#đŸŒ· .alya cesaire
blessedfatui · 2 years
For a Marinette salt request, Marinette being transphobic when it comes to Adrien coming out as a trans girl because that’s not part of the perfect picture and imagery in her head she has for “him”, so she still views him as a boy and and is trying to kinda force being a boy down his throat while the rest of the class slowly realizes that Marinette is pushing her “crush” onto this situation and it isn’t even a crush if she can’t love Adrien for who she is, and at the end Adrien or whatever her new name is (maybe Anya? It’s short for Anastasia which means rebirth) is with Kagami happily and just Marinette doesn’t compute and the class snaps. Perhaps it’s viewed in the perspective of Rose or Juleka, one of the “girl friends” of Marinette and also someone who is close to Adrien. If you aren’t comfortable with this that’s fine, I’ve noticed you’ve written Adrien as Bigender in a few of your fics so yeah. Also it would highlight how Marinette views Adrien in one way.
“I can’t believe you! You’re no better than Marinette! I can’t believe this! I can’t believe I loved you at one point!”
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✐ AUTHOR’S NOTES: thank you anon for this request! it was therapeutic to write and lordie, i had to stop for a while lmfao
TW: transphobia, deadnaming, misgendering, idolizing + idolization, stalking, harassment, violence (one time), glorification, marinette salt, ladybug salt
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Rose had been noticing how different Marinette had been since their classmate recently came out, announcing proudly how she was planning to transition and would prefer to be called Anastasia (or Anya for short if they couldn’t remember). The class was super accepting, telling their friend that they would happily support their decision and accepted her for who she is.
Well, everyone except for Marinette.
The poor blonde girl couldn’t put her finger on it, but there was a certain look in Marinette’s eyes when Anya made her announcement about her gender identity. Rose knew how much Marinette was in love with Adrien but Adrien has always been Anastasia; she was just more comfortable to finally tell the class who she really was, but Marinette looked displeased. She didn’t even offer a congratulations, but just sat there in silence at her desk, grumbling underneath her breath.
Rose wanted to tell the other girls but she didn’t want to make any assumptions. Maybe Marinette was just having a bad day and needed some time to herself. Oh, maybe Rose could stop by the bakery later and drop off some treats her mom picked up from her business trip. Perhaps that would cheer up Marinette and Rose could figure out what was wrong with her friend.
Again, she congratulated Anya, telling her how happy she was that Anya was willing to come out to them. Rose even hugged Anya, saying that if she needed supplies, she would be more than happy to supply them for her friend.
“Thank you, Rose. I’ll keep that in mind,” Anya said with a grin.
“No problem, Anya!” Rose giggled, rocking on the balls of her heels, swinging her arms behind her. “Call me if you need anything. I don’t care what time of day it is.”
Anya grinned, pulling Rose in for another hug. “Oh, you have no idea how much it means to me to hear that. Thank you so much,” she said again.
Rose rubbed her back, embracing her friend until pulling away with a goofy grin. “No problem!” Rose hummed before returning back to her seat. Thankfully, Miss Bustier wasn’t there yet, so the students had time to socialize and congratulate Anya for coming out to them. Being a part of the trans spectrum herself, Rose was bursting at the seams, finally having someone else to talk to about trans issues (she was agender herself but liked presenting feminine most days and binding her chest down whenever she felt dysphoric).
She walked with a spring in her step, passing Marinette’s seat as she climbed the stairs. Rose swore that she could see Marinette frowning, but she didn’t want to make an assumption. It was still early and Rose knew that Marinette had a terrible sleeping schedule. She could offer Marinette some tea to help her wake up? Does Marinette even like tea?
Well, the idea didn’t seem too bad. Rose made a note to offer Marinette some tea at lunch. Delighted with her decision, she settled in her seat, pulling out her school tablet and last night’s homework.
Marinette was just having a rough morning. That’s all Rose could think of as Miss Bustier waltzed into the room with a delightful town. When Miss Bustier thanked Anya for telling her about the change, Rose thought she was mishearing things when Marinette let out a quiet grunt. Perhaps she was just clearing out her throat?
Yeah, Rose was just hearing things. Everything would be just fine.
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When Anya started dating Kagami, Marinette called up all the girls to discuss how to break them up. Alix went begrudgingly, groaning as she got herself comfortable against the chaise. She was hardly paying attention, fidgeting with her pocket watch while she listened to Marinette ramble about how Kagami didn’t deserve Adrien.
