#💌.for taro lovers
milkybonya · 1 year
slip ☆ big naughty
order 070, anon: large taro milk tea with banana tapioca pearls, pudding, and regular tapioca pearls for big naughty
! : suggestive (kissing/making out), swear words/explicit language, a lot of bickering, kind of cliché and fast paced
# : enemies to friends to lovers, fake dating, academic rivals, big naughty (Seo Donghyun x gn reader, ft. bestie Haon
[💌: yes i keep using old photos of bigna because he looks cuddly n sof and what about it !!!! also my fav song from hopeless romantic is papillon. and why is he going to so many festivals pls do a world tour sir we're waiting]
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"oh, fuck off y/n," Donghyun snaps.
"i literally just want to sit in my seat," you say, pointing to your spot that Donghyun is sitting in.
he scowls at you and sticks his tongue out, turning back to his friends.
"what the fuck is your problem?" you sigh. "why can't i just sit in my seat?"
"your mom," he replies, laughing with his friends.
you groan and sit in his spot instead. he watches you carefully, trying to find more things he can pick on you about.
"what did you get on last week's assignment?" he asks.
"your mom," you reply with a smirk, proud of your retaliation.
"touché," replies Donghyun. "well, i got 99%."
"i got 100 so suck it," you say, turning back to him and sticking your tongue out.
you hear someone laugh and recognize it immediately as your friend, Haon. he walks into class and sits in his spot usually next to you, but currently taken by Donghyun.
"suck it fr, Donghyun," Haon says, opening his books.
"shut up, you can barely even pass half the time," Donghyun whines.
you burst out laughing and Donghyun smiles to himself.
the two of you are sworn enemies, academic rivals.
"but you guys enjoy this, don't you?" Haon asks you as he eats his lunch with you in the cafeteria.
you shake your head.
"he's so annoying, i can't stand him. he's literally so dumb and immature."
Haon shrugs, continuing to eat.
that week in class, a new assignment is announced. you're ready to do research and present the best ppt ever... until they say it's a creative project... and a group project, too. a group project in pairs. assigned pairs.
"i'm placing the two rivals in this class together because i'm sure if you actually work together, you can get something spectacular done," your teacher explains.
all eyes on the class turn to you and Donghyun. you can see Haon laughing somewhere within your peripheral vision as you try to look straight ahead.
"y/n and Donghyun, you'll be the first group to present. come take your assignment sheet."
you look back to see Donghyun rolling his eyes and sighing, exaggerating his every move and sound. so, you get up and fetch the sheet yourself.
everyone gets 10 minutes to read the assignment over before the class continues, and you drag your seat to Donghyun's desk so you can both read it over.
"this is so dumb," Donghyun sighs.
"i.. think it's quite fun, actually! we're given a lot of freedom for the presentation.. what should we do?!" you ask.
"i say we write a song. i know a thing or two about music. and you can come to my place; i have the equipment," Donghyun quickly explains while looking down at his phone.
you sigh. this is going to be tough.
Donghyun's house is big, clean, and extremely organized. you look around like a tourist at a foreign museum, taking in everything and also trying to find any baby photos of Donghyun to use as blackmail. you find his class president promo poster on the door of his room and immediately take a photo.
"everyone's already seen that. it won't do much for you," he says nonchalantly, making you jump as he walks from behind you into his room and onto his bed.
"let's go to my studio; it's easier to work there," he says with a smirk.
deep down, he's excited. he's excited for you to see the studio and feel shocked. he's excited to show you that he's more than just a bookworm. why is he excited? he doesn't know.. well.. because he gets to show off and one-up you, right?!
you follow behind him, imagining his studio as a tiny closet with a cheap mic, but you're suprised to find a soundproofed room filled with art, a weird toilet-chair, and a setup that looks like it belongs to a producer.
"wha--?" your jaw is dropped as you look around.
Donghyun's face is burning up, your shocked face makes him feel so proud he could die right now and die happy.
"Donghyun, this is all yours?" you ask.
"yeah, it's whatever. anyways, come sit. let's figure out what we want to do," he says as he sits in his chair, leaning back and turning on the desktop.
it takes a while for you to come up with ideas because you're still so in shock, but eventually, the two of you come up with the bare bones draft of a song. by then, it's pretty late and you decide you should go home.
right as Donghyun is sending you off at the door, his mom walks in.
"oh, hey Donghyun! i'm home.. who is this? a friend from school?"
"i'm y/n, Donghyun's classmate. we were just working on a project together," you say with a smile.
Donghyun's mom smiles back and nods, saying goodbye to you along with his son who glares at you as you leave.
"what kind of classmate do you glare at as they leave, huh Donghyun?" his mom asks him once you're gone.
"a classmate i hate."
back in class the next day, you excitedly race to Donghyun to talk about the song you've made.
