bitofthisandthat · 3 months
@runningracingdancingchasing [ From Here! ]
He was genuinely taken aback by her excitement over the gift. He knew she was a bookworm (like he was) but he still somehow didn't believe she would be this thrilled.
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"Really?" His voice went up an octave in surprise--but he disguised the tone with a small cough, voice lowering again. "I mean, really? Hm. Well, we should go over it. I'd like to hear your opinion on some of the notes." He straightened his tunic and stood straight, giving her a semi-formal bow, as a slight jest. "We can raid the kitchen and handle our own refreshments, if you want?"
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bitofthisandthat · 5 months
@reanimatedmuses [ FROM HERE ]
These small, stuffy royal soirees always grate on the prince's patience, but he's exceptional at faking it, so not to seem spoilt and rude. This magician wasn't on 'the list,' he's sure. ( After all, he swiped it from the social liaison earlier, to get a leg up on who exactly was coming to this dreadful dinner. ) A small, amused scoff escapes Proteus as the bird lands on the entertainer's cap.
The pinch-faced duo next to him is not so amused, and they excuse themselves away from the scene, leaving their Prince with this...peasant.
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Proteus could care less.
"Well...You must be here on a some sort of wager or a dare, because none of these old farts has a sense of humor...or a pulse, for that matter." He chuckles. "What is your name, Magician?"
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bitofthisandthat · 11 months
@runningracingdancingchasing [ from HERE ]
"Ah, yes...but it makes me look more austere, more dignified, don't you think?" He replied in a dry and overly-proper tone, but his features definitely showed a little twinkle to prove his words a joke.
"People think you're much more serious a monarch if you look like you're having a bad time of it."
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He offers her a small chuckle. "I apologize for the grey tone I'm smattering over this beautiful scene." He gestures at the peach blossom-colored sunset before them, the bright red sun sinking below the sea's horizon like a ruby between folds of fabric. "I just hate that stuffy hall when all those dignitaries flood it with their nonsense. Talk, talk, talk. I should fall asleep where I stand if I don't fake a stomach ache now and then and excuse myself." To this day, he has no idea how his father managed to not snap when the Council of 12 began yammering on about how he should run things. Proteus just escapes. His father managed them better.
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bitofthisandthat · 8 months
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@runningracingdancingchasing asked: "I find a dash of danger titillating." for Prot!
Flirting Sentences
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He side-glances the princess atop his horse, the two of them at a gentle trot now that they've put a LOT of distance between them and civilization.
Up ahead, a gnarled, thorny forest that leads deep into a cave-filled gorge.
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"Well then, far be it from me to keep you from excitement..." Dark eyes slowly peel away from her profile as he ( practically forces himself to ) look ahead of their horses' path. "See that gorge up ahead?" He gestures outward, casually, "It is said to be practically crawling with baby Hydras.......sure, as hatchlings they only have the TWO heads, and they are only about the size of a dog. But...several of them running alongside us, like a pack? Tck, tck, tck...
It CAN be challenging. Think your steed is up to it?" He pats the strong neck of his chestnut colored Arabian. "I know Lucretia is."
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bitofthisandthat · 2 months
✨ for Prot! 💕
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send ✨ for my muse to talk about their favorite thing about your muse.
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He stammered a bit at first, scratching his temple oddly. There really were a plethora of things he admired in her, to be perfectly honest. But one certain thing surmised the lot.
"She is the most impassioned person I know, so unapologetic and thrilled about her interests and desire to learn more...as if there is a bottomless chasm of interests and ideas she can't begin to scrape."
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"So many give up their interests and become stale in how they view the world, especially if they've been cloistered and lost everything. But she is the opposite of that...the more she sees or hears about, the more she seeks to know. To experience. No matter what trials she's lived through."
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bitofthisandthat · 7 months
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R A P U N Z E L + P R O T E U S
❝ Did you ever hear about the Prophecy of the Two Suns? If they are seen together in the sky at the same time, great change and healing shall overtake the world... ❞
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bitofthisandthat · 11 months
He's been around both high borne and riff raff all his life. He's dealt with dignitaries begging for his vote and backing through lies and flattery. He's had courtiers throw themselves at him thinking seduction will win a favored place in his castle. His best mate was a pirate, for Lord's sake. He KNOWS a scam when he sees one.
But perhaps she's a bit TOO amusing for him to care to keep his antennae on watch. He is engaged in a very heated argument between an ebony haired woman and a...vendor of some kind. Every weak insult from the merchant is met with a witty snap that is more prepared than one of the prince's lawyers.
Oh, he has to get involved. But...in his own easy, non-invasive way. He pretends to look over the merchandise, none of which he'd buy for himself in a million years.
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He slides closer to the debate, eyeing the girl to see where her hands go, having seen this kind of display before in Sardinia. He has to choke back a laugh. "Darling, have you chosen your wares yet? We're expected for luncheon soon." He fans a silver piece between his middle and forefinger, casually allowing the light to catch it, and distract the vendor. "Change for her purchase is desired."
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bitofthisandthat · 7 months
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@droppingdonkeys asked: [for Proteus] "I got this for you!" Luisa holds up a ruana in cool blue tones.
