#🕸️ Observation Notes
ciphernovella · 1 year
idk why my avatar isn't centered properly btw. I uploaded it centered and for some reason tumblr went "hey girl, we noticed your avatar doesn't follow the rule of thirds so we fixed it for you! enjoy :)"
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aizawife · 5 months
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Caught in Your Web
Requested: Getting together with Mirko.
Summary: Everyone knew Redback, barely anyone saw Kenji — except for Mirko, who saw the spider, its web, and its prey.
Word Count: 4622
Prompt Notes: Mirko x Spider-Man OC! Specific to the OC, written with a male reader in mind.
Author Notes: Good Lord, it has been a while! Sorry for taking so long with new content — I’ve had a lot on my plate the past few years with graduating uni (yay!) and moving on to med school. Even through it all, I never forgot about my love for both anime and writing, so here we are! Now, about this request…y’all. Huge shoutout to this requester !! This was not supposed to end up as long as it is (seriously, if you think you know how long this is, you really don't), but after talking to them about their OC and learning the backstory, I fell in love with them and ended up pouring so much into this. This is like a chapter worth of content, but I’m happy and so grateful I got to help deepen this character. I hope you all enjoy it (and share your OCs so I can write for them >.<); I'll be uploading some other stuff I wrote from before I went MIA soon, so look out for it! Welcome back <3
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“Wow, fourth one this week, huh?”
“Nah, that’s his sixth; keep up, man!”
It was a typical Thursday — well, as typical as it could be for anyone living in the Age of Heroes. As per usual, most people’s workday lunch break had now become a free all-inclusive ticket to a Spartan brawl between some Hero and any of the handful of villains propagated by the emergence of quirks. Today, the competitors in the ring happened to be two people of contrasting appearance: one small and fast, barely visible with both traits combined, while the other was almost comically large and consequently looking to be moving in slow motion with every movement.
Due to the fact that heroes and villains were always engaged in combat, it was ingrained in daily life, so most people just kept going about their usual routines. Regardless, any disturbance was disturbance, and onlookers gathered, a mixture of ordinary people and reporters vying to be the first with the exclusive story. 
The crowd watched as the swift Hero struck the hefty villain with pinpoint strikes as he dashed around at breakneck speed. Excited comments and whispers spread throughout the group of people as they watched the two fight, all curious to see who would win the epic battle between David and Goliath. But although the majority of competitors would have had serious expressions on their faces as they plotted their attacks and tried to read their opponents, the figure who was darting around appeared to be grinning broadly. With his smile, and the numerous taunts that erupted from his mouth, the sizable crowd observing became certain that it was the Vigilante Hero known as Redback.
“He’s really fighting to keep his No. 7 spot on the Hero list, isn’t he? Six villains in one week, that’s crazy.”
At the end of the block, the onlookers stared fixedly at the big brown behemoth as it feverishly swiped at itself. Redback moved so quickly around it that it seemed as though he was floating in the air, and with every dart around the enormous figure, his webbed cape flew around him. He sported a deep blue-tinted custom made suit that alternated between crimson and black. His calling card was a giant red spider insignia on his chest, which both villains and civilians recognized as a sign that justice was about to be served.
"Hasn't your mother ever told you to wipe your feet at the door? Look!" Redback delivered a straight punch to Dirt's face, tripping him backwards over his own two feet. With the Hero’s brutal strike, masses of dirt flew off of his body. "You're tracking dirt all over the place!" 
The audience watched as the brown giant staggered through the street, still trying to recover from the last hit. Now that it was closer, it was more visibly the plain outline of a man covered in crumbling earthy dirt. It grumbled as its big feet slapped the ground, launching specs of dirt into the air with each stride. 
Despite finding enjoyment in his battle just seconds before, panic swept across the audience as he looked to be approaching them. One of the commentators grew nervous and turned to his friend. "Dude…"
His friend instantly smacked his shoulder and raised a finger to his lips. "Shh! Don't make a sound!"