"i was thinking about it all night! i have so many ideas now... we can incorporate some of our favourite poets' work into the song.. we can also sample some classical artists because we're gonna talk about how copyrighting and stuff is a blurry line, right?!" you ramble on.
"excuse me, do i know you?" Donghyun asks, trying to glare at you but breaking out into a laugh.
his laughter makes you crack up, and you don't notice Haon staring at you. the classroom's biggest rivals are suddenly laughing together?
you spend all of lunch talking about the song with Donghyun, and you go back to his place that night to work on the song again. his mom brings you fruits and wishes you luck as the two of you keep getting more and more ideas for the song.
"what about a music video?!" you suggest.
"let's make Haon the villain," Donghyun jokes.
"hey, hey.. don't bring my friend into this!"
the next day, you use your lunch period to film the music video. at this point, all sorts of rumours are spreading throughout the school. most of them involve you and Donghyun dating.
"i heard from someone that you went over to his house and spent the whole night making out with him instead of studying. what do you have to say for yourself, y/n?!" Haon asks you before a class begins.
"they can all fuck off. everyone will see when we present that we've actually been working hard," you explain.
at Donghyun's place, the two of you meet to add the final touches to the song and music video. you're so invested on fixing up a specific scene that Donghyun speaking makes you jump.
"don't you think it's so dumb that everyone thinks we're dating," he says.
you raise your brows at him while your heartrate returns to normal. "you heard it too?"
he nods, running his fingers through his soft, dark locks.
"yeah," you agree with a scoff, "it's really dumb."
"what if we fake date to make them think they're right and then a week later or something tell everyone ha we were just pranking!" Donghyun explains with a toothy grin, his hair falling back into his face.
"huh? w-why would we do that?"
Donghyun shrugs. "because it's fun."
you don't see the fun in any of this.
"okay, if you agree to fake date me, i'll... purposely fail the next test."
you perk up at the sound of that and Donghyun smirks.
"deal, then?"
"no... what would fake-dating entail?" you ask, leaning back in your chair next to Donghyun.
he presses the keys on his keyboard as he speaks. "acting like a couple but not actually being a couple?"
"okay, i know that much, but are we talking full pda or--"
💌: (pda means public display of affection, things like holding hands, kissing, etc that a couple does!)
"gross!" Donghyun yelps, pushing you and covering his face as it turns pink.
"get your head out the gutter! we'll just go with the flow, nothing too wild," he explains, pushing the hair out of his eyes.
you find yourself agreeing and the next morning, the day of your presentation, Donghyun is at your front door.
"Donghyun?" you ask, shocked.
"we're dating, aren't we? so let me walk you to school," he says, slipping his hand into yours.
"fake dating," you clarify as you lock the door.
"well.. anyways, all ready for the presentation today?" he asks, pushing his glasses up with his free hand. he grins at you; a small, curious grin.
"yep! i'm so excited... i think the reactions will be legendary," you say.
you both try to ignore the butterflies you feel each time you look at your interlocked fingers.
"they're holding hands?"
"i told you they're dating!"
"is it a prank?"
"y/n just wants to make Haon jealous."
the whispers start the second you and Donghyun enter the school grounds while holding hands, and they don't stop.
Haon races up to you in class once you're in your seat, demanding answers.
"i haven't seen you in a week and you say it's because of this project and now you're holding hands with your sworn enemy?!"
you shrug in response and he sighs.
looking back at Donghyun, you find he was already looking at you. quickly, he looks away, his cheeks red.
"okay, class. let's start the presentations! Haon and Seunghoon can go first," the teacher says.
you watch your best friend sigh as he stands, shuffling over to the front. you cheer him on and watch eagerly as he presents, but you're also nervous for your turn.
well, you don't even have time to be nervous! you're up next!!
the class murmurs as you both walk up and Donghyun smiles at you, lovingly? you can't tell if he's putting on the fake dating act or if his small smile and warm eyes are genuinely shooting out love hearts for you.
you shrug it off and focus on the presentation. luckily, you and Donghyun both present without any mistakes, and both the class and teacher love it!
"i knew something good would come out of pairing you both together!" the teacher says.
after the class, so many people come up to you both with questions about the song. Haon jokingly tells everyone that no paparazzi is allowed.
"move back!" he shouts, gently pushing the students away.
while Haon is unknowingly distracting them, Donghyun whispers into your ear.
"on the count of three, let's run."
"one." he smiles at you.
"two." he takes your hand.
"three!" he pulls you towards him as he sprints out of the class and you trail behind him.
your laughter echoes through the halls as you both stop in an empty classroom to catch your breaths.
"why?!" you ask Donghyun, who shrugs his shoulders.
"this is so much better," he says, panting while smiling.
"agreed," you reply.
there's an awkward silence between you both and you look around the classroom, not noticing Donghyun's eyes on you.
