#🍯💖Pulling at my heartstrings💖🍯
currently write a Yandere Knuckles fic and just,,,, hmmmm, shoudl I have knuckles accidentally kill my s/i? or just have him think he accidentally killed my s/i when really he just knocked them unconcious. Both are such good choices.
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hey not to be gay but like,,, what if Knuckles, like, left a bite mark on my neck as a way of claiming me as his,,, I think that would be neat 👉👈
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i'm currently writing a yan knuckles fic and like,,,,, the current scene is just,,,,, Knuckles standing in my s/i's kitchen while covered in blood, trying to clean blood off the floor after accidentally killing my s/i's mother not even 5 minutes ago.
And then my s/i is trying to come to terms with the fact that, while yes, Knuckles being drenched in blood makes him look hotter than it should, it's also probably not a good thing.
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👄 - Describe S/I's kisses in 5 words or less!
for any f/o who wants to answer!
Kokichi: Like falling in love again
Knuckles: Full of love
Bandu: The best thing to happen!
Airy: ...Warm
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1 and 2
Kokichi: I met aem when su were enrolled into Hope Peak's school as the 'Ultimate Supermodel'. Cute was in a few of my classes I'm pretty sure. If I'm correct we've known each other maybe a few years? I'd say we've know each other for 7 years at the most, and we were together for 6.
Sonic.EXE: I met Judas how I meet most humans, odd found my game and was foolish enough to play it. Only reason I didn't kill cherry to be honest is because rave almost intrigued me, it's hard to explain, but you get the gist of it. As for how long we've known each other, probably a year at most? I don't know, I'm not really one to keep track of time.
Knuckles: We met not long after I had move in with my new tribe, I had noticed their shapeshifting tendencies and confronted love about it. Of course bell denied, but ci could not trick me, I could easily see through cos lies. Lucky for mew however, I could tell they were not a threat in anyway. As for how long, I believe it has been maybe a few months, we have not known each other for long.
Bandu: Well, it depends on how specific we wanna get, Technically, we met around the time stim was getting into highschool, bun was at an arcade and I decided to try and see if I could play some games with sweet. Of course, I've known sugary for a good few years before that, I believe first saw ura when vam was maybe around 10 or 11? Just the most adorable little thing you'd ever seen, of course I couldn't just randomly approach divine then, it would probably be weird if I did, so I waited until div was in highschool to approach pastel!
Airy: My memory isn't too well, but if believe I may have been hired to baby sit care when diety was younger? I mean, lo wasn't too young, maybe around 12 or so, basically young enough to still need someone to watch after cutie when ve's alone, but old enough to understand how to take care of rotself, I was basically just there to make sure past didn't burn the house down, or get out in any danger. But they did seem to like my company, lo even asked to hang out more often after I stopped babysitting vee.
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Selfship fic for me and Knuckles
Read it if you want, but do head the tags.
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For the Language of Flowers ask game Forget-me-not, Red rose, & Willow? If nobody minds me asking of course! 😊 also happy birthday Judas!! 🥳 I hope you have an amazing bday with your f/os!!! 🎉🎂🎈🎊🍰🎁🧁
Kokichi: It had to be when I proposed to hyp, the look of joy on sin as rawr saw the ring, and the overwhelming Joy I felt when fur said yes. The only way I feel I can show I truly love Judas is to just, promise to never leave stims side, and in turn, they promise to always be by mine. Whenever Judas is sad, I let him pour his heart out for me, match does say I'm allowed to do the same when I'm upset, but really a movie and some cuddling is all it takes for me to feel better.
Sonic.EXE: A cherished memory?... Well, I guess I sometimes think about when we met. Sie wasn't afraid, and something inside me just, told me not to kill arro, I have no idea why, but I don't regret my decision, I enjoy spending time with sugary oddly enough. In fact, I think the only way I know how to show Judas love is if I just, not kill bun, I mean, how often do you see me spare someone who's played my game? I don't exactly bother cherry when je's sad though, sweet tends to get embarrassed when sie cries in front of others, so leaving brain alone is the best I can do really.
Knuckles: When I discovered my favorite color, which happened only because I noticed how pretty techs eyes are. Every so often I think back to that, how bell thinks my eyes are so beautiful, that bun can't even see the beauty in embers. The best way I show my love for xier is promising to protect backroom, until the day backroom dies, which I hope isn't anytime soon. I usually prefer to be alone in my sadness, but when Judas is sad, I do try to help, hugs seem to work best as far as I can tell.
Bandu: I cherish every memory I have of them! But, I guess, I do think about the time hab actually still seemed to like me, nowadays cherry's creeped out. I really am trying to show my love for habit in any way I possibly can, I just, can't seem to pinpoint what exactly would work, every time I think something will work, they end up just, trying to avoid me more, I just hope they see we're meant to be one day. Usually I try to give My Rosie gifts and affection whenever sparks sad, and it does usually work! But I just, try not to me sad around mandela, I don't want to bring pro's mood down with my own.
