#馃挐 oc/selfships...chaeliver !
anonbinaryweirdo 9 months
childe: i told oliver that her ears turn red when she lies and now i can directly tell if she鈥檚 really lying
kaeya: what? how?
childe: i'll show you.
childe: oliver, do you love us?
oliver covering her ears with her hands: absolutely not.
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anonbinaryweirdo 9 months
3, 6, 7, 8, 11, 14, 15, 19, 24, 26, 38, 37, 41, 53, 58, 60, 63, 95, 99, 106, 111
(3. When did you get together in your shipping canon?)
oliver met both boys at around the same time, but met childe first ! (id say about a month before meeting kaeya)...so maybe 10-12 months? oli had her heart closed off for a long while, its a miracle they made their way into it in just that amount of time &lt;//3
(6. Who made the first move?)
the boys did !! obviously. oliver avoided them when she realized she caught feelings (she fell first, and fell way too hard <//3). it took her younger sister setting her up to be cornered by the boys for her to get her shit together
(7. What was your first date like?)
kaeya took them both on a little date that consisted of walking around mondstat, then they went out for drinks to a restaurant before heading home !
(8. When did you first say "I love you" to each other?
i feel childe was the first to say it to both kaeya and oliver, and he says it a lot! it didn't take long for kaeya to follow after, but it did take quite some time for oliver to even say "love" to either of them..."some time" as in a few months (unspecified amount), much to the boys' disappointment. but, she did end up saying she loved them eventually--as a shy little slip. they were ecstatic (especially because of how embarrassed she was afterkjkdfj)
(11. First impressions of each other?)
oliver hated childe LMFAO enemies to lovers !! they met through the traveller, and she immediately hated him upon finding out he was apart of the fatui--a harbinger no less. always glaring at him, being aggressive (not passive-aggressive. just aggressive.), always trying to put him down, absolutely demolishing him if he got too close or touchy... childe, being him, took this as a challenge to get under her skin a lot more >:)) especially because of how strong she was??? ma'am.
oliver waltzed into kaeya's office and (at first, nicely) demanded for information the knights were gatekeeping, and eventually got fed up with his kaeyaness and tomfoolery and stole the documents lol. he didn't find her til about a week later when she acted like she had no idea who he even was (average oliver girlbossing activities)
(14. What initially attracted you to them versus what they were attracted to?)
shes convinced shes into dumbasses/j LMAO but no fr, for childe; it was how stubborn (never gonna get this out of her yourself) and family-orientated he was. she puts her family above everything else, too, willing to do anything it takes for them, and it's not so often she meets people who do the same for theirs. especially not a harbinger of all people. perhaps she's made judgements about his character too soon?
and for kaeya, it has to be just how deep his character actually is. not only that, but, like childe, he reminds her some of amethyst and her character...except he's more closed off and masked. it was something in her that wanted to get to know him behind to mask, rather than what he showed. she didn't know or understand why, she just did.
as for what attracted them to her, for childe; it had to be how "hard-to-get" she always was -- especially around him. not only that, but, of course, her strength. he finds her as someone worth fighting, and always tried to get her to spar with him every chance he could. he was surprised when she gave criticism the first time, even though she was pretty mean with it, practically insulting his every move and breath. still, she somehow managed to help him improve, so why wouldn't he be attracted to her?
as for kaeya; i feel it had to be how mysterious she actually was on the inside,, just like him. he knew, when he first met her, there was more to her than meets the eye--more than just some strong, stoic woman playing hard-to-get with everyone she came across that tried their luck. it was like the hurt little boy inside him felt the presence of a hurt little girl deep inside herself, and wanted nothing more but to reach out to her, even though it would be a tough fight to get past the impossible walls she's built up over the years.
(15. How do you match up with your first crushes?)
i dunno what this means 馃様
(19. How publicly affectionate are you? Is it cringe, embarrassing, or do you love PDA?)
oliver is a touch-starved baby, and secretly really enjoys pda...but prefers to not initiate the first move. she'll find herself reaching out to link pinkies with one of her partners, only to shyly link her hands behind her back as soon as she reaches out. she's pretty frustrated by how shy and embarrassed she gets so easily,,, it's not that she thinks pda itself is embarrassing--she just cant bring herself to ever bring the first move. but whenever her partner does it for her (like, all the time), her face does heat up quite a bit, but she lets it happen, and even sighs a little sigh of relief when it happens.
