#🍀❛ RAINEE ༉‧₊˚
rainee-da · 4 months
🍀 Lay Down in Their Lap [1]
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CHARACTER ❥ Doom 🪞 / Famin 🃏 / Epidem 🍮 / Delisaster 🍾 / Domina Blowelive 💧 / Cell War 💎
W A R N I N G ⚠️ PG-13 and heavy on fluff / BIG SPOILER!!!! / might be too OOC for you.
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D O O M 🪞
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It was later in the afternoon. He just finished his training and was resting up on the nearby bench at the training grounds before you came and suddenly plopped down on his lap.
His whole body tensed up slightly at the sudden contact before relaxing back as he realized that it was just you.
"Tired, my dear? has your day been rough?" he said with a soothing voice as he ran his hand on your hair, a soft smile forming on his lips.
He learned his whole life to predict other people's movements using all his senses, but you never failed to surprise him with your antics.
And it never fails to lighten his day, to bring sunshine to his world that is devoid of pictures.
The two of you spent the rest of the afternoon chatting with each other, with his hand brushing through your locks idly.
As you talk about your day, he listened quietly. Take note of your shift in tone and the quiet thumping of your heart.
He didn't mind doing this for eternity, with you.
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F A M I N 🎪
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He was in a bad mood as he sulked on the sofa, teeth gritting and eyes twitching. One more flick to his nerves and his place is going to be a bloodbath.
Knowing so, his aides understandably decided to keep their distance.
Not you tho, because you were somehow brave enough to stride to his place with a book in hand and plopped your head on his lap.
"... What do you think you're doing?" he said with a strained voice, punctuating every word. You simply answered him with a shrug as you started reading your book.
His aide is looking from the distance, mortified. One of them is making preparations for a quick mass funeral, just in case.
They instantly passed out in fear as their boss started to move, thinking the massacre was going to happen. They missed the fact that Famin had actually moved to hug you, not to massacre you. Or anybody.
His rage already evaporated into thin air, seeing you on his lap.
Get ready to be in his lap for hours lol. He won't let you go now.
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E P I D E M 🍮
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"... And the texture is all wrong! It's a blasphemy I assure you. Pudding is supposed to be a soft, silky cuisine and the shop can't even differentiate that with a freakin jelly! Honestly-"
You lay on his lap as you listen to him go on his tangent. Your hand slowly caresses his thighs to soothe him down.
Being his lover, you're used to this kind of temper tantrum it could be worse after all.
In fact, you prefer this to his scientific tangent. You can barely understand the other one after all.
But since he has been going on for more than an hour, you're understandably getting tired and you can feel yourself getting sleepy as your eyes fluttering and closing.
Noticing that you no longer saying anything, he stopped and looked down to check your face.
His face softens, seeing you sleeping on his lap. His body finally eases down and he caresses your cheek gently. His mind is in a state of tranquility.
Though you’re gonna wake up with a bite mark on your cheek lol. It’s just that soft after all.
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D E L I S A S T E R 🍾
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Everything about it is embarrassing. You're embarrassed, his aide pities you, and his family gives you a strange look, the only one who is not embarrassed is Delisaster.
How could you not be? It's a big, fancy banquet being held by Innocent Zero with so many nobles present. And here you are; laying on one of his son's lap.
And you can't escape either, because his hand is gripping your side tightly while his other hand is sipping some red wine, ready to tickle the hell out of you if you made any attempt to escape.
Too bad he's big into PDA too. More than once did he lowered his head to peck your nose or smooch with your lips. In front of everyone.
"Do you want some?" He offers you his glass of wine casually as if it didn't hit him yet that he's being cringy as hell embarrassing you.
He lets out a hearty laugh every time you pout and whine about being embarrassed, clearly finding it to be amusing.
"Why so shy? you're my bae! N' best bet I'll show it to everyone! Gotta show them to whom you belong, after all~"
Rest in peace, you poor soul...
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D O M I N A B L O W E L I V E 💧
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It's nearing curfew time. You opened the door of his dorm slowly, making the light from outside permeate through the dark room.
You can see the hunched shadow on the bed jolted in surprise and the light from outside highlighting his face shadow.
"Go away," Domina stated coldly as he lowered his head, and you managed to catch a glimpse of the tear stain on his cheeks.
You didn't say anything. But knowing him, you decided to go against his words and walked to his figure before locking the door.
You startled him as you plopped your head on his lap, burying your face in his stomach while your hand rubbed his lower back gently.
This simple action successfully breaking the dam in the pink-haired man's eye as he started sobbing his heart out.
He started blabbering out his thoughts while his shaky hands hugged your head tightly, sharing the insecurities and the fear he held inside that had been tormenting his soul.
"Please don't go..." he said with a broken voice, as he caressed your face, "I love you... You're all I have... please, promise me to never leave me... Please..."
Both of you ended up sleeping while cuddling together, content smile formed on his sleeping face.
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C E L L W A R 💎
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"Stop it, I have to go," he whines, trying his best to push you, who is currently nuzzling your face on his stomach, off of his lap, "I have to meet Master, he'll be furious if I'm late!"
You quipped to him that the appointed meeting is still an hour ahead, and he groans in frustration, unable to refute your words.
He knows that the meeting is still an hour away, and it only took him a quarter of an hour to reach the location. Meaning that he had plenty of hours for himself. 
But he just can't help to work hard. He wants to please his Master!
"You're such a brat..." he grumbled as his hand moved to pull off the thorn crown on his head, and he leaned back to relax on the bed.
Your sheepish smiles earned you a soft chuckle from him. He stares at you with eyes full of meaning as his hand strokes your hair gently.
He wants you to find someone better, but he can't think of a life without you by his side. For him, you're his oasis. Anything you did seems to bring his dead heart back to life.
'I guess it's okay to relax once in a while... for you.'
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Work has been abusing wearing me out and I didn't have too much time to open social media lately so this one will be shorter than the previous one. Honestly can I just be reincarnated as a seal? please please please please-
I also wrote a similar prompt for Walkis Academy students. If you happen to like this one, you might also like the other one! Maybe, I mean, I dunno...
Anyway, thank you for reading! 🍀
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136 notes · View notes
rainee-da · 5 months
🍀 Your First "I Love You" [2]
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CHARACTER ❥ Delisaster 🍾 / Domina Blowelive 💧 / Cell War 💎
W A R N I N G ⚠️ PG-13 fluff with hurt/comfort on some / BIG SPOILER!!!! / might be too OOC for you.
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D E L I S A S T E R 🪞
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He was simply lounging around, stuffing himself with booze (rip that liver) when you suddenly come into the room.
At first, he didn't pay any mind to it. He gave you one of his toothy smiles as he leaned back on the chair lazily, waving a bottle of booze to your face, saying "Eyy sup', want some?"
When you finally say the magic word, he suddenly goes blank.
Not like a 'mind-blank' type of blank, but his face suddenly goes blank. All the shine in his eyes, his smiles, vanish into the void.
Honestly, this will make you feel afraid. Did you anger him? Did he not feel the same?
He suddenly picked up his phone and made a call to someone with a low whispering tone, too low for you to hear anything, and walked away. Leaving you alone with your thoughts.
But before you could think of any worst-case scenarios, a bunch of his goons suddenly barge into the room bringing... party popper???
Delisaster finally comes back being brought in by his goons... on a sedan chair???
At least, you're now relieved because he's now giving you a wide smile. A bit too wide. Scrap that- now you're creeped out.
Before you could ask about what the hell was going on, all of his goons popped the party popper, and a bunch of pink-shaded confetti flew across the room. Good luck seeing anything at all.
As soon as you're able to scrap off any of the confetti that is stuck on your face, you've now realized that the confetti is shaped into a heart. Kinda cute tbh.
And out of nowhere, he's already in front of you. Smiling wide, hugging you tight, laughing maniacally.
All of the goons that surround you are now crying for some damn reason, passing a box of tissues around. Is this a wedding? a funeral??
Finally calming down, Delisaster finally leans back to take a look at your face. Now you can see that his smile is so gentle and he's looking at you oh so fondly.
He's caressing your face as if you're made of glass, and this is the most gentle and affectionate you've ever seen him. Usually, he's a menace to society
"I know I never really made you feel easy around me, especially with my reputation and all... not even my brothers can stand me... I don't even know if I deserve you," his voice breaks slightly as he leans closer your ear, "But you made me the happiest man, and I can never thank you enough for that... I love you too, baby."
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... That would be so romantic if only the goons around you aren't screaming an ugly-ass cry, with the sound of snots being sniffed as ambience.
D O M I N A B L O W E L I V E 💧
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He chokes on his apple juice, almost snorting liquid through his nose when you suddenly come up to him and say those.
"W-what do you mean??" he stammers with his face now as vibrant as his hair, eyes shaky as they darted around to avoid your gaze. "Do... do you even understand what you're saying? how serious that word is??"
Man is so melodramatic, but you can't blame him. All his life he believes that any form of endearment given to someone means that there is any ulterior motives behind it and things such as 'pure love' is just a thing from a fantasy book.
You are fully aware of his upbringing, so you wouldn't be surprised if he didn't believe you right away.
What you didn't expect though is for him to go into full-teacher mode and info-dumping you about the definition of love.
He deadass mansplaining 'Love' to you by citing sources from dictionaries, biology, and psychology studies.
He's so academically smart and his brain is like a walking dictionary but he's misusing it in such a weird way.
After he's done with his rant explanation that who knows how long it is, he'll avert his gaze from yours. He's panting slightly as he broke in with his question, "Now that you understand, next time don't say those words so easily to someone," he huffed slightly and crossed his arms, "It's not like I've ever done anything to you that warrants something such as that, you know."
Okay, now that understandably pissed you off. So it's now your turn to go on full-tangent on why you love him, what you love about him, how you didn't need him to do anything for you to love him, and about how his view of love is full of shit.
And now it's his turn to be bewildered. Your outburst has effectively overwhelming his heart with warmness that he never felt before in his life.
By the time you're done his face that is previously tinted pink now goes scarlet red. His mouth is agape and shaking slightly like a fish in the open air, and all of the retort he intended to throw is stuck in his throat.
Domina_Blowelive.exe stopped working lol.
"Whatever! You're stupid anyway," is the only counter he could throw back at you, and Gods he hate how weak that ended up coming out from his mouth.
Before you could say anything back to him he already turned his back and stomped away from you, huffing and mumbling profanities.
He's so embarassed that he didn't pay any attention to his path and ended up turning left a bit too early, and slamming his head onto the wall.
If Levis and the gang are around to see that, they'll not be alive for long lol.
You're the only one who could make the top students of the prestigious magic school Walkis Academy turn into a cuckoo mess. Congratulations!
It will take you a while for him to finally believe and accept your feelings. Even so, you didn't need him to say anything to know that he feels the same way.
His journey to recovery is still long ahead, he needs more time to unpack those childhood trauma that led him to become the person that he was. But I swear it will be worth it.
Please be patient with him ♥
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C E L L W A R 💎
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"What do you want now?" he said as he stared at you with an exhausted look on his face, checking you out to figure out your intention based on body language alone.
Because that's the only reason for his whole existence in this world, right? to give and to serve?
You repeated your confession, and now he stares at you dumbfounded. He narrowed his eyes and exhaled in frustration as he ruffled your hair slightly.
"Don't say such a useless thing next time. It's a burden."
Yeouwch that comes out wrong doesn't it?
Even though what he means by that is that it is useless for YOU to love HIM, and it will only burden YOU to love HIM.
