#🌧⋆⁺₊⋆✿:Zeze's Creations✧
zxphy · 1 year
☆ Yandere Alphabet!
Yandere! 2k18 Michelangelo x Reader
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Tws/cws: Uhhh yandere stuffs, implied sexual content??, abuse, nothing explicit, everything is just implied, and uhh just Mikey being straight up awful. 💀
Written by a minor, dni if uncomfortable.
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☆ Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
Michelangelo is the cuddly, affectionate type, hugs and sweet kisses all around. There will be no point in the day where he's not holding you tightly against him. Depending on the type of darling, this would be either good or bad. But either way it doesn't matter, he's not letting up no matter how much you scream and cry.
☆ Blood: How messy are they willing to get when itcomes to their darling?
Surprisingly.. very messy, he'll do anything it takes to keep you at his side, and if he has to spill blood and hurt others badly, so be it.
☆ Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
Since Mikey is kinda delusional, he kind of IGNORES the huge power imbalance between you two, even though its obviously there. He sort of treats you like both a pet and a lover. He doesn't allow you to do anything for yourself. He won't even let you feed yourself.
☆ Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling's will?
☆ Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
Oof, well.. when I say he loves you, he LOVES you. He's incredibly vulerable and tells you basically everything. He pours his heart and soul into your "relationship". He's so vulnerable when it comes to you, he'd rip out his heart and let you hold it.
☆ Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
Nothing some good ol' mystic chains can't fix!
☆ Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
It's all fun and games to him...until he loses.
☆ Hell: What would be their darling's worst experience with them?
Do you REALLY want to know? :)
☆ ldeals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
Probably some kind of cliche happily ever after story, where y'all get married and have kids or whatever.. but keeping you locked up and hidden where no one but him can see you works aswell!
☆ Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
All I have to say is, be careful of everything you do or say whenever he's nearby. Especially if you're with someone else.... he doesn't have anyone to take it out on but you.
☆ Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
Ahh! Such a sweer and loving boy, like a said he's always going to have you in his arms, bruises all over your neck and face from him loving you just a bit hard. He's not going to stop till he's satisfied, stop struggling.
☆ Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
100% tries the old fashioned way, meeting you, trying to get to know you, becomming closer and closer, falling more and more in love with you, until he eventually couldn't take it ajd just snatched you right up. :3
☆ Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
Mask? What mask? He's still silly, sweet and caring Mikey. He is. He is. He is. He is. He is. He is. He is. He is. He is. He is. He is. He is. He is. He is. He is. He is. He is. He-
☆ Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
☆ Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
Remember your old life? Maybe you went to school or had a job, or whatever the fuck. Forget that shit. You're with Mikey now! The only thing you're going to be doing is just sitting pretty and loving Mikey like you should.
☆ Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
Incredibly patient, but... everyone has their limits.
☆ Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
No. Not ever. He'd do anything in his power to keep you with him, and he won't stop until that's the reality.
☆ Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
Nope! He doesn't regret a thing. :)
☆ Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
Ah, well being the youngest, he's only had people protecting him and not the other way around. You give him a sense of control and refuses to let it go. But me personally, I headcanon him to have BPD. You make him feel something he's not used to and he loves it.
☆ Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
Stop that. It won't end well for either of you.
☆ Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
I like to think that Mikey is obsessive, delusional and sadistic. Me personally, I think he mood swings a lot and his weird little personas judt make life hsrder for you. Ahem ahem... Dr Delicate Touch.
☆ Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
You could probably use the fact that he's incredibly emotionally vulnerable.. but I wouldn't suggest it. It could go south...really fast..
☆ Wit's end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
He didn't want to, but then you forced his hand. You made him do it, it's all your fault. Does the bruises all over your body not teach you ANYTHING?
☆ Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
Like I said, he'd do ANYTHING to keep you with him. No matter the cost, no matter how much blood is spilled.
☆ Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
Probably a couple of months...
☆ Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
He'll try not to. :)
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The yan alphabet draft can be found here!
(Please don't interact with her nsfw works if you're a minor, please respect her boundaries she's an awesome writer and you're free to read whatever sfw word she has.)
Bye pookies I hope you enjoy!! :3
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Taglist: N/A
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zxphy · 1 year
☆ Quit undressing me with your eyes!!
