#💋  : partner before thirty * ( modern v )
knowsvaluemoved · 2 years
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❛  i can’t wait to have my way with you.  ❜     @mcxleys​ - soft dirty talk memes 
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the  sounds  of  the  bar  are  loud  ,  nearly  too  loud  for  her  to  hear  him  but  she  manages  .  “  ahh  and  here  i  thought  you  were  a  nice  guy  .”  it’s  a  tease  ,  glass  of  whiskey  in  brought  to  red  lips.  “  tell  me  -  “  a  pause  to  set  the  glass  back  on  the  table  ,  weight  shifting  in  her  black  heels  “  -  what  would  you  do  with  me  if  you  had  the  chance  ?”
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knowsvaluemoved · 2 years
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I hope you know CPR, because you just took my breath away!                    @covaci​ - roman’s pick up lines
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“ it is a miracle that you manage to breathe everyday , considering that we’re married. ”  
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knowsvaluemoved · 2 years
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“ i’m not really good at this sort of thing. i never really had much luck with relationships before but i wanna make it work. i want us to work. ” - hotch.                    @huntcriminals​ - shippy memes for you hoes
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it  hasn’t  been  easy  for  them  to  get  to  this  point,  for  them  to  become  an  us.  peggy  has  always  been  drawn  to  him  -  ever  since  they  sat  next  to  each  other  in  their  freshman  year  history  class.  they  were  inseperable  in  university  and  law  school  ,  always  having  a  textbook  or  three  open  whenever  they  were  together  .  but  then  they  grew  up  ,  went  seperate  ways  and  peggy  never  mentioned  the  longing  and  pining  she  had  for  him.  
that  was  years  ago,  before  the  world  got  a  hold  of  them  and  destoryed  their  hopes  and  dreams.  yet  -  here  she  stands  ,  her  sapphire  eyes  staring  into  his  as  he  speaks  .  “  --  i  know,”  she  whispers,  hand  grabbing  his  ,  thumb  rubbing  across  the  back  of  it  .  there’s  too  much  history  held  between  them  ,  years  of  trying  to  push  the  other  out  of  their  minds  ,  and  they  still  ended  up  here  .  “  i  want  us  to  work  -”  she  repeats  his  words  back  to  him  .  “  you  are  one  of  the  most  important  people  in  my  life.  i’ve  wanted  this  -  wanted  us  -  for  so  long  .  i  will  do  everything  in  my  power  to  make  us  work.  ”
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knowsvaluemoved · 2 years
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20)  one muse sits on the other’s lap with their cock or strap inside while they do another task  (  paperwork,  reading,  watching a movie etc.  ).                @covaci​ - more smutty prompts but with some plot
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peggy  had  three  options  when  i  came  to  how  to  tackle  her  massive  pile  of  paperwork.  one,  she  could  stay  late  at  the  office  every  day  for  the  next  week,  two,  she  could  bring  it  home  and  whole  up  in  her  office,  or  three,  she  could  ignore  it  all  and  pray  that  it  does  itself.  that  is  until  roman  suggests  joining  her  in  her  office  and  she  can’t  tell  him  no.  at  first,  she  was  simply  sitting  on  his  lap  until  she  feels  the  tell  tell  sign  of  his  erection  pressing  against  one  of  her  thighs.  taking  a  quick  break,  she  completely  undresses  the  two  of  them  and  slides  him  inside  of  her  without  a  second  thought  .  “  this  alright,  my  darling  ?”  she  questions  as  she  situtates  herself  on  his  lap,  facing  her  desk.  
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knowsvaluemoved · 2 years
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❛  drag .   to  pull  my  muse  closer  by  a  piece  of  clothing .                    @deadxbones​​ - the enormity of my desire
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peggy  is  trying  to  get  her  apartment  door  open  ,  trying  to  get  them  into  a  place  where  they  could  rip  each  other  clothes  off  like  her  fingers  are  begging  too,  but  daphne  is  pressed  up  against  her  back.  the  other  woman  has  peggy’s  hair  brushed  over  one  shoulder,  lips  attacking  her  neck  and  the  lawyer  nearly  drops  her  key  as  she  fumbles  with  the  lock.  
in  a  moment  of  pure  concentration,  she’s  able  to  open  the  door  and  escape  from  daph’s  arms  .  she  steps  inside  her  apartment  before  reaching  a  hand  out,  red  fingers  digging  into  the  other’s  shirt  as  she  pulls  her  inside  along  side  her,  the  door  swinging  shut  behind  the  pair  “  tell  me  what  you  want,”  peggy  hisses  as  she  presses  the  other  into  the  door.
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knowsvaluemoved · 2 years
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MIRROR .   to  have  sex  with  my  muse  in  front  of  a  mirror .                      @covaci​ - the enormity of my desire
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peggy  can’t  tell  what’s  turning  her  on  the  most  in  this  moment  .  the  way  she  can  watch  how  roman  thrusts  into  her  ,  watch  how  her  face  screws  up  with  every  motion,  how  she  can  watch  his  hands  tweak  her  nipples  -  everything  in  her  is  on  fire  .  she  has  her  hands  on  either  side  of  their  full  length  mirror,  sapphire  eyes  locked  on  herself,  taking  in  the  view  of  watching  herself  being  taken  by  him.  it  hits  a  spot  deep  inside  of  her  that  causes  her  to  scream  out,  her  head  falling  back  to  rest  on  his  shoulder.  “  merde  -”
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knowsvaluemoved · 2 years
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it starts with breakfast in bed , roman having perfected a recipe for english muffins in peggy's honour , both tea and coffee on offer.
