#🌸 \\ blood and cherry blossoms // (aesthetics)
sxs-a2 · 8 months
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@paririeofmxses asked: Menma: "....I swear I was looking for one of my jackets, you know the black one with spikes, have you seen it?" ➤ CONTINUED
The girl hides his jacket.
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🌸 → ❝ Um.....No? ❞
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daydreambts · 3 years
Seokjin gently chuckles at Cake's words, watching the feline nuzzle into the witch's stomach, who vaguely explains she's lost some of her familiars as well. The fox doesn't say anything for a moment. Severing a connection with a familiar is...quite painful, since they've been a companion and friend from the beginning. Seokjin tightens his grip on his teacup. Shimenawa and Tsuruno... Suddenly a strong gust of wind rushes through the shop, blowing his hair around. Heat soon follows. The fox's eyes widen at the side of the phoenix. Phoenix familiars are incredibly rare and difficult to tame. How did she...? Cake comes to guard him, knocking over his tea in the process. Seokjin hisses as the warm liquid lands on his lap, directly on top of his clothed center. Sakura comes to assist, although she hesitates because of the location of the spill. He's introduced to the phoenix, and how she won't be tying him to her. "I am simply a wizard with kitsune blood," he explains to Houki. "A powerful one, but I'm sure Sakura won't have much struggle next spring to summon another kitsune. There are many out in the world."
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“Don’t patronize me, I’m a phoenix thousands and thousand of years old; I’ve seen empires rise and fall, of course I won’t be bound to an ordinary witch,” Houki huffed at Seokjin, adamantly refusing to shrink her form below two meters, keeping herself just a little taller than him. I discreetly placed the dishtowel on his lap, feeling a blush warm my cheeks. “My familiars are rather lively… I’m sure you know what it’s like,” I murmured, catching Cake when she jumped in my arms. “Did you see Sakura, I protected Mr. Seokjin! Did I do well?” Cake purred, swiveling her grin from me to him. “You’re a noble soul,” I assured her with a kiss on top of her head. “Excuse me, chubby cat, this mister isn’t our friend, just your friend,” Haruhi clarified. To Houki, she said, “I don’t think we’d get along with him anyway if Sakura made him her familiar.” She was a wild mountain cherry blossom, headstrong and resolute. In a way, all of my familiars were the same way, and all of them being similar to me. Turning to Seokjin, I asked, “Would you like a change of clothes?” Cake pounced on the floor and scampered towards the stairs leading to the living quarters above the shop. “Let’s go, let’s go to Sakura’s room, Mr. Seokjin!” she chanted. “You ought to wait for a response,” I chided, following after her. “It’s not always this… chaotic, in this shop, but it’s rare that they’re allowed to show themselves to someone else, most of the clientele are ordinary humans after all, I suppose they're excited.” I explained to him. Upstairs was a modest flat, aesthetically furnished in blush pink and ivory, with a small kitchen, a bed and bath, and another flight of stairs leading to the rooftop garden. Cake was rolling in the traditional style bedroom and ran back to me, pawing at my skirt, wanting to be picked up.
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