Thus, the two guys, as well as the rest of the crowd, stood there, one man quivering with fear and the other paralyzed with shock, watching as a gigantic brown foot kept stomping down the street. As the dirt monster came closer down the block, their bodies trembled from the sheer weight of his feet colliding with the earth, causing thundering steps to bounce around and ricochet off their bones. All they could do was watch as their fate approached, knowing that civilians were in no position to take on such villains, whether they had Quirks or not.
Suddenly, they heard something whizzing over them. Their eyes tried to track the shadowy figure that moved above them, but it was futile; his four limbs possessed the strength, dexterity, and speed of eight. But as they looked back down the street, they noticed a shimmering pattern. There were dozens of thin, tiny, glittering strings in front of them, and where they met, they resembled raindrops frozen in place, twinkling as though someone had taken each droplet and glued it so that the sun could dance across them. 
Upon completing his web-making and landing out of sight, Redback watched as the dirt creature charged up the street and stumbled right into the crystalline net in front of him, almost breaking through the wall of webbing. However, as expected, the strong webs simply absorbed Dirt's pressing force and pushed it back into him, causing him to become entangled and collapse, all nearby objects within a twenty-foot zone shaking as he crashed to the ground.
“Arghh!” He cried out, grumbling following suit as he struggled to get up. But before he could get off his knee, Redback descended from above and landed on his back.
In a swift motion, Redback lifted Dirt’s right arm in the air. He whiffed the air before saying, “You need a shower, dude — bad.” Then, he pushed the arm towards the left side of his torso while throwing his own body weight in the same direction. From a mix between the motion and Redback’s sheer strength alone, Dirt flipped over entirely, causing his chest to be exposed. Redback pinned him to the ground effortlessly, his knee pressing into Dirt's chest as he still struggled to break free from the webs. "Looks like I've got you right where I want you," Redback taunted with a smirk. 
He swung his head down towards Dirt's chest in an instant, releasing his chelicerae from his jaw. His fangs emerged from the basal section and swung out at their prey. He was aware that the feeling of them piercing his victim's skin would be no more agonizing than that of two tiny needles; but these tiny needles weren't entirely harmless, as they could easily pierce the skin before pumping neurotoxin out of their poison ducts.
As soon as they did, Dirt released a deep groan before attempting to pull Redback off of him, but his attempt was simply that - an attempt. His arm reached up, but soon went limp and fell back down with a thud. Dirt winced as the venom seeped further into his bloodstream, causing his muscles to weaken and his vision to blur before fading to black. 
Redback leaned in close, muttering, "You should've known better than to challenge me."
He leaned back with a triumphant grin, watching as Dirt's body went still. Once he got confirmation that paralysis was taking over his body, he retracted his fangs and quickly pulled his mask back down over his mouth. He jumped down, landing right in front of the large group of spectators, with the majority of them sprinting forward, a combination of congrats and whispers of awe taking over them.
“Redback, you’re so cool!” 
“What a hero.”
“Hey, Redback!” He glanced down at the youngster holding out a blue cap and permanent marker. The scar under his cheek and bruised knuckles stuck out to him. “Can you sign my hat?” Before he knew it, his observations had compelled him to fulfill the request.
“Sure, kid. Don’t lose it.” He grabbed the marker, scribbling his signature with a steady hand. Once he placed the hat back on the kid’s head, a recorder was thrust in his face.
“Redback, can you answer some questions for us?” The reporter's voice cut through the excited chatter of the crowd, drawing all attention to him.
Redback took a deep breath, mentally preparing himself for the questions that were about to come his way. ‘Interviewers…typical.’ It wasn't that he disliked them, they just all seemed to enjoy picking out bits and pieces from each response and spinning them into a mainly fictitious tale for profit, fame, and undeserved glory.
“We know about your dedication to restoring society’s order for not only civilians, but also Heroes and our judicial system. How do you plan on going about that? Was this villain a part of your efforts? How does he play into your mission?”
Just as he was about to answer, a loud pinging sound rang out. He traced the sounds down to his watch, where he noticed the alert:
[15:00 — XXX BUILDING]
He smiled as he was reminded of the meeting he scheduled – it was perfect timing. With a wave of his hand, he announced, “Sorry, folks, gotta run! Stay safe!”