Yandere! '12 Michealangelo x Reader
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Tws/cws: Yandere behaviour, AFAB reader, sexual innuendos, obsessive/posessive tendencies, sexual content, masturbation, nonconny thoughts, rape fantasies, Mikey got mad intrusive thoughts :3
Smut written by a minor, dni if uncomfortable.
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Even though he's a teenager, Michealangelo never really got any sexual thoughts, that until he met you.
He's never ever thought or Shinigami or Renet in such lewd ways, but you...you were different.
He can't even look at you without being plagued by the thought of bending you over the nearest ledge and fucking you absolutely stupid.
Your beautiful face, your lovely curves, your bubbly personality - literally EVERYTHING about you got his dick hard.
But like, how could he not? You just looked absolutely gorgeous just sitting there comepletely oblivious to every fucked up and lewd thought going through his head.
You have no idea how much he wants to shove his cock down your throat, or force himself into you, with you holding onto him grabbing and clawing at whatever you can, begging him to stop, screaming for help only for no one to come to your aid.
Your teary eyed expression full of dread turning into one of ecstasy. Your sobs turning into pleasure filled moans, motivating him to fuck you even harder.
He snapped out of his thoughts and looked at you. You were smiling at him with a bit of concern plastered on your face. "You're staring again, heh.." you laughed nervously, darting your eyes to the couch, "Hey, I bought you guys pizza!"
Quickly forgetting the vile imagery of you in his head, he grinned and bounced in the couch excitedly at the thought of his favourite food.
"Aww thanks dudette!" The turtle pulled you into an embrace, freezing as he feels your tits agaisnt his plastron.
Oh what he'd give to breed the fuck out of you right now. ♡
You pull away from the hug after a moment and pat Mikey on his head. "I'm gonna go hang out with Donnie in the lab, cya man!" Yeah that's probably be best for your safety anyway. Michealangelo doesn't think he could hold himself back much longer.
"Cya later dudette!" He waved at you as you left the living room, leaving him alone with his thoughts once more.
And a box of pizza!
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Whew. That took a lot out of me to finish 👁👁
Alright I hope y'all enjoy lmfao
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zxphy · 1 year
Tits, Ass or Thighs!!
TMNT 2k12 and ROTTMNT edition!!
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Tws/cws: sexual content
Sexual content written by a minor, dni if uncomfortable.
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TMNT 2012!!
Leonardo: Thighs
Donnatello: Tits
Raphael: Ass
Michealangelo: Ass
April O'neil: Tits
Karai: Ass
Raphael: Personality.
Donnatello: Doesn't give a flying fuck.
Leonardo: Tits and cock.
Michealangelo: Tits
April O'neil: Tits
Big Mama: All of the above
Sunita: Thighs
Cassandra Jones: Ass
I'll expand on this bullshit and give my explainations later!! <3
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zxphy · 1 year
Okayy so you wanted some ideas, right? I saw your incel! Scaramouche post and I was wondering what your thoughts are on a yandere incel! Xiao? It's a popular idea but I really love it and maybe you could write it for Fem! Reader or Gn! Reader if you don't write fem! Readers
☆ No bitches?
Yandere! Incel! Xiao x Fem! Reader
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Tws/cws: Xiao, misogyny, women beating, domestic abuse, use of the word "retard", implied noncon, fem aligned reader lmfao, gaslighting, doxxing, rape and murder threats, and non consensual groping. Multiple spelling mistakes are present. Both you and Xiao are 18.
Smut written by a minor, dni if uncomfortable.
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Xiao was your best friend since childhood, but as you both got older into adult hood, he started acting different.
A lot more grabby and forceful. He was unable to get a girlfriend or get laid, so he went to reddit and 4chan to vent his frustrstions, there he met lots of people just like him.
He may or may not have asked them "why do women not like me", getting multiple misogynistic replies. Bro was easily manipulated then turned into a self proclaimed "incel" in about a month. He believed everything his new group of friends said.
He always talked about his discord servers and his gross friends to you, saying how they give him the best advice and their misogynistic views about how women should know their place and yada yada.
You started to hang out with him less and less, as Xiao grew incredibly insufferable. Just being near him made you uncomfortable, you were scared of even being in the same room as him.
Even though you hardly talked to him, yiu still interacted online because hey! He's been your best friend since birth you don't have the heart to end the friendship.. :(
The less time you spent with Xiao, the more time you spent with Aether, one of his best friends. Xiao obviously took notice of thst, and his huge crush on you did NOT help.
