#🌱 Greater things Grow. (Offspring)
bcnezone · 2 years
;; talk of monsterfuckers on the dash, i offer you
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bcnezone · 2 years
A strange case when it comes to her parentage but regardless, also a sweet daughter of Annabelle’s. 
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One clumsy, determined Eurielle Lebeau.
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bcnezone · 2 years
Watch your massive canine partner fend off anything and everything by sheer intimidation alone, anger exuding from his body in an aura of Divine Hate. Powerful muscles rippling with effort, cracking men in two, eviscerating the mightiest of monsters, and even bringing the very gods to their knees. 
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But also laying gently on his fluffy chest, snuggling into the soft comfort and security of his arms, knowing there’s nothing in the world that could get to you. 
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bcnezone · 2 years
as may also made me realize yesterday, Rootmeg is the daughter of two individuals who are very keen on spreading their family far and wide and, well...
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She IS a big farmer gal. She’s got a lot of experience spreading seed, plowing fields and fertilizing. Wink wink.
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bcnezone · 3 years
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bcnezone · 2 years
When Heel isn’t staying at home, beating the crap out of unwelcome guests (collectors, cronies, the mailman she really doesn’t care for), she works as a bouncer for local clubs in her area.
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Sometimes she’s as bad as some of the sleazy guys that show up there, but the difference is that she’s getting paid to keep them out. And she’s very good at her job.
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bcnezone · 2 years
“Oh, I just felt a little shiver... someone must be talking about me~!”
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bcnezone · 2 years
“I’m Mommy’s favorite... she loves me the most, because I’m special...~”
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bcnezone · 2 years
ship kid, soleil and akane!
mass production.
Name: Lumina Beaulieu Gender: Female General appearance: The shell that contains the soul within it is Lumina’s “body”, which takes after both parents almost equally, leaning every so slightly towards Soleil than her vulpine mother. It possesses the trademark blonde hair and red eyes of the Beaulieu family, that sleek, porcelain skin, beautiful form and their blood-chilling smile present as well- but this body is more akin to a vessel withholding something immense than Lumina’s “self”. Personality: A child of twisted circumstances, Lumina is just as wretched, her true state of being unable to be witnessed by unaided eyes- her soul is that horrid and unstable. It’s hard to say if she has any feelings at all, or if she could be considered human; even her parents are unable to read into her essence and defer anything. Could her understanding of the family magic, the power of Red, be on such a level that only its creator, Lumina’s grandmother Jeanne, would have the capacity to interpret and understand her? Or could it be that her soul is in such a state of disarray that there really is just no ‘presence’, only a turbulent mass of ‘self’... Only one trait persists, the perfect safeguard instilled into her mother and inherited by her: Lumina loves her family… but only those closest to her. Special Talents: ??? Who they like better: Both Who they take after more: Soleil (technically) Personal headcanon: While talking to her can be akin to speaking with someone who is, for lack of better phrase, distracted, physical contact can sometimes elicit different reactions than absent-minded emptiness. More so than that, as unreadable as it can be, reaching out to her soul can bring out a response that can only be described as ‘joy’- but only when performed by her family. Face Claim:  Bluecher (Azur Lane)
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bcnezone · 3 years
soft baby spotted
She may look soft, but Rootmeg's a huge girl and an exceptionally hard worker.
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Be sure to pay your respects to the Goddess of Providence.
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bcnezone · 3 years
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Eurielle, daughter of Annabelle.
There’s no shortage of gods in the world that Fafka resides in. Every facet of existence is governed in some form or way, with more important aspects being more intently ruled than others- after all, a god of pots would not be anywhere near as useful or notable as a god of space. Hence, though they’re directly descended from a goddess, many of Fafka’s offspring don’t inherit any kind of authority, some by choice... others, simply because they aren’t prepared or capable of taking on such a responsibility. 
Eurielle falls under the latter. Being one of Fafka’s eldest children, she may have been originally intended to accept a higher role like her mother has, and inherit more than a small portion of her power. However... 
Eurielle is rather ditzy and... pathetic. On top of being particularly sensitive and easy to upset, she isn’t quite comfortable in her body, and her poor reflexes lead to her falling on her face often. She doesn’t receive criticism well, at least not immediately, and her anxiousness and shyness makes it difficult for her to interact well with others. Altogether, she simply isn’t fit for any kind of responsibility...