But what do you expect? he survives his whole life in the attendance of Innocent Zero's deranged family by belittling himself down, doing all the nuisance and humiliating tasks to stroke Innocent Zero's children's ego. what a bunch of manchild.
Being negative and blunt comes as a second nature to him.
But then again, now you're hurt. What makes it worse is that before you can ask him to clarify what he means he's already out of sight, leaving you alone with your thoughts.
He realizes that you seem like you're about to cry before he goes, and he can feel his heart ache to see you making that expression. Then again, what he said is not exactly wrong, right?
He's only realized what he did when Delisaster waltzing to him out of nowhere, whistling towards him and teasing him about "being so cold to your booboo."
He can feel his soul draining out of his body as he listens to Delisaster's explanation that is filled with a bunch of degrading mockery because let me remind you again he's a menace.
Delisaster finally saunters off somewhere else. Cell takes this short amount of time to his advantage and goes hell-bent on finding you.
The maid and butler that come past him are confused because they never see Cell that mortified.
Upon finding you, he wastes no time and lunges towards you on instinct, effectively tackling you to the ground as if he's a bounty hunter. But he made sure to hug your head before it slammed to the ground, burying it in his chest.
His mind goes blank at the sudden closeness and now he has no games. Honestly, he didn't know what to say either even if his mind did not go blank. Man really had no games.
But he still tries his best, like he always does. He leans back slightly while still pining you down, staring at you with eyes wavering, a mixture of anxiousness and affection.
"I... just realized I worded it wrongly before..." he stated hesitantly as a start as he proceeded to explain his thought process, "Honestly, I don't know if I should even be indulging in these feelings... I have my master to serve, and I'm afraid you will get hurt if he finds out."
His mouth clumsily formed into a thin smile, his hand reaches towards your hair, twirling it on his finger and taking a mental note of how soft it was, "But, to answer yours... I feel the same, and always has been."
The smile that grows on your face makes his world stop for a moment. Stunning him into silence as he stares into your eyes that is full of life and affection. His mind then wanders, imagining things that a tool like him should have no right to dream of.
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'Wouldn't it be so nice... if I could live a normal life with you?'
This is the continuation of this headcanon! I initially intended for this to be included in the previous post but alas; I hit a roadblock lolol-
I've been thinking back and forth between adding Cell War or not. But I didn't care what anyone say; Cell War is part of the family too! I want to make hcs this angsty boi so much
I'll be ending this prompt right here and move on to the next one I had in mind (I'm currently in Mash's brother hyper-fixation phases and will be writing tons of them in the future lol). If you want me to write for other character feel free to request one as long as the ask is open!
Thank you for reading!🍀
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103 notes · View notes
rainee-da · 4 months
will you ever write about the devil's quintuplets having sensitive ears??
i rlly want to see what you can write for famin lol
🍀 Their Sensitive Ears
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CHARACTER ❥ Doom 🪞 / Famin 🃏 / Epidem 🍮 / Delisaster 🍾 / Domina Blowelive 💧
W A R N I N G ⚠️ R15 for suggestive theme on some / BIG SPOILER for anime watchers!!!! / might be too OOC for you
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D O O M 🪞
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He should've known that you had malicious flirtatious intents when you suddenly asked him to pick you up, out of nowhere.
Then again, your request is always strange to him, so he didn't suspect a thing.
And he deemed those to be one of his biggest blunders of all time.
The position is quite funny too, he's cradling your petite figure (compared to him) like a baby while you're playfully touching and tugging on his left ear.
If you're anything but his lover, he can and WILL body-slammed you onto the floor. But fate is being cruel to him today.
If only he's not as tall as a castle gate, he'll drop you to the ground in a heartbeat lol.
You can see the vein popping out on his temple and neck, the slight movement of his mouth as he silently gritted his teeth.
Why is his skin wet? Oh, he's sweating. Profusely. Poor him
"... Will you please stop, my dear?" he questioned begged you, his voice was velvety with silent threats veiling on its tone. "This... is quite distracting."
But you, being the shithead that you are, decided to kick it up a notch by blowing onto his earlobe.
Doom is doomed lol pun intended.
His whole body jerked in response and he harshly tilted his head to the opposite side of your face to avoid your torture.
And you trigger one of his once-in-a-blue-moon events, in which you successfully painted his face with red hues.
This man is a gentleman though, a gentleman that loves you! he will not stoop low to your level and do any kind of payback towards you.
For that reason, he'll simply stay as gentlemanly as ever and wait patiently until you get bored, enduring the torture you gave him.
Seriously, help this man. He's suffering.
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F A M I N 🃏
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"Hey, lookie here," he called out to you when you're minding your own business, making you turn your head to greet your boyfriend, "Look at my ear."
In his right ear is a long earring with a yellow tassel at the end of its string. If you look closely, there's a bit of blood on it.
... If you think it sounds like Cell's earrings, then you think correctly.
"I saw these on Cell's ear earlier and I like it, so I borrowed it from him," and what he means by 'borrowing' is that he forcefully ripped the earring straight from the poor man's ear.
Well, guess that explains the bit of blood on it... Cell do you wanna work at my place lol
He didn't pay any mind to your nagging about his cruelty and the unsanitary. It's nothing new after all.
He also didn't pay any attention to you when you approached him to 'clean' whatever you previously talked about.
But then, you touched his ear.
Your aim is innocent. You simply want to take the earring off and clean it first before giving it back to him. But you didn't expect him to suddenly go limp and faceplant to the concrete floor below you.
No, you didn't kill him. Don't worry.
As you knelt down to check on him, you noticed his whole face had gone beet red and his lips were trembling. He looks like he's about to combust.
"... Don't... touch my ears..." his voice is croaky, almost squeaky, as he stares at you with teary eyes.
If you tried to touch his ears again, he'd let out a harsh gasp and scoot away fearfully. Shaking his head with his eyes looking at you, silently pleading for your mercy.
"Forget it! Here! I don't want it anymore!" he barked and tossed the earring to you haphazardly. His face is beet red and his whole body is trembling.
After that he quickly stood up and vanished right into thin air using his magic. Though you can still hear the crunch of his shoes as he runs away.
With this you have obtained his weakness. Use it wisely!
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E P I D E M 🍮
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One afternoon, you're just in his lab accompanying him as per usual while he is getting ready to with his experiments.
"... Not only that, by diluting the extract of these plants you can obtain some magical fumes that will be useful in-" his words started to get blurry as he yapped on, using phrases and jargon you didn't understand.
The only time he pays attention to you is when he wants you spoon-fed him some pudding.
Being his lover, you're used to this mode of him and it was adorable that he still wants to include you in his world, even though you barely comprehend some of what he's talking about.
And it's boring!
You mindlessly minced the pudding in front of you with a spoon as he yapped and ranted about his experiments. A scowl plastered on your face and you want him to be a boyfriend for a minute! But this man is hella stubborn goddamnit!
As his back turned towards you, an idea popped up in your head.
He's still in the middle of his work, holding a beaker and carefully pouring the liquid inside of it into the cauldron when you suddenly pop out from behind him and kiss the tip of his ear.
His focus is instantly shattered. He gasped and stumbled backward slightly, almost dropping the beaker full of suspicious substance in his hand.
"M-My sweet, what are you doing?! That's dangerous!" his face is tinted red as he stares at you bug-eyed, flustered and slightly angered by your reckless action.
But your adorable face and your pouty complaint instantly melted his heart, his anger is forgotten and evaporated into thin air. Though his heart is still pounding out of his chest due to the stimulation you gave him.
"Why didn't you say so? Come here," he cooed and opened his arms to engulf you in a big hug. He swings your body gently side by side, enjoying the sweet scent of your hair.
But If you think that you're finally going to have a wholesome moment with him, you'd be dead wrong.
Because when you let your guard down, he'll suddenly tighten his embrace and whisper into your ear, "What you did before... is very naughty, you know that right?" before giving it a teasing nibble, "How do you think I should punish you now?"
... Yeah you gonna leave with a bunch of teeth marks on your body. Don't mess with this guy fr.
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D E L I S A S T E R 🍾
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It's late at night, it was an exhausting day for the both of you, and going to sleep as early as possible sounds very ideal right now.
But you can't do that. Because you gotta help this manchild undo his hair.
He'll give you a cheeky grin as you grumble in annoyance while you carefully release his hair from the ring holder that helps him keep his hair shaped into a sunburst.
The fact that each lock of his tied hair is glued with gel doesn't help either. Because now you gotta brush it too.
"Aww c'mon, why the pouty face?" he tried to coax you, voice sweet as honey as he playfully kissed your free hand.
And it might work on you if only he didn't say this one wrong sentence; "You should be grateful! After all, you're tending to the bestest dude in town, Delisaster!"
Yeah this lil' shit deserves it.
His breath got caught in his throat when you suddenly slammed his body to the bed, and he couldn't help but gulp at the 'horrifying' expression on your face, "H-Heyy, if you wanna get spicy at least finish my hair first!"
He was confused when you went and rummaged the drawer near the bed. But after seeing what you're holding in your hand, the feeling of dread instantly washes over him.
What are you holding, you might ask? just some earpick!
He jolted when you unannouncedly put the steely material onto his outer ear, and he moaned shrieked when you started making the scraping motion in his ear canal.
"Eeeek! I'm sorry m' sorry! Please please please-" his plea fell onto deaf ears as you kept torturing cleaning his ear, stating that 'the gel went into his ears' as an excuse.
You're lying, you just want to toy with this piece of shit.
His body twitches with each stroke, as if electricity runs through his veins and shocking his nerves. He wants to run away, but for some reason, his body feels limp and he's putty in your hand.
By the time you're done with him, he's already sweating profusely. His body is trembling as he stares at you wide-eyed, breathing heavily. You broke him.
From now on, if he's being a brat just show him some earpick. He'll be as docile as a lamb (begrudgingly)
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D O M I N A B L O W E L I V E 💧
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"Just be patient. I just need to finish this one question and then we can cuddle," he said matter-of-factly as you kept droning and pleaded cutely for his attention.
Tomorrow is the final exam before the long break, and the both of you are having a study date in his room.
But you, of course, get bored quickly. So now you're making it your life mission to make him stop studying along with you.
Domina knows your mind like an open book though, so he also makes it his mission to ignore you until he finishes his paper.
... Not that he didn't want to cuddle, of course. Believe him, He FUCKING wants to! But it's irrational for him to not study just because of that!
One person has to be the sane one in this relationship lol.
"Why don't you just finish your paper? You just need to answer one more, right?" he didn't even look at you as he said that. He just gave you a small waving gesture as if to dismiss your presence.
No matter what act you pulled towards him, he didn't budge an inch. BUT no need to give up! Because you still have one more trick up your sleeves.
He should've known your silence means trouble. But he's naive, and he thought you just got bored and finally left him alone. Oh sweet summer child-
The ink in his pen scraped through the paper as he wrote an essay for the last question. Just one more and it will be ov-
Out of nowhere, something wet and soft touches his ear and his body instantly convulses as he lets out a girlish screech that echoed throughout the room.
You, being the piece of shit that you are, just licked his ear.
"Huh?! W-Why would you do that?!" he barked, his face as red as a tomato and covering both of his ears with his palm as he breathed heavily through his mouth.
You attempted to pry his hand away from his ear. He's stronger than you so of course you've failed to pry it away completely. But you still managed to touch the tip of his ear.
Yeah... now he's royally triggered.
"Oh it's on now!" he quickly lunged towards you and pinned you down on the floor. His face is red with a mixture of anger and flusters as he started to tickle your side relentlessly.
And now you spent an entire night with him just wrestling against each other, resulting in both of you earning a detention that lasted for a week.