"can i kiss you?" he suddenly asks.
"huh?!" you whip your head around.
Donghyun's eyes are sparkling. he's serious, genuinely meant the question he asked.
"yes," you reply, knowing you mean it but not knowing why.
before you can try to find out, Donghyun is pressing his lips to yours and cupping your cheeks. his kiss is warm, and soft. you see stars; you feel butterflies like never before. he's practically taking you to heaven but brings you back down the second he pulls away.
"i-i'm sorry," he says, sheepishly, looking ashamed but cute with his cheeks all rosy.
"no. i wanted to," you say, reaching for his hand.
why are you reaching for his hand? your body is acting on instincts that you aren't even aware of.
you hear a low whistle from outside the classroom.
"so this is where you ran off to?" Haon asks, stepping into the class.
you quickly let go of Donghyun's hands.
"you have a lot of explaining to do, y/n," Haon tells you.
an hour spent at a café with Haon and he's had his jaw dropped the whole time as you've been talking.
"okay and so basically now you both kissed and you're wondering if you have real feelings for him?" Haon asks.
you slowly nod, taking a sip of your drink. your friend shakes his head at you, smirking.
"you fucking idiot. you've had feelings for him this whole time and haven't known! just date him for real already," Haon says.
"it isn't that easy! who knows how he feels about me," you point out.
Haon laughs, "he asked if he could kiss you. you don't think he likes you?"
your phone vibrates on the table. Donghyun's caller id flashes on the screen.
"answer it," Haon says. "i bet he wants to confess."
"hello?" you speak into your phone, stepping outside of the café so you can hear better.
"hey.. you're not busy, are you?" Donghyun asks in a small voice.
you look back at Haon. "no, why?"
"about what happened today.. i want to say that i don't regret it. i wanted that.. and i still want it.,"
"what do you mean?" you ask.
"i like you, y/n. for real. let's date.. for real?" he asks.
"you idiot. why aren't you telling me this in person," you joke.
"because i'm shy. answer me first," he whines.
you laugh, telling him that you feel the same.
"everything is happening so fast," you say.
"you're right, but let's not waste any more time. do you wanna come over?" Donghyun asks.
Haon looks up moments later to find you rushing in to grab your things.
"i'm so sorry Haon, i've gotta go," you say.
"just go. go to him," Haon says, sipping on his drink.
at Donghyun's house, his mom invites you in and you walk straight to his studio. the second you knock on his door, he opens it. clearly, he's been waiting.
and he wastes no time before he pins you to the door and his lips crash onto yours, tenderly melting against you as his hands slowly come down to wrap around your waist. he sighs in relief as your cool hands cup his warm cheeks, pulling him closer.
"was that okay?" he whispers after he pulls away.
"yes.. we like each other and we're dating now, right?" you ask.
Donghyun shyly nods. he takes you by the hand toward his chair, inviting you into his lap after he first takes a seat.
"wanna watch a movie with me?" he asks.
in class the next day, the two of you act as normal... as normal as a couple who were enemies before, then fake dated and are now dating for real could act.
people still don't know if your relationship is real or not, and some snobby popular girl comes all the way to your class from hers just to find out.
"it's real.. right? Donghyun, you wouldn't be dating your rival.. right? c'mon, i know you like me--"
she's cut off by the sound of your boyfriend scoffing.
"excuse me? like you? who even are you?" Donghyun asks, not even looking at the girl but instead focusing on drawing circles on the back of your hand as he holds it in his.
the girl is dumbfounded and storms away. you look at Donghyun, surprised that he stood up for you. he kisses your nose and giggles.
"i have to get used to this," you say.
"used to what?"
"you defending me for a change."
Donghyun shakes his head at you.
"get to your spots, everyone! we have a test today," the teacher says.
you look back at Donghyun before going to your desk, and he throws you a wink.
it's after class that you realize why--he kept his promise. he purposely failed his test because you agreed to fake date him.
"why would you do that, though? we stopped fake dating," you explain during lunch.
"but you still agreed, and a deal is a deal," he says with a small smile.
that night, you go to Donghyun's house again. in the studio, you recount the events that happened with that dumb popular girl and how Donghyun failed a test for the first time. you both laugh your heads off until a long silence prompts you to speak again.
you kneel down so you're eye-level with your boyfriend as you say, "Donghyun, you did really well today. i'm so proud of you. you did so much for me.. i don't deserve it."
"can i kiss you?" he suddenly asks without hesitation.
as soon as you nod yes, he presses his lips to the corner of your mouth, below your lips and above your chin. his touch as he gently caresses your cheek with his thumb is warm and soft. when he pulls away, even though you weren't kissing him, you miss the feeling of his lips on you.
his eyelids flutter open and he stares at you with stars on his eyes, his cheeks dusted red.
you unconsciously whine and pout, wanting to kiss him, making Donghyun break into a smile.