Flirting Sentences
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He is taken aback, obviously not expecting anything from her, or anyone here, really--he has tried to keep his royal status a secret, pulling his usual traveler's 'trick' of being 'normal' so that he can get to know a people without them feeling obligated to give him tributes and honors and put on a false face of propriety.
One thing is sure: he is clueless as to why Luisa is gifting him this garment, to be honest. The true meaning of her present goes right over his head, even if anyone else can see it.
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"Why, thank you Luisa! The fabric is quite unique...I shall be sure to keep this always!...And it will go well in my collection of clothing from my travels."
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bitofthisandthat · 8 months
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She gets a big, jovial laugh out of the prince--not at her, but in real amusement.
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"My lady, I can already tell diplomacy is NOT one of your stronger points, but I can respect your passion. And your honesty."
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bitofthisandthat · 8 months
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She's interested but best do a friend date. Make sure they get along.
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"Well, Lady Luisa...I know we'd get along famously. I think we do already. By the way, I would like to show you the royal library. I think you'd get a kick out of it. Truly appreciate its contents...all 4 floors of it."
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bitofthisandthat · 8 months
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bitofthisandthat · 6 months
🌿🍒 for Prot 😏
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send “🌿🍒” (or "mistletoe") for my muse's reaction to standing under a mistletoe with your muse  ♡
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He is vaguely aware of most of the decor, to be perfectly honest. He just sees mountains of green and red and it all blurs together as he picks at the finger food, and cheers his goblet at fellow members of court when he passes them by. For such a quiet man at court, he's quite the socialite, taking in everyone's conversation and making the rounds heartily. He finally reaches the brunette, handing his empty cup away, nodding cordially before joining her at her side.
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"Quite the affair...I apologize for abandoning you," he jokes, "You do seem very well to handle yourse--" Indigo eyes shoot upward at the poisonous fruit hanging on the bough between them, and he gives her a half-chuckle, completely dumbstruck and suddenly nervous.
"Ah. I don't mean to alarm you, princess but there is a very suspicious evergreen hanging above your head--" He tries to turn it into a jest but cuts himself off. He sighs, his shoulders raising high, the sinking quickly before he shakes up some courage. Just a tad.
Bending forward to her shorter frame, he plants a soft kiss at the corner of her lips in a chaste and gentle press, only lingering a moment or two before straightening upright and clearing his throat awkwardly.
He prays she doesn't think he's gone too far too soon, but...he did keep it chivalrous. We shall see, he thinks.
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bitofthisandthat · 8 months
Checklist for Prot!
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Send  “checklist” and my muse will fill out the list below with their thoughts about yours!
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I find you to be:
[X] interesting [X] cute [X] attractive [ ] sexy [X] reassuring [ ] intimidating [ ] annoying [ ] tedious [ ] terrifying
I think we should:
[X] talk more [X] hang out more [X] date [ ] adopt each other as found family [ ] fight (friendly) [ ] fight (hostile) [ ] avoid each other if at all possible
If we spent an evening together we would:
[X] just hang out [X] talk about deep stuff [X] cuddle [ ] go to bed together (to sleep) [ ] go to bed together (to… not sleep) [X] go out and party till sunrise [X] both get arrested [ ] probably wind up killing each other
If we kissed it would be:
[X] a chaste press of lips [X] a playful smooch [X] swift and stolen [X] deep, sweet, and sincerely meant [ ] all teeth and tongue and hot as heck [ ] not happening
If we had sex it would be: (Not there yet!)
[X] romantic and luxurious [ ] fast, rough and hard [ ] against the nearest wall [ ] fantastic [ ] awkward [ ] a really bad idea [ ] an all-around disaster [ ] not happening
If I woke up and found you unexpectedly in my bed I would:
[ ] cuddle you [X] offer you breakfast [ ] attempt to seduce you [ ] kick you out [ ] demand to know how you got there [ ] scream
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bitofthisandthat · 8 months
'⭐️’ for Asami or Proteus
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Send ‘⭐️’ for my muse to pay yours a compliment
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"You are more than meets the eye, Lady Luisa, and you are far too humble for all your interests and gifts. You deserve to be more celebrated, praised. And you are far from egotistical, there is no way any danger of you becoming some self-centered bore. You're good people, and you are good at what you do. You deserve a hero's huzzah, own it."
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bitofthisandthat · 8 months
⭐️ for Prot 😉
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Send ‘⭐️’ for my muse to pay yours a compliment
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"Easy enough, I'd say--"
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"You have a keen, multi-faceted, engaging mind with many intrigues that make you equally intriguing. Most people focus on one or two interests in their lifetime and never question anything past their own backyard. You find the world to be one enormous 'experience,' which is a rare trait in anybody let alone a princess who has every reason to fear and hate the world she's been denied."
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bitofthisandthat · 8 months
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Yellow = always
Purple = it depends
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"Hm. Well. Yes..." He is struck silent and unable to pontificate for once. "....I'm uh, glad we have so many things in common, Rapunzel. It will make for a much more delightful adventure." More delighted than he already is? Not sure that's possible.
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