Xiao considered himself a nice guy, thinking he deserved sex from "females". Complaining that girls only want Chads who just use them for their body and leave, as if incels aren't the same thing but worse.
You wanted to help him you know.. NOT have that mindset, but his stupid 4chan friends kept encouraging his disgusting way of thinking!! :(
At sometime, Xiao eventually confessed his love for you. But honestly, you kind of expected that to happen considering you were the only chick that even looked in his direction, let alone talked to him. You let him down as lightly as you can, trying not to set him off. Cause from what you heard, self proclaimed incels usually never take "no" for an answer and take every rejection personally.
"I'm sorry Xiao, it's not you.. it's me." Oh it's definately him.
"But I'm a nice guy! I'll treat you well and get everything you want. I have a job, I can spoil you!" Ah. That would make sense as to where he gets all the money to blow on hentai from.
"I just don't have any feelings for you besides platonic ones. I'm sorry and I hope this doesn't ruin our friendship." You begin to sweat, praying you didn't set him off.
Xiao looked down to the ground at his feet and sighed. "I understand." You sigh in relief, until Xiao says this,
"Can I at least have a hug?" Oh fuck.
You begin to sweat more and nodded slowly, "S-sure man.." you open your arms out for a hug and Xiao embraces you tightly, good fucking god he smells disgusting. When was the last time he showered?? It should be common knowledge that axe body isn't a substitution for showers. The scents clash in a way that make your nose hairs burn and your toes curl. It took everything out of you to not gag.
But on the other hand, Xiao was in heaven, you smell so good! His face is in your hair and he takes a big whiff and he shudders, obviously enjoying himself. It's been forever since he's been so close to a girl, let alone YOU.
His hands slowly trail down from your back and get lower, eventually he had his hands on your ass and gave it a a light squeeze. You push him away and laugh nervously and wave him good bye, leaving him by yourself.
Days go by and you started getting mysterious phone calls, text messages and messages on your social media from anonymous people. Majority of them being death and rape threats.
U stupid bitch why did u leave him to go fuck his best friend??
And another,
Im gonna rape u then kill u in an alleyway u deserve it stupid whore.
And another,
I know your address.
And another...
Get ready to get raped!
And... another.
He's gonna put you in your place, whore.
One time you even got a phone call and it qqs just a guy heavily breathing into the phone then threatening to rape you and then bury your body in the woods for "rejecting a perfectly nice guy."
At that point it was kind of obvious as to why you're getting such threats. Either Xiao has been using alt accounts and throwaway numbers or he had doxxed you to his other "nice guy" friends. You were honestly pissed, was he THAT butthurt because you didn't want to have sex with him? He needs to get a fucking life. Xiao used to be an amazing guy, your best friend, but now his stupid "nice guy" phase tore you both apart. You thought the rejection went well, that he'd be normal about it, but then he goes doxxing a girl because she didn't want to have sex with him? What the fuck?
You pulled your phone out of your pocket and started looking for Xiao's number, you hit him a message.
Xiao. Read 1:44pm.
XIAO. Read 1:57pm.
I know what you did. Read 2:00pm.
(Weird Fuck)
Xiao did you fucking doxx me?? Are you retarded? What the fuck is wrong with you, people keep threatening to rape and kill me you fucking ass wipe. Read 2:01pm.
(Weird Fuck)
Im sorry just meet me at my place
What?? No dawg, I'm not gonna go to your fucking house, I wanna know why you fucking doxxed me, we were literally best friends before you became a fucking misogynist. Why did you doxx me?? Read 2:02pm.
(Weird Fuck)
Come over and ill tell u
Kys. Read 2:02pm.
You shoved your phone back in your pocket and you huffed. Who does that fucker think he is?? All because you wouldn't date him!!
You being you, you still went to his home to get answers. He didn't deny doxxing you which ulset you even more. His dick probs got hard just by you texting him. (He did :3) You're sick of sll the threats, you just want it to stop. You just want Xiao to stop his bitchless behaviour. Now you're gonna do something about it.
You walk up to the lavish home and knocked on the door. Of course Xiao still lives with his dad instead of doing something productive like going to colledge like his twin sister Ganyu. You folded your arms and waited. You assumed that Mr. Zhongli wasn't home because you heard some random porn game from the third story window, Xiao's room.
