#💜 ! daiggie’s time
viilpstick · 10 months
HEHEHE I GOT PERMISSION 🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️ I hope you at least have fun with it :] <3
Wait, wait!" Is what Ruggie hears while walking back to Savannaclaw after practice with the Spelldrive Club. The voice would've annoyed him if it wasn't oh so familiar to the hyena's ears.
"I'm kinda in a hurry here, Daisy." He explains after noticing the girl standing on the top of a staircase of the school, her foot mid air trying to not touch the ground because it was missing its shoe.
It was a common issue, Ruggie noticed, that the Ramshackle prefect would always find herself losing one of her shoes; they would fall as she walked up a staircase, just like now, or they would slip from her foot as she walked… he didn't understand why but her shoes always seemed a size too big for her own feet.
He didn't want her to buy shoes that actually fit her well though, the situations she found herself in because of this issue were very comical to him, and he wasn't one to deny himself a good laugh.
"Please, you're close to my shoe, Ruggie! Can't you be a dear and get it for me? Please?" Daisy basically pleaded, her brown eyes shining as if that would somehow convince him.
Ruggie sighs, a chuckle escaping him because of her bad attempt at persuading him. "Listen, I'm tired from practice, alright? Just jump a few steps down, it's not that far away from you." He waved, turning around with that iconic smirk of his. "bye-bye."
"But- ugh." Daisy groaned and held the handrail, jumping from one step to the other, nearly falling in the process, letting out a small surprised gasp.
Ruggie's ear twitched at the sound, stopping right away. He tried rationalizing with himself, tried convincing himself to continue on his way to his dorm… he was tired, sweaty and probably smelly from the training… he still had some chores to do so all he wanted to right now was go back, take a shower and get everything done quickly so hopefully he'd be in bed soon-ish.
He heard a loud thud and another groan, and knew immediately he would help her despite everything.
"Seriously, you can't even catch your own shoe?" Ruggie complained as he walked to the start of the staircase and grabbed her shoe, looking up at her who was sitting down on one of the steps after falling. He walked up the stairs towards her, and Daisy smiled, almost apologetically.
"It's not that bad, it's just handing me my shoe." She insisted as he stopped in front of her.
Daisy was always like this too, always being calm and understanding — not like people couldn't piss her off, he's seen her when she's pissed off; heck, he'd been on the receiving end of it during the interdorm Spelldrive incident. Still, she was quick to forgive, quick to apologize, quick to sympathize and empathize; in a way, she reminded him of the kids from RSA. Everything pointed towards him feeling nothing but animosity towards her… yet, that wasn't how he felt.
He didn't understand why, but different from what he felt with the RSA students, Daisy… felt genuine. There was a fire in her eyes that intrigued him, and he couldn't help but want to understand her; it was like a puzzle piece he had to solve.
Ruggie crouched down, grabbing her foot gently and placing it inside the shoe. He noticed the big difference between the size of the shoe and the size of her foot and felt like laughing for a moment. He made sure to tie the shoelaces extra tight, hoping somehow it wouldn't slip away again.
"There." He said. "That'll cost you a donut."
Ruggie gave her his signature laugh, expecting the usual response: a sigh and a defeated nod. Instead, Daisy's face was colored pink and her eyes were wide; her mouth was open slightly in a bit of shock and Ruggie tilted his head, starting to feel embarrassed himself.
"Uh… you alright there, prefect?"
"Oh- oh! Uh- yeah, yeah, I'm ok!" She managed to say, clearing her throat and retracting her leg, holding it near her as if it was hurt by something. "A donut, right? Sure, I'll get you one for lunch."
"Great!" He smiled, happy to score a meal by such a simple act as getting someone else their shoe.
He got up, instinctively offering his hand to Daisy to help her get up. He realized his action a bit too late, so he just decided to comply and wait for her to take his hand. Daisy stared at it for a moment, he started worrying if his hands were too sweaty, too dirty for her, but he soon let go of the thought once she grabbed his hand.
Daisy used a different glove from what some of the NRC students wore, hers weren't made of leather, they were made from a much softer, breathable material, you could even see some of her skin tone through the fabric… because of this nature, Ruggie could feel her hand way easier than with a leather glove: her hand was soft, delicate, though it was filled with callouses. It was much smaller than his — though his hands weren't really that big to begin with — and it was warm. Really warm.
"I'll get going now." Ruggie had to get himself together before his thoughts got the best of him. "Be careful with your shoe, prefect. I won't be there to get it for you everytime."
With a wave, Ruggie left for the Mirror Chamber, leaving Daisy on the staircase by herself.
She let out a breath she wasn't aware she had been holding, and tried cooling her face down by flapping her hands. She sighed as the sensation of his rough skin against her calf, her foot and then her hand came back into her mind; she squished her face with her hands as if that would magically make these thoughts go away.
Ruggie was just trying to help — in his own way, always for a price — and here she was thinking of how his skin felt against her own? How his blue eyes stared at her? How despite his tired appearance, somehow he still looked beautiful and put together? She felt like a 5-year-old with her first crush…
"Daisy! Dai- oh! There you are!" Grim's voice made itself present from the top of the stairs; she turned around to find her cat-like friend calling for her. "Come on, what's taking you so long? We're two parts of one student so both of us need to attend Crewel's class otherwise we're done for!" Grim made a face at that and Daisy laughed.
"I'm coming, I'm coming!" She said, deciding to think about her feelings later. She knew she would have to think about them sometime but right now… she had more important things to do.
I LOVE DAIGGIE SMSMSMSMSM (leobelle side eye me tbh)
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viilpstick · 11 months
Alright hold☝🏻
First of all good night bestie second of all
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I've been scrolling through pintest bc I'm bored and thought these outfits were SO CUTE for daiggie on a date, I'm crying🥺🥺🥺
Anyway sorry for the random ask IM TRYING TO GET USED TO SENDING PEOPLE ASKS🙏🏻
Firstly, good night as well mah ✨
Secondly, YES????? I can totally see them wearing this at a park/museum date tbh (oh, fanfic ideas😈😈)
AND, I might, just like- Steal this clothes for me, and my wardrobe bc omfg gorgeous⁉️🤩
Tbh, I have a full ass board of only clothes I see Lacy/Monique wearing on each type of date, still planning on do one for their partners and Grace (poor girlie got forgotten 😰)
btw, PLS. Send me as many questions or anything in general as you want I love people rambling to me and vice versa😭🫶
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