“It’s Anya,” Alix absentmindedly corrected, looking up from her lap. “She told us that a month ago, Marinette.”
Marinette lowered her head, taking a deep breath in. “I know that. It’s still taking me time to get used to it,” she said before going back to her chart, explaining Adrien’s schedule and how the girls could help her get closer to Adrien.
Alix frowned, looking over at Rose and then back at the long schedule. Marinette had done it again, using the wrong pronouns and name for Anya again. This had been a recurring theme for the past month, always having to correct Marinette when she used Anastasia’s dead name and the wrong pronouns. Everyone—especially Anya—has been patient with Marinette, telling her that it was okay but she needed to try and learn Anya’s correct name.
Something about that excuse just rubbed Alix the wrong way. Marinette always looked so annoyed whenever they tried to correct her. Like she wanted to say something back but never had the courage to reply. It had already been a month and everyone in class was using Anya’s name and correct pronouns—hell, Chloe was the one who enforced it all the time, threatening to have them expelled if they kept dead naming and misgendering Anya (Anya had to step in and tell Chloe not to be so extreme but thanked her for the effort).
It was just infuriating to Alix. She had been questioning her own identity for a while now and was going to talk to Anya and Rose about it, but hearing Marinette disregard how Anya wanted to be addressed by her name made her stomach twist. If she didn’t care about how Anya felt and identified, would Marinette even care about how Alix felt? She thought Marinette would be one of Anya’s biggest supporter since she was clearly head over heels for the girl—it was nearing the obsessive stage, but Marinette would never listen to her concerns—but it was almost like Marinette was still clinging to the false narrative that Adrien was the pinnacle of perfection.
Did Marinette still see Anya as that perfect boy that could do no wrong in her eyes? Did Marinette even care about how Anya felt?
Alix frowned, picking up her bag and slinging it over her shoulder. She looked over at Rose, who nodded, before heading for the trap door. “I gotta go, y’all. I promised my dad that I will help him set up an exhibit at the museum. Text me if y’all make any plans,” she mumbled, heading downstairs.
“I’ll text you later,” Rose called after, waving at her friend as the other girls said their goodbyes.
Once the trap door was shut, Alix let out a sigh, pinching the bridge of her nose. She didn’t want to be a bitch, but Marinette had been annoying her for the last few months. Alix could understand why the others didn’t speak up—Marinette would snap at them, saying that she did say Anya’s name and they were just hearing her wrong—but it was getting ridiculous at this point.
Maybe Alix should separate herself  from the group. Just until Marinette got her act together or the others were willing to speak up and continuously correct Marinette’s behavior.
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Alya loved Marinette—thought of her as a sister even. She was always willing to support Marinette and her crazy ideas, even going along to help Marinette bag a date with Anya when she was still single. Granted, she went about it the wrong way and was far too pushy with her grand schemes, Alya realized that Marinette’s love was so much worse than what she originally thought. It wasn’t even classified as love anymore but rather an unhealthy obsession—dare she say an addiction?
The way Marinette praised Adrien, gushing over her and saying how no one else could know the model like she does. Repeating Anya’s deadname like a mantra on the tip of her tongue with that dazed look in her eyes. How she swooned and fawned over Adrien made Alya’s skin crawl; even when she was corrected over and over again by Alix, Marinette had her excuse at hand to justify her little slip-up.
It should have been a warning to Marinette when Alix and Rose stopped showing up at her house. It should have made Marinette open up her eyes when Juleka and Mylene grew more irritated with these constant slips and that burning looks in their narrowed eyes. Hell, Alya had tried to help Marinette, trying to guide her with a gentle hand, but her efforts were all in vain.
Alya sighed, taking off her glasses and massaging her temples. This was becoming a big issue—Marinette’s unhealthy standards and attachment issues were just spiraling out of control. Just the other day, Alya swore she saw Marinette digging through the trash, giggling with utter joy when she got her hands on whatever Anya tossed out. It was just unsettling and Alya could only watch around the corner with horrified eyes.
She didn’t know how to tell Marinette that she needed to seek therapy. Alya didn’t want to believe that her best friend was that attached, but she couldn’t be associated with someone who openly and willingly disrespected someone’s gender identity. Marinette had no excuse to misgender and deadname Anya if she truly cared for her; if Marinette was truly in love with Anya, she would respect her wishes and respect her identity.
