#🌸 ┊ baeau .ᐟ
jaexverse · 11 months
・   ʿʿ 🌸   ⌁   @baeau   ⋆  ❛  running with the wolves / werewolf verse !
cw/tw: pups sparring/fighting
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CHILDREN’S LAUGHTER and the sound of sparring ring through the young Alpha’s ears, dark chocolate eyes locked on to the young pups training. Jimin stood coaching them, ending the spar if he deems it got too rough or they did good enough. Looking up his eyes catch sight of the long haired alpha off to the side, arms crossed over his chest as he observes the fighting between the young werewolves of the Crimson Moon Pack. 
“Alpha,” He’s greeting after a moment, tiny heads swiveling around to catch sight of the otherwise elusive leader of their pack. Excitement can be seen in their eyes, awe painted on their expression as the fairly large man steps forward to his main guard. His expression in stone, no emotion slipping from his carefully crafted mask he’d been wearing since he took over the pack—reigning with a strict hand but fairness and kindness. Nothing at all like the past Alpha.
“Jimin. What’s the report?” Jaesung's asking as soon as he makes it to the blonde’s side, the dark haired male glancing at the in-awe pups out of the corner of his eye. Noticing how they’d all ceased training, the elder male turns back to them, “Who told you to stop training because the Alpha is here? Get back to work,” He scolds, turning back to his close friend afterward and relaying the progress of each of the pups.
They’re children of all ages; down to the ages of seven and up, female and male. That’s another thing that had changed when the young Han took over; there’s now equality in gender. Males could work with the pack doctor, as previously they we’re ridiculed as it was a ‘female’s job’ and female’s could now be warriors in the pack. There were no set gender roles, women and men can do what they like without feeling looked down upon. And that’s how it should’ve been from the start, Jaesung thinks.
As Jimin is talking about one of the female pups, the loud voice of his Beta can be heard as he yells for the younger. Immediately Jaesung's heaving a sigh, body turning around to face the frantically running Kim Taehyung who only screeches to a halt when stood before the other two. Breathlessly, he’s bowing at the waist, lingering longer than usual to catch his breath before standing up straight and looking the raven haired male in the eyes. “Alpha,” he starts, sounding a little winded as he takes a couple deep breaths. 
“There’s a rumor going around that a member of the old Alpha’s family is in town.” He finally gets out. Jaesung's still for a moment, staring Taehyung down with hard, cold eyes before his eyebrow is raising and his jaw’s ticking in irritation.
“I see..”
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jaexverse · 11 months
・   ʿʿ 🌸   ⌁   @baeau   ⋆  ❛  strawberries & cigarettes / blind date verse !
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THIS IS NOT how Jaesung would have thought he'd spend his day off.
He’s standing across from a quaint café, staring up at the clear blue sky with gentle winds trying to muss up his neat mint hair that he’s got tucked behind his ear. Dark brown eyes flicker over the clouds before gradually falling to rest on the building, shoulders rising and dropping with a heavy sigh. For a moment he contemplates getting back on his motorcycle—even going as far as turning his head to face the said ride—but he’s taking the first hesitant step to cross the road, eyes darting from left to right before he’s jogging over to stand in front of the fairly cute meeting place. He even goes as far as tugging his phone out of the pocket of his tight black ripped skinny jeans, and unlocking it to read the message his dear friend Hoseok sent him.
Why the young male is so iffy about this particular meeting is, to put it simply, he was set up on a blind date. He knew nothing about the woman, simply that she apparently is friends with someone Hoseok knows and the two ultimately set them both up on a blind date. He hadn’t agreed, of course. It was pushed on him by Hoseok and then Jimin, who tried his damn hardest to convince the male that he needed to get out on a date. And, okay, fair. He can see where his friends are coming from as currently his life only comprises work, and maybe the odd outing with his group of friends. He hasn’t seen a woman in… maybe years at this point, but he’s also not too fussed about getting into a relationship.
Locking the device in his hand, he’s pushing it back into his jeans and standing up straighter with a soft exhale while fixing his leather jacket. He stands there for a one more moment, staring off into the window of the café before finally moving his boot-clad feet to the front door, pushing it open and ignoring the looks he got as he entered. He really doesn’t quite fit the vibe of the cute place, all dark and leather and not… bright like his current surroundings. Why had his friends chosen this location again? He grumbles under his breath, gaze darting around to look for any woman who may be sitting alone but in the end comes up empty.