“Wait!” He turned around to see another interviewer. “What about, um…him?”
He followed the gaze of the crowd to Dirt's limp body, then shrugged. Although he wasn't always confident that the police would carry out their duties to the best of their abilities—which was why he decided to administer justice himself—he was certain that their interests would coincide when it came to a minor threat such as Dirt. 
“The authorities are on their way.” At their concerned faces, he added over his shoulder, “Besides, he’s not going anywhere. Paralysis lasts for the next couple hours!” 
With that, he took off, a few strands of webbing ejecting from his hand and latching to the edge of a small building. He leaped up, the webbing propelling him upward and into the air, where he began gliding and swinging with his webs as if they were white vines in a jungle of skyscrapers. The city beneath him appeared to diminish as he soared higher, the wind roaring past his ears. 
His thoughts wandered as he swung between rooftops, hardly staying on one long enough before moving on to the next.
‘Redback…what a stupid name.’
When the name Redback was assigned to him, he didn’t reject it, as he didn’t expect to hear other people calling him it all the time. But, then again, he truthfully hadn’t expected to become the hero he was now known as. In fact, before he became known as the vigilante hero he was, he used to be the one causing the trouble. Petty crimes, but still, he used to wreak havoc more than he prevented it. 
He sat off the side of a building, his web supporting him as he ceased swinging. He was gazing at the sun sinking beyond the horizon, his webbed cape billowing in the breeze.
‘Kenji O’Hara.’
That was the name he was given at birth. Beyond that name held nothing. 
And then there was Redback.
Redback was the name he earned. The brutal man with nothing to lose and nothing holding him back. The man whose origins could be traced to the Underground Masquerade, an illicit fighting ring in a covert car park. The man whose Spider Quirk bestowed upon him such freakishly powerful abilities that most saw an opportunity for exploitation rather than allyship. The man who, in a foolish adolescent moment, branded a large symbol of a spider on his back—a mistake that, when exposed in the middle of a fight, gave rise to the grimly gallant fighter. This man's reputation preceded him wherever he went, striking fear into the hearts of his opponents.
Everyone knew Redback, barely anyone saw Kenji.
He took a few steps upon landing on the XXX Building before resting on the railing. From this vantage point, you could see the beauty of the city and catch a glimpse of the peace that comes from the hustle and bustle of city life. The idea that such tranquility could be found in the midst of such mayhem gave him comfort. Cars slickly skimming the streets, little specks strolling to the train station. There were no people, no heroes, and no villains from up here. It was simply a city, and everybody was one.
Turning around, he saw her hallmark tall bunny ears. Their massive presence overshadowed her, bestowing upon her an air of innocence mixed with authority. Her grin sent the same message—it was kind yet commanding. As if he had never noticed it before, her skin caught his attention next. It was a delicate bronze that, in the sunset, seemed to have the hue of a highly prized and lovingly preserved gold coin. And, of course, this wasn’t his first time seeing her Hero costume, but the white sleeveless leotard that showed off her hauntingly impressive muscles never failed to entice him.
After a few seconds of observation and appreciation, he decided to return the favor of her casual greeting. “Usagiyama.”
“Don’t web your shorts looking,” Mirko joked as she sauntered over to him, her knee-length white hair swaying with each step. “But I am impressed – you’re on time.” She slid in the space next to him, her back against the railing as she faced the opposite direction. Her triceps flexed as she rested her elbows on it. “I thought you’d be late, especially after seeing your work.” At his raised brow, she added, “Dirt monster.”
He chuckled, shaking his head in amusement. “Ohhh, dirt boy. Yeah,” he grinned, “I handled that. And don't worry; I'll always be on time for you.”
She rolled her eyes playfully, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "Good to know," she replied, stretching her legs out in front of her as she grew more comfortable. "Just don't let that dirt guy slow you down next time." 
Kenji was acquainted with Mirko from prior Hero events. Being the fifth-ranked Hero, she was there for both award ceremonies and simple accolades; being No. 7 himself, he was also there, his unwavering attention fixed on the most attractive and self-assured lady in the room, perhaps one characteristic enhancing the other.