Shutting off the computer, Alya wheeled her chair to the other side of the room, kicking off her shoes and socks before sighing. Now, how was she going to confront Marinette without her going ballistic? Everyone knew that Marinette could get rather defensive when she thought she was right and Alya certainly didn’t want the situation to escalate any further; she just needed to firmly tell Marinette that she needed to respect Anya’s wishes and her boundaries.
That’s all. Oh, and to stop putting that poor girl on a pedestal and harassing any girl who likes Anya.
Yes, it has gotten worse with time. Even when Marinette was dating Luka to get over Anya, she still rambled and swooned about the girl, saying that no one could possibly understand Adrien like she did and how they were going to get married, have a hamster with three kids—two boys and one girl—and live happily ever after. It was a nightmare to hear about and the more Marinette babbled on about it, the more disturbed Alya became with her friend’s actions.
She called up Alix, bouncing her leg as she listened to the dial tone ringing on the other end. Alya let out the breath she was holding when Alix finally picked up the phone. “Alix, are you free to talk?”
“Mm, yeah. What’s up?” they answered, followed by a yawn.
“I’m going to confront Marinette about her behavior,” Alya said, pausing to take a breath in and setting her bottom lip. “She’s been getting worse. I have to correct her more and she snaps when I say that she should move on if she really loves Anya.”
There was a pause before Alix cried out, “Oh, thank fuck you noticed. I was worried I would have to drop you as a friend. The others and I stopped coming over because Marinette was getting too creepy—even Rose was freaked out.”
“Hey!” Came Rose’s voice from the background.
“Are—are they all there with you?” Alya questioned, raising an eyebrow.
“Yeah—we’re all here,” Alix mumbled. “And before you get mad and ask why we didn’t invite you, we weren’t sure if you were still friends with Marinette. Better safe than sorry, ya know?”
Alya didn’t blame them for not inviting her over. She had been talking to Marinette still—even if it was mostly arguing and correcting her over and over again—and that must have made the group all uncomfortable. It was well within their right to not invite her over when she was still associated with Marinette—if anything, Alya would feel bad if they had invited her over when she was still talking to Marinette.
Shaking off the thought, Alya cleared her throat. “Well, I’m going to talk to her about it tomorrow.”
“You want us to come with you?” Juleka mumbled.
“Yeah. I think that would be a good idea,” Alya smiled, swinging her legs back and forth. “After school tomorrow in the park. Let’s hope she doesn’t flip.”
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The girls had all gathered in the park, telling Marinette that they needed to talk to her. Of course, Marinette had been a little nervous, feeling the uneasy tension that settled between the group as they sat on the bench. Did—did she do something wrong? She hadn’t seen Alix in quite some time—she saw the skater during lunch and in classes, but never outside of school anymore—and the others had been growing distant as well.
It made her heart clench.
Alya was the first to speak up, taking Marinette’s hand and giving it a squeeze. “Marinette, I want you to listen to me: I’m saying this as a friend and because I really care about you,” she started, releasing her hand and patting the bench. “I don’t want you to take this the wrong way; I just want to help you.please understand that—we all just want to help.”
“I—Alya? What is this all about?” Marinette asked, wetting her bottom lip before looking over at her other friends. They shared the same look and it made her stomach clench—something just felt wrong . “I don’t understand. Have I done something wrong? What’s going on?”
The girls shared a look before Alix decided to speak up. “To be blunt: your obsession with Anya is gross. I mean, having her entire schedule and trying to break her and Kagami up is a low blow—even for you,” she stated.
“That and the fact that you use her deadname and default to he/him,” Juleka quipped.
“I—it's going to take me a bit to get used to. We talked about this,” Marinette gasped.
Mylene frowned, tugging on the sleeves of her jacket. “It’s been months, Marinette. How much longer do you need? Everyone else has adjusted just fine—everyone but you,” she voiced. “And when we correct you, you get mad at us.”
“Because I’m still trying and still learning! It’s hard to relearn it all; it’s all too much for me right now. It’s not fair that you expect me to pick it up in a day,” Marinette snapped.
“No one is saying you need to learn it in a day—the common courtesy would be to make an attempt and correct yourself,” Rose answered. “But you don’t even correct yourself and we want to help. This hurts Anya a lot more than it hurts you. She was finally comfortable coming out to us. Do you know how much it hurts Anya to hear you use her deadname? Don’t you love her?”