... And now you two didn't finish that last question on those papers, just as you wanted.
Domina 0 - 1 You
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Sorry it's taking me so long to write this! I'm in the middle of renovating my room lately and was often too tired to do anything... I can't believe I've been delaying in finishing this hcs for almost a week lol.
After this, I'm going to take it slow and write some general headcanon regarding the brothers. If you had any request, feel free to send one if ask box is open!
Anyway, sorry it's taking this long. I hope everyone enjoys it! 🍀
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93 notes · View notes
rainee-da · 4 months
🍀 The Talk When You Sleep [1]
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CHARACTER ❥ Doom 🪞 / Famin 🃏 / Epidem 🍮 / Delisaster 🍾 / Domina Blowelive 💧 / Cell War 💎
W A R N I N G ⚠️ R15 for dark/yandere vibes / BIG SPOILER!!!! / might be a bit too OOC for you.
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D O O M 🪞
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"... Are you asleep, my dear?" he waits for your reply, but hear no answer "I see..." he walks closer and sits beside your sleeping figure "... Do you know, when I first met you I thought you were peculiar," hand reaches out to brush your hair "Your small head... the fragility of your neck... each of your limbs..." lean closer to your face, whispering "... If I desire your demise, all I have to do right now is move my hands, and you will be destroyed." long pauses "You must've known from the start that I'm a dangerous existence..." he twirls a piece of your hair in his finger "And despite knowing that, you decided to be by my side..." low whisper "... Why?" pauses "I know you explained it to me before... but none of your explanation is rational..." sigh softly "To live, is to survive... to survive, rationality is absolute... And you're no fool," long pauses, then he mumble lowly "That, I know for a long while now." hands crept down to cup one of your cheek "... Which begs the question once again... Why?" he moves the hair that is in the way of your face to the side "Is that really what it means to truly love someone? To trust them unconditionally?" paused briefly "Even when it's illogical to do so?" long pauses ".... Funny for me to say that, I'm aware," he let out a low chuckles "The same thing could also be said about me." his thumbs moves to caress your cheek ".... Your skin is cold... They said that when you're cold, your skin goes pale in color as well," mumbles quietly "I wonder what your skin might've look like..." fingers trails gently, tracing each inch of your skin "In my daydream... I often tried to paint your picture in my head... to envision your figure, your face," hands stop on your chin, thumb lay flat on your lips "... It left me frustrated, every time." exhale harshly with a hint of frustration, thumb moves to brush your lips "You're such a frustrating existence," finger trails upwards to caress your cheek "You're nothing but a speck of dust in this world that is full of deceit. You will wither first when the battle of power started." heads lean closer slowly "... Father told me long ago, to get rid of you. Because you will be a burden in the long run," he stops as his noses touches yours "And he was correct... you're a nuisance. You.. become my weakness... You're frustating, because you're dangerous to me. But If you were to perish, to leave..." his words hangs in the open, expression become slightly grim after a long pause, a small smile formed on his face, his eyes opened behind the mask and white irises glimmering in the shadow "... That is why, my Dear... you should be obedient. To stay by my side, to never leave..." leans closer, lips ghosted over yours "... Because I am the only one who can, and is allowed, protect you." "𝘚𝘵𝘢𝘺 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘮𝘦 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘦, 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘺𝘰𝘶?"
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F A M I N 🃏
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"Hey, are you asleep?" his head hover over your space, awaiting your response "... That's boring." he lay himself beside you, staring into the empty space above "... This is boring. Why do you sleep anyway? Is today tiring for you?" he turn his head towards you, staring at your sleeping figure ".... Your face is so peaceful right now, I wonder if you were dreaming right now," he scoots closer, staring at your face closely "If you're dreaming, I want you to dream about me. Can you do that for me?" he whisper over your ears long silence as he stares over your face "... For some reasons, I always asks for permission when it comes to you," he murmurs quietly "Waiting for your permission is boring. But If I take it by force, You'll be upset." his voice breaks slightly "I don't want you to be upset." he sighed, hands reaches out to hug you from the side "Why are you so boring? I should've get rid of you, right? Boring person should be eradicated after all." his eyes is closed, thinking for a while "But... no, you're not boring. You're boring, but not boring. How does that even make any sense? I don't know." he lets out a snort and giggle silently "Yeah, no... you're not boring. You're never boring. After all, even in your silence right now..." his hand reach out to rub your cheek "... It's entertaining. You're fun, even when you're sleeping you're fun. Hey, how do you even do that?" "... For some reason, I always notice new things about you. Like, I didn't know you had a small patch of freckle over here?" his hand moved to a part of your body "Or that you breathe differently when you sleep? You never tell me about that... or maybe you didn't know yourself?" he smirked "Then I'm the first one to know... now, that's exciting. That's fun," he nuzzle his head on the nook of your neck "Waiting for you to wake up is boring... but I think sometimes boring stuff is okay too, no?" his eyes glance up "After all, you're so peaceful right now. I think it would be even better if you snore. Snoring means you're having a deep sleep, right? Hey, why don't you snore?" he pinched your cheek lightly he slowly rised, towering over you "... You're the only thing in the world that is not boring, no matter how much time I spent with you. I wonder why..." he leans forward, smiling and pressing his lips to your forehead "... I don't know why, but that doesn't matter. What's matter that I'll never gets bored of you, so you should never get bored of me, alright?" "𝙔𝙤𝙪'𝙧𝙚 𝙢𝙞𝙣𝙚 𝙖𝙛𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙖𝙡𝙡."
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E P I D E M 🍮
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"Oh my, you're asleep?" he walked towards you, picking up blanket along the way and drape it over your body "Sleeping like this... I'm right. I knew you're tired the entire afternoon, I've seen your eyes flutters sometimes, trying to hold a grip. I told you to rest, but you're so stubborn." he caresses your cheek, tilting his head slightly "... You're always so stubborn, acting as if you knew your own body when that's factually not true... I dare to say that, I knew you better than yourself," he crooked a smile "After all, I have observe you all this time, noted the common pattern of your expression and your body language you made in your every interaction. There's nothing you can hide from me." he leans forward, whisper lowly over your ear "You always blown my expectation, and create a new one in its place. Your existence is a pure enigma, no amount of calculations I've done made your existences make sense," he stroked your hair gently "It's.... interesting, to say the least." he sits beside you, took one of your hand and brush it under his thumb "The softness of your skin... the elasticity of it... It's a delight," he kissed your fingertips, closing his eye and hums softly "You're always such a sweet person, one of a kind for me... It's simply irresistible, I could just eat you right up." he lets out a chuckle and gave the tip of your finger a small nibble "Well, of course I wouldn't do that... it would be a waste." he puts your hand down "A waste... yeah, without you would be such a waste. How am I even living before I met you? Oh, yeah. Pudding, of course." he laughed briefly, but expression darkened "Pudding is my euphoria. That, you already know. But now, you... all the memories I have with pudding, your presence... always comes along with it. Buying it, making it, enjoying it, it's always with you now..." his voice lowered, whispering to himself "Is there a day where I didn't enjoy Pudding with you? I knew Pudding all my life, it's a part of my soul. So, of course I have enjoyed pudding without you before... but now, I can't seem to remember it anymore," he sighed and look over your sleeping figure with a solemn smile "Without me realizing, you crawled into my heart and made yourself my new addiction... that's so cunning, my Sweet one." he chuckles softly and brush his hand over your hair "Well, that doesn't matter now. You're my Sweet now," his thumb rub the tip of your chin gently "From now and so on, we'll make tons of sweet memories. I'll give you everything, I'll do anything for you, all you have to do for me is to sit calmly radiate your sweetness to me, okay?" "𝙔𝙤𝙪'𝙧𝙚 𝙢𝙮 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚, 𝙢𝙮 𝙨𝙪𝙜𝙖𝙧, 𝙢𝙮 𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙮𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙜."
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D E L I S A S T E R 🍾
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"Heyyy you wanna- Awww, you're sleeping?" he cooed, stride over to you sleeping figure "Look at that eepy face, ain't that just the cutest? Why are you so fucking cute anyway?" he pinched both sides of your cheek a bit hard, making you wince slightly in your sleep "Hehe, sorry sorry, didn't mean to, y'know?" he lays besides you "I was thinking to bring you to my club. Y'know? Get some party going and all that jazz, but if you're passed out like this there's no way that can happen, right?" he turned his body towards you and poke your cheek playfully "N' seeing you sleepy makes me sleepy too! so I guess I will sleep with you now." he lay on his back, staring into the open space above the both of you "... Y'know, every time you sleep, or well... away, I got extra lonely," his eyes flutters as sleepiness started to crept to his eyes "I didn't expect you'll give me that kind of effect, y'know? especially when I first met 'cha. I expect we'll simply chill around, get spicy here n' there, then I'll log out... like usual," he yawned and his eyes glances towards you, expression softened "But when I got to know you, It's like... you put a spell on me. And it was annoying as hell! Me? The God Almighty Delisaster? Being a simp?" he snorted and laughing to himself "Yea that statement ended up not aging well at all. I feel like a beta male now, yikes!" he turned his head, eyes droopy and soft smile on his face "... But then again, what's wrong with that, right?" he scooted closer, leaning slightly onto you "... With you, I seems to relearn a lot of things again. How to... ugh, be gentleman," he gags sarcastically "Or learning how to wash my own clothes. Honestly, why the fuck did you make me do that? I have a bunch of aides to do my bidding, you know that!" he laughed again, but as the time passed by his expression becomes slightly saddened "And... you made me relearn... how to love," he snorted again, finding himself to be funny "It's so cringe to say that out loud, didn't it?" he stroked your cheek, his eyes radiating with a mixture of sadness and adoration "... I'm know that my personal magic is not as cool as my bros... I know pops think that I'm the weakest link, the bottom-fragger... It's fucking sucks, y'know?" he sighed "There's supposed to be this line of hierarchy among us. The first minced the second, the second stabbed the third, the third... poison, yeah... poisoned the fourth. That guy used to inject me with his weird concoction when I was a child." he chuckled, his face darkened "By that logic, I should've been considered stronger than the lil' Domi, right? I dunno, the fourth impale the fifth? But no, of course not. Because for some twisted sort of luck my little brother has stronger magic than me," he laughed but his is voice wavered slightly, eyes closing "I stopped practicing my magic... because why even try? I'm weak anyway. It's better to enjoy life while I can before pops uh... I dunno, discard me? I don't know if he would do that... but he already has my heart. So why wouldn't he, right?" thin smile slowly formed in his face "But well... at least I have you, don't I?" he mumble, hand reaches to grab yours and hold it tightly "You... accept me as I am. You made me feel like a king. Like, nothing will ever bother me anymore. No insult in the world will ever made a dent of me now. Now I have you! you're my... therapy animal? Haha, you'll kill me if you heard that, right?" his voice is now barely a whisper as sleepiness slowly overtaking him "𝙇𝙚𝙩'𝙨 𝙖𝙡𝙬𝙖𝙮𝙨 𝙗𝙚 𝙩𝙤𝙜𝙚𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧 𝙛𝙧𝙤𝙢 𝙣𝙤𝙬 𝙤𝙣, 𝙮𝙚𝙖𝙝?"