"Slow me down, eh? You think I can be slowed down?" As he carried on, she lightly exhaled and rolled her eyes. She knew what he was going to say next. "Or is that the fear of losing your rank to me talking?"
She snorted at his competitive spirit, unfazed by his attempt to intimidate and stir her up. "You've been saying you'll take my spot for weeks now; aren't you tired of your wishes not coming true?" At the wave of his hand, she leaned in close to him with a playful glint in her eye. "Actions speak louder than words, darling," she challenged.
"Which makes me curious as to why you have that No. 5 spot to begin with."
As they both hummed off their playful retorts, the conversation died down. Suddenly, it felt as if a chilly wind passed through, and Kenji awkwardly scratched the back of his neck. Despite sharing the same characteristics of a rabbit, a prey animal, Mirko seemed to have the abilities of a predator — she could sense fear. It worried him, asking about it, but if he didn’t, she would sense that there was something he was afraid to ask, and she would find out and press him about it anyway.
He took a long breath, bracing himself for the question that had been plaguing him; already, at the change in behavior, she raised her brow. "Did you, uh…did you get the flowers?"
Besides the wind whistling and the little noises from urban life, there was not a sound to be heard between the two. Mirko's piercing stare seemed to see right through Kenji, making him even more anxious as the question hung in the air, awaiting her response. 
He wasn’t quite sure what he was so nervous about – they had been on a couple of dates already. Kenji, who had lived his entire life fearlessly, had no trouble approaching Mirko at the aforementioned events, chatting her up and praising her on her successes before going in for the kill with a simple date proposal. In all honesty, he didn't expect her to arrive, but when she did, they hit it off just as well as before, and the rest was history. The first date had been cut short by a tiny gang of petty terrorists, but there seemed to be nothing better for Kenji and Mirko to connect over than kicking ass. Following that, dates continued amongst the usual turmoil that came with hero life, and they grew a foundationally sound friendship.
A Hero of Kenji's caliber was not familiar with the feeling of anxiety; however, he felt as though his heart would burst. That was, until she gave him a kind smile. She seemed to enjoy seeing him stress, even if just for a few minutes. "I did."
"Bold move sending a rabbit some flowers"—she turned to face him, a wider grin on her lips—"but that is what I like about you."
Kenji chuckled, relieved that she appreciated his gesture. “So, are you anywhere close to being ready yet?” He didn’t mean to rush her, but he knew she would correct him if she felt a boundary was being pushed. As ironic as it was, the only thing keeping them from taking the next step was the very thing that had brought them together in the first place.
"C'mon, O'Hara," she murmured, transferring her weight from one pawed foot to the next while looking straight ahead. "You know my rule."
“Right, the rule.”
She chuckled at his grimace, but it quickly got silent again as both Heroes fell into deep thought.
When Kenji first proposed that they become an official couple, Mirko froze. It was actually the only time he had ever seen her confidence waiver, and it was the first time she explained the rule.
‘No attachments, no hardcore relationships. Not while I’m a Hero.’
It was a good rule, except for the fact that anyone who knew Mirko knew that she would be a Hero until her body was physically incapable of fighting, and everyone knew that would be when she was dead.
When she first told Kenji about it, he didn't take it too hard. They had only gone out a few times in the past five months, so being the confident man he was, he didn't see much harm in continuing a casual relationship. When he was ready to get serious, he would eventually find someone who shared her beauty, personality, and sense of humor, at which point he would just move on.
That was what he told himself at first, until he ventured out into the dating scene and returned to the one butterfly among flies forever caught in his web. 
The pill he had to swallow at that point was not particularly difficult, but it was one he hadn't previously acknowledged as existing. Nobody shared Mirko's drive. Nobody possessed her energy, her spirit, and most importantly, her passion. She was the only Hero in the world who matched, if not exceeded the gratification he received from reading his opponent, delivering blow after blow, and emerging victorious. 
And, of course, the thing that attracted him most and kept him trapped in her web – no one matched her confidence.