(24. What's a gift that you've given each other that means a lot to you?)
okay okay, so, oliver being the little indoors kid she was with her siblings, learned a lot of things! one of those, being making bracelets for people she deems worthy of such affections/hj. when she got more comfortable with kaeya and childe, she spent her time making bracelets for them, and put their initials on them (k + o, a + o, and k + o + a for herself, because she wanted them to match). she approached them with her head down, and shoved the bracelets in their hands, and very quickly walking away right after. they had to chase her down just to thank her <//3 its something they all cherish SO much, especially the boys :33
(26. What's 'your song' with them? Does it remind you of each other, or have special memories attached to it?)
i dont do too good with linking songs to characters unless it involves something that'll help me stir up the angst in their lore, i apologize
(38. What is a guilty pleasure/something that you'd be embarrassed to tell them about, but want to share?)
whenever she knows that they'll be gone for a long while, she wears their clothes all over the house, and if they're, like, out of mondstat, she'll wear a piece of their clothing when she's going out...the townsfolk dont say anything though <3. she refuses to sleep on her own pillow when they're gone, instead sleeping on one of their pillows, while holding the other. uses their cologne when they're gone. (except, in contrast to the ask, she'd die before she shares any of this with them)
(37. If you're away from each other, what do you prepare for each other? Welcome back gifts, setting time aside, etc.)
i dont think kaeya would be gone for as long as childe and oliver would be, so; whenever it's kaeya and childe waiting for olivers long awaited return, they clean up the house beforehand, prepare a bath and food (because they both know damn well oliver has NOT eaten for as long as she's been out. if she was out for like a few weeks to a month or two, chances are she's only eaten like three times the entire time), or, they'll plan a date: if oliver's too tired by the time she gets home, then after she eats and bathes (nothing but princess treatment), she goes into their bedroom where there is rose petals all over the sheets and three bottles of wine on the nightstand + candles. she murmurs about how dramatic they are while cuddling w/ them, and it makes them happy :>
as for oliver and kaeya; they definitely cook for childe, which was, surprisingly, olivers idea. just because she hardly eats, doesn't mean she can't cook !! they make his favorites, even though it takes a while. but seeing his tired little freckled face brighten up at the smell of whatever was brewing up in the kitchen was always worth it :D. they talk for a bit while childe eats, but if childe wants them to eat too, then they will (they make oliver eat, but only if they know she hasnt eaten all day). then childe gets to decide what else they wanna do for the rest of the night, and they'll gladly oblige! (an immediate no from oliver if it has anything to do with fighting)
(41. What are your names saved as in each other's phones?)
modern au lesogoOOOOIGHjbns aight so, oliver probably changes their contacts based on how much they irritated her last, and, chances are, childe's nickname 80% of the time is "Ginger. Do not answer." but by default? "Ajax 馃挌" or "Kaeya 馃挌". or "Manchild(e) + Kaeya/derogatory" because that is something i would do
kaeya has her down as "My Princess 馃┑" and childe as "My Prince 馃┑" probably
as for childe i have no clue. its a wild card. guess.
(53. What do your sleeping arrangements look like? Do you sleep together, or in separate beds?)
ever since oliver asked them to let them move into her house, they're always sleeping together. it used to didn't matter where they slept, but oliver would wake up on the floor or under the bed so they put her in the middle so she wouldn't accidentally kill herself with how messy a sleeper she was <//3. childe is such a blanket hog istg. now, kaeya can probably sleep without blankets (psychopath), but if oli doesnt have anything covering her, he'll have to take the blankets back from childe and make him share,, childe does half-wake up with an eepy little apology and covers oliver though, and its cute it gets both of them a kiss on the forehead from eyepatch man <33
(58. When you go shopping, who takes the longest? Who's the worst to shop with?)
oliver and childe are s t a c k e d with mora, so they prefer spoiling each other + kaeya. between the two, it's a race to see who can steal/hide the other's wallet before they leave the house to see who gets dibs on paying for everything. its so amusing to watch omg <//3. if childe has to suffer not paying for anything, then. oh my god. him and kaeya take the longest time in the store. checking every outfit and every little accessory, both for themselves AND oliver. literally drags her around to find as many matching items as they can. they're lucky she has money and loves them (she guesses) or else she'd tel them put EVERYTHING back istg
if it was oliver that couldn't bring her wallet, she wouldn't get much, really. she'd help kaeya and childe shop around, and accept whatever they pciked out for her, but other than that, she herself doesnt buy much. to make up for that, she lets them shove her into the dressing room multiple times just to try on the outfits they think she'd look good in (they're convinced she looks good in anything but she doesnt believe it fr)
(60. When you take pictures together, how do you pose? Do you like taking pics together?)
