kiyeons Ā· 3 years
WITH @ofdohyun,
so the setupā€™s a little clunky: thereā€™s a small tripod on the hallway floor in front of him with a camera tilted upwards, and although itā€™s currently very difficult to see when heā€™s draped in faux moss and algae and blinded by yellow slit contacts, kiyeonā€™s giddy, optimistic that the wormā€™s eye view shot will make it worth it. he knows the scheduleā€™s only going to ramp up from here, so he needs to film as much content as possible while he still can.
the content in question? today, heā€™s in a black dressing gown andĀ a murky brown-and-green cowl, translucent enough to hint at the flesh-toned makeup heā€™s done underneath -- a horror reimagining of the atrocious swamp thingĀ makeup heā€™s been harping about since the first stills were released. kiyeon hits the record button, then shimmies backwards to a place he marked off with a shoe. from here, he knows that if he were to arch his neck and peel off the cowl of the makeup, it would give the illusion of the creature molting its first skin.Ā 
itā€™s truly horrific, if he may say so himself. it may also be some of his best work. the hallway lighting is soĀ much better than anything heā€™s got in his room, able to glance wickedly off the glistening, blood red textures of the additional makeup he applied to himself underneath the cowl.
without further ado, he lifts his head and begins clawing at his own neck and cheeks, yanking the slipper cowl downwards and feeling the satisfying break of the liquid latex, exactly as gossamer as he wanted it to be--
--only to stop, because through the blurriness of his vision, he thinks he can see the vague shape of someone standing at the end of the hallway, even though heā€™d been sureĀ that everyone on the floor was already asleep.
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kiyeons Ā· 3 years
what is long, has no arms, but has either three long, spindly legs or a tail split into thirds? kiyeon has absolutely no idea, but it looks pretty fucking ungodly and something he thinks he might have a nightmare about later. itā€™s a slip in the water, a chance sighting when a sliver of moonlight happens to break free through the clouds at the right moment to illuminate the surface of the ocean -- just a few seconds, before the clouds shift and the sky darkens again and he loses track of where it was in the water.Ā 
kiyeon instinctively takes an uneasy step away from the shoreline, only to bump arms with dohyun next to him.Ā sure, he and dohyun hadnā€™t had the most...ideal first meeting, but theyā€™ve been on this tour together long enough that dohyun would believe him about this, right?
ā€œdohyun. dohyun.ā€ kiyeon feels the need to whisper like itā€™s some kind of secret.Ā ā€œum, donā€™t freak out, i swear iā€™m not trying to scare you,ā€ again,Ā goes the unspoken addendum,Ā ā€œbut did you see that giant thing that was just moving in the water?ā€ he points to where he last saw it, unsure if dohyun had happened to be glancing the same way at the same time.
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and if heā€™s subtly trying to put himself on dohyunā€™s other side, like heā€™s afraid of some kind of creature leaping out of the water and halfway up the beach where the bonfire was, well-- kiyeonĀ tactfully doesnā€™t acknowledge it.
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