#🍏 // answered / i tear apart the pages of the story of my life
greenvengeance Β· 4 months
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@peachiiihearts // "What are you smiling about?" || from rise!casey
Questioning Sentences, Vol. 23
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" You ever see a BABY COW ? 'Cuz ah' jus' did -- THAT'S what the smile's fer. "
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greenvengeance Β· 3 months
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@eievuimultimuse // " 'Eyyy, happy birthday, birthday girl. You feelin' old yet, or what ? B) " (from 07 SF to cleo!! he's saying it affectionately ofc <3)
Event: Birthday Girl!
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" NOT HALF AS old as you look, Supes. " Said mostly as a playful jab, and she swings a little punch to his prosthetic arm. " Thanks, though -- glad ah' can say ah' made it another rotation around the sun. Take that, Kraang Prime. "
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greenvengeance Β· 5 months
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@peachiiihearts // 🌸
MUSES & MOTHERS. send 🌸 for my muse to talk about their mother.
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There's a snort, and Cleo takes a long drag of her cigarette right before ashing it to the side and leaning back in her chair. " Ain't much ta' talk about. She's been distant as long as ah've been alive. Me, Eddie, Bri, Pablo...no one ever could really talk to 'er. Got worse after Pa died. We never saw her, never really spoke...well, unless it was her COMPLAININ' 'bout somethin' -- ma' hair's too curly, all Pablo does after school is homework an' video games, Eddie speaks too loud, Bri's too quiet an' jumpy. Nothin' could ever make her ass happy. Not even me bustin' ma' ass off and not havin' a chance ta' have a childhood so ev'ryone else could -- nothin' was ever good enough. "
She stares at the smoke of the cigarette, watching the way it floats into the air, gathering into little clouds, waving around. " ...there was this one time she was actually there, though. Right after Carlton died. She's the one who drove me to the funeral -- hadn't gotten ma' license yet. And it was after the service when we were headin' home, his parents stopped us and started apologizin' and all this shit. They didn't know what kinda person he was 'til Mason went up and started talkin' about it, too. And when they left, Ma turned t' me. Told me ah' did good, talkin' about it. Comin' clean. " She shrugs. " Always thought she'd blame me fer it. But guess not. But she wasn't as supportive when Jane passed on -- reckon she thought that all was just some phase or somethin'. "
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" Pa's death fucked up the whole family. But ah' reckon it hit Ma the hardest. " Ignoring the fact that her mother hadn't really wanted anything to do with her in the beginning.
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