#🐠minnow answers
schizophrenicships · 1 year
Alright so- I don’t ship myself romantically with this character, but I do ship myself platonically with her. Like a best friend f/o
Anyways the character is Zora Salazar and she’s from this webseries called Epithet Erased. Basic jist of the lore is that there are these rare powers called epithets that associate a word to the inscribed(epithet person)‘s soul. Zora’s is Sundial, which gives her the ability to speed up and slow down anything with a set beginning and end.
And she’s just- so cool! Her design hits every little artist part of my brain. Tall, cowboy, sun theme?? Yes fucking please! And in the show she is just- utterly terrifying. Woman can kill you in a single shot.
And in the little- lore with my s/i (Floof), Zora was tasked by Bliss Ocean (the bad guy company she works for) to basically babysit him. Floof was Bliss Ocean’s little side project, an attempt at creating a soldier against epithet users buuuttttt- it didn’t go right. Now he’s just a little wolf dude and they gotta deal with it. Test tube baby!
Zora and Floof bond and if anything happens to him, she would kill everyone in this room and then herself. He’s her little guy. And Floof adores her, she is his closest friend and he looks up to her (in a literal and figurative sense).
I don’t think Zora would ever take him on bounties, as he is supposed to be a secret, but I like to imagine him on the bounty she goes on in the second half of the first season. Just tagging along trying to help her find the amulet Bliss Ocean wants.
I ENJOYED EVERY SECOND OF THIS!!!! I’ve never seen that show but I’ve heard of it and seen Zora’s design before!!! I think your s/i concept is so neat and I definitely combed your blog looking for art of them to doodle something for you, but couldn’t find any !! If you have an kind of description or concept of Floof, I’d love to hear and see!!!! I totally want to doodle a little drawing of Zora leading Floof by the hand while they look for that amulet!!
I absolutely adore platonic ships!!! I feel like they’re over shadowed by romantic ones and so it means so much to me to hear about them!!!! Chaii would also feel the same way!!
THANK YOU FOR GUSHING TO ME !!!! If you have any fanfictions I’d love to read them!!! Or anymore gushes, I’m all ears!!!!
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schizophrenicships · 2 years
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