#馃拵 B-Rabbit's Home Of Magical Nobility (Oz Nobles Of Nature AU)
universestreasures 1 year
@ravenretainer (Because we havn't actually gotten to do any Nobles PH content yet sooo)
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"Well...looks like we're almost there." Oz says, confirming they are indeed close to their destination as a giant circus tent comes into view. With all the commotion in the Rainsworth House surrounding the recent poisoning of its heir after attending the Akaba House's gala, the investigation of the Pale Moon Circus and their illegal use of chains from the Abyss was put on hold. Honestly, the timing of the entire event seemed too perfect to be a coincidence to Oz. After all, what better way then to halt Pandora in its tracks than to shift its focus to another investigation all together? Considering the circus' access to chains and all other sorts of creatures, it's certainly possible.
That's why he and his servant were out here in the field, going to confirm if the young lord's theory was true. Alice didn't go with them considering she probably wouldn't be best for a recon mission. Though, that did mean Oz would have to rely on Gilbert if they got into a fight, something he hopes to avoid at all possible today. They were just here to uncover information, nothing more than that.
Although, considering he's never been to a circus, it's also possible his child-like nature from being secluded from the outside world for most of his life will get the better of him. Thankfully he has his servant here to keep him focused, even if Oz makes no promises that he won't try to rope Gilbert into some shenanigans. He wouldn't be Oz if he didn't at least try to have some fun on the job, right?
"I wonder what kinds of things we'll see today, Gil! I hear circuses are the most fun time anyone can have, and aside from the sketchy dealings regarding the captures of Chains and stuff, the Pale Moon Circus is said to be the best one in the land!" You could already see the star twinkle in his eyes, honestly enjoying thinking of this little mission that doubled as a fun outing. "Oh! I wonder what kind of food they'll have! I'm starving!"
His stomach then growls as if on queue, further emphasizing the young lord's eager appetite. It was understandable since they had been traveling since early this morning and it was well past lunchtime. Looks like getting lunch would be the first thing they'd do when they arrived.
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"Say, have you been to a circus before, Gil?"
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universestreasures 2 years
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Alyss/The Will Of The Abyss from Pandora Hearts has been added as a primary muse! Canon compliment with headcanon expansion!
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universestreasures 2 years
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Oz Vessalius from Pandora Hearts has been added as a Secondary Muse! Canon complement with headcanon expansion!
TW For Suicidal Thoughts with this muse as it鈥檚 a very central part of Oz鈥檚 chr that will be explored upon.
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