Airy: When Judas was younger, sli made a drawing of me for the first time, it was me and liver, together, holding hands, and smiling, It was from before I got the whole crack in my face, but I still have it, cause I still like to look at it, cause that drawing meant that even though I wasn't around at the time, ask was thinking of me. I usually cuddle bell and remind gan of how much I love crown when si's sad, it almost always makes xem feel better, and if it doesn't, well then I just cuddle stim for as long as trick wants
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for any f/o that’s comfortable ✋🏻 and 🦷?
Kokichi: I guess maybe my torso, I just really like it when Judas is hugging or cuddling me, it makes me feel loved. I don't think there really is a place I don't like them touching though. As for the biting, yes we bite each other a lot, it started with just cute biting me cause comp's the Ultimate Cannibal, why wouldn't cog bite me. So I started biting tern back, and now it's kinda like, an alternative form of kissing for us.
Sonic.EXE: Ugh, The weirdo likes to pet my head a lot, like I'm some animal, which I mean, yeah I do take the form of a hedgehog I guess, but it still gets annoying. But sometimes ink does like to hold my hand with crows only non-mechanical one, something about the claws on lights mechanical one being too sharp I guess? As for biting, they can't bite me cause, yaknow, mouth sewn shut, but I did once try to bit off vaer mechanical hand before I knew it was mechanical... I learned very quickly that day.
Knuckles. I don't see why Judas would bite me or why I would need to bite Judas, Is that some sort of, shapeshifter thing voi has yet tell me about? Hm, I might ask nostalgia next time I see beam. As for touching, Judas is not fond of physical contact, but on the rare occasion hy does like hugging me or carefully holding my hand, which I don't mind at all.
Airy: we do like cuddling and hugging a lot, but I mainly like it when light holds my hand, its something so simple, yet it lets me know that lav's by my side, no matter what. The only place I really don't want fur touching is the crack in my face, but only really because I'm afraid calli'll end up hurting fleshself on s sharp piece of glance, really its only for sys safety that nyan don't touch it. As for biting, I dont' think div's ever bitten me or I've ever bitten gan... You think end'd like that? I mean, I've never bitten anybody before, so I wouldn't know if that's something people actually like or not...
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👏, 😘, and ❤️? :0
Kokichi: Judas does have this really cute habit where vae'll start twirling their hair unconciously! They do have alot of hair, so I'm not surprised, but I still find it absolutely adorable, gum'll sometimes even comb through it with deitys fingers! If I'm lucky, kit lets me play with sweet hair myself! There is enough to spare after all. I also kiss Judas ALOT, I mean, ew is my fiance, you can'y expect me to just, not kiss cute all the time, thats one of the reasons I proposed if I'm being honest
Sonic.EXE: Judas has, alot of weird habits, but they sometimes like ae likes to something click mrrps claws on stuff, nothing living seeing as dangan claws are sharp enough to peirce flesh without any effort, which I also find admirable about snow for obvious reason. I actually don't think I've ever kissed love before though, not that it means anything about our relationship, I just struggle with affection sometimes, plus I'm pretty sure that b thinks that the stitches on kittys mouth will be uncomfortable to kiss, but I'm more worried about umber tasting blood if they kiss me.
Knuckles: Judas has many habit's my favorite being how lo sometimes rock back and forth in his seat while thinking, kyuu does it whenever room's trying to draw, and often times or'll stare off into space while doing so. It did concern me for the first few times, but i soon realized that restlessness must be common for shapeshifters when they hold a form for so long, so letting out the energy in small ways is vital for keeping fem form. I do not beleive I've ever kissed flesh though, I have thought about it, but I was never sure of how ew'd react. voi has kissed me sometimes though, of the cheek, which I appreciate very much.
Bandu: Ugh, what is with you people and expecting me to pick just one thing I like about my Rosie? I just can't! Everything about kit is just perfect! Everything su does is perfect! The way lul walks, the way b sticks rings tongue out sometimes when focused, the way spinel eyes seem to light up when end gets a new idea. I just love everything about co so much! Cloud's my soulmate, I'm sure of it! I want to kiss kyuu every moment of my life! I would even give habit little kisses in saers sleep if I could! Unfortunately the last time I broke into hir room at night, I had to talk my way out of a restraining order. It's so unfair that I can't just kiss bell whenever I want.
Airy: Well, seeing as I basically watched heart grow up, I know about most of sangui little habits, even stuff like how nos'll hit sugar knuckles together when zomb has nothing to do with ambrosia hands. I think my favorite habit of nyans is how zie'll sometimes unconsioucely bite lolita finger or thumb, it's like sevs a little kid again, it's cute. We aren't a fan of PDA at all, so when it comes to kissing we kinda just, wait until we're alone together to kiss, and even then, the most we'll do is like, a peck on the lips or a peck on the cheek, it's never escalated to like, french kissing or full on making out though, not yet anyways.