You knocked again, but this time louder. You heard the game pause, then a door slamming, then rapid footsteps going down stairs. You hesrd a voice from behind the door.
"Are you the delivery guy?" *Xiao.*
"No fuckwad." You replied back. The door slowly swung open, revealing Xiao. He looked a lot more gross than you remember, he looked incredibly dishevled, with messy greasy hair, a random tshirt with very suspcious stains and dandruff on it, baggy gray sweatpants that aldo had a suspcious stain, but this time on the crotch area, and a pair of perscription glasses, the frame kind of similar to yours. But what you really could not get over, was the smell. He smelled like he hasn't showered in months, he smells entirely of spoilt food, semen, body odor and sweat. Disgusting.
"You look and smell like shit." You push past Xiao and walk into the lovely home.
"You came." He mumbled.
Of course you came, you wanted to know why the fuck he'd doxx you. He grossed you out comepletely, he was a digusting good for nothing freak. Xiao was actually a nice guy, he got good grades, was super sweet to everyone and made his father proud.
Xiao avoided eye contact and told you to follow him to his room, so you both could talk. You shook your head, feeling uneasy.
"Mr. Zhongli isn't home, why not talk here?" He ignored your question and walked up the stairs. You followed behind but kept a reasonable distance. Reasonable being several feet.
Xiao opened his bedroom door and you were immedately met with a horrible stench, his room smelled like him but worse. It smelt like semen, piss and shame. His room was covered in hentai posters and anime girl figurines, his clothes thrown all over the floor, and in the corner there was a really expensive looking gaming set up.
He could afford a multi-monitor gaming set up but not deoderant?
What couldn't go unnoticed was the collection of stiff socks gathering in a pile near his bed.
"Xiao what the hell? Your room is a fucking biohazard, feels like I need a gas mask and a hazmat suit just to be in here." You felt sorry for his father, you couldn't imagkne what it feels like having a son just like Xiao.
You walked into the room, being careful of wjere you step, Xiao sits in his gaming chair and then types a message into his Discord chat. He then got back up and cleared a space on his bed, throwing whatever was previously there onto the floor. "You can uh.. sit there."
You shook your head, but then you looked back at Xiao and he looked like he was about to cry. You felt bad so you sat anyway. You're definately burning this skirt when you get home.
You got a proper look around the room, not only seeing the weird posters, but pictures of you.
Xiao sat in his gaming chair and swung side to side, he looked nervous. Sweating as he looked at you.
You finally spoke up breaking the awkward silence. "So Xiao, why did fuck did you doxx me?" Xiao stayed silent and looked away from you. This really set you off. "Don't ignore me you asswipe! I've been getting threats of violent rape, I home you know you committed a cyber crime!"
"Relax, (Name.)" Xiao said still not looking at you. "It's not that serious." You scoffed and felt yourself getting more mad.
"Not that serious? NOT THAT SERIOUS?? Xiao! For the love of fucking christ, people are threatening to kill me! Why would you doxx me?!" You raised your voice at him, and you saw him get more nervous.
"Well.. I-I don't know I just. Me and you were like really close, but then you started fucking Aether.." You huffed, even more angry than before, "God fucking damnit Xiao! I'm trying to not fucking strangle you, but you're making it so hard!" You stood up and continued yelling, "You were so cool until you started acting like this! Kf course women won't like you if you keep thinking that she's gonna hop on your gross cock, Xiao! No one wants your tiny penis, I can assure that!"
You folded your arms and contued, "Sorry you feel so offended because I feel SAFE around Aether! He doesn't talk about how women's only purpose is to have kids and serve her mans or whatever, unlike YOU!"
Xiao fumbled with the draw strings on his sweatpants, "I-I don't know I uh just thought that you'd like me I g-guess.."
You face palmed. "Xiao. You doxxed me because I didn't want to date you? Dude! I explicitly told you that I have zero attraction to you. I only have PLATONIC feelings for you man. We had a good friendship but your gross ways ruined it-"
Xiao interupted you, "I'm a nice guy (Name), I'll treat you right. You're not like other females.."
"Oh my fucking god, Xiao..." you pinched the bridge of your nose. "I cannot believe that you think any girl would want to date YOU! A gross, disgusting people of shit incel like you! You're retarded if you think any girl would want your gross penis inside of her!"