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D O M I N A B L O W E L I V E 💧
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"Oh, you're asleep," he closed the book he's been reading and smiles "You'll get a sore neck if you sleep like that, why don't you sleep over here?" he gently guided your head to fall onto his lap, trying to stifle a giggle while doing so "You're so cute... we have to go to our dorm soon, but why don't you sleep for a bit more before we did that? I will wake you up in an hour, okay?" he brushes his finger through your hair, his smile is gentle "You seems so peaceful.. did you feel safe with me? I hope you do..." he rubbed his thumb to your ear "It makes me happy to think that you feels safe enough to be this relaxed..." he mumbled quietly "It makes me happy that there's someone whom is not scared of me..." "... If I think about it, you used to fear me a lot, didn't you?" he averts his eyes as embarrassment crept up inside him "I didn't blame you... I used to act cold around you, raise my voice a lot, be distant... I thought if I did that you'll be safe from people that want to target me, but my action ended up hurting you, making you cry..." his voice breaks as his eyes wavered, thinking about the past "... Anyway, I didn't tell you about this because I don't want you to worry about me, but... I go to the prison yesterday, to visit my father and... I guess also my brothers," he snorted and rolled his eyes "They're the whole package after all," sigh escape his mouth as he closed his eyes, hands brushing your hair with his fingers "Father refused my visitation. It.. hurts, but it's no longer as painful as it was a few times before. I think I have slowly grown to accept it," he glances towards the open space above him, thinking to himself "As for my brother... I thought they also would reject me as well. But surprisingly they didn't, and... it was actually rather nice?" confusion flashes in his eyes and his brows knitted together, unable to believe the word he's saying himself "I don't know if they're slowly turning a new leaf or they're actually not as bad as I remembered them to be, but they seems... normal. And I had a somewhat great conversation with them." a small smile formed in his lips, he looks at you and pinched your cheek gently "I wonder if you're my good luck charm?" he laughed, his eyes smile as he does so "After I met you, all sorts of crazy things happened around me. Many of them are overwhelming, sometimes it even upsets me. But your presence by my side makes all of it bearable, and now my life is finally... perfect. I had friends, I reconcile with my brother and even befriend Mash, I got my freedom, I can finally recover from my past, and..." he leans forward, whisper softly into your ears "... I finally had a place to call home, which is you," he gave your temple a long kiss, his eyes is filled with adoration "... I used to be so cruel to you. I... don't deserve your forgiveness. But you gave me one, along with your love... I can never thank you enough, even if I die," his hand shakes slightly as tears build up in his eyes "But, if you allow me... Let me be your rock. Use me as your anchor when your sea is storming. Let me be your sword in your adventure. I promised to always cheris, love, and protect you. I will give you everything, absolutely everything..." "𝙔𝙤𝙪'𝙧𝙚 𝙢𝙮 𝙨𝙖𝙫𝙞𝙤𝙧, 𝙢𝙮 𝙝𝙚𝙖𝙫𝙚𝙣, 𝙢𝙮 𝙚𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙩𝙮."
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C E L L W A R 💎
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"... This brat, sleeping whenever they pleases," he grumbled as he draped the blanket on top of you "Honestly, how can you be so relaxed, sleeping in a dangerous place like this?" he picked up your body bridal-style and go to his room to lay you on his bed "You're so reckless. I wonder where you get that from? I can't always protect you! The castle is a dangerous place for weak people like you," his face darkened slightly as he brushed your hair with his finger "If one of the young masters found you... at best, you'll be killed. At worst..." his word hangs in the hair, his tone is low and brooding he let out a exasperated sighs and tossed the thorns in his hair to the side "... You didn't need to hear that, even in your sleep," he lied besides you, hands supporting his head as he peered over your face "... You seems at peace. I wonder if the blanket is warm enough for you?" his face becomes solemn as he's lost in his own thoughts "... I wonder how does it feels to be warm..." "Well, it's useless to ponder on such a ridiculous thoughts," he sighed slightly, he put his palm on your stomach and gave it a soothing pat "Warmth is for the living, so is comfort. I'm nothing but a living corpse, or I guess you prefer to call me... what did you said again before? a 'hot zombie'?" he chuckles, his brow furrowed in slight irritation though he is smiling "Your brain is really bizzare. It pops out the weirdest thought and somehow you seems to think that it's normal to say it out loud," he snorted and laughed to himself "Well, I guess that made you fun to be around, I guess." he lay his head to the pillow and sighed "Fun... that's the feeling only you could gave me," he closed his eyes "Working with Master is gratifying and humbling, of course. He resurrected me, gave me life in turn for my undying loyalty. But, I wouldn't say that it is... enjoyable." his brows knit together in irritation "Again... I shouldn't be thinking of useless thought, aren't I?" he sighed again, his eyes opened and glances and sneak a peek at your face "You know, ever since I was resurrected, I never dream anymore... I always thought that it might be the side effect of being a living dead, and I suppose it might be better for me to not dream anyway, since I'm sure it will be littered with nightmares, but..." his expression softened and his hand goes up to stroke your cheek "... Yesterday, I just had my first dream... and you're in it," he closed his eyes as his hand stroke your face gently "In my dream, I'm wearing some sort of uniform... and bringing a carton full of milk. I think I'm a milkman? That's so ridiculous, right?" he chuckled "After I finished my last delivery, I ride my bike and go to a small block of apartment. I think in my dream that's where I live. Because I unlocked one of the door and... there you are, in it," he was silent for a minute as he's stuck with his own thoughts " We had a dinner together in the sofa, washes the dishes together, and cuddle on the bed until we dozed off. It was so... peaceful." he smiled with a sad expression "... Yeah, this why I shouldn't be dreaming. Dream can bring... unnecessary thoughts and feelings. I should do my best to forget about it, since it will potentially hinder my performance, But..." he leans forward and gives your lips a chaste kiss, a dreamy smile in his face "Seeing you this peaceful... I just can't help but entertain that thought." "𝙄 𝙬𝙞𝙨𝙝 𝙄 𝙘𝙤𝙪𝙡𝙙 𝙡𝙞𝙫𝙚 𝙖 𝙨𝙞𝙢𝙥𝙡𝙚 𝙡𝙞𝙛𝙚 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙝 𝙮𝙤𝙪."
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I got this idea from somewhere else, and trying out this new layout since I'm just focusing onto the dialogue when I wrote this. I hope it's not confusing for you to read!
I go with a villain angle when I'm writing this so that's why you might find some of the dialogue to be a tad bit creepy. I really wanted it to be in-character so I reread the manga a whole lot while I wrote this lol I almost gagged when I tried to write Delisaster my boo like why did u talk like that omg I hope you like my potrayal of each character!
I had fun writing this one, and I hope you'll enjoy it too🍀
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100 notes · View notes
rainee-da · 4 months
Hello how's your day!! I wanna request fluff for the Walkis (the six critters) if that's okay... Thank you very much!!!!
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🍀 Lay Down in Their Lap [2]
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CHARACTER ❥ Lévis Rosequartz 🧲 / Charles Contini 📞 / Galuf Gargaron 👅 / Kenny Clark 🧊 / Malcolm Curtis 🪲 / Lovie Rosequartz ⚡
W A R N I N G ⚠️ R-15 for suggestive themes on some / BIG SPOILER for anime watchers!!!! / might be too OOC for you.
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L É V I S R O S E Q U A R T Z 🧲
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Scarlet red creeped from his neck up to his face. He stares at you with a bewildered look, unable to comprehend your 'ridiculous' request.
"H-huh?! Y-you want t-to... s-sleep... my l-lap... are you insane?! Stop acting like an idiot!" he shrieked as he scooted back to the edge of the bench.
He tried. He swears to the mightiest God or Goddess up there that he tried his absolute best to stay firm. He tried to kept a stern posture while you're looking at him like a kicked puppy.
After all, laying on people's lap in broad daylight on school ground is too lovey-dovey! too scandalous!
What would everyone think?! What would his FATHER think?!
But his resolution dwindling as rapidly as it could when you asked him again. This time fully utilizing those puppy-eyes to its maximum capacity.
"F-Fine! Just do whatever you want!" he snapped with an angry tone as he finally scooted closer and slumped his back against the bench, grabbing his abandoned book and flipping it to random page.
His mind is gearing at a rapid pace as he tried to calm his nerves, his damaged eyes now started to feel itchy. That's fine though, just act as if you didn't care and all would be fine, right?
The rumble in his mind shatters when he finally felt that soft pressure against thighs. He, embarrassingly, lets out a high-pitched low screech and he almost bang his nape to the bench.
"I-Idiot! Stop moving around so much!" he barked weakly as he squirmed in his seat, while you simply nuzzle onto his thighs. Uncaring of his outward misery.
He swears to God you'll make him die from heart attack one of these days…
He gulped, face scarlet red and teeth gritting as he stares down at your peaceful expression. His brain fixated onto your facial features, silently making it his new fixation.
His hand moves to move the strand that is in the way of your face. And his index finger accidentally brush against your lips...
Why is it moist? Can he try it-
Your face will ended up being littered with a bunch of tiny shred of paper. Because the man above you is apparently too nervous and ending up grinding down on his book with his teeth.
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C H A R L E S C O N T I N I 📞
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"Y-yes? Sure, sure... of course, Mama... W-what? My voice? O-oh, I'm just cold... It's winter a-after all.. Yes, yes, of course I'm using the b-blank...kkket.... you gave me... Really, I'm fine!"
The one and only Charles Contini is, in fact, not fine. His face is currently match that of a boiling hot kettle.
His body trembles, hand almost dropping his phone as he attempts (but failed) to gave you his meanest death-glare.
But you didn't care. You just swing your head on his thigh mischievously then get your head back inside his shirt, doing whatever you want.
His other hand desperately yanked the fabric of your clothes, teeth gritting and in the break of speaking to his mother on the phone he mouthed to you a word 'please', his lips is now visibly trembling.
You, somehow had managed to make him hate talking to his mother right at this moment.
"Y-yeah yeah... Mama, I reallly think I gotta-Hhhah... Y-yeah really, I'm fine... I swear I'm fine! N-now Igottagobyeeee-" click, finally the torture is over.
He exhales loudly as he plopped his body on the bed. He rolled his body to the side, forcefully ripping you out of his lap. He mumbles, "You're unbelieveable," as he rubbed his face with his palm.
You though, didn't care. You simply take a peek to his face with a smug look on your face, clearly satisfied. Fueling his irritation more.
Out of nowhere though, the tables has turned. He startling you by moving so fast and now you're pinned down on the bed, with him on top of you.
He smirked at you, tilting his head to the side. He looks so menacing... and hot.
"Mama said that I shouldn't play rough with others... but," he purrs quietly as his hand roamed to your sides, and his other hands pick up the strand of your hair and brings it to his mouth, giving it a peck.
His head leans closer, breath brushing againts the skin of your neck and he let out a low chuckle. Your reaction is simply too adorable.
"... I think a punishment is due, don't you think?"
Don't be weird lol he just tickled your sides lmaoooo of course I'm not insinuating anything hahahahhahaa-
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G A L U F G A R G A R O N 👅
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"I-is this okay? Are you comfortable?" he stutters nervously, both of his hand hovers awkwardly over your relaxes figure on his lap, not knowing where to put it.
On your hair? What if he accidentally yank it? On your stomach? What if he pushed on it too hard? On your chest? Uh-
He snapped out of his turmoil when you mentioned that his shaking hand is currently sweating a river, and it's dripping down on you.
"Huh?! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to please don't hate me-" please guide this poor lad. He never done this with anyone ever before. He's seriously gonna combust into acid mess!
His jitter and stutter earning him a few sore spot in his tongue due to him accidentally biting into it when trying to talk or move. It's a wonder that he managed to NOT bite it off.
His breath hitches when you grabbed his hand gently and guide it to rest flat on your hair, telling him to try playing with it as a start. THIS IS THE START?!
He swears if he accidentally hurt you he'll yank his limb off.
