#💎 B-Rabbit Treasure (Oz Vessalius)
universestreasures · 1 year
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I cannot understate how this panel shows how broken and mentally unstable actually Oz is.
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universestreasures · 2 years
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The Two Young Masters: Ciel & OZ
Only @thcsevoices​​ may reblog!!!
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universestreasures · 1 year
@chapeliier (Continued From Here)
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An audible gasp escapes the exhausted noble's lips. Of course, he wasn't going to get off the hook that easily...Honestly, at this point, he'll probably get a break once he passes out plain on the grounds of the training area. Though, considering his heart was beating so fast and he could barely catch his breath, his freedom might come sooner rather than later. Gosh, Gil is going to yell at him when he figures out his master's been getting sword training from the Mad Hatte, something he too thinks will happen rather quickly considering his condition.
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"B-Barely broken a s-sweat?! I'm...I'm sweating to death over here, Break! If I do anymore, my arms and legs will fall off!"
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universestreasures · 1 year
@ravenretainer (Because we havn't actually gotten to do any Nobles PH content yet sooo)
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"Well...looks like we're almost there." Oz says, confirming they are indeed close to their destination as a giant circus tent comes into view. With all the commotion in the Rainsworth House surrounding the recent poisoning of its heir after attending the Akaba House's gala, the investigation of the Pale Moon Circus and their illegal use of chains from the Abyss was put on hold. Honestly, the timing of the entire event seemed too perfect to be a coincidence to Oz. After all, what better way then to halt Pandora in its tracks than to shift its focus to another investigation all together? Considering the circus' access to chains and all other sorts of creatures, it's certainly possible.
That's why he and his servant were out here in the field, going to confirm if the young lord's theory was true. Alice didn't go with them considering she probably wouldn't be best for a recon mission. Though, that did mean Oz would have to rely on Gilbert if they got into a fight, something he hopes to avoid at all possible today. They were just here to uncover information, nothing more than that.
Although, considering he's never been to a circus, it's also possible his child-like nature from being secluded from the outside world for most of his life will get the better of him. Thankfully he has his servant here to keep him focused, even if Oz makes no promises that he won't try to rope Gilbert into some shenanigans. He wouldn't be Oz if he didn't at least try to have some fun on the job, right?
"I wonder what kinds of things we'll see today, Gil! I hear circuses are the most fun time anyone can have, and aside from the sketchy dealings regarding the captures of Chains and stuff, the Pale Moon Circus is said to be the best one in the land!" You could already see the star twinkle in his eyes, honestly enjoying thinking of this little mission that doubled as a fun outing. "Oh! I wonder what kind of food they'll have! I'm starving!"
His stomach then growls as if on queue, further emphasizing the young lord's eager appetite. It was understandable since they had been traveling since early this morning and it was well past lunchtime. Looks like getting lunch would be the first thing they'd do when they arrived.
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"Say, have you been to a circus before, Gil?"
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universestreasures · 2 years
@thcsevoices​​​​ (Ciel)
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“And, that’s checkmate! I win again, Ciel!” Oz brags as he places his final white chess piece on the board, arms stretched above him as he stands in a victory pose. Ciel was a worthy opponent indeed, but the Vessalius blonde has played the game many times with Gilbert, his Uncle Oscar, and his little sister Ada growing up.  Plus, he’s older than the young earl anyway (even if he didn’t look it due to the ten years he spent in the Abyss), and with time, comes experience. 
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“So, what do I win? I think after that intense game I deserve a little something for kicking your butt, huh?”
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universestreasures · 2 years
@ravenretainer​ Sent: An Alice In Wonderland (1951) Sentence Meme (Accepting!)  
“Drat that girl! Where could she have put them?” [@ Oz, perhaps Alice misplaced his precious hat? lol]
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This was such an Alice thing to do, Oz thought. The girl was a bundle of chaos ever since they met, and her disdain for his servant had become obvious over time. So, of course, she would go out of her way to mess with him. While the blonde himself did enjoy pranking on Gil from time to time, it was all in good fun. Whenever she did it, it was almost always with malicious intent. Today’s prank of hiding Gil’s cigarettes was no exception. 
Honestly, Oz wishes everyone could just get along and stop the stupid infighting, but he knows that wish will probably never be granted with stubborn people like Gilbert and Alice. That’s just how things were. He would still hope for the better obviously. Though, he wouldn’t hold his breath on it. Oz had always been quick to accept the reality of how things are in most circumstances, even if they were not desirable. It was something he developed to deal with the hatred his father had for him that just never seemed to go away.
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“Hey, maybe this is a good thing in disguise, Gil! I mean you have been wanting to quit, right?” Oz speaks, having just looked in one of the drawers in Gilbert’s room. He had his own feelings about cigarettes after having learned of the consequences of using them from his servant. However, he understands quitting such a thing is card. Oz will support and help Gilbert no matter what, whether it’s helping him quit or helping him in search of the toxic drugs. 
Most importantly, the boy will never reject him. Gilbert was his prized servant, and he promised as his master to take care of him. That vow was still in place even after all these years, and even after so much between them had changed.
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universestreasures · 2 years
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Parallels: Nobles Seeking Comfort From Their Retainers 
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universestreasures · 2 years
@thcsevoices​ Sent: An Alice In Wonderland (1951) Sentence Meme (Accepting!)
