#🏳️‍🌈 ※ “Happy Pride!” ψ(`∇´)ψ ※ Pride Month Event 2023
Pride Month challenge: part I!
Posted: 1st June 2023 (CEST - GMT+2)
Let’s start with these four days!
Day 1 (1st June) : Close to the heart!
Choose either your gender identity or sexuality (or both) and edit it in a moodboard!
You can put in an oc, a character or one of your irl, whoever you want!
You can also not edit any character and just do a pride moodboard, whatever you wish!
Anything as long as it’s pride themed and a moodboard!
Day 2 (2nd June) : It’s obvious!
Choose a character you headcanon as queer or part of our lgbtqia+ community and edit them!
You can choose any format you wish!
Day 3 (3rd June) : That’s canon!
Choose a character that’s canonically queer or part of our lgbtqia+ community and edit them!
You can choose any format you wish!
Day 4 (4th June) : That’s queer!
Choose the (stereotypically) queerest character ever!
Is it their palette? Behaviour? Their kissing anyone (wait… that’s me nevermind lol)?
Any format you wish as long as you include their flag(s)!
Have fun!
And tag me please so that I can see it and reblog it!
At #🏳️‍🌈 ※ “Happy Pride!” ψ(`∇´)ψ ※ Pride Month Event 2023
Day 1: gluttonykinedits , tiansorbet , ichika-h0shino , fading--warmth , starburstedits , twisted-lies , fiveletters-edits , luvvchu , strawberrysaki , ameyumez , untitledmelodies , selphim , conchitamanor , stellaxica , lovesick-level-up , shakunetsu-bonfire ,
Day 2: gluttonykinedits , fiveletters-edits , conchitamanor , starburstedits , selphim , strawberrysaki , ichika-h0shino , twisted-lies , ameyumez , lovesick-level-up , stellaxica , fading--warmth , tiansorbet , luvvchu , shakunetsu-bonfire , untitledmelodies
Day 3: ichika-h0shino , gluttonykinedits , fading--warmth , selphim (1 & 2), conchitamanor , starburstedits , fiveletters-edits , tiansorbet , strawberrysaki , ameyumez , stellaxica , twisted-lies , luvvchu , shakunetsu-bonfire , lunaniticwares , untitledmelodies , lovesick-level-up
Day 4: fading--warmth , ameyumez , gluttonykinedits , shakunetsu-bonfire , untitledmelodies , ichika-h0shino , stellaxica , luvvchu , twisted-edits , lovesick-level-up
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Pride Month challenge: part II!
Posted: 5th June 2023 (CEST - GMT+2)
And here’s part 2!
Do you know the meaning of each letter of the acronym LGBTQIA+?
Time to test your knowledge!
Since this is a test, I’ll leave you only the letter!
Let’s say there was a C that stood for cheese: C-themed would be cheese themed, got it?
If you have any questions or you need clarifications let me know!
Day 5 (5th June) : L
Quite obvious: a L edit!
Any format you wish to do is fine!
Day 6 (6th June) : G
Again: let’s show this G some love in any way you want!
Day 7 (7th June) : B
Say Bye to the explanation this time! Just kidding, of course.
Any format you want, B-themed!
Day 8 (8th June) : T
Take this on! A T-themed anything… can you do it?
And now the hardest part starts!
Not many know the meaning of these… good luck!
Day 9 (9th June) : Q
…I’ve got no Q on the joke to do.
Get it? Lol.
Anyways: same thing as above!
Anything you want as long as you make this Q feel appreciated!
Day 10 (10th June) : I
I wish for this little line to have a good time in an I-themed edit of yours!
I’m sure it will appreciate any format!
Day 11 (11th June) : A
Give this A a gift edit of appreciation!
A’s not picky about the format but keep in mind the A-theme, of course!
This time you’ll get the A for sure!
Have fun!
And tag me please so that I can see it and reblog it!
At #🏳️‍🌈 ※ “Happy Pride!” ψ(`∇´)ψ ※ Pride Month Event 2023
Day 5: princeofpyrenee , fading--warmth , stellaxica , shakunetsubonfire , tiansorbet , gluttonykinedits , @strawberrysaki , starlitcen , twisted-edits , ichika-h0shino , ameyumez , luvrevue , untitledmelodies
Day 6: conchitamanor
Day 7: …none…
Day 8: strawberrysaki
Day 9: …none…
Day 10: …none…
Day 11: …none…
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Pride Month challenge: part V!
Posted: 26 June 2023 (CEST - GMT+2)
This pride month is coming to its end so: it’s Rainbow time!
Any shade you want, any character with hair or eyes or outfit of that shade and any format you’d like!
Those are the requirements so let’s see what colours your palette will be filled with these days!
Day 26 (26th June): Red
Day 27 (27th June): Yellow
Day 28 (28th June): Green
Day 29 (29th June): Blue
Day 30 (30th June): Blue
Have fun!
And tag me please so that I can see it and reblog it!
At #🏳️‍🌈 ※ “Happy Pride!” ψ(`∇´)ψ ※ Pride Month Event 2023
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Pride Month challenge: part IV!
Posted: 19th June (CEST - GMT+2)
It’s couple week!