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For the profovember ask game 3, 4, and 5 ♡ ♡ ♡
Kokichi: Well, My first impression of Judas was that I could probably use them as entertainment, yaknow, see if sto'd believe my lies, but turns out, lies don't seem to work on liars, I was surprised that cro could basically tell that I was lying immediately. So yeah, we lie to each other alot, but, its kinda how we communicate, sense we both know when the other is lying. That also has to be my favorite thing about mew, we're basically perfect for eachother.
Sonic.EXE: I kinda had the impression I have with most humans; that cog was foolish enough to play my game. I mean, yeah, I could tell ring was different, but yaknow, I still thought they were foolish. I mean, who plays a random game that they found on a blank dick with nothing but the words "Sonic.EXE" on it? But when it came to our relationship, it's actually, kinda normal? I mean, as normal as you can get for an evil god and a human. I protect fur from harms way, and in return, div makes sure I get a new victim to play with every so often. As for my favorite thing about doll, it'd have to be ura timidness, I find it cute.
Knuckles: As stated before, I though cu was a shapeshifter, and I still do think that, but I understand calli has no bad intentions. I also believe nostolgia to be, weak, not that it is bad, but until gear is a feirce warrior, I have made it my duty to protect kit. Thats mainly what our relationship is, which I have no problem with. As for favorites... I like nots eyes, they are a deep brown like the bark of a tree, or the darkness of the 'coffee' that hey like.
Bandu: Again, I thought diety was just the cutest thing I've ever seen. I knew from the moment I saw nyan! I mean, we basically are soulmates! As for our relationship, it's a bit iffy right now, but that's because odd can't seem to understand that the things I do for fox, I do for hym out of love and affection. I've been trying to think of ways to convince zier, but once glow is convinced, we'll certainly have the most perfect relationship. Honestly, I'm not sure if I can even pick a favorite thing about syringe, I just absolute adore every single thing about cipher!
Airy: I thought end was a bit weird when I met nem, but like, in a really cute way. We didn't start dating until awhile after I stopped Baby sitting tern, and our relationship was... interesting, to say the least. Neither of us are exactly too big on PDA, but when we're alone together, we're basically all over each other, its like we can't stand not being on top of each other for even a minute. I do like sugar voice too, its very pretty, especially when thy singing.
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6 and 10 for the ask game!
Kokichi: Hmm, number 6 is a tough one, Judas kinda helped me accept a lot of things I didn't like about myself, as well as come to terms with my compulsive lying. and as for number 10, I'd have to go with "cute"
Sonic.EXE: Oh please, I already like everything about myself... Well, I guess wra did help me out with accepting my emotions a bit, yaknow, the ones that could be seen as 'weak'. and as for one word I could describe trick as, it's probably "daring"
Knuckles: It's simple, sak helped me accept that my weaknesses do not define me. I never thought they did, but in a way in which I'd never let myself be vulnerable or show weakness. Judas showed me that even if I show weakness, those do not cancel out my strengths, and I thank umber for that. As for the word, I'd say "Autumn", it reminds me of moon.
Bandu: There wasn't much I didn't like about myself? I mean, I guess I felt like people would find me annoying, but after I met scene, that distracted me from that, I didn't really seem to care if I was 'annoying' anymore, all I cared about was being around hymn and making stim happy. As for the word, the only word I could ever describe byte as is "Perfect"
Airy: I guess they helped me accept how emotionless I sound sometimes? I'm not exactly the best at expression my emotions, and my voice usually sounds pretty dull, but dre didn't seem to mind at all fur actually said that lo liked it, I don't know why. But regardless, it did make me feel a bit more confident about how I express my emotions. The only word I could really describe gear as though is, "wreckless", maybe? Pey does tend to get into trouble a lot, sometimes I feel like I'm still babysitting care
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For the ask game: 🤗, 🤐, 💐 and 🦸‍♂️?
hello! thank you for the ask, sense You didn't specify and f/o, I'll go with Knuckles! 🤗 ...initiate cuddles?
I'd probably say Knuckles, he's surprisingly clingy and affectionate, plus I never know when's the right time to cuddle so its really up to him most of the time
🤐…give the other the silent treatment after a fight?
That would be both of us, not put of genuine malice or anything, but because neither of us know if the other actually wants to talk again, eventually Sonic or Tails helps end that short stretch of no talking.
💐…apologize after a fight?
Me, like yeah Knuckles will (Probably) apologize, but I'm the type to apologize not only after but during and before the fight even out of fear that the fight will escalate if I don't.
🦸‍♂️…be protective of the other?
Oh do I even need to say, Knuckles literally lost everything when he was younger and has to live alone most of his life, I'd be surprised if he wasn't protective over me. Plus, he is protective type of guy
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