So, instead he finds the closest empty table and sits down on the chair, slightly leaning back before taking his phone back out of his pocket to give Jimin his oh-so-wanted update; letting him know she hasn’t arrived yet and currently (in his words) ‘looks like an idiot sitting in this ridiculous coffee shop’. All he gets in reply are words of reassurance, but he simply reads the messages before setting it face down on the table and crossing his arms, directing his gaze to the shop's front window—thankful he had managed to snag a window seat.
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jaexverse · 11 months
・   ʿʿ 🌸   ⌁   @baeau   ⋆  ❛  play with fire / serial killer verse !
tw/cw: jaesung is a serial killer; blood, murder, dead bodies, weapons, violence, harsh language, ect. (it's a serial killer au, anything you can think of that's bad is a tw warning lmao)
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“PLEASE— L-Let me go-!” A females gasping, trembling voice begs. Blood covers her clothing and her face, courtesy of the male’s dead body lying before her. His eyes are wide; with fear or with surprised is unknown, but frankly, Jaesung doesn’t care. Killing that man was enough to cause him to go through an adrenaline rush. The blood on his skin causing his eyes to take on a crazy, sadistic glint as a mocking and malicious smile curls on her lips at the woman’s futile attempt to get him to break her free.
But, of course, that’s not about to happen.
Jaesung’s method of murder wasn’t exactly as fun or complicated as he was like. He’s merely using a knife, or, scratch that, two knives. He had been carrying around a switch blade with him and he’d used that to partly torture the now dead male but the killing blow really came from a knife pulled straight from the couples kitchen. And, of course, he’s no idiot. Before even breaking into his victims houses the young male had already had leather gloves covering his hands, effectively hiding any fingerprints from sight. After all.. It’s not his first rodeo.
For about a month now, he had been terrorizing one particular neighborhood. The confusion and mutters of worries as he walked by the people during the day did nothing but cause mirth to dance in his soul. Everyone was confused, extremely alert, and the serial killer in him fucking loved it.
“Let you go?” He scoffs, wiping the blood covering the shiny silver blade of the kitchen knife on the shirt of the woman's dead husband, or boyfriend, or whatever the fuck he was to her. “Why would I let you go and risk my freedom?” He muses out loud, which causes a loud sob to come from the woman as she realizes there truly is no way out for her. There’s no escape and she too, will end up like the mans cold, dead body before her and her to-be killer.
Jaesung stands up to his full height, dark eyes staring at the body cowering in the corner as she slowly stalks over to her—which only causes her to shake and tremble more violently as she gets more and more fearful. “Don’t you want to join your lover? It’d be a shame to be torn apart like that… especially from an outsider,” He chuckles darkly, the woman's cries getting louder and for a second he gets worried about the sound. He knows her neighborhood has been on high alert with police patrolling the area. “Shut the fuck up, bitch.” He hisses as he walks over to her quicker, roughly grabbing her chin and holding the sharp blade to her neck while he glares into her eyes.
“You’re being too loud!” He growls darkly, allowing himself to put pressure on the knife as he watches droplets of blood trail down the porcelain skin of her neck with sick amusement. But then comes the sound a sirens, and his head is snapping up to look towards the nearest window to him and his victim. “Fuck!” He exclaims under his breath, head snapping back to the woman as rage glows in his eyes. “Do you see what you fucking did you loud mouthed bitch?” He asks scarily calm, and the woman's eyes grow wider in panic as she registers just what's coming her way.
Then, without another word, the knife is cutting through her neck and a river of blood is flowing out of the opened wound onto her clothing. But he doesn’t stop there. With anger coursing through his veins, he’s stabbing her in her chest and stomach over, and over, and over again. Ideally he would’ve taken his time, but now it seems… he’s on a time crunch.
Seconds before the police is barging into the home of the couple, he’s booking it out the door. But he hadn’t escaped. Right behind him is police with guns, running and yelling after him and the young male is frantically looking around. He’s taking sharp turns, speeding up while running, and hiding when needed while also avoiding any bullets fired his way. Panting harshly behind his mask, Jaesung’s glancing over his shoulder to see he’d managed to gain a lot on the cops behind him. So, taking advantage of it’s he’s running into the first house he sees.
The young male leans against the door once he slams it behind him, panting heavily as he rests the back of his head back on the door while swallowing. For once, he’s thankful that he’s fucking smart and had worn black clothing, gloves and a mask to hide his identity and anything identifying.
But he’s not done yet.
Upon lifting his head, he’s spotting a woman starting at him and he can’t help the annoyed grunt that follows as he stares back at her with a near glare.