"you missed," you say, pointing to your lips.
"you're crazy," he tells you, but he still kisses you for real this time and butterflies rage within you as he pulls you onto his lap. it feels like you're melting onto his chest as one of his hands hold the back of your neck and the other your back.
Donghyun's phone starts vibrating on his desk but he pays it no mind, fully focusing on his racing heart and how sweet you taste, how warm you are to hold and how much he loves you.
he tells you this, breathes and mumbles it against your lips and you have to hold onto him because you feel so weak.
"D-Donghyun i can't.. i need a break.. my heart is exploding," you stutter.
he holds your waist and lets you lean back, admiring you.
"you don't think my heart also feels like there's warfare happening in there?" he asks with a toothy grin.
"i hate you," you say while smiling.
"oh? why are you sitting in my lap then?"
"fuck off."
"did you mean 'fuck me' instead? cause i will--"
"SHUT UP!" you shout, standing up.
Donghyun is a laughing mess, clapping his hands together and gasping for air.
"i'm sorry," he says with a smile, reaching for your hand as you jokingly turn your back to him.
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kyovtani · 4 years
Raising your voice and yelling at Daddy!Bo because you're frustrated from work it's been hard and he's ignoring you. He starts yelling back about how ungrateful and bratty you are to him and how other girls would jump at a chance with him. When you yell "MAYBE ILL GET A DADDY WHO LISTENS WHEN I HAVE A BAD WEEK" He realizes that he messed up and why you were acting so "bad" so he makes tonight all about you. Praises are spilled and you're turned into a babbling mess. Daddy takes care of his baby
he knows you didn‘t mean what you said because he knows how much you love him but he‘s still hurt and so, so angry at himself he can‘t help but storm out of the apartment to calm himself down. once he‘s back he finds you asleep on the bed, pillo sheet stained with your tears which manages to break his heart all over again. so he wakes you up with soft, needy kisses as he tells you how sorry he is and body he needs you. he makes you cum on his fingers and face for a whole hours before he fucks you into ltieral oblivion, not stopping until youre stuffed to the brim with his cum and as he falls asleep with his cock buried inside of your stuffed cunt, he asks you to please never go and find another daddy🥺
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kyovtani · 4 years
sugar daddy bokuto who's super sweet and spoils you sm! but he's big, too big and he's just cooing at your tears and hushing you bc you've got this, his baby doing so good! he's holding your hips down so you don't squirm too much as he forces himself into you, knocking the breath out of you with every single thrust, telling you you're taking him so well ♥
sugar daddy tarō!!<3🥺
the last thing he wants to do is hurt, youre his perfect little baby after all! but your cunt‘s just so, so small and his cock - to put it simple - is huge. he knows how much you struggle to take all of him and by the time he bottoms out, the thick tip of his cock nudging your womb casually, youre a sobbing mess. the stretch is painful yet so, so delicious and neither ofyou can get enough. it always takes bokuto a good minute to regain his composure because of the way you‘re pussy‘s clamping down around his cock like a vice. but you just feel so perfect, so tight, so warm and so wet- bokuto literally goes crazy every time he pulls out and buries himself back inside of you and of course he makes sure to stuff you with his cum as a reward for taking his huge cock like the good girl you are!!<3💗💗💗
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kyovtani · 4 years
I’m FEINDING for some sloppy bokuto,, like he’s just a MESS covered in your and his cum and he’s panting & whining stuff like “yea you like being all sticky in my cum?” Or “fuck.. good girl, I wanna make you cum one more time” his stamina is OFF THE CHARTS and this all started because you wanted to fucking tell him you missed the taste of his cock skskksks I’m so sorry I’m running off of 4 hours of sleep and I just read 6 smut fics in a row
messy tarō = favorite tarō!!<33
bokuto absolutely loves seeing you covered in his spit and his cum; not only does it feed into his possessiveness, it also shows him what a cute little cumslut you are for him and him only!!🥺
you sometimes just kneel in between his legs, glossy eyes focusing his crotch before you look up at him push your pretty lips into a pout and telling your daddy how much you miss his taste. and who‘s tarō to deny his perfect baby anything, hm?
the first round usually ends rather quickly because it has the sole purpose to cover your beautiful face in his cum. bokuto then spits on his cock and pumps himself through the overstimulation before he fucks your throat and makes sure to let a few drops of his saliva fall into your mouth whenever you take him okt to catch your breath.
by the time he cums again, he makes you keep it in your mouth before he wants you to suck on your fingers and then use those cum covered digits to finger yourself and as you take care of your cute little cunt, bokuto watches the mixture of his cum and your spit run down your chin and all the way down your neck to your cleavage and that‘s his absolute favorite sight!!<3 his pretty baby covered in all those shades of white [ sigh ] so perfect!!<3
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