Of course, Marinette loved Adrien. There was no else in the world like him; he was dreamy and radiant. The sheer thought of him had her swooning and ditzy; all dizzy with love and envisioning a future where they would live happily ever after and have the dream life Marinette always wanted. She wanted to be the perfect bride for him, walking down the aisle in her pretty dress to see her darling husband standing at the altar, waiting for Marinette in his crisp tuxedo.
It’s all she could possibly think of.
“Of course, I do. Adrien— Anya knows that I’m trying and he—she—knows that it’ll take me a bit longer,” Marinette argued.
“Marinette, it’s been months. You’ve known this and you still resort back to her deadname and pronouns; you just did it again. Whatever image you have of Anya isn’t the true version; Anya was never Adrien,” Alya yelled, grabbing Marinette by the shoulders. “Wake up already! You are hurting the person you claim to care about!”
Marinette snapped, pushing Alya away from her. “He doesn’t care! He tells me that it’s fine and that he understands! You all want to act all high and mighty—did you even ask Adrien, huh? You think you can just speak for him now?” she screamed.
How dare they all accuse her of being hateful and inconsiderate. Adrien meant everything to Marinette; he was the perfect being in her eyes and he could never do wrong. If it truly bothered Adrien , he would have corrected her more often. The girls didn’t know what they were talking about; everything was simply fine. They were just projecting—looking for an excuse to take their anger out on Marinette.
There was a moment of silence. The girls looked at Marinette and Marinette looked at her former friends. Their emotions ranged from disgust to hurt, but Marinette didn’t care; truthfully, she didn’t give a damn about how they felt. They were speaking for Adrien—speaking for him like he didn’t have his voice and wanted to claim that she was obsessed with him. How utterly ridiculous was that; her being obsessed with Adrien. They couldn’t comprehend just how much love she felt for her one and only, that was all.
Rose broke the silence, her voice wavering as she fought back the urge to break down and sob. “If you can’t respect Anya and can’t understand that we’re trying to help you, then fine,” she stated, removing the friendship bracelet they made months again, forcing the jewelry into Marinette’s hand. “Then I don’t want to be your friend anymore. You’re not just hurting Anya but you’re hurting me too, Marinette. If you can’t respect Anya, you won’t respect me either.”
The others followed suit, removing their bracelets and tossing them to Marinette, voicing how they didn’t want to be friends with a bigot. The real slap in the face was when Alya handed back the bracelet and then handed Marinette back the matching phone charm they picked out together.
“When you can stop being a horrible person and respect who Anya is, maybe we’ll talk again. Right now, I don’t want to be around you, Marinette,” Alya said, being confident in her decision. She didn’t even hug her ex-best friend or even say goodbye as the girls decided to leave.
Marinette didn’t care. Fine, if they wanted to play that game, she would gladly accept their challenge. She didn’t need them. She would be perfectly fine without them and she could pursue Adrien all on her own.
Why did they even care what name she used? Adrien never had a problem with it and Marinette knew that it wasn’t hurting him . Goodness, he was just so perfect—Marinette’s dream boy; her one and only. He was so perfect and yet so blind to her affections—Kagami must have manipulated him once again. Well, she would get Adrien back to his normal self once she split the two apart.
With a grin, Marinette checked the schedule she had saved on her phone. “Perfect. Adrien should be on his way to his next photoshoot. It’s near the Eiffel Tower,” she hummed, tucking her phone in her pocket and letting Tikki out of her purse.
“Marinette, you’re out of control! All this because you can’t accept the fact that Anya isn’t the boy you fell in love with?” The red goddess asked with a frown. “You need to respect how Anya feels and that she’s happy with Kagami. You know using the miraculous for selfish purposes isn’t okay.”
“I’m prepared to do anything to have Adrien. Don’t you see, Tikki? Kagami is the one brainwashing him. My Adrien would never do something like this,” Marinette huffed. She wasn’t going to get lectured by some insect about what was right and wrong; Marinette knew she was in the right.
“Tikki, spots on!”
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Anya posed for the camera, flaunting her body with each snap. She teased and flirted, blowing kisses as Kagami clapped and cheered her on from the sides. “You’re doing great, babe,” Kagami praised, allowing herself to smile.
It warmed Anastasia’s heart to hear her girlfriend praise her. It was even better when her father had allowed her to begin her transition—sure, it was mostly because it would make the company look good if they included more trans models, but it was still a start—and tailored clothes to her tastes. The form-fitting dress hugged Anya’s curves nicely and the fabric was smooth against bare skin (she didn’t think she would need bras considering how small her chest is).