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jaexverse · 11 months
・   ʿʿ 🌸   ⌁   @baeau   ⋆  ❛  #sowk
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CLASSICAL MUSIC plays throughout the ballroom, and everywhere he looks all he sees is men. Young, eligible, powerful men looking to be betrothed to the youngest Princess of the King and Queen despite her being quite sickly. That fact alone is enough to annoy the eldest son of King and Queen Han.
He’s not supposed to be. His Fiancée is off in a corner talking to some of the few ladies who occupy the ballroom, hanging off a man’s arm which the Prince guessing was invited by her parents. He’s not supposed to be irritated as she talks and is proposed to dance, but he is regardless. The Princess is pretty, small and soft-looking and he found over the time of learning her existence his heart had grown fond and soft for the young maiden. 
Inhaling sharply at a considerably more handsome male approaches her, he’s threading his hand through his thick blonde hair. It takes much effort to stop himself from storming over there and tugging her away from the party that was, obviously, meant for her.
It appears the King and Queen has decided she was old enough that she looks for a husband, and of course, Jaesung being engaged to her elder sister was not in the running. Hell, he was only present currently for that very fact. As he’s shooting daggers at the two, two arms wound around his and blue eyes shift to rest on the face of the woman he’d been promised to since birth. She’s pretty too, but in his opinion, not as pretty as her younger sister—harsh but he can’t help who his heart yearns for. Sighing, he pulls his arm from her gently before turning his gaze back to the couple.
He’s touching her shoulder, sliding down her arm and his blood boils. So, before he knew it the normally gentle, soft-spoken Prince is storming over to the two. “Did she say you could touch her? She looks quite put-off,” He says, voice coming out deeper and harsher as he balls his hands into a fists. The young man is startled, hands flying away from her body and spinning to face the well-known Prince. “P-Prince Han-!” He's stuttering as baby-blue eyes narrow at him, jaw clenched as he inhales and exhales the possessive feeling in his gut. “Get lost.” He finally says lowly, watching as the cowardly male runs off with his tail in between his legs before turning to face the young Princess. As soon as he does his expression is softening, blue orbs swimming in concern and warmth. “Princess... Are you okay?”
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jaexverse · 11 months
・   ʿʿ 🌸   ⌁   @baeau   ⋆  ❛  #yd&b
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ENDLESS PAIRS OF EYES follow Jaesung as he walks down the hall of the University, the basketball captain’s expression blank as he pays them no mind. Next to him is his friends, chatting away and one comment they make brings his gaze up to them. He’s void of any school supplies, simply wearing a red hoodie and some ripped jeans. There was no thought of heading to class, he already knew from the start it was gonna be another skip-day but he found himself walking down the bustling and crowded halls anyway. 
He won’t admit it, but the only reason he agreed to join his friends was in a hope to catch sight of the cheerleader he was getting quite... friendly with.
Jaesung's eager as his eyes flicker through faces of his peers, a feeling he can’t describe filling him as he soon lies his eyes on the woman he had been seeking. She’s again with her friends, chatting and laughing and he finds himself turning towards his own to dismiss himself. But as he does he’s catching sight of her ‘boyfriend’ making his way to her and without a word he’s walking away from his group as Taehyung calls after him. But he’s a man on a mission.
His steps are determined, purposeful as he strides to her. Thankfully it appeared she was just about to dismiss herself as she pulls away from the group, and as he’s walking by he’s obviously—and making sure to make a show of it too—grabbing her hand and bumping shoulders with the male who has been approaching her. He’s slipping a smirk over his shoulder at the man, his fingers intertwine with hers softly; gentle as he tugs her along as she seems to stutter in her step from what he assumes in surprise. He’s rarely shown any affection in public, but the thought of her so-called boyfriend doing what he’s doing irks him to no end. So, instead he’s quietly walking her with the intention of dropping her off where ever she was headed.
He hopes his intention was clear, even if he doesn’t exactly want to admit it. But she’s his—regardless if she has a boyfriend and he’ll be damned if he sits back and lets that douche of a boyfriend of hers do what he could be doing. Finally, he’s speaking up, fingers tightening firmer around her in case she comes to her senses and tries to pull away. “Where are you headed?” is all he asks, dark eyes pinned on her for a couple moments before looking ahead of them again.
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jaexverse · 11 months
・   ʿʿ 🌸   ⌁   @baeau   ⋆  ❛  #rwtw 
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NEVER IN HIS LIFE had Jaesung thought he’d end up in this position, much less when it had occurred because of a girl.