Xiao stood up, "Fuck you (Name)!" You staggered back, surpised of his sudden outburst.
"Females like yourself are the problem. All you do is fuck chads and leave actjal nice sigmas in the dust!"
You blinked before letting out a laugh. "PFFTT!!! Dawg! Fuck this shit for real, and you know what? I'ma go to Aether's place to fuck him! How doed thst make you feel, Xiao? You gonna cry??" You flicked him off before getting up, walking to leave the room.
Suddenly your arm gets grabbed and you're pulled back, thrown onto the floor. Xiao gets on top of you and punches you square in the nose. You let out a loud squeal of pain.
"Xiao what the fu-" Xiao picks you up from under your arms and puts on on his bed, he starts feeling up your body, his hands trailing up yojr skirt, fumbling with the hem of your safety shorts.
You kicked him in the stomach and punched him in his face, Xiao staggered back and held his stomach as his glassed fell off his face, you took the chance and pushed him off you and ran.
Unfortunately for you, you tripped on the wires spewn about his room and you fell, Xiao took this opportunity and turned you around and kicked you until you stopped fighting. As an extra measure, Xiao grabbed your head, lifted it slightly then slammed it back down into the floor. You gripped your head in pain and whined.
"Xiao? What the fuck.." you wince. Xiao once again picks you up, and drops you onto his head, his hands trailing up your skirt. He lifts it slightly and pull down your safety shorts revealing your panties. His obvious erection poking through his sweatpants. Xiao went back to his gaming chair and once again started typing on his discord server, before getting up and locking his bedroom door. Too busy holding onto your head and lightly crying in pain, you had not noticed that he actually did lock the door.
The teen walked back over to you, took your shoes off and peeked off your safety shorts. He got close to you and whispered into your ear, "How does it feel to be put in your place?" He slapped you playfully.
Xiao shoved down his pants, his hard cock springing out. He hasn't shaved in a while, revealing curly black n green pubes covering his pelvic area. The tears that were threatening to fall, have fell, hot tears flowing down your cheeks hoping that Xiao isn't gonna do what you think he's gonna do.
"Xiao please. Don't do this.." You looked up at him in fear. Xiao ignored you and pulled off your panties, revealing your pussy. He threw them into a random direction. He pressed himself against you.
You're struggling to process what the fuck is going on, you're being held down, Xiao's dick is rubbing against you and half your clothes are missing.
Xiao then tore off your tshirt and threw the shreds in another random direction, then took off your bra, groping your chest the second he saw your tits.
"You're so fucking pretty.. and you're all mine." Xiao took his fingers and spread apart your lips, revealing your lovely pink insides. Xiao shoved two of his fingers inside of you just to test and you yelped.
"Fuck yeah, you're tight as balls." Xiao removed his fingers and quickly replaced his fingers with his thick cock.
He then slammed inside of you, putting his hands around your neck.
You're his now.
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I honestly think I got a little too into it, anyway I hope you guys enjoy! :3
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zxphy · 11 months
☆ Yandere Alphabet!
Yandere! 2k18 Raphael x Reader
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Tws/cws: Blud idefk, yandere stuff, implied abuse, nothing explicit, a fuck ton of grammatical errors, free my boy raph.
Written by a minor, dni if uncomfortable.
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☆ Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
Raphel is a hugger, 100%. He always wants your attention on him and only him. To him, the best way to show someone you care is physical affection. There's absolutely no second in the day where he wouldn't just have the urge to scoop you up and hug you all day. However, unlike his little brother Michelangelo, he knows when to quit it. 💀
☆ Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
Yikes, so uhm. Raphael isn't the most violent person ever. He's a pacifist at heart. He doesn't want to hurt anyone, but if push came to shove and he was in a situation where someone had to get hurt, he'd gladly. However, he'd feel guilty forever about it though.
☆ Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
Hell fucking no, hello?? Honestly, the poor boy would do anything for you, he kind of sees you above him in some way. He just wants whats best for you. He knows that the current situation is a little hard on you but he'd never mock you for it :(.
☆ Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling's will?
He'll try not to.
☆ Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
Very, VERY vulnerable. Honestly, the boy has cried and will still cry in front of you. He's not afraid to show his emotions. If anything, he thinks being emotionally vulberable around eachother is a good thing! :3
☆ Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
Please don't, he doesn't want to have to hurt you.. :(
☆ Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
Oh nah, he hates it so much. It breaks his big ol' heart whenever he sees you try to leave him. Please quit it.