after they've eaten, they shower together and roman uses his mouth to feast on something else entirely , not giving in until peggy is an unstable mess above him. prompting him to carry her back through to the bedroom where they have sex for hours.
lunch is spent at the cafe they would frequent back in the days of the court case with a walk down main street with plenty of shopping. there was no limit , anything peggy wanted peggy got.
later on in the evening with peggy dressed in one of the many gifts she had picked out for herself, roman suited and booted in his best all black suit they go to dinner at peggy's favorite restaurant. the meal already pre-planned as he has a nack of remembering her orders.
its here that he signals for the final gift to be brought forward, a beautiful diamond ring displayed within her glass. it's cliche he knows but he is all about that, he wouldn't be roman without a little cheese.
roman lowers to his knee beside her , his smile wide and his eyes a little wet. " peggy carter. i have waited my whole life for you and I don't plan on ever letting you go. you wanted a down on one knee big romantic gesture so you got it. now I just need you to say yes. “                               @covaci​ - birthday celebrations
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the  day  has  been  pretty  close  to  perfect  .  breakfast  in  bed,  countless  hours  of  sex  making  her  feel  beyond  loved  and  wanted  and  blissfully  happy  that  somehow  this  is  her  life.  lunch  at  the  small  cafe  down  the  street  from  the  courthouse  makes  her  smile,  a  nice  reminder  of  how  far  they’ve  come  in  the  past  few  years.  peggy  remembers  when  she  wasn’t  sure  if  they  were  going  to  work  out,  if  all  the  sneaking  around  was  worth  it.  now,  they’re  walking  down  main  street,  hand  in  hand,  roman  laughing  as  she  models  a  dozen  different  dresses  and  blouses.  she  ends  up  picking  out  two  new  dresses  and  spends  far  too  long  deciding  on  the  emerald  green  one  when  it’s  time  for  dinner.  
the  moment  she  sees  the  diamond,  she  knows  and  there’s  no  stopping  the  tears  that  start  to  prick  at  her  eyes.  then  he’s  on  one  knee  and  he’s  talking  to  her  ,  but  truth  be  told  ,  the  words  aren’t  reaching  her  ears.  without  thinking,  she  lauches  herself  at  him,  arms  wrapping  around  his  neck.  “  yes,  yes,  yes  one  hundred  percent  yet.  ”
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knowsvaluemoved · 2 years
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he’s already coming into the bedroom with a tray filled with a full English breakfast and her favorite brands of tea assorted on it with a cup of hot water for it. There’s a large bouquet of flowers on her nightstand, and an entire table full of gifts downstairs for later. “…..happy birthday to the love of my life.”                               @xkingpin​ - birthday celebrations
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the  bed  is  warm,  the  sun  streaming  in  from  the  window.  she’s  not  really  in  the  mood  to  move.  but  then  dom  is  walking  into  the  bedroom  and  the  smell  of  the  breakfast  is  hitting  her  nose.  a  smile  appears  on  pale  lips  as  she  forces  herself  to  sit  up,  welcoming  the  tray  of  food  and  tea  onto  her  lap.  “  dom,”  she  whispers,  looking  between  the  food,  him  and  the  flowers.  “  you  didn’t  have  to  do  all  of  this  .”  she  doesn’t  even  know  about  the  stuff  downstairs,  having  yet  to  venture  out  of  bed.
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knowsvaluemoved · 2 years
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it's early, too early for most and roman is back from his morning run. ready to wash off the morning dew and get ready for the day; but before he does, as he passes through the bedroom towards the en suite he pauses long enough to lean and press a kiss into peggy's hair.  random kisses from @covaci​ // always accepting
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typically,  she’s  awake  by  the  time  he’s  back  from  his  morning  run,  but  she  didn’t  get  much  sleep  last  night  .  her  current  case  kept  her  up  well  into  this  morning  and  peggy  not  quite  ready  to  face  the  day  ,  but  her  mood  improves  dramatical  when  she  hears  him  enter  the  bedroom,  a  smile  appearing  on  her  sleeply  face  as  she  feels  his  lips  in  her  hair  .  “  good  morning,  ”  she  murmurs,  just  loud  enough  for  him  to  hear  .  “  care  for  some  company  ?”
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knowsvaluemoved · 2 years
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" what, was I just a charity case? " // @covaci​
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the  words  cut  into  her  .  they  settle  deep  into  her  bones  and  cause  everything  inside  of  her  to  ache  .  is  that  all  he  things  of  her  ?  thinks  that  this  is  what  their  relationship  was  about  ?  “  --  is  that  what  you  think  of  me  ?”  she  questions  ,  her  eyes  narrowing  at  him.  “  you  think  that  i  only  slept  with  you  to  get  information  ?”  fingers  pinch  the  bridge  of  her  nose  ,  a  sigh  falling  from  her  lips  .  peggy  risked  everything  to  be  with  him,  risked  everything  she  worked  so  hard  for  .  she  knew  the  consquences  for  her  actions  ,  knew  that  if  they  were  ever  found  out  she  would  lose  her  bar  license  and  her  job.  rising  her  head  to  meet  his  eyes  ,  tears  present  in  her  blue  hues  -  she  speaks.  “  i  risked  everything  for  you.  ”
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deadly nightshade // accepting
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