The one recurring thread in most of Kenji’s failed dates was the one perception he had tried to get away from. The explanation given by almost every girl that walked away was that he was just too intimidating. Sometimes it was his appearance; to be fair, being a tall, well-built guy with a deathly aura designed to scare off any assailant didn’t come in handy all the time. Sometimes it was his jokes – most people were offended by them, while others simply couldn't match his sense of humor. But some had offered to divulge further, claiming that they sensed a wall up that they knew he would not allow them over. Whether it was his physical state or his mental one, among all complaints, he always seemed to be too much.
But for a girl who found the word ‘challenge’ simply did not exist in her vocabulary, as she had never encountered one, Kenji O’Hara’s walls were akin to stepping stones that forged a path to a person with deeper experiences and emotions than most normally have. Whether they saw it as beneficial or detrimental, both had grown up fighting and sparking up trouble, and Mirko, given her status, found it difficult to connect with anybody who understood her past and present behaviors. But when she told Kenji of her experiences, he did the one thing most failed to do – he listened. There was no excessive questioning or feedback, and although Mirko generally preferred people speaking their mind with confidence, she respected his undivided attention as his version of a bold statement. Despite his experience matching hers to a tee, having both come from the Underground Masquerade, the fact that the ‘intimidating’ Redback had the capacity for empathy and support was what stuck with her the most.
“I understand, take all the time you need.”
Unfortunately, that was where her problems started.
Behind the aura he had built up to protect himself, Kenji was a caring jokester with a confidence that seemed to inspire even the most insecure people. Even though it was naive to believe, he appeared to be without flaw. So, if she indulged and pursued a long-term relationship with him, she would do all in her power to assure that it was secure, all because of the man underneath that mask. This was the precise reason she was hesitant to start a relationship with him.
Throughout her life, Mirko always had to choose one or the other. Similarly, when she chose to be a Hero, she gave up all else. The battle and its outcome always came first; even if it meant her body, she would sacrifice it for the fight. Yes, that was the duty that came along with the title, but she had always been that way, even as a combative delinquent. So, upon her ultimate transformation into a Hero, she knew she had to establish a self-rule, something that would make sure she remembered the choice she had made for the rest of her life.
‘No attachments, no hardcore relationships. Not while I’m a Hero.’
If there ever happened to be anyone who managed to slink between the trees and brush and make their way to the clearing that was her heart, she knew she would eventually be forced into another choice. So with that rule in place, becoming a Hero was the last life-altering choice she would make.
“But didn’t you say you’d live every day like it was your last?” 
At O'Hara's question, her eyes widened. This wasn’t Kenji’s first time challenging her, but for some reason, this time threw her off. She slowly nodded, “I-I did. I do, but-”
His hand caught hers, fingers weaving with such delicacy that she almost didn’t believe that Redback and Kenji were the same man. The sincerity in his eyes spoke more to her than his words as he asked, “Then why stop now? Live everyday with me like it’s your last too.”
Thinking of such a possibility made her breath catch in her throat. Breaking her own rule and possibly jeopardizing her Hero career by pursuing something as selfish as a relationship sounded like a no-brainer to her. However, in regards to someone as special as Kenji...
She quickly caught herself, shaking off that small fear of diving in, and shook her hand free from his, taking a few steps back. “Woah, don’t tell me you’re getting all soft on me now, O’Hara.” 
Mirko sighed, his only answer to her jest being a stare. He was serious, and when Kenji was serious, he meant it. With her back to him, she crossed her arms and closed her eyes in thought. "I've already made my final choice. You know that I'm done picking between 'this' and 'that'; I can't have it be 'this', 'that', or you."
With this, she was confident that he would back down and accept her decision. She knew Kenji would be disappointed; hell, it disappointed her too, but she knew in any out-firming contest, she would be firm enough to keep him at bay.
But Kenji was fast approaching, dancing through her trees, heading straight for her clearing. 
"Make it 'this' and me, or 'that' and me, because that's all it'll ever be." And all of a sudden, Mirko discovered that he had overcome each obstacle designed to prevent him from breaking through her own barriers and reaching her heart, and was now standing in the center of her clearing. "I'm not going anywhere."