As the time passed by though, he started to calmed down as his mind focused on each strand of your hair. A faint blush tinted his cheek and by the time you realized it, he's in the middle of braiding your hair into a tiny parts. All the time checking your facial expression for any sign of discomfort.
His eyes rounded into what seemed like a doe-eye and his face relaxed, the corner of his mouth is quirked upwards into a small smile. He seems happy... until-
"WHAT'CHA LOOKING AT?!" He suddenly barked with eyes glaring to the side. Panicked, your head follows his direction and you saw his gang standing over there with face full of variation of expression.
Before you managed to speak your mind, your boyfriend's voice boomed across the place as he barked the word "SCRAM", making those group of teens scramble away into obscurity, almost stumbling onto each other.
"They're so noisy, I swear to God..." he mumble quietly, his eyes trailing back to meet your surprised expression. He avert his eyes shyly and he's back to his previous mode, stumbling over his word.
"I-I'm sorry, you must be surprised right?" he stated meekly as his hand silently encouraging you to lay back on his lap. "It's just my friends, they're being noisy as per usual. I hope I didn't scare you..."
Honestly, the duality of this man is mind-boggling.
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K E N N Y C L A R K 🧊
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"Calm down, no one's gonna now," he said nonchalantly, patting your hair without looking at you as his hand flipped through the pages of his module.
The both of you are in the library right now, and as it should be; nobody should be flirting in the library. Getting caught holding hands in itself will earn the culprit an one-day ban from accessing the library.
But did your boyfriend care? Of course not.
Because if he cares you wouldn't be in this situation right now; head pressed down onto his lap with one hand while he busying himself, studying for finals.
He reasoned that your love is his 'battery', therefore you should be 'charging him'. Whatever that means.
Sometimes he'll look down on his lap to check on you. He'll pinch on your cheek to make you look at him and he'll blow you a kiss. With a face devoid of any emotions.
Though his face seems stoic, he's actually secretly gushing inside his mind. He swears that that your misery flustered face is so adorable! That blushing cheek, wavering eyes... it brings warm to his chest.
All of that gushy-mushy inside his mind, while you're nervously checking around the room. Afraid to find the librarian striding in without any time for you to react.
The both of you have been banned from the library for far too many times. And finals week is not the ideal time for that to happen.
Noticing your distress, he closed his eyes and sighed softly. His hand relaxed and he stopped putting pressure onto your head. Giving you a chance to finally scrambled out of his lap and act normal!
But that's too boring for him.
That's why now he wrapped his hand around your shoulder and pulling you closer. Effectively making you lean on his shoulder.
But that's not enough for him, no! so he uses his hand to tilted your head upwards, making you face him while he leans closer to rubbed the tip of his nose to yours. Enjoying the reaction he earned from you.
"Rest assured, my angel," he mumbled quietly, intentionally breathing through his mouth so it would brush onto your lips. "After all, our love is always stealthy, it will flies under the radar." yikes
You might be hallucinating but you swear that you saw a glimpes of his lips quirked upwards slightly as he leans closer slowly, tilting his head, almost touching your lips...
On a positive note, if you get a bad grades for final, you're free to blame him now! Yay!
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M A L C O L M C U R T I S 🪲
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"Are you bored, my dear?" his voice is calm and soothing as he push the strand of hair that is in your face to the side, his other hand is brushing through the back of your hair gently.
He look to the side and stares at his fishing equipment that he put up by the edge of the river. It's been an hour and no fish has taken the bait yet.
He's not surprised though. Fishing is a long, waiting game after all. Especially if one decides to not use a lure. For him though, that's what makes it even more satisfying if he managed to catch one.
You lay on the grass with your head on his lap. Moaning and groaning about 'stupid fish not knowing what a fine cuisine is'. A low chuckles escapes his mouth, muffled by the tube in his mouth.
"Well, it's indeed taking longer than usual for fish to take my bait. I'm experimenting with the new bug after all," and that made you pouted. Something that he adores the most.
He's always hesitant to bring you with him fishing, knowing that you'll not be entertained. But for some reasons you always insisting on coming along, and every time his lap always ended up as your pillow.
Not that he minded though. You seemed relaxed and content as you nuzzle onto his thigh. And that's all he wanted, for you to be comfortable around him.
Not many people can bear to look at his... face. People often stated that 'it's the face that can only be loved by his mother'.
Not you though... you seems to think that his face is ethereal, as if he's one of Michelangelo's masterpiece. He never knew why you seems to think that way... but it warms his heart.
You suddenly shrieked, almost making him jump to defensive position and activate his magic. He frantically look to the side and his eyes widened when his fishing rod had finally started to twitch.
He moves away as you woke up from his lap and quickly keep a hold to the fishing rod, slowly reeling it in and strategically stopped to not startle anything that is currently taking his bait.
Meanwhile his heart thump against his chest, hearing you yelling encouragements to him as if you're a cheerleader.
And... voila! It's a baby catfish.
He stares at the wiggling little fish at the end of of his rod with a deadpanned expression, while you currently laughing your ass off.
He looks towards your direction, and he was stunned in silence as he stares at your amused face. It was simply... beautiful.
He knew his hobby is boring for you. But if it can make you laugh like this... he hopes you'll never get bored coming along with him.
He feels serene, at peace, all because of you.
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L O V I E R O S E Q U A R T Z ⚡
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"Oh, Hi... sorry, but Lévis is not here" he greets you with a soft voice as you come to his room, closing the book he's been reading and giving you his full attention as you walked to his bed.
His eyes widened in surprised when you, as usual, told him that you're here to hang out with him. A faint blushes painted his cheek as he let out a sweet laugh, "Oh, of course! please, come sit by me. I was starting to get bored myself."
He never gets used to you visiting him for some reasons. Even after a year of him being sick and losing his magic, he never did.
After being bedridden, it's rare for him to met people other than Lévis. His father never even consider him exist anymore, deeming him to be a defective product.
Maybe the last time he met his father was more than half a year ago? when he dragged him to this room?
All of that didn't surprised him though, he was just happy that his brother didn't meet the same fate as him. He believes all of this happen as a karma for never tried to stand up for his brother.
For you to stick around and visiting him every other weekend though, just to hang out with him and nothing else, is never failed to surprised him. I mean, why? he was weak now, everybody leaves, why won't you?
He giggles as he scoots a bit to give you space. As per usual, you'll get on his bed and put your head on his lap. Hugging his thin thigh in a koala grip as if it's your lifeline.
The pressure was a bit too tight, but it was fully welcomed. The extra warmth from your body is radiating and creeping to his heart, warming the negative thoughts away.
"How was school? anything interesting?" he questioned while brushing his hand to your hair, and his sweet smile never fades as he listens to your story. His eyes radiating with adoration as he stares down at you.
For him, your story was always interesting. Even if all you gonna talk in your entire visit is only about the shitty new cafeteria menu you had on school, it was all very interesting for him.
If you mentioned about his smile towards you, he'll giggle and cup your cheeks before giving your lips a small peck, "It's because I love you so much. You're so cute!"
Any reactions you gave him after that will earned you more peck for him. Don't scoot away from his lap though, he'll be sad! and he'll use his entire energy if he should to drag you back to his lap.
In his weakened state, all whom stay by his side other than Lévis is only you. For him, you're the breathe of fresh air in this cramped, lavish space.
Your existence stuck in his mind, and it's what keeps him going through the day as he dealt with the illness in his body.
As he pressed his forehead on top of yours, he mutters a soft 'thank you' before sighing, enjoying your presence by his side.
He'll trade everything in the world, for you to stay by his side... forever.
By the way, Lévis is currently outside of his room the entire time, holding a tray of food, wondering if he should go in and become a cockblock or not.
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I'm currently as good as a constipated bull right now And THANK YOUUUUU SM BOO I'M HAPPY THAT YOU LIKE MY WRITING! 😭😭😭 UEEEEEEEEEEEE-
Since you didn't specify what type of scenario you would want me to write, I used this prompt to write for them. If this is not what you mean, feel free to send another request!!!
I put Lovie in as a curve ball because I'm curious on how I myself would interpret a character that only appeared in the few panels. But unexpectedly Malcolm ended up being the hardest one. I paused writing for a day just because of him lol.
Anyway, thank you @doughnuts-eater for your request! Sorry it takes too long for me to write! I hope you and everyone else will enjoy this one too! 🍀
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rainee-da · 4 months
Hello <3
Is it ok to request the "What they said when you're sleeping" but with the Divine Visionaries? Tysm!
🍀 The Talk When You Sleep [2]
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CHARACTER ❥ Orter Mádl ⏳ / Sophina Biblia 📕 / Tsurara Halestone ❄️
W A R N I N G ⚠️ R13 for general fluff w/ slight angst as spice / Relationship HCS / BIG SPOILER!!!! / might be a bit too OOC for you.
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O R T E R M Á D L ⏳
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he opened the door to your bedroom and sighed loudly "Seriously? We're supposed to be at the office at 9 o'clock, and you're still sleeping in your bed? Your laziness is absolutely revolt-" he shook his head in annoyance and marched closer, but stopped abruptly as his hand hovers in the air "That eyebags... you must be staying up late again," he sighed and sit at the edge of your bed, thinking for a while "There's no urgency... I suppose it's fine to let you be for some more," his face is annoyed as he loosened the tie in his neck he looked up the window, his expression remained unchanged "Yesterday was quite frivolous, I didn't remember there was anything in particular happening... what made you stay up late?" he mumbled as he turned his head to watch your face "Are you overthinking again? Or is there something that I missed?" he frowned as he is thinking to himself, before sighing again "No matter... we'll just sleep together later at night so I can fix your sleep habit, should've done so for a long time anyway." he brushes your hair to the side with his finger, his frown softens slightly "Your expression is good, and your temperature is normal. At least you're not sick physically," his hand moves to stroke your cheek as he enjoys the silence for a while, his expression grows solemn as the deep thought overwhelms his mind "Every time I see you as innocent as this, I always wonder... Why do you want to be with someone like me?" his finger rubs your eyelids gently "I rarely said this to you, and I know I should, but... You're a smart person. You're strong, able to defend yourself when danger strikes. You also had good friends that cherish you," he tilted his head as he got immersed by your face "You're... a beauty, so beautiful that it made me wonder how many people felt envious when we made us official... And, most important of all," he paused as the word got caught up in his throat, he blinks rapidly to clear some of his senses "You're so altruistic, so kind... unlike me." he chuckled lowly "I don't even know how many people have died by my wands, for the sake of order," he sighed as he turned his eyes away to stare at the view outside the window "Order is made for a reason. I believe that as long as the order is properly maintained, there will be no more Alex in the world. No people would get hurt anymore... But," he paused "The whole incident with Innocent Zero made me reconsider those beliefs... But, if my actions all this time were wrong, " he paused, his face darkened "Wouldn't that make me.. a. criminal?" he sighed, rubbing his face wearily "No use thinking about that now. It only brings unnecessary questions that will hinder my rationality," his gaze shifted to you and his mouth formed into a thin smile "It's a new dawn, and the citizen will need to get used to the new order. A riot would be inevitable, and bringing the previous sense of normalcy would be a grueling task ahead for the Divine Visionaries. But," he leans in and gives your lips a chaste kiss "With you, I believe I'll do well—maybe even better than before." "𝘼𝙛𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙖𝙡𝙡, 𝙄'𝙢 𝙣𝙤 𝙡𝙤𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙧 𝙖𝙡𝙤𝙣𝙚 𝙣𝙤𝙬."