☆ Hell: What would be their darling's worst experience with them?
Probably just a forced cuddle session that ended pretty badly. (A shattered wrist and a few broken bones.)
☆ Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
He just wants to spend the rest of his life with you. He's a little cheesy and would love to get married to you. Adding kids into the mix wouldn't hurt either. :3
☆ Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
Oh nononono! He'd never hurt you on purpose, yes he can get pretty jealous but he's very good at concealing it. His way to cope would probably be taking it out on some crook or just sparring with someone.
☆ Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
You're def getting smothered. 💀 He's so sweet you're gonna get so many smooches throughout the day.
☆ Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
Also an old fashioned kinda guy. Met you, tried to get to know you better, but he was a lil too shy to fully ask you out. And hid paranoia was getting to him, he just had to take ya.
☆ Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
Nah, there's no mask. He's still the exsct ssme, but just a teeny bit (a lot) more possessive and protective.
☆ Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
He's not very creative with punishments, and he doesn't even want to hurt you, he just wants you to learn your lesson. :/ So probably just some starvation or isolation.
☆ Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
Eh.. not that many actually. He's just trying to be a loving boyfriend.
☆ Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
Very, VERY patient. He's taking his time with you. But he'd get fed up eventually.
☆ Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
Absolutely not, he'd be totally broken. He'd stop at nothing to bring you back to him. He can't live without you..
☆ Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
He does regret snatching you up, but it was for your own good! He tries his best to ignore the guilt that's eating him from the inside. Still, he wouldn't let you leave. No matter how bad you make him feel.
☆ Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
Due to his brothers getting older and more independant, he's starting to feel a little..useless. Like no one needs him anymore.. He wants someone to care for, someone to protect, and that's where you come in. :)
☆ Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
He'd feel awful. :(
☆ Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
He's very very lenient.. He's always near you, always making sure you're okay and comfortable.
☆ Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
His paranoia, his emotional vulnerability and his fears. But why would you do that to him, you monster? >:(
☆ Wit's end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
He didn't want to. He didn't mean it. He's sorry, please forgive him.
☆ Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
Your needs come before his, he'd do whatever to make sure you stay with him. No matter how humiliating it is for him.
☆ Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
☆ Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
Not on purpose.
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Okay fucking finally. I was bored and this was a lil gift for my homegirl yanteetle :3. (Just taggin her for this, @yanteetle)
Writing Raph was actually interesting and a bit out of my comfort zone considering I'm not the biggest fan of him.
The yan alphabet draft can be found here!
(Please don't interact with her nsfw works if you're a minor, please respect her boundaries she's an awesome writer and you're free to read whatever sfw work she has.)
Okay bye ily!!!
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Taglist: N/A
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zxphy · 2 years
🌧 Imagine Incel! Scaramouche x M! Reader.
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Tws/cws: Masc aligned reader, forced feminization, misogyny, incel behaviours, Scaramouche is his own warning, mentions of non con.
Sorry but this imagine is gonna be really shitty, I'm not a very good writer.
Smut written by a minor, dni if uncomfortable.
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Incel Scara! Complaining about how no "females" want to date him.
Incel Scara! Talking and complaining about low iq women and how he deserves to be in a relationship with a female but can't because all girls are the same or something.
Incel Scara! Being told to date a boy if he's so upset.
He ends up finding one of your selfies in a dicord server he mods. You look so CUTEE with your kitty gaming headset and your soft face, Scaramouche could almost mistake you for a female! He immediately sends you a dm and you both hit it off.
You got an instant role rank up and get bombarded with compliments and praise from Scaramouche, get invited to game nights and discord calls like "meetings".
Scaramouche continously spam pings you until you respond. Doesn't he understand that you have a life unlike him?
He'd 120% stalk your other social medias if he had access to them, (he does.) Through that, he learns that you have a girlfriend?? How come you get to have a girlfriend and he doesn't?! It's so unfair!! :(
Scaramouche finds that out that you're going to an anime con by yourself in the near future, luckily for him, he lives in that area.
He invites himself to hang out with you at the convention, not like you can say no! You don't have a say in the matter. He is joining you.
When Scara FINALLY meets you in person, you're in a cosplay of one of his favourite anime characters. He's absolutely fucking astonished. Ain't no WAY you're a guy. You've got such soft feminine curves, a pretty face and a thin waist, almost ANYONE would mistake you for a female.