Chloe was even there, scrolling on her phone but taking a few (not-so) secret photos of Anya. It made the blonde girl before she asked Victor for a break. When it was granted, Anya waltzed over to her friend and girlfriend, giving Kagami a quick peck on the lips with a giggle.
“Gross. Why don’t you two get a room?” Chloe groaned, rolling her eyes.
“Oh, don’t complain, Chlo. Didn’t you make out with your girlfriend yesterday?” Anya teased.
Her cheeks burned red before she playfully punched Adrien in the arm. “That was supposed to be private! P-Plus, I didn’t make out in front of a camera like you! Dork!” Chloe exclaimed, going back to tapping away on her phone.
The couple laughed, teasing Chloe as she burned hot from their little jokes. Anya loved spending time with both Kagami and Chloe—her girlfriends, she liked to call them. It felt good to finally be included, to be able to call her closest friends her girlfriends and finally be free to wear all the pretty clothes she wanted and wear her hair in large space buns.
To pester Chloe for the newest makeup trends and steal her lipstick when she wasn’t looking. Finally able to model on those pretty dresses her father had tucked away in the closet and try on her late mother's clothing. Anya was just so happy to finally love her true life and everyone was there to support her decision.
Well, everyone but Marinette.
Anya didn’t understand it. It had been several months and Marinette still couldn’t get her name right and it bothered Anya. She had tried gentle reminders, the name pins, the pronoun buttons—nothing seemed to work. Even when Miss Bustier suggested an activity to learn everyone’s pronouns, Marinette only struggled with Anya’s, resorting to her deadname before moving on to everyone else’s. It was painful and Anya didn’t know what to do anymore.
Chloe wanted to give Marinette a piece of her mind, but Anya told her that it wouldn’t solve anything. Goodness, Kagami didn’t even know, but that was for the best. Kagami already didn’t like Marinette and she was just itching for a reason to snap at the naked. Anya didn’t want to deal with that drama so she just let it go.
She stopped correcting Marinette, forcing a smile whenever Marinette said Adrien instead of Anya. Grinned when Marinette used he or him instead of she and her. It was fine, it was going to be fine. This wasn’t going to hurt her at all. She had dealt with akumas and an emotionally absent father, so this was nothing compared to all of that.
But it wasn’t fine. It was so painful and Anya couldn’t help but cry herself to sleep. She just wanted her friends to accept her and yet, Marinette couldn’t even accept the fact that she was a girl. Couldn’t accept the fact that Adrien had never been Adrien—she’s always been Anya and she felt so proud to finally reveal that piece of sensitive information to her friends. Perhaps she was foolish for thinking everyone would welcome her with open arms.
God, that horrible name. She cringed, face twisting as she turned around. Marinette was running in, panting and wheezing, while Chloe looked like she was going to kill the baker—Kagami too. Jesus, if this day couldn’t get any worse.
“What the hell did you just say?” Chloe spoke up, stepping in between Anya and Marinette, narrowing her eyes. When Marinette didn’t give an answer, Chloe jabbed her nail into Marinette’s chest and hissed, “I asked you a question, Dupain-Cheng. What the hell did you just say to Anya?”
Marinette gripped the present, clenching her jaw. “I don’t have to listen to you, Chloe,” she spat back, trying to push her way past the blonde. “I’m here to talk to Adrien—”
Kagami’s fist shot out, socking Marinette right in the nose. The baker let out a scream, falling back and dropping her present while Anya had to hold back her girlfriend. “I did warn everyone that I punch transphobes. Your schoolmate isn’t exempt from my rules,” Kagami coolly explained, frowning when she looked at her knuckle. “I think I got blood on my hand.”
“I wish I caught that on camera,” Chloe sighed.
“Enough, both of you,” Anya scolded, helping Marinette up to her and offering her a tissue. “Um, can I help you?”
Marinette nodded, holding her bloodied nose. “Yeah, uh, I wanted to give you this,” she muttered, shoving the box into Anya’s hands. “I really care about you and want you to know that.”
Anya wetted her bottom lip, looking down at the box and then back at Marinette. She wanted to believe her friend—wanted to believe that Marinette really cared about her, but her heart said otherwise. If Marinette truly cared about her, then why did Marinette use the wrong name and pronouns? Didn’t she know how much that hurts? To not be seen as your true self but as a lie?
