#🍒🧱: i went to college!!
cherry-bomb-ships · 1 year
Happy anniversary to you and Ralph!!! I'm curious (sorry if you've been asked this before!) But was your love instant or did it take a few watches of the movie for it to take root? 💝 and if ur s/i Ruby Redblood was in a dating Sim what gifts would one need to give her to earn her affection? What do you think Ralph's would be? :3 @rexscanonwife
HI BABY HIIIIIIII HELLO BABY 💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘 Thank you so much for this ask Jane my love!!! 🥺💘🥺💘 Just fair warning please prepare yourself for a mile-long answer cuz ohhhhh Imma have some things to S A Y >:3
As for your question, oh my god its so perfect you asked that cuz I was literally gonna make a textpost about this today 😭💖💖💖 Tbh the way I first caught interest and fell for Ralph may be one of my favorite ways I've fallen for an f/o... What happened was in early April 2021, when I was still living with my parents we had lost Wifi and cable for like an entire day and by hour 5 I was starting to get pretty anxious, so I looked to my shelf to find a movie to watch to satiate the boredom. Lo and behold, on the shelf I spotted Wreck-it Ralph and I was like "awww hell yeah I haven't seen this movie in YEARS, it's time for a rewatch", so that's the one I ended up popping in the Blu Ray player.
Throughout my entire rewatch, of course I was enjoying it a ton and getting super nostalgic but I wasn't quite feeling anything romantic-wise, until one scene- no, not even one scene but one shot, one particular way that Ralph smiled that literally made time STOP and made me go "oh. Oh noooooo this is LOVE 😳💘💘💘". He got added to my f/o list two days later 😂💖💖💖
As for your other question, omg first of all can you imagine a dating sim spinoff of a survival horror like Undead Apocalypse 3? I'd buy it 😂 ANYWAYS, I haven't played too many dating sims or life sims where you can romance people so I don't really know how they work ehehe, but I think Dr. Redblood would be easily wooed by the player character joining her for quality research or experiment time, complimenting her intelligence or gifting her some new beakers and the like :3 Ralph, I think, wouldn't need as much tangible stuff as much as he just would need quality time and reassurance he's loved 🥺💖 No one's really given him much of anything tbh, so I'm sure even the simplest and cliche of gifts would mean the world to him! 🥺💖💖💖
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Does Undead Apocalypse 3 have any more main characters? How many levels? Glitches? Codes?
(ask is referring to this here post heehee)
HHMMM WELL I do have a few more ideas for the game, but nothing nearly as elaborate as what I wrote out in that first ask 😅 But here's a lil infodump for ya!
So I did say that the main player character is named Chuck Trigger, but since the game has a 2-player option, the second player character is named Gary Garrison. Chuck Trigger is an older typical "badass" video game protagonist (think the first Solid Snake mixed with Duke Nukem) while Gary is a few years younger and not quite as jaded and snarky as Chuck.
The game would have 5 levels, those being the Lab, the City, the Home, the Swamp, and the Escape. The plot of the game is Chuck attempting to reach his home and save his wife and child from the zombie outbreak before escaping on the helicopter back at Zealous Labs, so each level has the player going thru different areas to fulfill this mission: Trigger starts in the Lab, shoots his way through the City, rescues his family in his Home, escapes the back way through the Swamp, and at last, fights his way back up to the roof of Zealous Labs so him and his family can make their Escape.
As y'all know if you've watched the first 5 minutes of Wreck-it Ralph, the zombie is the one character that exists in canon that appears in the game. Each level has different unique enemies (with the Escape being an exception as it has enemies from all 4 other levels), and I imagine that the hatchet zombie would appear in the fourth level, the Swamp!
With Undead Apocalypse 3 being a very campy ridiculous horror action game from the early 2000s, its depiction of women is *cough* not exactly the best, so Ruby Redblood is kinda one of those characters who ends up having a lot of fanservice moments in-game. There's even an, uh.... "bikini mode" cheat code that the player can input by shooting very specific areas of the screen in a very specific order before inputting all of their quarters. (Some brats keep coming to Litwak's arcade and inputting this code, so Mr. Litwak has to soft-reset the game to get Ruby fully clothed again fairly often 😔)
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cherry-bomb-ships · 3 years
Sorry bUT I want to revisit my ship and s/i for Wreck-it Ralph, cuz I think that the world-building I came up with for the Undead Apocalypse 3 game that Dr. Redblood is from is some of the most fun I have ever had developing a self insert :3
Also I wanna say I think its very sweet that even though Ruby Redblood was designed and put into her game as a over-sexualized character for players to gawk at, Ralph hardly notices that about her and doesn't care about her looks, he just loves how sweet and caring and gentle she is and he always respects her and treats her like a regular person which is all she's ever wanted from anyone 🥺💖🥺💖🥺💖
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💫 tell me some things about your WiR s/i and their relationship with Vanellope pls!! <3
OOH BOY OKAY 🥺💖🥺💖 Well if y'all know anything about Vanellope, it's that that kid has some SASS to her, and in all honesty sometimes it really catches Ruby off guard. Ruby does get easily overwhelmed by her, but that doesn't mean she doesn't care for Vanellope any less, and just like Ralph, she's super protective of the kid and would do (almost )anything for her 🥺💖💖 Plus, Ruby's really proud of Vanellope for being the little girboss that she is and ruling over an entire game on TOP OF being an amazing racer, and although Vanellope doesn't show it very often, she actually looks up to Ruby a lot for being both so intelligent and so kind and caring 🥺💖🥺💖
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✨ For your WiR s/i? :3
✨ -- I'll tell you about a friend of theirs
OKAY SO This was probably the last character you'd expect me to say but.... Sour Bill. That lil green circle man. I LOVE HIMMMM HE'S JUST A LIL GUY 🥺🥺🥺🥺 And my s/i's feelings would be very much the same! In all honesty I was considering making him, like, a QPP f/o but at this point he's just a little friend whom my s/i just likes giving hugs and appreciation to, and she would give him forehead kisses if he weren't so sour hjhdsjk
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