How dare you be so deceptive. You must be put in your place.
On cue, you leave to go to the bathroom, and Scaramouche follows. Since no one is around, he forces himself in the stall with you and rapes you, "it's what you deserve" he said.
He some how manages to drag you to his stinky apartment after he's done, where you wake up in a completely different change of clothes. From your cosplay to a frilly dress and thigh highs!!
He tells you that you don't need to worry your silly little head about anything, all you need to do is be an obedient girlfriend.
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I'm sorry this is REALLY shitty and I have absolutely no fucking CLUE what I'm doing. 🏃🏾‍♂️
Welp, first post lmao
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zxphy · 1 year
🌧 Yelan x Nonbinary! Reader.
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Tws/cws: Mommy kink, AFAB reader, strap-ons, can be read as dubcon, Yelan fingerblasting you into oblivion, and INCREDIBLY cringe writing. Btw you're autistic, if you weren't before, you are now lmao. Also may have TERRIBLE spelling and spelling.
Smut written by a minor, dni if uncomfortable.
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You and the cobalt-haired agent stood alone in one of Wangshu Inn's many corridors. You have one job as a Fatui soldier.
Assassinate Yelan.
You looked her up and down as you trailed behind her. You honestly thought that she was really attractive. You quickly snapped out of your thoughts and followed close behind her, she turned a corner. Now's your chance.
You raise your sword in the air ready to strike down on her with your blade with the intention to kill.
Too bad, the sneak attack didn't work, not by a long shot. Yelan was two steps ahead, before you could even come close to killing her, she grabbed your hands quickly disarming you quickly, and pinned you against a wall with your arms behind your back.
"My, my, what do we have here? Someone trying to kill me?" She asked, pressing your own blade against your neck.
"I-I don't know what you're t-t-talking about ma'am." You stammered out quickly, you didn't wanna die like this, but you don't want to betray her majesty. You have to think of something, fast.
"Don't play coy with me, darling." The agent pressed the blade slightly harder on your neck, more specifically, against your carotid. "Who sent you? And no dilly dallying." She continued.
You whimpered as you felt the cold metal against your throat. Shit. You can't die, not like this.
"The fatui m-ma'am. I was sent p-personally by her majesty." You finally let out.
"Awh, the Tsarita herself sent someone for little ol' me?" Yelan pouted before smirking, "Doesn't she have better things to do?"
Remembering that you're both in a public corridor, Yelan lowered the sword from your neck, pressing the tip of the icy cold metal against your exposed back. Enough to prick your delicate skin, but not enough to draw blood.
"Let's go somewhere I little more private, sweetheart." You blushed at the pet name and nodded slowly.
Yelan lead you to her room of the inn and shoved you in before walking in and closing the door behind her.
"Oh right! Before you dare to try anything, give me your hands, now." She glared at you, and you quickly raised your hands for her.
The agent grabbed your wrists and tied them together with some kind of hydro rope.
It's icredibly firm, keeping you in place.
Your mind started to wonder off in a different direction. You started to blush.
You snapped out of your thoughts as Yelan climbed on top of you, your cheeks growing hotter and hotter by the second.
Yelan is incredibly intimidating, but in a hot way, you found yourself getting wet. You shamefully rubbed your thighs together as you felt the agent's warm breath against your neck.
(Un)Fortunately for you, that didn't go unoticed, she flashed a mischievous grin. "Well sweetheart, getting a bit excited are we?"
You didn't answer.
She put her finger on your chest and slowly dragged it down to your crotch, wetness seeping from your pussy through your shorts, you were soaked.
"Goodness dear, I didn't think you'd be enjoying this this much."
Yelan started rubbing your pussy through the shorts of your uniform. Not too long after that she shoved her hands into your shorts, past your panties, dipping her index finger in and out of your cunt.
Soon enough, she added another digit, slick sounds of the agent's fingers filling the lavish inn's bedroom.
"H-hey, wait I don't t-think we should-" She cuts you off.
"Ah ah ah darling, don't speak. Just relax and enjoy." She said in a sickly sweet voice and had pure lust in her eyes. She abruptly sped up the pace, and you feel the knot that's been building up inside you about to burst. The agent's long digits going in and out of your puffy cunt is all you could think about. You stiffen as you feel an orgasm approaching.