When she opened her eyes, he was standing in front of her. His face was so unbelievably close to hers, his masked nose resting against her own. "I don't care if it takes you eight days, eight years, or eight lifetimes. I will always be here." His unwavering commitment to her rendered her dumbfounded, and before she knew it, she had reached by his side, grabbing his hand with fingers as soft as rabbit paws.
“I just don’t want to mess things up,” she whispered. 
Kenji put his other arm around her waist protectively, softly pressing her against him in a moment of vulnerability he was certain he would never see from her again. Even though she wasn't in a physical altercation, being brazen or aggressive, he still cherished the transparency that came along with her confidence. It was just this—her shameless acceptance to vulnerability and her newfound openness to failure—that drew him in even more.
He moved his covered lips against her ear to whisper, “You’ll never lose your No. 5 spot.”
With those words, he promised, in his own unique way, that he would never be one of her options, and they stood there in silence as they both indulged in the newly discovered sense of belonging.
“Y’know, except for when I surpass you.” 
He was met with a hard push to his chest, sending him back a few steps. “What? Being No. 7 is getting boring,” he laughed.
Through her own smile, Mirko replied, “You’ll have to catch up to me first, O’Hara.”
They embraced again, Kenji clutching his new partner in justice. Gentle fingers grazed the ends of his mask as she reached up to raise it and reveal his lips. They locked eyes and drank in the intensity of the moment before leaning in, their lips—
Both of their heads whipped to the side as the sound of a loud explosion erupted, grey smoke emitting from an intersection a few blocks away.
“Ah, duty calls.” Glancing back down at her, Kenji's smile appeared to be permanently stuck as he realized he had finally caught the girl he had been chasing for months. “So, ‘this’ with me or ‘that’ with me?”
She looked to the side one more time before returning her gaze to Kenji. She loved being in his arms, and wouldn’t have minded letting another Hero take care of things, but Mirko had met her equal in experience and in valor, and she knew there was no one else she would want to fight beside. 
"‘That’ with you.”
"Alright, you're on!" Kenji raced away from her, leaping off the roof. The following second, she noticed him land on a nearby rooftop before flipping in the air to the next.
Mirko did not hesitate to take up the challenge. She immediately hopped over, already utilizing her Rabbit Quirk to narrow the gap and pass him. "See you there, loser!"
Although Kenji knew she’d push herself to leave him in the dust and get there first, he didn’t quite care to do the same. In fact, for once, this was a battle he didn’t mind losing. He looked over to her again, his eyes tracing her every movement as she raced between buildings and streets. 
For some reason, he felt as if he already won.
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dekko-61 · 8 months
NEW YORK CITY: A teenager swings through the city on brown rope grappling hooks he throws across buildings with expert precision. Will:”Today I will be hunting down the mutant human hybrids of this fine city that go by the name of heroes,”he says to himself as he swings around the city jotting down notes in his miniature note pad. He then lands on the street. He then looks around,”but first, time to get my chow on”,he says looking maliciously. Will kicks through the window of a restaurant as he causes a ruckus tearing about furniture and tables around him, he then skips into the kitchen. His destruction causing street level panic in and outside the restaurant. He then Skips out with a collection of food in his hand as he looks around at the Terrified crowd. “Man I’d be scared too, if the food here didn’t suck so bad”,he laughs. As Will walks outside, he can see a costumed heroine swing from a building and land gracefully on the ground in front of him. She wears a red and blue spandex suit and has a sexy body. “Huh, a villain robbing a food place? That’s a new one. Who might you be?” She says in a confident and joking tone. She stands across from Will, observing him. Will:”Huh? Are you a power ranger?” Will walks up to her. Will:”Wait you look familiar? You were on tv last night, weren’t you? Ice gladiators right?” He says snapping his fingers. “Yeah, that’s me. You a fan?” She says in a cocky tone. The heroine seems confidant and almost a bit full of herself. The name’s Spider-Girl, and I’m gonna be taking you to jail.” Will:”Jail huh, so is that a