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S O P H I N A B I B L I A 📕
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"Oh my, the way you sleep is so vulgar! This won't do," she hurriedly move to fix your sleeping position and remove her coat to put it over you "There, all better," she smiles in satisfaction as she move your head to put it over her lap "You really had no grace, sleeping during work hours like this... you're lucky I'm more pliable than Mr. Madl." she sighed and shake her head as she opened the book in her hand to starts reading "Well, I'm only this pliable towards you if I'm being honest. If Mr. Revol's the one who's doing this, I would've already cursed him so he would dance bare-naked in the courtyard," she coughed softly and hums to stop herself from laughing "That's... such a tasteless threats coming from me, I can't believe I just said that." she tried to focus on reading but her mind is wandering "Let's see... Didn't you promises me that you would never napped at work anymore? So I think a punisment should be in order, no?" the thoughts in her head brings subtle-yet mischievous smile in her stoic face "What if, you have to cook dinner for a week? Or maybe I'll make you read one of my books? That's not really a punishment though," she tapped her chin as she's thinking "Or, I could also punish you," she leaned closer and blow into your ear "Like this? Fufu, you're so cute when you're wincing like that." she sighed and close the book to put it on the side, and her hand moves to brush your hair gently "You bring out sides of me that I never thought I have..." a soft smile formed on her face "For example... I never thought that feeling your hair against my fingertips like this could be so addicting," she lightly pinched the tip of your nose, and giggles at your reaction "Or that teasing you would be so much fun? Your reaction is so lively, it's never boring to be around you," she sighed and close her eyes as she lost in her own thoughts "Being with you has become one of my hobbies... Fresh scent of new book will never compare to the scent of your fragnance, and reading become a chores if you're not by my side," she smiles dreamily, slowly getting sleepy "Your influence is kaleidoscope of color in my life, I never thought that something as abstract as you would be so enjoyable... Really, I would trade everything in the world, if it means we could always be together like this," her hand lied in your chest as she slowly dozed off "𝙄 𝙬𝙞𝙨𝙝 𝙬𝙚 𝙬𝙞𝙡𝙡 𝙖𝙡𝙬𝙖𝙮𝙨 𝙬𝙧𝙞𝙩𝙚 '𝙤𝙪𝙧' 𝙨𝙩𝙤𝙧𝙮, 𝙩𝙤𝙜𝙚𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧"
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T S U R A R A H A L E S T O N E ❄️
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"Brrrr…. oh, you're asleep?" she lowered her hand from her mouth, her body shakes slightly "I guess you've been waiting for long… I'm sorry," she walked towards you, her face expresses remorse "I should woke you up, don't I? But… brrrr…. let me use your body to warm up first… You don't mind, right?" she lied beside your sleeping figure, and snuggle closer to your side "Hehe… your body is so warm," she smiles dreamily as she hugs your body "I'm sorry that it took me so long to finish my work… I was getting in the zone with my research, and finally made some progress… But then," her gloved hand move towards your neck to rub it gently "The heater suddenly broke down… I have to waited for the mechanic to arrive, and I didn't realize that it was already this late" she sighed and closed her eyes, looking exhausted "I should've told you to go home early... I'm sorry that you have to wait for me." her body shakes again, and she lay her head on your chest "Brrrr... Why is it so cold," she lost in her own thought as she listen to your heartbeat, a soft smile formed in her face "Your heartbeat is steady, that's good... I always used your body as my warmer, and I know you said that you didn't mind that one bit... " she blushes and shyly buried her face to your neck "... But I hope you're not forcing yourself... My magic made my body cold, I didn't want you to get sick because of me." she stumbles as she risen up, her smile is warm and her hand is stroking your cheek "I think soon enough I can make some potion that will help keep my body warm temporarily! Tomorrow I'll show it to you! I don't know how long the effects would last... But," she leans in to kiss your cheek, accidentally biting her inner cheek out of nervousness "Ouch! Eh, what I'm saying is, with those potions we, hopefully, can starts hanging out outside! Do some dinner date, movie night at cinema, stuff that I know you want to do but you never asked out of consideration for me. " she hums happily as she snuggle closer to your cheek "You're warm," her eyes is full of adoration as she stares at your sleeping face "I love that the most about you... You're such a warm person. You're patient with me, even though sometimes my magic combined with my clumsiness causes you trouble. But you're always being so kind with me... It made me so happy," she turns to look at the clock "Ah, It's already this late! I should wake you up now." "𝙊𝙣𝙡𝙮 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝙘𝙖𝙣 𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙢 𝙢𝙮 𝙝𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙩."
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Long time no see! I've been busy with my irl stuff and just finally got the time to write again. I kinda projecting on some of the characters lol I hope you don't mind... I originally planned to write for all of them, but I decided to split it into different parts since when I'm writing this I have a severe case of writer's block lolol. I promises that the rest of them will be uploaded in due time!
I've made similar prompt before w/ Devil's Quintuplet+Cell War so check it out! And I tried to make it as less OOC as I possibly could, but I don't know if it will suits your interpretation. I hope you like it all the same though! Thank you anon for your request 🍀 and thank you for reading!
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rainee-da · 5 months
🍀 Your First "I Love You" [1]
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CHARACTER ❥ Doom 🪞 / Famin 🃏 / Epidem 🍮
W A R N I N G ⚠️ PG-13 and heavy on fluff / BIG SPOILER!!!! / might be too OOC for you.
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D O O M 🪞
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He paused instantly, sword hanging in the air as he stuck in position for a while.
Poor him, his brain is buffering for a moment. You saying this in the middle of his training didn't help either.
Please help him lower his hand, he's going to give himself cramps with all the weight of those swords hanging in the air.
"I'm sorry dear, I think I misheard your words before... can you repeat that to me again?"
You repeat your words, declaring your love again. This time he heard it all, and his brain is buffering again lol.
Not for long though, because after this he let out a gentle sigh, and his usually stoic face morphed into a gentle one. A small, genuine smile plastered on his face.
He settles his sword to the side and approaches you slowly, hand reaching out to touch your face. To map your expression to ingrain it in his mind.
He has long accepted his blindness. But you made him wish he had a set of eyes to be able to see your lovely expression.
"It's nice to know such loveliness still exists in my dark world. Thank you, dear... and I love you too."
After this, he'll speak to you more lovingly and express his love more bolder than he did previously. 
However, he'll still need to be mindful and keep it minimum when in public. Especially around his father because yikes.
He loves and appreciates you so much, though he sometimes doesn't express it clearly. But he's willing to make an effort, so you will believe that it's true when he says that he feels the same way.
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F A M I N 🎪
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"That's nice," is all he said. As he stares at you with a blank face.
If you didn't know any better, you may thought that he didn't care.
But if you've been with him for a while, you'll notice that there's a drastic reaction in his body language.
A twitch at the corner of the eye, his Adam's apple bobbing up and down, with palms opening and closing, with head slowly tilting to the side. For his usual expressionless self, this is a highly emotional response coming from him.
He can be more expressive though when he's angry... but you wouldn't want to do that.
"Say it again," his words come out thicker than usual as he grabs your shoulder with both of his hands, leaning closer with face still seemingly devoid of emotion.
Be prepared to say "I love you" repeatedly because he'll make you do that for a while lol.
He can feel his heart skip a beat as you stimulate it by adding variations of phrases and sentences to your confession.
Although you didn't need to do that. Even if you just say the classic three-word confession thousands of times, he wouldn't get bored of it.
Out of everything in the world, you're the only person in his life that he simply can't imagine getting tired of.
After he is satisfied, he'll simply hum and turn away. Deadass leaving you alone like yo what the fuc-
But oh? If you manage to take a glimpse, you'll notice that the tip of his ears goes rosy as he disappears into the corner.
Be prepared to find random gifts at the side of your bed for a while. Don't scream either, though I know you would want to.
Man has the same emotional capacity as a cat after all.
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E P I D E M 🍮
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He dropped his spoon (wand-spoon?) with a loud clatter. His head snapped to look into your eyes, and his mouth formed into a silent 'o' as he stared at you in silence.
"Is this for real? Are you for real, love?" he asked you gingerly, hand raised to caress your cheek.
He's so flabbergasted that he didn't even realize that he also dropped his pudding. That's gonna be your future problem lol
You repeated your confession to his face. The 'o' shape formed in his mouth goes bigger as he stares at you in an awkward silence.
All of a sudden, he lunges towards you and gives you a big hug. You couldn't see his face, but you could still feel his happiness by the way he hummed a happy note, swinging your body side by side.
He leans back to look at your face, and now you can see that his face which is usually so composed and calm except when he's having a pudding withdrawal is decorated with a warm smile as he stares at you with eyes full of love.
He leans forward and peppers your cheek with a kiss, mumbling about how soft and fluffy your cheeks are. A giggle escaped from his mouth when you yelped at the way he bit into your cheek.
He can't help it! After all, you're just like a pudding! You're so soft and fluffy and adorable like- his mind will go into a tangent as he internally has cuteness aggression.
"I was waiting for you to say that, I'm so happy my love! Like a pudding, you just know how to make my heart flutter with joy!"
Talking about pudding, now you gotta deal with his temper tantrum as soon as he realizes that he dropped his pudding. Hopefully, you brought him an extra one.
Oh yeah, he loves you too :) after pudding though... maybe?
He dropped his spoon (wand-spoon?) with a loud clatter. His head snapped to look into your eyes, and his mouth formed into a silent 'o' as he stared at you in silence.
"Is this for real? Are you for real, love?" he asked you gingerly, hand raised to caress your cheek.
He's so flabbergasted that he didn't even realize that he also dropped his pudding. That's gonna be your future problem lol
You repeated your confession to his face. The 'o' shape formed in his mouth goes bigger as he stares at you in an awkward silence.
All of a sudden, he lunges towards you and gives you a big hug. You couldn't see his face, but you could still feel his happiness by the way he hummed a happy note, swinging your body side by side.
He leans back to look at your face, and now you can see that his face which is usually so composed and calm except when he's having a pudding withdrawal is decorated with a warm smile as he stares at you with eyes full of love.
He leans forward and peppers your cheek with a kiss, mumbling about how soft and fluffy your cheeks are. A giggle escaped from his mouth when you yelped at the way he bit into your cheek.
He can't help it! After all, you're just like a pudding! You're so soft and fluffy and adorable like- his mind will go into a tangent as he internally has cuteness aggression.
"I was waiting for you to say that, I'm so happy my love! Like a pudding, you just know how to make my heart flutter with joy!"
Talking about pudding, now you gotta deal with his temper tantrum as soon as he realizes that he dropped his pudding. Hopefully, you brought him an extra one.
Oh yeah, he loves you too :) after pudding though... maybe?
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I run into a writers block when writing this and I really need to sleep, so I'll make one for Delisaster, Domina, and Cell War at a later time (sooner if the reaction is good). This is my first headcanon I made in this blog. I've read Mashle before but just fallen in love with it after watching the anime. It fuels the delulu that has long died down inside of me lololol-
I really can't wait for Devil's Quintuplet (Mash's brother) to appear in the next season hopefully so I created this specifically for them. They need some love too!
I really hope you like it~ have a good day! 🍀
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rainee-da · 5 months
Heyyy I just found your blog and i think you're writing is great 💖 who is your top 5 character in Mashle: Magic and Muscle?
