#🌱 headcanon ➤ celebi.
gardenofgods-a · 4 years
It was a beautiful summer day today, and Celebi intended on capitalizing on that by paying a visit to his friends in Ecruteak. He bounced along the path to the small town, flowers and grasses sprouting up from the soil with every step. The sunshine felt good on his skin, and the sky was such a deep blue he felt as if he could fall up into it.
Celebi saw the tops of Bell and Brass Tower looming over the horizon as he continued down the dirt path. It took him another few minutes before he reached the town, waving to the people who were out and about on such a nice day.
As he neared the towers, however, his head began to pound, and he felt himself being pulled. It’d been a bit since he last had a vision, and the fact this one came on so suddenly surprised him. He sat down on the ground and held his head in his hands, eyes beginning to glow as the scene before him shifted and changed wildly.
The once blue skies were heavily clouded over, full of the darkest clouds he’d ever seen in his life. A bolt of lightning cut through the heavens and down to the ground below, narrowly missing Bell Tower. The strike that came after the first, however, hit the top of Brass Tower. The old wood instantly went up in flames, and he could hear screaming and shouting from the people in town.
Black smoke billowed out from the top, and those inside Brass Tower were rushing out, some coughing and wheezing as they did so. The fire was spreading fast. The upper half was already consumed in flames, and a crowd had gathered a distance away. People were murmuring to each other, some were even in tears.
The noise of shouting filled his ears as he saw someone getting pulled out by several men, burns and soot covering their figure. It took him a moment, before terror gripped him. That was Lugia. The crowd around them grew uneasy as he shouted about how there were still children inside, begging and pleading. There was nothing that could be done, however. The fire was too intense for anyone else to even get close. A loud creak and a groan filled the town as wooden support beams came crashing down, followed by the mighty walls of Brass Tower. It was falling apart.
Celebi gripped the sides of his head tight and shut his eyes, tears spilling down his face. He didn’t want to see anymore. He didn’t want to be here anymore, but he couldn’t pull himself out of his vision. He never could.
The sky above them opened up as rain began to come down relentlessly, the fire licking up the sides of the tower hissing as it was snuffed out by the sheets of rain. Maybe there was a chance Lugia’s kids survived. Maybe none of the falling debris hit them. Maybe, just maybe, the rain fell in time and they were spared. Please, please god let them be spared.
A shrill cry filled the air as Ho-Oh descended through the clouds, his radiance enough to make the stormy day seem like a sunny one. Celebi looked at the other legendary, and he saw nothing but anguish in his iridescent eyes.
In a single moment, it felt as if he’d had the wind knocked out of him and a bucket of ice water poured over him at the same time. No, Lugia’s kids weren’t inside the tower. His children weren’t the ones he was shouting about, begging someone to save.
It was Ho-Oh’s.
“Stop! STOP!” He’d shout, hitting his temples. No one could hear him but himself. “Oh god, oh god, please-” The mighty fire-type perched on the wreckage of the tower, shimmering and glowing unlike Celebi had ever seen. The rain came to a slow halt and sunbeams pierced through the clouds, one of which landed on the smoldering foundation of Brass Tower.
Three charred bodies were lifted from the rubble, glowing with the same intensity as Ho-Oh. Celebi almost missed what happened entirely, but in an instant, the three were brought back from death, as if they’d never been touched by the fire at all. To anyone else, it may have seemed as if Ho-Oh rewound time itself, bringing his children to the state they were in before the fire. That wasn’t it. He took them back from death itself, reviving them and bringing them back to life.
Ho-Oh soon slumped slightly, on the brink of unconsciousness after using so much power. Celebi could hardly believe what he just saw, and it seems the townspeople were just as shocked. There was nothing but silence in the area for a moment, until an angry shout shook Celebi from his stupor. Someone had thrown a rock up towards the newly revived trio, followed by another person doing the same thing. Why? Why were they doing that? Celebi found himself moving towards the crowd, standing in front of them.
“What are you-” He’d stop as a rock passed through him. Right, he was in his vision. There was nothing he could do. The trio didn’t take kindly to the abuse, and the three of them leapt off of the tower and scattered in different directions.
Bright sunlight filtered back into his vision, and warmth settled onto his skin again. Celebi crawled over to some bushes and threw up the moment he got control over himself, wiping his mouth with the back of his sleeve.
He hated this power of his. It burdened him with knowledge of the future, and he knew he wasn’t allowed to speak of it to anyone but his father. He couldn’t warn Ho-Oh or his kids about what was to come, and he couldn’t warn Lugia either.
Hands balled into fists as he pressed them into his eyes, letting out a shuddering breath. Celebi couldn’t even face them knowing what he knew now. They were doomed. All of them were.
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gardenofgods-a · 4 years
When they were younger, Suicune used to be a lot taller than Celebi. She was the one who would get all the things off the top shelves and high up places for him. He had a small growth spurt, but it was enough to grow taller than Suicune by a solid four inches. She is not happy about this still, considering she’d poke fun at him from time to time about his height, and now she’s the one who needs his help sometimes when it comes to reaching high up items.