“We really shouldn’t be doing this. After all, we haven’t been invited.” (Finny @ Oz)
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They shouldn’t be doing this? Well, Oz begged to differ. Sneaking into a party, especially one that Ciel, Lady Elizabeth, and Miss Sharon were attending, was just too good an opportunity to pass up! The blonde left out, frankly. It was something he couldn’t stand! It took some work to ditch Gilbert and Alice, but he knows those two will be occupied fighting while he takes the gardener of the Phantomhive out for a little fun night crashing a fancy event like this.
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“Come on, Finny! This is gonna be fun!” He speaks, slapping a nice little top hat on the taller man. “Besides, what if something dangerous is going on in that party, and Ciel and the others need our help? You wouldn’t want to leave your precious master in a dangerous situation when you could save him, right?” 
Is Oz being a bit manipulative? Yeah, yeah he is. Though, he did have a good point. Trouble always seemed to follow the earl wherever he went. So, it wouldn’t be surprising that someone would try to pull something at an event where so many important nobles were attending. He would know better than anyone considering his own coming of age ceremony so many years ago was crashed by people who wanted to try and send him to the Abyss.
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universestreasures · 2 years
@hollowedhatter​ Sent: 
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Out of nowhere... Break appears! He waves at Oz, a wide smile splitting his face nearly in two. He produces a tin of sweets  out of nowhere and shakes it in his direction before suddenly tipping the entire tin into his own gaping maw, wrappers and all. Doing so seemingly for no reason at all other than to just do it. And without sharing a single candy at that! But that was just like him to do, wasn't it? With his mouth full, he calls out over to the young Vessalius. ❝Evening, Oz-kun. Know where one can find Raven?❞ [[hollowedhatter @ Oz :] don't worry, it's just ur local public menace saying hi hellow :] for now :]
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Oz had been enjoying some time to himself, deciding to use the rare quiet evening to catch up on reading the Holy Knight series he loved so much. With being gone in the Abyss for ten years, he had missed out on so much content! He, as a mega fan of the series, just had to catch up! Hey, maybe he can even discuss it with Elliot the next time he will inevitable run into him. Oz knew sharing passions you had in common was a great way to becoming better friends, after all.
However, his quiet evening is interrupted then by Break’s sudden appearance, shocking the boy enough to cause an audible gasp and the book to drop from his hands. It was a mild annoyance that is quickly hidden by a smile as Oz picks the book up, waving back to the retainer of Sharon Rainsworth. Oz had become used to the other’s shenanigans by this point, and thus knew how to thankfully handle them. Like always, he quickly adapted. 
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“Good evening, Break! I wasn’t expecting you to visit, tonight.” Break’s visits usually meant trouble was not too far behind, but Oz is optimistic he is just here for a casual chat with his servant. “As for Gil, I think he’s retired for the evening already. Did you need something from him?”
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universestreasures · 2 years
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Oz Vessalius from Pandora Hearts has been added as a Secondary Muse! Canon complement with headcanon expansion!
TW For Suicidal Thoughts with this muse as it’s a very central part of Oz’s chr that will be explored upon.
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universestreasures · 2 years
Oz Black Butler Verse!
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Oz Vessalius is the heir to the Vessalius Dukedom, one of the four noble dukedoms that run the organization known as Pandora. Pandora is an organization created at the request of the Queen of England of herself specializing in investigation, research, and information gathering regarding The Supernatural (including demons, reapers, spirits, ghosts, zombies, you name it). They, similar to the Phantomhive family, work in the shadows, while taking on the appearances of normal nobles to the public.
One such area Pandora has done much research into/has the most information about is regarding ‘Chains’. Chains are demonic creatures from a place known as the Abyss, which is known through stories as an eternal prison for criminals. During his coming of age ceremony when he was 15, he was cast into the Abyss by a secret hooded villains of a group known as the Baskervilles who opposes Pandora. In order to escape the Abyss, he makes a contract with a human-like chain known as Alice (otherwise known as B-Rabbit). However, when he gets out, he notices he is now ten years into the future (around the time when Black Butler story begins) and how he has not aged at all physically during that time due to the Abyss running on a different clock. 
Unlike the contracts Pandora contractors use (such as Sharon), Oz has a clock seal on his chest to show his connection to Alice. Once the hands on the seal have made a full circle, he will be cast down to the deepest parts of the Abyss. It’s a seal he keeps hidden from those outside his close group of friends (Alice, his servant Gilbert, and is physically older than him now, Sharon, Break, and Reim) due to the fact a contract done in such a way is forbidden. 
He begins working for Pandora after returning from the Abyss, usually helping out the Rainsworth House that took him in due to the time gap and Oz’s father hating his existence. This means he on occasion also goes to the Phantomhive Manor, going with Sharon and Break or on his own with Alice and Gilbert. He instantly had a crush on Lady Elizabeth as he is very attracted to cute girls, which quickly died the second he found out she was engaged and is reminded by Gilbert that he’s an adult just in a kid’s body. He is also rather skilled at games, and is probably one of the only people who could give Ciel Phantomhive a challenge in that area. 
Much like Sharon, he keeps his contract and Alice’s true identity as a Chain a secret. However, if such information is to be revealed to save someone’s life, he will do so. He does want to form an honest friendship with Ciel too. This is not only due to Oz being a friendly guy, but also due to the fact Oz can tell he and Ciel have a lot of things in common and have gone through a lot of pain.
(Since I have Oz now, I also updated Sharon’s verse to go with his details. Mainly I’m setting her to have her contract formed with Equus much like in Pandora Hearts canon after Oz got yeeted into the Abyss, so she’s an adult in a youthful body just like Oz. It hasn’t changed anything I’ve written though so far. Just thought I’d give the heads up!)
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