This is, of course, no issue with Fafka. After all, she’s well aware of what her eldest daughter is capable of many things, and she’s brimming with talent and untapped potential. Additionally, because of the circumstances surrounding her, Eurielle is filled with a strong desire to give everything she does her all, and while she might not be successful a majority of the time, she isn’t one to quit.
From Fafka, the demigod inherited another form of the domain of Love: art. Eurielle’s artistic capabilities are extraordinary, and just about everything she applies herself to in that field, she excels in. Should she improve her disposition and how she deals with criticism, the half-dragon could be a legend.
Primarily, she enjoys tapestry and tailoring- at her heart, she’s a seamstress, taking a great deal of pride in her works. This passion for sewing was born from the need to alter and make clothes for herself that fit comfortably, given the unnatural qualities of her body, and she hasn’t stopped improving her work since.
Eurielle simply wishes to live up to her own self-instated expectations, to be something her parents can be proud of. Though she often falls, she’ll find a way to blunder and stumble and pick herself back up in time. As long as there are others to support her, this Lebeau will never stay down.
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bcnezone · 3 years
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Valya, daughter of Aloysha.
Domains can be very, very broad, and even branch into the domains that fall under other divine patrons and more. It’s often a case one runs into with matters such as Gods of the Sky and Gods of Weather, or Gods of Water and Gods of the Sea. Just as frequently, there is the eternal union betweens Gods of Love, and Gods of War- struggle and conflict may arise from time to time, but its a simple understanding of the subject matter that allows these two sides to stay so amiable with each other.
After all, with how often the two things come together, it would be troublesome if the two sides couldn’t get along.
Fafkaskiel, of course, has long usurped the position of Goddess of Love simply because her followers and servants: a God that actively supported and engaged with her people, versus the traditional god that simply watches and rarely intervenes? ... the old ways are dead. The world is ruled by Gods, and only those with a truly abundant following can possess real power. For a God’s power is derived from the belief of their followers, and the active practices falling within their domain- and the stronger that belief, the stronger the god. 
Hence, the only rival in sheer divine power is the God of War, Fafka’s other half, Ororous, who’s outreach in a turbulent world as theirs is easy to understand. Warring and combat are a universal constant in any world with sentient life- and where there is battle, there is Ororous.
And then, there’s Valya.
Fafkaskiel’s children are all half-divine, but there are few that possess and exude the intense pressure of a Demigod’s presence. From her height, to the powerful aura that shimmers over her body, it’s impossible to deny her origin or even look away. Her presence demands your attention, her words command your respect... but her voice reminds you of her age and experience.
As powerful as she may seem, it’s hard to ignore that, despite herself, Valya is incredibly green and unused to the environments she might often find herself in. Paired with her natural curiosity and a stubborn pride that refuses to let her stray off the path she’s CERTAIN is right, those that travel with the half-dragon are just as certain to meet trouble. Not to mention that she struggles in social scenarios and has difficulty understanding more complex matters, whether they be moral, scientific, or other... it’s not so much she can’t talk, but keeping her interest is not an easy matter, when what she desires most of all is a chance to prove her worth...
However, despite what trouble she may bring, or how often she can stray into problematic situations, there are few who will march straight towards the conflict bravely and settle the issue just as fast as its been started.
Valya is a special case, as her inherited domain lays in the direct middle of Fafka’s and Ororous’s: the domain of Devotion. It isn’t Love, therefore it cannot derive power from the union of others or familial bonds or similar things like Fafka. Nor is it War, who’s power draws from the conflict of others and the like, just as Ororous does.  No, Valya’s power comes from herself and those like her; Devotion, after all, is a broad existence. Devotion is a dedication towards accomplishing a goal, staying loyal and true to someone or something, even something so simple as bringing food to someone you care about because they depend on you. Broadness would make a Domain weaker, just as being too specific would as well... but Devotion is so prominent and present in everything one does, moreso than even the most common of Divine Domains.
And most terrifying... is its self-sustainability.
As long as Valya has devoted herself whole-heartedly to a task, there is almost nothing anyone can do to stop her. Even Fafka herself would struggle to convince her otherwise, and Ororous would find himself overwhelmed. In an incredible way... Valya’s power is Infinite.
Rootmeg is Fafka’s tallest, most benevolent child. Ramliel is a quick-witted, resourceful child. The twins, Yuria and Talise, are easily the smartest of their half-siblings.
But Valya?
Valya is the strongest. The strongest among her siblings. The strongest among the Gods.