As for top 5 character, honestly it's hard to decide because i love them all equally and it's fantasizing of having reverse harem with all of my husbu one day //j
But if I really, REALLY have to put them into ranking, I think it would be something like this:
🍮 Epidem - don't ask me why i just did okay??? he's so goofy but so menacing at the same time hnngggh daddy and I don't understand why ppl think he's the ugly duckling among all the brothers because he's not???? LOOK AT THOSE JAWLINE LIKE AAAAAA- Anyway, he's my numero uno cutie patootie
🃏 Famin - I'm quite hesitant putting him in second place because honestly I like both Epi & Famin equally. I really like the type of character that is enigmatic, goofy but menacing. It's like the perfect cuisine 👌🏻 but I put him on second place because I just had a dream where he killed me and use my head as a soccer ball lol
🐉 Agito Tyrone - Same reasons as the other character; he's goofy, enigmatic, but menacing (I mean his religious tangent is creepy af but kinda hot hhhheheheheh-) I just wish he had more screentime in the manga... Please mangaka create after-story/spin-off series of Mashle I NEED MY BOIS
🍥 Carpaccio Luo-Yang - Again, same reason as the previous three; though he's not that goofie (and didn't wear suit) so that knock him down to the fourth place. I think his abilities are so damn cool and I would put him above Agito if he's a little bit more goofy. I really want to see him hang out more with the main gang (or had a childish banter with Margarette. I can totally see him do that lol).
🕶️ Wirth Madl - He's my first favorite from the anime though not in romantic way. I really want to hug him and tell him that he's okay just the way he are and I want to see him make up with his brother sO BAD (maybe they can go nuclear on their parents? just a thought...) I guess I see a little bit of myself in him and that breaks my heart a little.
As for the three honorable mentions (I know you didn't ask for them anon, I just want to include one lol) here it is!
🎼 Margarette Macaron - Please be my mom lol I want to have a girl's night out with them!
🍯 Kaldo Gehenna - imagine him opening his eyes, and it's amber-colored (I'll die fyi)
Anyway, thank you for your ask! It made my day 🌱 have a good one!
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rainee-da · 4 months
(SPOILERS) Devil's Quintuplet - Demon Heart
So... all of Devil's Quintuplet Has Demon Hearts, Right?
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And in demonology, the demon is categorized into various types based on the Seven Deadly Sins. Sloth, Greed, Gluttony, yadda yadda yadda.
What if all the brother's hearts is also aligned with the Seven Deadly Sin's trait? and it comes with varying quirks? For example: Pride would be regeneration (Delisaster), Wrath would be adrenaline boost (Domina), and so on.
And this made me wonder too, isn't Domina's eyes go black when he's activated his third? When he's battling Mash? like a demon?
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But his eyes didn't go black when he's battling Innocent Zero. Why?
I know that might be because he's using his third with Mash and he was simply using Narwhal, a spell that is not yet certain whether it was a pard of his Secondth or his Third.
But.. based on the explanation in the manga, the Third is a spell/summons that would reveal the WAND's true abilities.
So... based on that explanation, it shouldn't transform your body parts, let alone your eyes, right?
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My theory is... what if during the battle with Mash, along with his third he also activates his Demon form?
Maybe unintentionally due to anger? and the reason why his eyes don't transform into black when he's fighting his dad is because he is in check with his emotions.
AND AND Other than Delisaster, I didn't see any of the brothers having OR using their regenerative abilities.
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Which is weird since it would be especially useful during Epidem VS Lance & Dott battle, or Famin VS Orter's battle.
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So... my theory is; that maybe a demon heart would enhance the healing progress of the wound on the body, but super-regenerative abilities in itself are Delisaster's own personal quirk given by his demon hearts?
That would explain why we didn't see the black-eye transformation and the super-regenerative abilities from the other brothers.
This made me wonder, what abilities each of the brother have, based on their demon hearts…
or maybe i'm just thinking far too much into it and all of that is merely a bad writing/plot hole from the author lol
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rainee-da · 4 months
In Mashle's anime & manga series, it is shown that Mash's ear is sensitive, right?
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What if it is a genetic thing?
Like, all the brothers have sensitive ear?
And you blow on it?
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Yea I'm going insane
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rainee-da · 4 months
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🍀rainee's fandom list — this is the list of fandom i'm a part of & list of characters i'm willing to work with! (bolded means favorite!)
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anime/manga series — character is listed in alphabetical order!
Mashle: Magic and Muscle ❥ Abbyss Razor / Abel Walker / Agito Tyrone / Carpaccio Luo-Yang / Cell War / Charles Contini / Delisaster / Domina Blowelive / Doom / Dott Barret / Epidem / Famin / Finn Ames / Galuf Gargaron / Kaldo Gehenna / Kenny Clark / Lance Crown / Lemon Irvine / Lévis Rosequartz / Love Cute / Lovie Rosequartz / Malcolm Curtis / Margarette Macaron / Mash Burnedead / Max Land / Milo Genius / Orter Madl / Rayne Ames / Renatus Revol / Shuen Getsuku / Sophina Biblia / Tsurara Halestone / Wirth Madl One-Punch Man ❥ Amai Mask / Atomic Samurai / Blue Fire / Captain Mizuki / Darkness Blade / Drive Knight / Eyelashes / Feather / Flashy Flash / Fubuki / Garou / Gearsper / Genos / Glasses / Golden Ball / Iaian / King / Lightning Max / Metal Bat / Mumen Rider / Mountain Ape / Needle Star / Okamaitachi / One Shotter / Poison / Saitama / Sekingar / Sneck / Speed-O'-Sound Sonic / Spring Mustachio / Tanktop Master / Tatsumaki / Twin Tail / Zombieman Dr. STONE ❥ Chelsea Childe / Chrome / Francois / Gen Asagiri / Ginro / Homura Momiji / Hyoga / Joel Gar / Kinro / Kohaku / Luna Wright / Minami Hokutozai / Moz / Nikki Hanada / Ryusui Nanami / Sai Nanami / Senku Ishigami / Stanley Snyder / Taiju Oki / Tsukasa Shishio / Ukyo Saionji / Xeno H. Wingfield / Yo Uei / Yuzuhira Ogawa My Hero Academia ❥ Aizawa Shouta / Himiko Toga / Hizashi Yamada / Jin Bubaigawara / Keigo Takami / Mirai Saaki / Mirio Togata / Nejire Hado / Neito Monoma / Rumi Usagiyama / Sako Atsuhiro / Shigaraki Tomura / Shinya Kamihara / Shuichi Iguchi / Tamaki Amajiki / Toshinori Yagi / Touya Todoroki / Tsunagu Hakamada Mob Psycho 100 ❥ Arataka Reigen / Hiroshi Shibata / Ichi Mezato / Katsuya Serizawa / Keiji Mogami / Matsuo / Megumu Koyama / Nozomu Hatori / Ritsu Kageyama / Ryo Shimazaki / Shigeo Kageyama / Sho Suzuki / Tenga Onigawara / Terada / Teruki Hanazawa / Toichiro Suzuki / Tome Kurata / Toshiki Minegishi / Tsubomi Takane / Yusuke Sakurai Osomatsu-san ❥ Choromatsu Matsuno / Ichimatsu Matsuno / Jyushimatsu Matsuno / Karamatsu Matsuno / Nyaa Hashimoto / Osomatsu Matsuno / Todomatsu Matsuno / Totoko Yowai Kakegurui ❥ Ibara Obami / Kaeda Manyuda / Kirari Momobami / Mary Saotome / Midari Ikishima / Miri Yobami / Miyo Inbami / Ririka Momobami / Rin Obami / Ryota Suzui / Sayaka Igarashi / Sumika Warakubami / Terano Totobami / Yumeko Jabami / Yumemi Yumemite / Yuriko Nishinotouin
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manhwa series — character is listed in alphabetical order!
Eleceed ❥ Amyeong / Arthur Bryan / Cain Luterain / Chul Young / Dr. Delein / Duke Grane / Elay Pigarun / Gangseok Choi / Giwook Jang / Glant Gesimov / Guestella / Ian Patrick / Inhyuk Goo / Iseul Ju / Jiwoo Seo / Jisuk Yoo / Jiyoung Yoo / Jurion Patrick / Kartein / Kayden Break / Lia Eresby / Miyoung Ko / Muse / Pluton / Roist / Schneider / Seongha Park / Subin Lee / Sucheon Kang / Suman Kang / Vator / Wooin UnOrdinary ❥ Arlo / Blyke / Darren / Isen / John / Kuyo / Leilah / Remi / Rei / Seraphina
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video games series — character is listed in alphabetical order!
Stardew Valley (+ Expanded) ❥ Abigail / Alex / Claire / Elliot / Emily / Haley / Harvey / Lance / Leah / Magnus / Maru / Penny / Sam / Sebastian / Shane / Sophia / Victor Baldur's Gate 3 ❥ Astarion / Gale / Halsin / Karlach / Lae'zel / Minthara / Shadowheart / Wyll Kingdom Hearts ❥ Axel / Demyx / Larxene / Lexaeus / Luxord / Marluxia / Naminé / Roxas / Saix / Vexen / Xaldin / Xemnas / Xigbar / Xion / Zexion Hogwarts Legacy ❥ Aesop Sharp / Amit Thakkar / Garreth Weasley / Leander Prewett / Mirabel Garlick / Natsai Onai / Ominis Gaunt / Parry Pippin / Poppy Sweeting / Sebastian Sallow / Victor Rookwood Detroit: Become Human ❥ Connor (RK800) / Daniel / Elijah Kamski / Gavin Reed / Kara / Luther / Markus / Nines (RK900) / North / Ralph / Sixty (RK-800-60) / Simon Watch Dogs Series ❥ Aiden Pearce / Dušan Nemec / Horatio Carlin / Josh Sauchak / Marcus Holloway / Raymond Kenney / Reginald Blenchman (Wrench) / Sitara Dhawan Danganronpa Series ❥ Akane Owari / Byakuya Togami / Celestia Ludenberg / Chiaki Nanami / Chihiro Fujisaki / Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu / Ghundam Tanaka / Gonta Gokuhara / Hajime Hinata / Hiyoko Saionji / Himiko Yumeno / Ibuki Mioda / Kaede Akamatsu / Kaito Momota / Kazuichi Souda / Kirumi Tojo / Kokichi Ouma / Korekiyo Shinguji / Makoto Naegi / Maki Harukawa / Mikan Tsukimi / Miu Iruma / Mondo Owada / Nagito Komaeda / Nekomaru Nidai / Peko Pekoyama / Rantaro Amami / Ryoma Hoshi/ Sakura Ogami / Sayaka Maizono / Shuichi Saihara / Sonia Nevermind / Teruteru Hanamura / Touko Fukawa / Tsumugi Shirogane / Yasuhiro Hagakure Persona Series ❥ Aegis / Akihiro Sanada / Ann Takamaki / Futaba Sakura / Goro Akechi / Hidetoshi Odagiri / Junpei Iori / Ken Amada / Makoto Niijima / Ren Amamiya / Ryoji Mochizuki / Ryuji Sakamoto / Shinjiro Agaraki / Theodore / Yusuke Kitagawa
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rainee-da · 4 months
I'm not sure if you do these types of requests but if it's okay could I please ask for Carpaccio with Kianna komori
Like in this scenario he at school and ends up catching feelings for her but she constantly avoids him because she doesn't know what he wants from her
*side note she has feelings for him but she pushes them down*
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By the way you can find her info on my page here on Tumblr
🍀 Love Observation
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CHARACTER ❥ Carpaccio Luo Yang 🍥 X Kianna Komori (OC)
W A R N I N G ⚠️ R13 w/ tw for stalking / she/her pronouns / BIG SPOILER for anime watchers!!!! / might be too OOC for you.
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It has been 1 month and 13 days of me observing her.
Yes, Carpaccio counted it all.
His eyes squinted, observing each movement made by the girl that is currently sitting at the front of the class. His notebook, currently lying on his desk, is filled with numerous notes dedicated to her, capturing every detail and observation he made about her. Her biodata, her schedule, the list of her friends and enemies, her common ticks, everything.