Yelan looked at you with a smug grin on her face, "Yeah? Gonna cum sweetheart?" Another one of her fingers found your clit and began rubbing circles on the sensitive bundle of nerves.
"Ah- wait! Slow down, I-I'm gonna-"
"Cum? You're gonna cum? Go ahead. Cum for Mommy." She curls her fingers up a bit, hitting that one heavenly spot inside you that makes you scream.
"That's it darling, go on. Make a mess on Mommy's fingers." It was all too much, Yelan's fingers deep in your pussy and rubbing around your puffy clit, you couldn't hold back much longer.
You arched your back and squeezed your eyes shut, the intense sensations between your legs making you squeal incoherent noises like a dummy. Your climax hits you...hard. Your juices gushed and squirted all over the agent's fingers, doing exactly what she wanted.
Making a mess.
You huff and slowly came down from your high, the intense aftermath of your orgasm tiring you out, you let yourself go limp and fall onto the floor.
Yelan got off of you, pulling her hands out of your pants. She scooped you up into her strong arms, and rest you on top of her bed "so you could be more comfortable."
You lay tiredly on the bed, probably about to fall asleep until Yelan spoke up.
"Hold on darling, don't get too relaxed over there, we haven't even gotten to the fun part yet." She smirked and left the room.
The "fun part"? She came back after a quick moment with a strap-on. Whatever tiredness you had vanished and you woke right the fuck up. The dildo attached to the harness was huge. Was that even going to fit inside of you?? You stared at Yelan in utter disbelief. "Ain't no way."
She buckled the harness to her waist and smiled, "Don't worry sweetheart, it's gonna fit."
Yelan brought your body closer to hers, the thin layers of clothes being the only thing separating your core and her cock. "Let's get these pesky clothes out of the way." She peeled off your shorts, quickly discarded them, and smirked when she saw your soaked panties.
She slowly pulled down your frilly panties to your knees, the agent wanted to savour the reveal of your cunt. She spread your legs, and stared at your glistening pussy for a minute, loving how your puffy pussy looks so inviting.
"Alright then, let's get this show started." the agent gripped your hips and slowly but surely started to push inside of your cunt, the juices of your previous orgasm made it much easier.
After what felt like a long time, she finally hilted, the tip of her cock against your cervix. You felt so full.
Yelan stood there for a moment enjoying the sight of you under her and your tight walls wrapped so deliciously around her cock.
However, that didn't last long, cause a short second later, she pulled back, only the tip remaining inside you, then SLAMMED right back in. The process was repeated, over and over and over again, until the noises of skin slapping and your squealing filled the room.
"You're being so loud dear," she said between thrusts, "it's like you want the entirety of the inn to know that I'm fucking you stupid."
"Nghh-!! I'm s-sorry!!" you replied back, trying to keep your composure.
"Don't worry dear. It's okay. Go on, tell the whole world who's making you feel good."
"A-ah!! Mommy is m-making me feel guh-good!!"Yelan's fingers once again found your clit and began rubbing circles into it making you scream out in pure bliss.
"That's it baby, keep making such pretty noises for me!" Yelan pulled out, flipped you over then started pounding into you from behind, going even deeper than before, her cock kissing your cervix with each thrust, making you squeal and moan out in delight.
She sped up her hip movement, each time she hilted in you making you scream as you approached your second high, this one much more intense than the first.
With one hard final thrust, you came. Your orgasm hit you like a tidal wave as it washed over you, you squirmed and writhed under Yelan as you creamed on her cock, your juices soaking the bed sheets under you.
When you came down from your intense high, Yelan pulled out of you and laid beside you, pulling you close to her body, and began to spoon you. You're too exhausted to object.
She kissed your head and whispered into your ear holding you close.
"I think I'm going to keep you."
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HOLY FUCKING SHIT NUGGETS I FINALLY FINISHED IT. Honestly it came out better than I expected!! I'm sorry it took so long, school is really fuckin me up rn, but better late than never I guess!! I hope you guys enjoyed it!! :3
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zxphy · 2 years
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🌧⋆⁺₊⋆✿:Zeze's Resistance✧ -> Hate anons.
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🌧⋆⁺₊⋆✿:Zeze's Shitpost✧ -> Shitposting.
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