The Strongest.
And she’s got something to prove.
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bcnezone · 3 years
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Yuria & Talise, twin daughters of Kiyoko.
Raising a child is a very long and difficult task, one of the hardest things any surviving creature must endure, but it's equally as rewarding. In one's hands, they possess the power to influence the future, to carry on or destroy the past, and to change the present, and it is all dependent on the responsibility and effort the parent puts towards the child's growth.
However, what can one do in a situation where neither parent is fully capable of even raising the child? If one is meant to attend visitors every day and enjoy their company, if their duties keep them too busy to spend proper time, if its not safe for them to be out and about in either parent's world- the list can go on.
It's shallow, and still not an ideal decision on the matter, but through Fafkaskiel's tower and her own power, a means for her children to properly grow up has been perfected as best as she could manage.
Through the ancient magic in both the tower and the dragon, a room outside Space and Time is created, a perfect veil in between realities where the only way to reach is through the doorway. Inside, magic accelerates the flow of time, to a point where a month outside could be a decade within.
To call it a simple room is misguiding by itself- its hardly a pocket in comparison to the vastness of reality itself, but its more than large enough for a growing half-dragon to explore and experience whatever they can in a seemingly infinite space like that.
Fafka, of course, isn't going to leave her children to develop inside, totally alone. On top of her servants tending to their needs, the Goddess has crafted each room to be as similar to the other parent's world as possible, placing within it inhabitants to simulate the people they may find there. The smoother the transition between the room and their future reality, the better.
She visits her children as well- she wouldn't be so cruel to keep them from knowing their parents- and should the other arrive to her tower, Fafka will be more than eager to bring them all together for however brief of a visit it may be.
... should an unfortunate situation ever arise where the rooms ARE invaded, or Fafka herself is in severe danger, any disruption to her wellbeing or the sanctitude of the rooms will leave it in a state of stasis; if Fafka does not reestablish this sanctity, the original inhabitants of the room will be vaulted into the world of their other parents- however, if that world is not stable or in safe condition, then... ... the room will permanently lock up, with little hope of saving whoever was within. A terrible fate, and the very last resort; perhaps they may be found after some time, but its incredible unlikely... Fafka would rather her children be lost to existence than to fall into the hands of something terrible, should things ever become so desperate...
This is all to lead into the Twins and their... abnormalities.
In an ideal environment like theirs, they would have the perfect space to grow and develop into proper adults before even leaving the room. They would have to perform their own duties to reap reward and better understand the life ahead of them. While a little assistance would be necessary, given the servants inside caring for them as they grew, it would be on them to cultivate their own life, just as many of their half-siblings had done.
... however, Among the many qualities the two had inherited was intelligence. Not just simple brains or the like- these two, together, complimented each other's strengths so well, they had found a way to game the system within the room. When Fafka had first arrived to check in and see their development, she was surprised to find her craftsmanship had been warped to the twin's desires and wants- a feat that should have been almost impossible at their age.
There was a great deal of reprimanding due for abusing their power and authority in such a way, but she still found herself feeling more impressed rather than outraged that her own children were such prodigies. The level of intellect one would need was far into the subject on an expert level, and here were two eight year olds manipulating space-time-reality to get out of doing chores and commanding her servants to spoil them... their powers had to have been involved in some manner, but the rest was simply natural.
Inherited from their mother is their divine dominion over the domain of Love- specifically, Emotion. Both are very highly attuned empaths who can peer deeply into one's very soul for something as simple as their current mood, or something as complicated as their future wellbeing due to an event that will happen down the line.
Where Yuria specializes in Warm emotions (feelings of Passion and Spontaneity), Talise is most attuned to Cool emotions (sensations of Serenity and Stillness)- with their combined efforts, they can easily manipulate and invoke the exact reactions they're looking for in people... except, however, their family, who are seemingly immune to this ability, excluding their half-siblings.
Together, they're a troublesome duo who often take the easy way out of situations if they can, choosing to avoid struggle if they see it as needless or tedious. Lessons, Fafka understood, that would have to be learned in the real world- as soon as they were old enough, the goddess cast both to Kiyoko's world, hoping that under the watchful eye and care of their other mother, they might shed their immaturity and laziness, and grow into proper young women.
... and, hopefully, not cause Kiyoko too much grief.
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bcnezone · 2 years
“... I guess I should’ve expected that answer...”
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bcnezone · 2 years
“I wish they didn’t fight...”
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