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gardenofgods-a · 4 years
the pokemon of ilex forest are very sensitive to celebi’s presence and are protective over him. without being aura sensitive, they just kind of.... know when he’s in the forest, and where he is. those who do go to ilex forest and stray too far off the path may find themselves face to face with some angry pokemon, and forcibly moved back onto the main path of the forest.... or they may find themselves lost and wandering through the brush for a long, long time.
celebi chose ilex forest as his home following the kanto-johto war, finding it to be a safe haven where people couldn’t hurt and abuse him for his power anymore. the canopy of trees above are so thick and intertwined, that the forest itself almost seems to be in perpetual night. hardly any light reaches the bottom, making way for low light plants and fungi to grow, some of which actually glow in the darkness. there are some paper lanterns kept by his shrine, allowing people to see somewhat for when they pray/leave an offering behind.
those who do usually pray or leave something may feel as if theyre being watched by the forest itself as they trek along, kept safe by forces unknown.
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gardenofgods-a · 4 years
beyond the fact that he doesn’t want to be a bother, one of the reasons why celebi always declines ho oh’s offers of food/him sleeping inside is because he just cant really bring himself to face ho oh without feeling guilt. even if there wasn’t anything celebi could have done, he still just feels... awful about it. celebi did try to be there for ho oh after the incident, but his clairvoyance kept showing him all these terrible things that would happen with ho oh, to the point where celebi needed space before he actually lost his fucking mind.... which made him feel worse because he KNEW he shouldn’t be leaving ho oh alone but. everything was a mess and he just wanted to escape for a while. it got bad enough for him to the point where he skipped across timelines, finding timelines where instead of ho oh’s kids dying, it was lugia’s, finding timelines where lugia died instead, finding timelines where the tower burning didn’t even happen.
this incident was something he was caught up in for years and he still isn’t fully over it. there’s still times in the present where he’ll skip across timelines, back to the one where the tower never burned, just because of how different things are. how much happier they are. he is glad that the broken pieces from the aftermath are starting to be picked up and put back together, but it still hurts him deeply that it all happened. he still hasn’t told anyone that he saw it coming. he’s terrified to do so.
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gardenofgods-a · 5 years
honestly? people in the past absolutely tried to snatch celebi for his power. he could see events in the future, so people revered him as a fortune teller of sorts. they thought he could see their future and the future in general and give them great fortune because of it. this is part of the reason why he’s hidden out in ilex forest for so long. the forest is very dark, and the trees and bushes provide a lot of hiding places for him. some people treat celebi with respect, leaving offerings for him, but others are greedy and only want him to show them a future of fortune.
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gardenofgods-a · 5 years
despite ho oh telling celebi multiple times that he can sleep inside the house, celebi still takes to his forest (or underneath ho oh’s porch) to sleep. he feels bad imposing, and he’d rather just stay outside and not be a bother to anyone.
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gardenofgods-a · 5 years
celebi does still have the kendama. he still sucks when it comes to using it tho
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gardenofgods-a · 5 years
i like to imagine a lot of the things celebi sees and has seen with his clairvoyance have kind of left a weighing impression on him. like he foresaw the tower burning down, but doing something to prevent that would be messing with the flow of time overall, and the intended timeline. so he has to just sit back with this knowledge of what’s to come, and can only brace himself when it happens. he knew lugia’s tower was going to burn down, and he knew that the beast trio were going to die. he basically had to sit back and do nothing and let his friends die, because if he stopped them from going into the tower, that would change the entire timeline and shift it. he’s basically just cursed with knowledge, and he can’t do anything about it.
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gardenofgods-a · 5 years
many people passing through ilex forest that are familiar with celebi will leave little offerings there. these range from food (rice balls, dango, dumplings, berries, and even candy), to coins, and even hand written notes. most people who pass through pray to celebi for protection as they travel through the forest, as celebi is said to protect the forest from evil spirits, and that the shrine itself is good luck. 
celebi often leaves the coins behind, as he’d feel bad for taking money, but he eats the food and reads the notes people leave. he’s very grateful towards those who take the time to stop at his shrine and pray or make an offering.
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gardenofgods-a · 5 years
celebi’s iq is a tad bit low for a psychic. while deoxys has an iq of 240, and jirachi has an iq of 220, celebi’s iq is only 200. while deoxys/jirachi can solve complex equations in seconds and do high level math in their head, celebi takes a moment before he can come up with an answer.
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gardenofgods-a · 5 years
anyways the most celebi can lift with his mind is 100 pounds/45.3 kg. most psychics can lift several tons with their minds alone, but celebi can’t even lift a grown man
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gardenofgods-a · 5 years
now i can finally make this hc but suicune absolutely destroys celebi at smash ultimate every time they play. it’s not even a fair fight. celebi has clairvoyance and he still gets thrashed every single time
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gardenofgods-a · 5 years
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