Day 19 (19th June) : Straight couple!
Let’s look for that rare specimen!
Any format you want as long as that straight ship is rocking it!
Day 20 (20th June) : Bisexual couple
It can be only one person in the couple bi or both!
(You can do any format and even include their sexuality flag if you want!)
Day 21 (21st June) : Gay couple
Show off the gay flag with your fav homosexual couple in any way you’d like!
Day 22 (22nd June) : Lesbian couple
Our fav girl couple and their super cute flag in an edit of your choice!
Day 23 (23rd June) : Ace couple
An ace or just a couple made up by two ace?
Whatever floats your boat, man!
Put their flags, don’t… doesn’t matter!
Just have fun with it!
Day 24 (24th June) : Throuple!
You think a couple is hot shit? Meet the power throuple!
Your favourite throuple in one edit of your choice!
Day 25 (25th June) : Poly couple!
If two’s a couple, three’s a throuple… let’s get in the crowd!
A “couple” made up by four or more members!
Thata’s a bit crowded but it’s all good as long as there’s love, right?
Have fun!
And tag me please so that I can see it and reblog it!
At #🏳️‍🌈 ※ “Happy Pride!” ψ(`∇´)ψ ※ Pride Month Event 2023
Day 19:
Day 20:
Day 21:
Day 22:
Day 23:
Day 24:
Day 25:
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Pride Month challenge: part III!
Posted: 12th June 2023 (CEST - GMT+2)
If you don’t know this, it’s time to wake up!
“every friend group should include a bimbo, a mean bisexual, an even meaner lesbian, she/theys and he/theys, a token straight that’s on thin ice, an astrology bitch who has everyone’s birth chart memorized, and a short king” - @kulluto (not sure if they’re the one who made this up tbh. Please let me know! In any case: definitely iconic)
So let’s get going!
Day 12 (12th June) : Bimbo
Himbos are welcome too, we’re inclusive!
Show off the amazing bimbos (canon or head canon, as you prefer) you have in store for us!
Any fandom you want, any format you like! Just don’t think about it too much!
Day 13 (13th June) : Mean bisexual
Give us a nice bi pride edit of a mean bisexual character (canon or headcanons, whichever you want)!
Any fandom you want, any format you like, as long as it’s bi pride!
Day 14 (14th June) : an Even Meaner Lesbian
Check the bisexual you used before (if you did) and do a little “mean” check!
Done that? Good. Now get someone meaner for this. And lesbian, of course.
It can be any fandom, even a different one from the edit from day 13!
Day 15 (15th June) : She/theys and he/theys
Lovely duo, right?
Put the two of them in an edit together (or matching edits) and show them off!
Day 16 (16th June) : Token straight that’s on thin ice and an astrology bitch
Are they the same person? A duo? Two random characters?
It’s up to you!
Either matching edits or an edit together will do!
Day 17 (17th June) : a Short king
Choose a short king and his respective tall friends ‘cause there’s no short kind without a tall partner, right?
Day 18 (18th June) : Reunite the squad!
Either use all the characters you’ve chosen for the challenge before or some brand new ones (or just mix them up)!
Remember to alert us of who’s who, either in-edit or in the description! Have fun!
(For the short king, just put him. Unfortunately he’ll have to leave his taller half home, unless they fit another description. In that case, they can come)
Have fun!
And tag me please so that I can see it and reblog it!
At #🏳️‍🌈 ※ “Happy Pride!” ψ(`∇´)ψ ※ Pride Month Event 2023
Day 12: …none…
Day 13: …none…
Day 14: …none…
Day 15: …none…
Day 16: …none
Day 17: …none…
Day 18: …none…
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Pride Month challenge!
Previous pinned!
This month is pride month so Happy Pride Month!
For this reason, all June’s weekly challenges will be replaced my a monthly Pride themed challenge!
Of course, feel free to skip a week or anything!
I haven’t been able to link all works: those missing are at the hashtag:
#🏳️‍🌈 ※ “Happy Pride!” ψ(`∇´)ψ ※ Pride Month Event 2023
-> Part I - It’s facts!
1st June 2023 - 4th June 2023 but you can do them whenever you wish to!
-> Part II - LGBTQIA+!
5th June 2023 - 11th June 2023 but you can do them whenever you wish to!
-> Part III - Every friend group has…!
12th June 2023 - 18th June 2023 but you can do them whenever you wish to!
-> Part IV - It’s ship time!
19th June 2023 - 25th June 2023 but you can do them whenever you wish to!
-> Part V - I can see the rainbow!
26th June 2023 - 30th June 2023 but you can do them whenever you wish to!
Let me know if you want your @ removed!
@editor-flower-shop , @lovesick-level-up , @yoimiya-kins , @kingofheartss , @luvvchu , @gluttonykinedits , @fading--warmth , @starburstedits , @fakeidxl , @stellaxica , @aogumis , @nyedits , @haunted-edit-blog , @tiansorbet , @5seraphim , @nyuureo , @lichedits , @twisted-lies , @rrozeta , @edit-me-prettyplease , @untitledmelodies , @ichika-h0shino , @ameyumez , @divinevie , princeofpyrenee , eternalgardens + anyone who’d like to!
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