#🍏 // v ; 2007 / violence does call me ; i’ve answered before ; i'd made many enemies and settled my scores
greenvengeance · 5 months
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2007 starter call -- multis, specify your muse, personals and nonrp dni, etc ( note that these will have higher priority than the others )
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greenvengeance · 2 months
one of these days i'll work on the individual verses pages but random notes for cleos occupation in the various iterations / verses for personal note
87 - not sure, presumably a student in school. i havent watched 87 enough to gauge anything yet
90 - student during the day, vigilante alongside casey at night -- always tries to upshow him bc its entertaining to her
03 - ^ same except the vigilante thing is more important to her emotionally, a huge aspect of her identity. literally like the 03 version of nightwatcher
07 - leader of the kraang rebellion, vigilante and certified kraang killer
12 - student, vigilantes with the turtles when she can (moreso during seasons 2-4 versus season 1)
bay - not sure yet tbh. prolly a student still
rise - farmer, animal caretaker
mayhem - student, vigilante like in 03 but more "the crow" than nightwatcher
and all other verses tba
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greenvengeance · 4 months
" Dammit -- shit -- heck -- " She's reaching for something, but the item in question seems to be wedged between two shelves just out of her reach. Cleo, despite this, seems insistent on retrieving the item, so there's another moment where she's reaching, attempting...then she realizes it's a futile effort, and steps away.
Careful and calculating, she steps back a few times, before crouching down the slightest bit, aligning her sight with the item. Then, her jaw slacks, and the top of her head flies back as a giant pink tentacle shoots out of her mouth, darting right between the shelves and wrapping around the item. Then it reels back, she extends her arm, grabbing the item, which turns out, is a book, and the tentacle flies back into her throat.
There's a long moment of nothing but mutters and groans from the turtle as she rubs her jaw, complaining about the pain. Cleo then turns, facing the other person for a moment.
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" ...what. Are you lookin' at. "
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greenvengeance · 4 months
@eievuimultimuse // from HERE
Cleo was never known to be super PATIENT. She was when she had to be, sure, but she never ENJOYED it -- especially when it was situations like now, awaiting recovery, whether her own or someone she loved and cared about. It'd been a long time since she'd had to wait like this -- not since she, Raph and Hyde had gotten into that scrap, and she'd been taken out for a few weeks. Even then, Raph had done more waiting than her. This time, it's different.
Even though this isn't her place, her lair, her medbay, she'd stayed, every day and night that she could. There had been a few times where she was forced to head back home, mostly because the other mutants would tell her to go get some sleep ( and, considering she couldn't sleep without Raph around anymore, it was always necessary. ) But even then, it'd been a struggle to sleep, considering all she could think about was whether Superfly would recover, or if she was gonna have to go hunt down Manray and chop his head off herself, and give it to the other Stockmans on a silver platter.
Cleo had been in the other room when Mondo had run in, and before he could get a second syllable out, she shot into the room, almost tripping over herself in the process -- not quite the hardened battle leader she portrayed herself to be. As soon as she walks in, he begins to struggles, and for a second, she debates whether to slap him upside the head or tell him to settle down -- but he stops before she can even decide, and that settles it.
Instead, she lets out a sigh of relief when he greets her, and she makes her way over, taking a chair and setting it down next to the bed before taking a seat. She takes a second to take off her hat and set it on her lap, then shakes her head and lets out another sigh.
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" You had us all WORRIED, you fuckin' dumbass. " Despite her words, she leans forward and taps her forehead against his, a rare sign of affection from the rebel leader. " Don't do that to us ever again. "
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greenvengeance · 4 months
i WILL work on the meta i have planned soon but random tidbit while its on my brain
07 cleo has a snake mouth. yknow
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strebtch (:
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greenvengeance · 5 months
" Ah' wear a leather jacket, ah' have a baseball bat...
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...an' ma' NUTSACK is made a' STEEL. Ah' ain't dyin' until good an' ready. "
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greenvengeance · 2 days
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" AH' NEED A nap. Preferably fer a week straight. Or longer. "
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greenvengeance · 2 months
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" KICK SO MUCH ass ah' got a bad leg. "
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greenvengeance · 3 months
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@eievuimultimuse // " 'Eyyy, happy birthday, birthday girl. You feelin' old yet, or what ? B) " (from 07 SF to cleo!! he's saying it affectionately ofc <3)
Event: Birthday Girl!
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" NOT HALF AS old as you look, Supes. " Said mostly as a playful jab, and she swings a little punch to his prosthetic arm. " Thanks, though -- glad ah' can say ah' made it another rotation around the sun. Take that, Kraang Prime. "
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greenvengeance · 3 months
a scene where cleo is vacuuming while the turtles are sitting on the couch and she picks it up to vacuum underneath it then sets it down and they all carry on as normal
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greenvengeance · 4 months
" You n' ah' both know that DEATH WON'T MATTER --
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bring on the poison and the dagger. "
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greenvengeance · 4 months
@hifimuses // S.C. ( for 07 raph ! )
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CLEO HATED THESE DAMN CRIMINALS. She had no idea who the fuck these pricks thought they were, but their audacity seemed to be growing with every blinking moment, tenfold every day. Ironically -- she didn't consider herself a violent person. At least, she didn't used to. But it was times like now, after she'd watched these guys point a gun, snag some lady's purse and run off with it in front of her child, well...she hung her morals and personal teachings up on a shelf, and bolted after them on pure impulse.
It was a group of six, with a lot more gunpower than herself. Luckily for her, however, guns weren't what she was planning on using today. Instead, the leader let out a surprised gasp as some...rope-like thing wrapped around the entire group, and lifted them up to the rooftops above. Each one let out their own surprised scream, yelp, or other cartoonish sound effect as they were thrown into the a wall, and slammed into it a few times.
The " rope " fell, and the men all watched as it slithered back to the towering turtle, reeling back into her mouth like a tongue. Flexing her jaw a couple of times, Cleo huffed out a breath with a toothy grin.
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" Ya'know -- y'all sure picked a SHIT NIGHT ta' do this stupid shit. Hell, when ah'm good an' through with ya, yer gonna be wishin' it was Nightwatcher here an' not me. Unfortunately fer you, he an' ah' don't share the same moral compass. "
Ignoring the one man throwing the purse at her, she approached, but a thud from behind caught her attention. She turned around, and her brow lifted at the sight of the city's metal-clad vigilante, right there in front of her...and the grin only grew.
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" Well, well, if it ain't the big man himself. Speak a' the devil, ah' reckon -- y'here to help, or would you just like ta' watch ? Ah' got this one covered. " She spoke as if she were talking business with an old friend, rather than a complete stranger on a rooftop in the middle of Harlem at 2 in the morning.
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greenvengeance · 4 months
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" DO NOT tell me what ah' can and can't do. Fuck you. "
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greenvengeance · 4 months
" Ah'm a WEAPON.
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And weapons don't WEEP. "
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greenvengeance · 4 months
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Oh wow, Cleo actually got some sleep for once. Now here she is, at eleven o'clock, chugging some coffee with a shot of vodka.
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greenvengeance · 4 months
@scavenger-mat / ❝ Sleep is for the weak anyways. ❞
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" If you got a problem with it, take it up with the Kraang. "
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