challenge? I will warn you, I won’t be holding back Spider Lady.” Will forms his hands into fist before he holds out both of them a purple knives mysteriously appears in his hands, he then throws them in her direction. Will:”Heads up!”,he grins. The knives fly towards Spider-Girl as she swiftly does a backflip over them and landing on her feet. “Ha, you’re gonna have to try harder than that if you wanna hit me!” The heroine then shoots some web in his direction. Will gets annoyed as the webs 🕸️ attach to his hands trapping him, in anger he yells as they then rip through the webbing. Will:”You should pay more close attention web lady!” He smirks as the knives turn swirling back towards her, as they lightly slice through parts of her suit leaving behind small cut marks and holes within the back of her suit. “Ah!” Spider-Girl shouts in pain as the knives cut through the back of her suit. A bit of her back now exposed from the damage. She begins taking Will more seriously. It seems he’s a lot more capable than she would’ve thought. After recovering, she shoots a web on his chest and flies in, attempting to kick him. Will:”Ack!”, he gasps with air as the kick slams through his stomach. Will in anger grinds his teeth as he grabs Spider-Girl’s stomach and slams her to the ground. Will:”Take that!” Will starts fall over as he slowly stands up dizzy,”too much energy…”,he says slowly as he pulls out a glowing wooden staff that rejuvenates his energy, he then jumps up standing determined. “Nnnnhhhh!” Spider-Girl moans as she hits the ground hard. She then looks up to see his mysterious staff and how he becomes full of energy again. “You’re just full of tricks, aren’t you?” She says cockily as she stands up, preparing for an attack. Will:”Look Web Girl your Kung fu acrobatics stand little against my enigmatic enchantments!” He points his staff in her direction. While determined both weren’t paying attention to the crowd that surrounded their little fight across the streets of New York, many started , recording, streaming and taking pictures. “Ha, we’ll see about that! I’ve seen worse!” She says confidently. Spider-Girl then looks around, noticing the huge crowd surrounding them. “Better stop this guy fast so no one gets hurt.” She says to herself. The spandex clad heroine then rushes towards him, attempting another kick.
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pipelinelaserraygun · 3 months
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🌭👺🌭 Grilling THEM dogs!
lucifer ⬆️ OWES 👿 kkkillary: Scroll down through the 👇🏽 recent archives. THIS topic was just brought to 🐑 🐏 YOUR attention, sheeple.
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Influence carried out by the devil's social media networks cast a LARGE 🕸️ WEB but there are 🖥️ bright spots too, serving our 🕎 Lord, there‼️
1000% MUST-SEE video: the canonization of a 19-year-old, ⬇️ in 2024. Details below 👇🏽.
Animals and 🎱 humans total comprised Noah's Ark's passenger manifesto, a preservation of *salvageable REMNANTS. Please note:
--sin was ABOARD that ark; but, ✝️🛐 a show of remorse is what separates those who are chosen. Repentance 🙏🏽 distinguishes Christians.
Note: ⬆️ I stated (a mix-up) that Noah committed incest, but it was Lot who sinned that way.
BOTH were 🥃🥃 drunkards.
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Future title: Carlo, 💻 the Patron Saint of Influencers.
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🆓 ENTIRE MOVIE 🍞🍷❣️ Beautifully told, 1 of MANY miracles performed during observation of the Eucharist (Communion). The MIRACLE Footage begins at 108:35.
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Crowns AND 🎁 REWARDS await those who persevere, when carrying out service to King and 🇺🇸 Country.
AFTER 🎇 blowing up the death star, there shall be an awards ceremony❣️
Start Trump's clip @ ⌚ 1:32.
Up to as MANY as FIVE incentives per person, as outlined by the Apostles, are "up for grabs" when pursuing becoming part of a ⬆️👑👰🏽 Royal Priesthood. It requires great personal sacrifice.
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🍀Astro Notes and Tarot Bites 📝����
Rules : Always reblog answers to your question.
Tarot for beginners tips
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♈🐏11th house Aries 🥷🪶
Mars trine Moon, Venus 🎯🌛🌹🚀💋
Sagittarius rising, Leo 🔆🌙, Virgo venus
Krittika rising, Rohini moon, Dhanishta sun♈♉♑
Appearance by Astrology ✨😍
I noticed I pretty much just use gifs / interpret for women. If you identify as a different gender and you'd want me to use different pronouns / representation please mention it when you send me an ask if that's something you're comfortable with.