oliver doesn't like pictures, and tries to cover herself whenever one is on her. and the boys, of course, takes this as a challenge to sneak up on her as many times as they possibly can >:) but she honestly doesnt mind it when they mush her next to them for a picture, and, while she wont admit that, the way she ""SUBTLY"" looks at them so softly in the final picture is enough for them to know. i feel like its mostly selfies, but when they do do silly things, they have to quite literally beg oliver to partake in the silly activities, because she will refuse otherwise <//3 they have to plead for her to even do the thing with her hair where you pretend to have a mustache (childe i kid you not cut off a piece of his hair just to do this, oliver slapped him). they probably all use kaeyas long ass hair to give all three of them the same blue mustache hehe. you wont catch oliver dead sticking her tongue out in a photo
(63. Do you take care of each other when you're sick? Who's an absolute mess when they're sick?)
i feel that they're all pretty stubborn when it comes to letting the other take care of them, but eventually they give in and lets them coddle them for as long as they're sick !! oliver's definitely the most stubborn about it, and can hide it for probably days until it gets so bad she's ready to die (then gets scolded by the boys like there's no tomorrow). that is- if she's not caught redhanded before it gets bad (probably gaslights her way out of the situation)
CHILDE. when he gets sick he's fucking m i s e r a b l e. dont ask me why i just know. and then, he acts like the BIGGEST. BABY. when sick. if oliver or kaeya isnt spoonfeeding him he wont eat the damn soup point blank period. both him and oliver have it in common when it comes to literally hiding away from their medicine though <//3
if either of the boys refuse to take their medicine or listen to oliver, the glare she gives them is enough to keep them in bed for at least two days dfhdgk
(95. Who is the most supportive of your relationship?)
both oliver and childe's side of the family, and secretly diluc shhhh. only oliver knows that though because they're besties, but he does make subtle comments whenever kaeya's around (not childe. childe can suck it)
olivers mother supports it entirely; she watched kaeya and his brother grow up for a little until they moved to liyue, where oliver and her siblings stayed until adulthood. so she's pretty happy about that! she had mixed feelings with childe at first, but honestly, as long as her princess is happy, she's content with what they have. it takes a while for olivers siblings (i mean ALL of them. her younger sister was already supporting it before they were together) to support either boys,,,skldfjkf especially childe <//3
(99. What's a common misconception about your relationship?)
that the love isn't actually "all there". let me explain;
childe and oliver already practically hated each other at first, and even now she acts as though she can't stand him, but thats only when they're not behind closed doors. in all honesty, she acts like that with pretty much everybody, but its...different, because that's her lover.
personal hc !! kaeya wasn't in any kind of relationship before this one, and only flirted and hit on people every now and then. oliver doesnt really care what either guy does because she wouldn't date them if she didn't put her trust in them at all. so when she acts indifferent to kaeyas flirting (that has toned down a bit, since he's in a committed relationship now), people tend to think she doesnt care at all, and that she wouldnt care if he "cheated" (something i doubt kaeya would ever do in any universe). which is...untrue. entirely. same case scenario for childe??
or that childe is literally a harbinger. with someone who's known to hate anything having to do with the fatui in any sense, and a captain of the knights...this by itself is self-explanatory, but none of it is trueeee
im almost certain that they would absolutely put their lives on the line for one another, and love each other more than words can even express. so even if they did know about this misconceptions, i doubt they'd pay ANY mind to them, because they know how untrue they are. the audacity for someone who doesn't even know about the depths of their love and make assumptions about it anyway is amusing. irritating, but amusing bc they dont care lol they love each other and THEY know they love each other, that's all that really matters :shrug:
(106. If you could give advice to yourselves when you started, what would you say to each other?)
"What they make us feel has been, and will always be much more stronger than any fight with a strong enemy ever's made us feel. Eventually, you'll learn that you have to start picking fights carefully, not only for your own sake, but theirs. They're more important to us than any adrenaline rush will ever be. They are the rush. Except it never goes away."
"Stop being so scared to trust your heart. You don't always have to listen to your head, you know. It's okay to love them. It's perfectly fine to love. You'll have to let down your walls eventually. It took us way longer than it should have to do just that. So stop running away from your feelings and just love them like we know we want to."
"There's no need to be so afraid of making the right or wrong choice. You'll know which one you've made, as long as you've still got them with you through and by the end of everything. Remember; they're our choice, our decision, at the end of the day. Always has been. It just took a while to figure that out. Don't worry about hiding who we are. Not with them."
(111. What does this self-ship mean to you?)
a lot. its a huge comfort ship, and it's helped me get through a bunch. i love them like i would do a real person, and that itself should say a lot about how i feel about them as a character. i absolutely adore them, and i hope i always will 馃挌
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anonbinaryweirdo 9 months
oh hey oli found some older text things she made
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