Unbeknownst that he was already in his last entry, due to how incessantly he was observing and documenting her every move.
He sighed, throwing his pen to the side and crossing his arms as he leaned back on his desk. His expression is pinched, annoyance and confusion are imminent on his face. His analysis made him sure he could read the girl's feelings just through her facial expressions, or so he believed.
However, there was one question he couldn't grasp from her actions. He had observed that when conversing with people she liked, her eyes would widen and her brow would raise, while when conversing with those she disliked, her brow would furrow and her eyes would slant.
And for some reason, her brow always furrows whenever his and her eyes are met.
Like right now.
Though Carpaccio considers this to be ample time to view her face better. After all, she always turned away her eyes and fled whenever these opportunities arose. The only instances he could find such a chance is only when the sky are as dark as an ink, up at the trees with subtle light magic in his wand casting the only brightness in the night, silently watching her slumbering form.
To him, she was a true work of art. He often pondered in his daydreams whether she got that from her dad or mom. Her eyes, yellow as an amber, never ceased to ensnare him, making him feel as if he were a bug caught in a spider’s web. The soft brown roots of her hair blending into red ombre at the ends created such a divine contrast that was simply otherworldly, in his opinion. Even the frown on her face tugged his heart in such a way that left him addicted for more.
For reasons and methods that were yet known to him, she crept into his heart and made herself his addiction. It's a cruel and fascinating experience for him. He wants to know how this girl managed to do that to him. Is this the doing of her personal magic? or he was simply entranced by her beauty, like the other common peers of his age? Or is it something else from you that rigged him into such a fool?
Anyhow, you're fascinating to him, and he wants to learn more about this girl, at all costs. Pondering such a thing has become his guilty pleasure, distracting him in such a way to the point where he failed to realize that you had marched to his desk.
"What do you want from me, exactly?"
Although the fruitiness of your voice is laced with such a brood that hints heavily at your annoyance, it's still music to his ear.
"Why are you asking?" he replied calmly, hands moving towards his chest to soothe the rumble in his heart.
"Isn't that normal for people to ask that kind of thing, especially to someone who had been tailing me for weeks?"
Well, she's not exactly wrong on that.
Leaning against his desk, he took a closer look at her face. The smirk on his face grew as he noticed a scowl she reserved for him. He admired every expression on her face, be it good or bad. All of them are fascinating and hold a special place in his heart. Yet, any gesture of attention from her is what he longs for, and he feels a surge of triumph at his success in securing her focus.
He composed his best retort to that statement, and replied calmly, "Well, you're the one who kept running away"
"You didn't answer my question!"
"Then how else am I supposed to get to know you, Kianna?"
Oh? Now that reaction is unusual. One he had never seen before.
Carpaccio’s reply, for some reason, elicited a shocked expression from her. She let out a quiet gasp, eyes flitting around in a weak attempt to evade his gaze. Yet what truly fascinated him was the rare pinkish tint that gradually colored her cheeks and connected to her nose.
'Can I make her do that again?' is what crosses his mind.
"You… want to get to know me?" Oh, that slight waver in her tone is so endearing to him.
"I thought it was obvious?"
"No, it's not. I thought you were gonna make me your next test subject!"
Again, she's not exactly wrong on that.
Carpaccio Luo-Yang, the stellar rookie of Easton Magic Academy, has earned his notoriety due to the number of students he crippled and hospitalized for his 'experiments'. And in some ways, In some ways, Kianna isn't exactly wrong either. He is indeed observing her like a test subject, even as they are speaking.
How could he not? After all, she is just that addicting. And he needs to know why.
"I just want to learn more about you, is all."
"And that's why you've been glaring at me the entire period?" is that how she sees him? glaring?
"… I didn't mean to glare."
"And that's also why you've been stalking me around the school grounds?"
"And watching me when I sleep?" so she did find that one out. Is that why she stopped facing the window when she slept?
"Yes, I'm interested in you after all."
Carpaccio observes as the girl in front of her exhales harshly and hangs her head low, thinking to himself. Carpaccio took this opportunity to glance at the class he's in right now. All the students had moved for the next period and he and Kianna were the only ones left in the room.
This intimacy… he quite likes it.
However, the silence that surrounds the both of them is starting to make him uncomfortable. It was made worse by Kianna's gaze being fixed on the floor, making it hard for him to read her emotions. He wasn't sure why, but his mind started to flood with thoughts of potential bad scenarios. It was overwhelming to him, creating a suffocating tightness in his chest.
He wondered if this was what people often referred to as 'anxiety'?
"Next time…"
That hanging phrase snapped him out of his trance, and now his gaze is fixated on her with anticipation churning his stomach.
"… Just approached me like normal, uh, person. Okay? No need to do all… that,"
The look she gave him after raising her head rendered him speechless. Her face, previously tinged with soft pink, had turned scarlet red which emphasized the amber of her eyes, causing them to glimmer beautifully in the sunlight beaming from the window.
Those shyness... suits her so much, it was simply breathtaking.
" -Did you hear me? Hello?"
The sound of her finger snapping in her face shatters him out of his mind.
"Sorry, what were you saying again?"
"Hahh… really," the way she mumbles under her breath is adorable, "What I'm saying is… you didn't need to stalk me just to get to know me. It was creepy, you know.."
Something instantly clicked in his mind as she said that. Is that why she always seems to dislike him? She finds him to be creepy?
That has to change, for sure.
"… I didn't mean to scare you, I'm sorry," he answered honestly, the sincerity was transparent in his tone, "It's just that… I never had an interest in people before. I didn't know what to do with this.. feelings, so I just did what I thought would satisfy my... itch," with that, he could only hope that it would be enough for Kianna to understand him, to forgive him.
But then, she gave him something he truly didn't expect.
She laughed.
Her laugh was simply dazzling.
He found himself unable to look away, adoration overflowing his senses as he stared at her joyous face. Her eyes crinkled in delight with radiant smile that brought glows to her face. Her hair bounced with every laugh and the red ombre hues shimmering in the sunlight. The sight was enchanting, and his heart was brimming with comfortable warmth that soothed his insecurity away.
He can't help but stare in adoration as her eyes crinkled, her mouth curled upwards and beaming with radiance. Her hair bounces as her whole body shakes in her laugh, making the red hues of her ombres glint under the sunshine.
Her laughter, melodious as a song, filled his ears as he glanced at the forgotten book on the desk. With only enough space left for a sentence or two, he realized he'd soon need a new one. But the thoughts in his mind brought a smile to his face, for he knew precisely what he would write to fill the remaining space.
I managed to talk to Kianna today, and now I know that I'm in love.
After this, he might not need another book after all.
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Hello! I didn't really know how to go with this request so I decided to challenge myself and made a fanfiction from it. I tried to make the OC reference quite minor so hopefully, other people can enjoy it too.
I'm sorry if this isn't what you meant (//sobs)
I had so much fun writing this since this made me learn more about English phrases/vocabulary, but I didn't realize I ended up writing this one for almost an entire day lol. My brain really goes whoooosh when I'm hyperfixated lol
Anyhow, I hope everyone will enjoy this one too! 🍀 thank you for reading!
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rainee-da · 4 months
I want to chomp Innocent Zero's head off...
Lovingy ✨
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rainee-da · 4 months
Hey I like your wroting, pls keep up the good work 🙌🏻 i was wondering why u use emoji for character sometimes tho
Heyy anon thank you so much! I'm glad you like the fics that I made 🍀
I'm not really sure about what you mean by that, but if you're talking about the emoji I put after each character's name, it is indeed intentional and there are interesting reason for it! (at least I think it's interesting lol)
It's gonna be unnecessarily long so read down below if you happen to be interested with this one! (for some reasons)
I'm used to indulge to my fantasy via X (Twitter) a lot, especially since there are many Character X Reader fanarts created by JP's artists being posted on twitter. But in japanese fandom's twitter culture, there are many unspoken rules as to how to tag/title your work for the sake of decluttering/censoring/gatekeeping (idk how to best phrase that lol) and it is especially important to learn it if you want your work to reach to their demographics as well.
As for emojis, many people often used the unofficial fandom's designated emojis to tag their work/tweet/ instead of typing the actual name of the character, this is so they'll not clutter the hastag itself with their artworks/fic. Especially since sometimes there are character with similar names to one character in another fandom / the character's name itself is similar with a certain slang/noun/place.
The best example for this is Epidem from Mashle, since if you put the katakana of his name on twitter search engine you will be directed to a news/threads/tweets that is talking about 'epidemic'. It will be troublesome if someone who doesn't know anything about Mashle ended up finding random fanart about Epidem when they tried to find news related to 'epidemic', right? that's why tagging it with the designated emoji/term for that character will be more preferrable in this case.
If you want to know the designated emoji for each character in Mashle, here are the list of some that I've known;
Mash Burnedead = 🍄
Finn Ames = 🐬
Lance Crown = 🪐
Dott Barret = 💥
Lemon Irvine = 🍋
Rayne Ames = ☔
Max Land = 🎈
Abel Walker = 🪆/🧸
Abyss Razor = 🎭
Wirth Madl = 🕶️
Love Cute = 💗
Milo Genius = 🎓
Olore Andrew = 🦈
Anser Shinri = ⚙️
Margarette Macaron = 🎼
Carpaccio Luo-Yang = 🍥
Tron Morceau = 🎺
Cello Morceau = 🎻
Ryoh Grantz = ✨
Orter Madl = ⏳
Kaldo Gehenna = 🍯
Renatus Revol = ✝️
Agito Tyrone = 🐉
Sophina Biblia = 📕
Tsurara Halestone = ❄️
Domina Blowelive = 💧/🌊
Levis Rosequartz = 🧲
Lovie Rosequartz = ⚡
Charles Contini = 📞
Galuf Gargaron = 👅
Kenny Clark = 🧊
Malcolm Curtis = 🪲
Innocent Zero = ⏰/🕰️
Cell War = 💎
Doom = 🪞/🥞
Famin = 🤡/🎪/🃏
Epidem = 🍮
Delisaster = 🍾
That is the reason I put certain emoji for certain character. It's just because I often do that when I talk to other ppl about Mashle & I thought it would be nice to apply that to my writing!
There are (obviously) many others that I didn't write here because I didn't know, and I can't say for certain that what I describe up below is the correct explanation for this. For that reason, feel free to leave comments if you wish to add more/correct my post!
Well, that is all. Thank you for reading all of that mumbo-jumbo I just wrote up there 🍀 sorry if it's messy.... i know it is....
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rainee-da · 5 months
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This is the haven designed as a place to escape from reality. Please enjoy the fics I grow for our beloved fandoms.
Beware that this is not the place for minors or those who tried to avoid spoilers. If you fit those description, please DNI!
Anyhow, welcome. I hope you enjoy your stay! 🍀
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GARDENER ❥ Rainee - your clumsy 20+ y/o Indonesian girl server with she/her pronoun. Might be awkward at conversation and takes some time to respond to stuffs. But I'll do my best!
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rainee-da · 4 months
What fandoms are u in besides Mashle? 👀
Hi anon! 🍀 I'm following many series and it's hard for me to write all of them on the top of my mind. But, other than Mashle, here are top 10 fandoms I'm a part of!
My Hero Academia
One Punch Man
Mob Psycho 100
Chainsaw Man
Kingdom Hearts
Baldur's Gate 3
Persona Series
(you didn't know how much mental gymnastic that is going on inside my mind when I listed those down lol)
Anyway, I didn't expect ppl to be curious about these so thank you for your question!
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