He didn’t ever think he’d be this bothered. But when he saw one of the unmated males of his pack blatantly flirting with her he blew his cap. He’d been off as Hoseok reported to him about rogues lingering around the border of his pack—but he’s distracted. His eyes are glued to his mate whom was talking to his hyung’s mates, but then a male approached her. Instantly there’s this spike of anger and without realizing he’s dashing away from the older male to break them apart. It started with shouting, and the other guy provoked him quite a bit which made the normally stone-faced cool and collected Alpha snap and throw the first punch.
It’s like every other noise and sight blurred into nothing, his eyes shinning a dark crimson with anger. His jaws clenched, ticking in irritation as his chest heaved his heavy breaths. A deep growl has rumbled from his chest and next thing he knew a full-blown fight broke out with the two, and he had to be ripped apart from him by his hyungs. Even then he’s still fighting to get free, sight painted in red and bloodlust swimming in his veins. He wants him dead.
Eventually, they got the Alpha to calm down when he gaze had caught sight of Jia off to the side. His face softened, eyes losing the harsh color to give way for warm brown. But the damage had been done. There’s a cut on his lip, blood trickling down from his nose. Though he was injured, the fight wasn’t even close to being even between the two. She walks away and he’s following her without a word, hand threading through his hair as he walks into their house and follows her into the bedroom.
She’s then telling him to sit, and once again he’s following her words like a puppy to his owner. “Pup-” He’s managing to get out when she’s off collecting a cloth and what she needs to treat him. “Baby?” He’s trying again, making his voice softer and sweeter as he tries to capture her attention.
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jaexverse · 11 months
・   ʿʿ 🌸   ⌁   @baeau   ⋆  ❛  young, dumb & broke / university verse !
cw/tw: insinuation of rumors (he sleeps around), incident refers to an unwanted kiss
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IT'S A SLIGHTLY CLOUDY DAY, a break from the rain giving way for the sun to peek through and shine down upon the city. Jaesung’s currently just getting out of his morning shift at the Universities café, still clad in his uniform as he pulls the keys to his car. He’s only got about half an hour to shower and change for his afternoon classes. Though he’s pausing in his step when the recurring thought to skip out on class occurs, but he shakes it off and continues the short trek to the parking lot. Unlocking his car, he’s slipping into the driver's seat and tossing his phone onto the passenger seat before starting off the car and driving off to the Alpha Sigma Phi fraternity. 
Upon arriving he’s turning off the car and getting out, entering the frat and jogging up to his room where he strips down from his work uniform and hops into the shower as he was unable to get one before he had to get ready for work. Maybe 10 minutes later the door to the bathroom is opening and he’s stepping into his bedroom, dropping his towel and getting dressed for the day in a simple black t shirt, black skinny jeans and topped off with black boots and a leather jacket with a design on the back. Reaching over by his desk he snatches his (barely used) book bag and he’s off again. 
This time he arrives at the front of the campus; ignoring the looks, stares and whispers aimed at him as he walks over to the bright pink hair he recognizes as his best friend Jimin. Clearwater Universities common area is bustling with students, some sitting down on the grass with friends or a book and others grouped in a circle standing off to the side as some walk by. Arching an eyebrow he’s reaching out and grabbing ahold of the handle of his bookbag, tugging it back and startling the older but smaller male which makes his break into a smile with a laugh bubbling past his lips. “Hey,” He greets, getting a smack in return that he blocks with his hands. The three boys are soon thrown into conversation, the women around them trying to get one of their attention brushed off or in the case of the other two dismissed gently by telling them they’d talk to them later. Not Jaesung.
You see, since the incident last year he hasn’t willingly entertained any women and when he does it’s simple conversation that he keeps short. But still, the rumors about him only keep growing. So, in an effort to save himself from that contact with girls has become minimal but sometimes it’s impossible.
“I’m surprised you’re attending your class,” Taehyung pipes up after a moment and Jaesung's eyes flicker to him before heaving a sigh and rolling his eyes. “Have to attend sometimes so my marks don’t drop—the bullshit with the team and all.” He answers, getting an “Ohhh,” and a nod from the other two. His eyes wander to the other side of the field, seeing some of the cheer girls sitting down on the grass and he can’t help but excuse himself and walk over to the ladies when he spots his quote unquote ‘enemy’—possibly the only girl he entertains and that’s because he likes picking on her and making her mad (though he refuses to look closer on that).
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