#🐔ˢᵉⁿᵗ ᵐᵉˢˢᵃᵍᵉˢ/ᴀsᴋs.
jcurncy · 4 years
@gcldess​ asked:  ❛ Sadly no, but it’s only 4:30. ❜/10 Things I hate About You
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the answer to ching’s question of “have you seen garu today?” surprises her. but then again, maybe he was off meditating and pucca was giving him his space. “do you at least know where he is? i kind of want to talk to him.” not about anything too serious, but it was definitely a question she could only ask garu.
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jcurncy · 4 years
@gcldess​ asked:  ❛ It is you I have loved all along ❜/Lyrics
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ching smiles and rests her head over pucca’s, cuddling closer on the couch. she and pucca, she’s sure, were made for each other. they were soulmates. sisters woven through time. she’d do anything for pucca with next to no hesitation. “i’ve loved you all along, too, pucca. and i will until the stars burn out.”
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jcurncy · 4 years
@gcldess​ asked:  ❛ I thought love was more or less a given thing ❜/Lyrics
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ching laughs. “you would.” she shakes her head. “but it isn’t. people stop loving each other. people hate each other. love isn’t as universal as we thought, pucca.”
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jcurncy · 4 years
@gcldess​ asked:  ❛ Can I have ice cream? ❜/The Addams Family
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ching looks at where pucca is almost passed out on the floor. “how about i get you in bed instead? you look exhausted.” she smiles as she reaches down to help her up. “but i’ll get you ice cream in the morning for breakfast if you’d like.”
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jcurncy · 4 years
@gcldess​ asked:  ❛ Sometimes people have had terrible childhoods. And sometimes they just haven’t found their special place in life. And sometimes they’re dogs from hell and must be destroyed. ❜/The Addams Family
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ching frowns. “so most of us fit into the first two categories. and then there’s tobe.” she looks to pucca as a joking grin comes to her face. “then again. most dogs are much nicer than tobe.”
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jcurncy · 4 years
@gcldess​ asked:  ❛ You forgot our secret password? ❜/The Addams Family
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ching shakes her head. “noooo,” she whines. hehe whines. she’d been drinking wine and now she’s whining. she giggles aloud at her own internal pun. “i never forget a secret! i just can’t find it!” she frowns, wracking her brain for what the password could be. “is it...funny love?”
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jcurncy · 4 years
@gcldess​ asked:  ❛ I’m proud of you. ❜/The 100
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ching smiles and tucks the perfect pink rose, the first of its bush, behind pucca’s ear. she’d already removed the thorns. “i’m proud of me too. i never thought i’d be able to grow roses. they can be so difficult.” but to hear pucca say it meant all the more to her.
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jcurncy · 4 years
@gcldess​ asked:  ❛ Life is about more than just surviving. ❜/The 100
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ching lifts her eyes to the stars above them. “i know. but right now, it’s all i can do.” won had passed only days ago, and while she’d accepted her death as soon as the dirt was packed back over her little casket, she’d still lost one of her closest friends. “getting through today is all i can worry about today. i don’t want to think about tomorrow, or the day after that, or the day after that.” she shakes her head, tear coming to her eyes. “i can’t pucca.”
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jcurncy · 4 years
@gcldess​ asked:  ❛ Sometimes hope is more important than truth. ❜/The 100
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ching pulls her knees under her chin. “if i thought like that, i’d still be waiting for my mother to come home.” her eyes meet pucca’s in the dark. “and i can’t let myself do that anymore.” hope was still a lot for her. the truth, however, was unshakeable. hope was thinking chen would return to her and papa someday. truth was that she’d left. with no intention of returning.
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jcurncy · 4 years
@gcldess said: “ i hate waiting. ”
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“too bad,” ching sighs. her eyes are scanning the area, however. she also hates waiting. especially when you’re just waiting to be ambushed because you’re travelling with the wanted avatar. “we have to stay low until tobe and abyo can lead them off our trail. we can’t lead them to the airbenders, pucca. they’re suppposed to be peaceful. and we need them to stay out of this as long as we can manage. they were almost wiped out once, remember?” she shudders. “i’d hate to see it happen again.”
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jcurncy · 4 years
@gcldess said: “ something had made your eyes go cold. ”
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ching glares at the ground, kicks at the branch near her feet she’d slashed down earlier. “well we don’t all deal with mother’s day in healthy ways like you and abyo, pucca.” she’s been doing this for years. storing up every once of anger at her mom and unleashing it all on one day. the only day ching lets her mom’s disappearance have control of her. she doesn’t even deserve it, but it helps. garu had left her on her own this year and when the only one with impulse control decides to stop having any herself... well, just look around at all the shaven trees.
her hands curl into fists. she’s drunk, more than she usually gets. she almost never hits past emotional and silly and sad. but this was different. she’s pissed like she’s never been before, her face is on fire. her glare sinks into her best friend. “my mother is gone, pucca. won is dying. what more am i supposed to lose, huh?”
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jcurncy · 4 years
@gcldess said: “Let me go in first.”
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ching frowns, but nods, stepping back. the old house was creepy. “remind me why i brought an untrained chef on my solo ninja mission again?” but she’s mostly trying to keep the spirit upbeat. pucca was stronger than her in every way, and she wasn’t afraid to admit that. besides. something felt especially off about the place. maybe someone had been murdered here.
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jcurncy · 4 years
@gcldess asked:  “I want to be seen from the heavens!”
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ching giggles and dips her brush back into the paint. “i don’t know about the heavens, but i can probably get you worldwide.” with her instagram follower count it was likely in the least. “now hold still, i don’t want to smudge.” acrylic wasn’t her usual technique, but she wanted to try other mediums, and pucca’s posing would be perfect practice. normally she’d have sketched first and then painted, but she was trying something a little more free-hand.
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jcurncy · 4 years
@gcldess​ said: "happy birthday!" there's cake. and a box that has whetting stones for her swords. and another with fancy new shoes that ching won't ever wear because her job won't let her, but that are gorgeous nonetheless.
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ching’s eyes glaze over with one look at the cake, then immediately shift back to pucca as she crushes her in a hug, not even worried about what are in the boxes for now. “pucca oh my god that looks delicious!’ after a long, crushing hug ching releases her, stepping back over to the boxes. she carefully opens the one with the whetting stones and promptly hugs her again. she’d been needing new ones for a minute. she couldn’t wait to sharpen her swords on them! today was going to be an amazing birthday! she finally opens the last box, her eyes glistening with the tears she knew would come. “oh pucca they’re beautiful!” and a shame. she may never get the chance to wear them. then again, knowing pucca, she’ll make a chance for her to wear them. ching truly doesn’t deserve such an amazing woman as her best friend. “thank you for everything.” and she hugs her again, soft but fierce, just like them.
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jcurncy · 4 years
@uchjha​ asked:  “ it’s possible. i kill a lot of people. ”
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ching tilts her head, one side, then the other, examining the body before them. “well does he look familiar at least?” she’s not fazed but the statement otherwise. “because if you didn’t kill him that means we need to find who did.”
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jcurncy · 4 years
@gcldess asked:  ❝ it’s not like i’m casually throwing out ominous comments left and right . ❞
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“that was hardly ominous! all i said was ‘it’s not going to rai-’.” but in the middle of her sentence clouds rolled in and the sprinkling started. “okay maybe it was ominous.”
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