Tears burned in the back of her eyes before she shoved the gift back into Marinette’s hands. “Thank you, but I can’t accept this from you. It was very thoughtful but no,” Anya quietly said.
“I—why not? Did I do something wrong, Adrien—”
“Anya. Marinette, it’s been months and you still can’t use my name,” she snapped, allowing herself to cry. “I don’t understand why you hate me so much. I’ve been patient with you, damn it. I’ve told you over and over again to use Anya or Anastasia. Why do you keep using that name? What did I do to hurt you?”
Marinette was quiet, squeezing the box. “I’m—it’s hard for me, okay? I still see you as
” she quietly trailed off.
“What? Still see me as a boy? Still see me as Adrien?” Anya asked, her voice growing louder and louder. She hated this—Anya hated every fucking moment of this. She just wanted to be treated with respect and have people accept her identity. This is who she always was and Marinette can’t seem to accept that—she only sees a stupid blonde boy who ran away awkwardly, trying to fit into society’s standards.
When Marinette didn’t say anything, Anya let out a laugh, backing away from Marinette. “You know what? If you can’t accept me for who I am, then we can’t be friends anymore,” Anya decided, returning the lucky charm Marinette made for her months again. “I’ve been kind and patient and you don’t care about me. You don’t care about how I feel.”
“I do care!” Marinette argued.
“Then why can’t you say my name, huh? Why can’t you respect my identity!?”
“Because I fell in love with Adrien! I fell in love with the most perfect boy in the world and he’s being brainwashed!” Marinette yelled, covering her mouth once she realized what she said. She looked at Chloe, Kagami, and then Anya as she started to back away. Kagami looked like she was going to punch Marinette again while Chloe had her phone pulled out to record whatever transpired.
Anya’s face was all red and blotchy. Tears stained her cheeks as she rubbed her eyes. “I see
” she quietly muttered, sniffling and clearing her throat.
“That’s not what I meant. I didn’t mean to say that—”
“I think I’m ready to go home now,” Anya said, her voice hoarse and straining. “Thank you for telling me the truth of how you feel, Marinette.”
The trio then left, but now without Chloe and Kagami giving Marinette dirty glares and ushering Anya out.
This wasn’t supposed to happen and knowing Chloe, everyone at school was going to find out. She was so fucked.
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The class was avoiding Marinette, discarding any gifts she had made for them, saying they didn’t want to be associated with transphobes. It was ridiculous; Marinette wasn’t being transphobic! She just had more trouble learning, so it would take her a bit longer to grasp Anya’s pronouns and name.
Tikki suggested that Marinette couldn’t let go of the image of Anya she had crafted before she came out but Marinette brushed off that theory. Adrien was still there; she felt it in her gut.
She let out a noise when she had to move to the back, begrudgingly moving her stuff to the last room and flinching when she saw all the dirty glares casted her way. Marinette blamed Chloe for all of this; stupid, blonde brat couldn’t keep her mouth shut if it would save her life. She probably twisted the words to make Marinette look like the bad guy—which she wasn’t.
Slumping in her seat, Marinette kept her arms folded across her chest as the lesson began. It was something about love and sacrifices, something Marinette didn’t care about. She needed to find a way to get back into Adrien’s good graces again; she couldn’t lose him to anyone else. She just knew that her darling boy was still there.
She chewed on her bottom lip, scrolling on her phone when Miss Bustier wasn’t paying attention. Stumbling upon the Ladyblog, Marinette grinned as the idea dawned on her. If Marinette couldn’t get close to Adrien, Ladybug could.
So now, she had a plan.
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After school, Ladybug swung to the Agreste manor, grinning when she saw Anya enter her room. The exterior had changed. The orange and black theme has been replaced with soft purples and whites; the foosball table had been discarded and opened much more space. The basketball hoop and the skating ramp remain in their rightful spaces, but musical posters were now plastered against the wall. It still seemed boyish but that didn’t matter to the super heroine.
She had a mission.
Tapping on the glass, Ladybug waved at Anya. “Hi! Mind letting me in?” she asked with a grin.
Anya pushed open the glass and Ladybug hopped in, clipping her yo-yo to her hip. She thanked Anya for letting her in and took a moment to catch her breath—ah, it smelled exactly like she thought Adrien would smell like. Clearing her throat, she turned to Adrien with her signature grin. “So, Adrien, I heard that—”
Not this crap again , Ladybug thought, cocking her head to the side and raising an eyebrow. “What?” she coyly asked.
