#🌸 ゚・。 * 。 🌟 * ゚・。 * 。 ☆ * :: ( Main ) :: there’s gotta be something here worth fighting for
mizp-m-archived · 2 years
Alone // @bloodylariat
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"....I'll be honest, i thought so to. "
Silent tears gathered in her eyes as she tugged at her twin tails, the loneliness had gotten to her. For the longest time since she escaped that stupid box she thought all the  T- no....they were refried to as angels know right ? Angels … all the angel's were gone.
Her brothers and sisters died and she failed to warn them...
Her wing didn't move as the rain continued to fall around them and for the first time in a long time yvaine understood what being lost felt like.
"...I'm yvaine by the way....its....nice to know I'm not alone "
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mizp-m-archived · 2 years
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She avoids therapy like the plague
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mizp-m-archived · 2 years
"Estella." Came the stoic voice of Blair, as she put a hand on the younger blonde's shoulder. "It's about time I teach you how to blow shit up."
Unprompted ask // always accepting
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Confusion could be seen clear on the blonds face as she blinked a few times. That was unexpected, but it didn't upset her as she nods her head.
" right...so what what will I be blowing up exactly ?"
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mizp-m-archived · 2 years
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" FUCK "
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mizp-m-archived · 2 years
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The living raisin still has no right to talk shit he hates xao and has no relationship to tiff .
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mizp-m-archived · 2 years
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Yvaine used to have four pairs of wings and "tail" feathers,
Her wings had no true color's yet due to her youth and her "tail" acted like a birds giving her balance and in come cases helped her fly. Being the youngest her wings were not yet fully developed so she couldn't fly for a long period of time.
During her "fight" with her brother she got her tail and fourth wing ripped out , this was one of the many injures that prevented her from getting help.
As of today yvaine hide's her wings due to being ashamed of her failure and the fact that they are mangled. She dose have a massive scar on her lower back and on her tail bone and very few know about this.
It is unknown how many wings her siblings had since they always hid theirs.
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mizp-m-archived · 2 years
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" Sweet apollyon, it just got worse "
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mizp-m-archived · 2 years
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".....that burned poptart has so much hate in his soul its hard to tell if he feels anything else....can someone please knock him out ? He's giving me a headache "
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mizp-m-archived · 2 years
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former god reaction to seeing the devil
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mizp-m-archived · 2 years
“Ow! That’s my foot…” (Lux to Yvaine)
The royal ball starters // accepting
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It's not her fault that it's been years since she's actually danced with anyone. Her gaze was just a bit embarrassed as she played with her hair.
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mizp-m-archived · 2 years
“I should have eaten before I came. Hors d'oeuvres are not going to be enough.” Shuji @ Theo on their au
The royal ball starters // accepting
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"maybe next time we should pack some food "
The red head said as she huffed softly at his words. She figured he would have been okay if they served other foods, but it seems like she was wrong.
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mizp-m-archived · 2 years
“You can hardly call this a royal ball. More like the nobility desperate to act like things are the same.” -Blair
The royal ball starters // accepting
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This was all still new to the young oracle as she fallowed after her teacher. The dancing and formal nature of this whole event left her feeling out of place, just what type of life did her teacher live ?
" Is that so... I'm a little scared to ask what a true ball would be like if this is truly a bad example "
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mizp-m-archived · 2 years
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"why do i feel as if verda is doing something dumb "
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mizp-m-archived · 2 years
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"Tiff and ivy are really pretty"
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mizp-m-archived · 2 years
verse tag page still pending.
🌸 ゚・。 * 。 🌟 * ゚・。 * 。 ☆ * :: ( Verse tag pending ) :: A new story to explore,
🌸 ゚・。 * 。 🌟 * ゚・。 * 。 ☆ * :: ( Main ) :: there’s gotta be something here worth fighting for,
🌸 ゚・。 * 。 🌟 * ゚・。 * 。 ☆ * :: (S. Leveling verse ) :: Bottle up the memories and let them keep me company,
🌸 ゚・。 * 。 🌟 * ゚・。 * 。 ☆ * :: (F.G. Order ) :: I’m here in search of your glory. There’s been a million before me,
🌸 ゚・。 * 。 🌟 * ゚・。 * 。 ☆ * :: (F. C. In the Lostbelt ) :: Come and take me away. From all the things I’ve ever known,
🌸 ゚・。 * 。 🌟 * ゚・。 * 。 ☆ * :: (J.j Kai.sen ) :: I don’t mind if you fuck up my life,
🌸 ゚・。 * 。 🌟 * ゚・。 * 。 ☆ * :: ( Rw.by ) :: Redemption lies plainly in truth,
🌸 ゚・。 * 。 🌟 * ゚・。 * 。 ☆ * :: ( H. Impact 3rd ) :: Unaware I’m tearing you asunder,
🌸 ゚・。 * 。 🌟 * ゚・。 * 。 ☆ * :: ( G. impact ) :: It all starts today . I'm letting go of all my mistakes,
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