask <\3
🎵 are there any songs that describe your pining stage?
💘 (if applicable) what moment made them realize they were in love with you?
🫂 what's one significant moment of physical contact you had during the pining stage?
i didn't get your previous ask T^T tumblr hates gay people /j
🎵 so!! tetsu is not built for this pining shit. he's straightforward to the point of being insensitive at times, so it's difficult for him to keep his feelings contained– so his internal monologue is like 'kiss her you fool' by kids that fly :3 as for mihir, suns feelings are a lot more WHY DID I FALL FOR THIS GUY OUT OF EVERYONE? so id pickk dil duffer by nitesh kadam for sun... here's a little translation of the lyrics
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💘 I HAVEN'T THOUGHT ABOUT THIS YETTT... just know mihir realizes first and agonizes it over a lotttt. tetora realises Later and can barely keep himself from blurting it out
🫂 hm... they're both pretty physically affectionate even as friends, so rather than a particular act, it's just them starting to.... feel differently about their usual interactions. mihir is not fond at all of how tetora casually wrapping an arm around suns waist makes sun heartbeat skyrocket. tetora doesn't really get why mihir resting sols head in his shoulder is making his head go blank. :9
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unmeipowerenergy · 4 months
for the pining ask game^^
❓describe a time one of you did flirt or make a move, only for the other to remain totally oblivious.
😳 what moment flustered them the most?
💭 who daydreamed about the other more often? what did they think about most?
💭 mihir did it more often tbh... inserting tetora into whatever romance media sol consumed even if it's out of character & doing random things while thinking 'itd be nice if kotora was here too..." 😭😭 tetora is also very guilty of daydreaming... although for him it was more like montages of daily life. mihir crouching and meowing at a stray cat or the view of the top of suns head when sol leaned buns head on his shoulder,, stuff like that :3
😳 oooh!!! hm, for mihir maybe when tetsu helps correct sun's like. hand positions when they're practicing choreo?,, it's weirdly intimate and it's nice to be praised when sol does it right :9 for tetora, it's when mihir verbally Admits things since sun gets embarassed about it and that's cute... stuff like admitting sun missed him if they've been apart or sol would rather spend time with him than anyone else—
❓ i Kinda wrote a drabble about thisss so ill just put that under the cut :3
the chirp of cicadas punctuated the warm summer night as Tetora & Mihir walked towards the Starmony Dorm building. it had been another long, long day of practice running overtime, leaving neither of them with the energy to converse. the path from the practice rooms to the dorm was short and well-lit, much to Mihir's relief, who had enough of listening to Tetora's season-appropriate scary folklore.
Tetora was already counting down his mental list of things to do tomorrow– outfit fittings, ryuseitai practice in the morning, that one part of the choreography he had to discuss with Mihir–
Wait, where did sun go? all of a suddenl, he was acutely aware of the lack of warmth by his side and the hand brushing against the back of his own. he turned back to see Mihir gazing at the sky, a small smile on sols lips. The moon, a barely-there crescent that night, peered from the top of the trees that surrounded ensemble square. despite the light pollution in the middle of city, it shone true & bright, almost looking like a painting against the thick grove of clouds.
this isn't exactly unusual– their practice sessions do end up running late often and Tetora has often caught Mihir wistfully looking up at the sky– coincidentally, of course, it's not like his gaze ends up on sun whether he wants it to or not, or anything!
What's unusual, though, is how his breath hitches in his throat and how his brain seems much more interested in looking at sun rather the moon bun is admiring. He calls out to sun, fighting against the urge to stand there and gaze at Mihir for just a little more, the heavens reflected in suns eyes and moonlight braided through buns half-up hair.
Mihir turns towards him, seeming nervous for a second before flashing him a smile much fuller and brighter than the sliver of the moon hanging in the night sky. "Hey, kotora~ the moon is beautiful tonight, isn't it?"
Tetora wishes he had something, anything to say back other than the half-mumbled "yeah" that tumbles out of his mouth, because oh, sorry, didn't really notice, on account of staring at your stupid cute face and your honestly really pretty smile kind of wiped my brain clean of any coherency! my bad is probably-definitely one of the top ten things you should not say to your friend and unitmate you probably-definitely have entirely platonic feelings for. Yep.
Mihir tries not to look too dejected, striding towards Tetora so that they're side by side again. it wasn't supposed to a serious confession or anything, and sun only half-expected Tetora to catch on. still, the twinge in sols heart at his response felt too intense for a joke between friends. how bothersome.
Sun nudged Tetora who was still lost in his thoughts with suns elbow. The taller turned towards bun, a slight blush obvious at the very tips of his ears. He opened his mouth as if to say something, then closed it promptly. "it's getting late", Mihir said, opting to march forward and leave this mildly embarassing incident– and hopefully the weird, bothersome feelings– behind. Tetora jogged up to sun, hands brushing against each other again.
Mihir pretended not to notice the warm feeling of Tetora intertwining their fingers together.
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unmeipowerenergy · 5 months
uu... tetora accidentally packing one of the free samples of skincare arashi got when he's staying over in megh's dorm room that smells sweet like strawberries,, tetora generally uses non-fragranced products on himeru's recommendation. mihir being extra touchy and complimenting him on it so the next time he sees naru he's like SENPAI PLEASE GET ME 283847 MORE OF THESE
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unmeipowerenergy · 5 months
y'all ever think of the character you yume having a picture of you they took as their phone wallpaper
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unmeipowerenergy · 5 months
mihir,,, what games do the three of them play at the arcade?
GOOD QUESTION. tomoya would try to win mihir plushies from a claw machine!! he's not the most skilled but he is Perseverant. mihir is dragging him into a photobooth and putting cute animal ears on him for sure. i think tetora would like stuff like dancing & rhythm games. like the two of them would go crazy on this
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mihir would get a little too competitive for sure 😭 bun gets embarrassed by having zero upper body strength on the big hammer thingy. especially cause yk tetora has a really score. take the L mihichan
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unmeipowerenergy · 5 months
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this too is mihiteto
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