“My name. Uh, I thought you would have known by now,” Anya said, scratching her neck while her face burned. “It was announced a couple months ago. I thought superheroes would be the first to know,” she muttered.
Ladybug brushed it off, waving her hand. “Yeah, uh, whatever! But that’s not what I’m here for!” They both took a seat on the edge of Anya’s bed and Ladybug bounced her leg. “Heard you got into a fight with your friend recently? It really hurt her, ya know?”
Anya frowned, gripping the hem of her skirt. “What about me? I’m hurt by this too. I’m hurt by what Marinette has done to me,” she whispered, bottom lip trembling.
Ladybug paused, patting Anya’s thigh. “Did you think about how she’s been trying? Maybe you got mad and didn’t hear her out?” she cooed.
“I did hear her out. She doesn’t care about how I feel; she made that clear,” Anya sobbed, squeezing her knuckles until they blossomed ghost white. “She—Marinette thinks I’m being brainwashed into thinking I’m a girl!”
Because you are, Ladybug thought but keeps the comment to herself. “Well, what if you are? What if this really isn’t you? What if—what if it’s just a phase? Maybe you’re just a feminine boy? There’s nothing wrong with that,” Ladybug suggested.
Anya went slack-jawed, mouth gaped open as she scoots away from Ladybug and stands up. “Are—are you serious right now? You think this is just a phase? You think I’m faking?” she gasped.
“Oh, no! I don’t think you’re faking, but I think you’re just confused is all!” Ladybug corrected, closing the gap between them. She gripped Anya’s shoulders, moving up to her face and squishing her plush cheeks. “Being able to finally go to school and meet new people. It must be so much for you and you’re being overwhelmed. You’re learning about new things and don’t know who you are so you’re grasping at whatever labels you think are right, but you don’t really know that.”
Ladybug knows she’s right. There was no way her darling would be a girl; he was dreamy and radiant. He was the perfect son and she was going to be the perfect wife for him. They would be perfect for each other and she was going to see her vision to the end. She needed to wake Adrien up and snap him out of this delusion.
“Get out.”
Ladybug blinked, removing her hands from her darling’s face. “What?”
“I said get out!” Anya yelled, shoving Ladybug away from her with venom coating her words and tears welling up in her eyes. “I can’t believe you! You’re no better than Marinette! I can’t believe this! I can’t believe I loved you at one point!”
Ladybug’s heart clenched, trying to reach out for Anya. “You
 you loved me?”
“More than anything! My God, I was an idiot for falling for you,” Anya laughed bitterly, holding her stomach as she just sobbed. It was a sad, gut-wrenching noise that made Ladybug flinch and back away from the blonde. Anya just wailed uncontrollably, pacing back and forth before sinking to their knees with their head pressed against the floor. “Just go. I don’t want to see your face again. Get out of my house,” she cried.
And Ladybug left with a heavy, sinking feeling in her heart. That was twice when she had lost her beloved and found out that her love had feelings for her. She had lost him to Kagami both occasions and it made her bitter and sad.
At least, it couldn’t get worse from here.
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She just should have kept her mouth shut. Ladybug was supposed to be luck—she was supposed to have good luck, but she had anything but that. It was ridiculous; Chat Noir has been cruel towards her, keeping her distance and saying she didn’t want to be partners with someone who casually disregarded someone’s gender identity.
Master Fu came to collect her miraculous, saying that he has chosen wrong and he is disappointed in Marinette for her actions. How she selfishly used her powers to get what she wanted and he would be selecting a new ladybug holder. He takes her best friend away without another word and Marinette is devastated.
She’s alone, forced to sit by herself while her ex-friends socialize amongst themselves. Kagami has her love—is living the life Marinette so desperately wanted. It wasn’t fair at all; Marinette did nothing wrong, yet she was the one who was all along.
Oh, Anya had cut all contact with her and Marinette’s dream to ever work for Gabriel was shattered. Gabriel made sure that Marinette would not be allowed anywhere near Anya, which meant she had to transfer classes as well.
She was a stranger in the other classes, unable to make contacts as news of her transphobia spread across the school. Marinette was an outcast and she despised it. She hated this sinking feeling in her stomach and those hateful glares whenever she walked the halls or entered a room. It felt humiliating and she just wanted to disappear—wanted the earth to swallow her whole and claim her existence.
There was no way she could come back from this now.
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