🧿Astro Games : bouquets or Brickbat. 🌹🔥🥎💖
If you liked my pick a card readings, astrology or other content, please reblog / leave some feedback. It keeps me motivated 💚💥
💖Divine Feminine💙
Sugarbaby northnode ✨
Career Astrology 🧑‍🏭⚒️
♉Taurus - ♏Scorpio moodboard 🦂🕸️
🐶🚀🐯Games list 🎈🎾
👻Tarot Game LEAF Fall Down : Closed 🎃
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PAC 👁️‍🗨️🏺✨
Oracle asks ❄️🎅🍁🗝️
Venus in Cancer(Ashlesha Nakshatra)
Vedic Astrology Karakas (soul Planets)
8th house Sun Neptune Aspects
Lilith and Pluto aspects
🧖🧘Exalted Jupiter
Days of the Week : How to use them to your advantage
🩸💊Change: Scorpio's superpower
What does your birthday say about you?
👯 Birthday Number 30
🦁Birthday Number 23 🎂🌇🌤️
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💥💣Pluto in the 3rd House
Venus in Gemini / Gemini Energy
Iris flowers +Temperance card 🌺
♉♊Rohini, Mrigashira, Ardra - Sweet tooth Taurus, Gemini
Cancer Master post
🪐Saturn- ♂️Mars Amatyakarka and Aatmakarka and Career 🕰️
Leo Rising
Pisces(3.2 °16.4°♓) Uttara bhadrapada Nakshatra 🦄🐍
♈Aries Moon Observations
🧿How to get a Scorpio / Aries to like me
💚Virgo Risings (- we have a lot of love for Virgos on this blog, deal with it.)
Hasta Nakshatra
Leo 4th house
Lilith VS Pluto
8th house Lilith
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433 notes · View notes
hongcherry · 4 years
And if I did? (m) || jjk
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"What’s a better way to celebrate moving into your new university dorm than spending it with your boyfriend, who happens to have some tricks up his sleeves…?”
🕸️ Pairing: spiderman!Jungkook x girlfriend|Reader(f)
🕸️ Rating/Genre: M(18+), pwp, crack/fluff at the end, established relationship, marvel au
🕸️ Warnings: softdom!jk, bigdick!jk, jk likes to tease... a lot, oral (f receiving), fingering, light dirty talk, bound by webs (oh boy), nipple play (with webs???), unprotected sex, rough(?) sex, spiting, creampie, cum play, “are you jungkook? and if i am?” vibe (because he’s a little tease and it needs to be a warning)
🕸️ Word count: 4.6k
🕸️ Author’s note: Smut is a genre I enjoy reading but suck at writing so bear with me haha >.< If you are under 18, don’t worry about not being able to read this! The little plot I did add is in the preview, so if you want the “plot” it’s there in the beginning (it isn’t that significant to SBaFL). Please don’t read below the preview line since this is 18+ c:
This was originally going to be the beginning of the next action story but I accidentally turned it into a different kind of action, so I just made it its own piece... Enjoy my attempt at sexy time!
my spiderkook-verse (SBaFL) | main masterlist
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“Can you believe this?” You laughed as you fell onto your new bed that you and Jungkook had finished making. You were excited to start anew at your university. Thankfully, all your friends also attended the same university, which meant you were able to hang out with everyone. Unfortunately, dorms were not co-ed, so you weren’t able to room with Jungkook and would have to walk to another building to visit him. Although this wasn’t ideal, you were willing to sacrifice your laziness to visit your boyfriend. Plus, some exercise wouldn’t hurt since you spent most of your time sitting or laying down. 
Today was the first day for students to begin moving in. Your parents had helped you bring in your belongings, however, they weren’t able to stay for long. Like many mothers, yours left with tears in her eyes. It was a new beginning for you and it felt good. Liberating even. Your parents were kind fellows and not overly strict. Though they didn’t need to be when you didn’t get into much trouble or fall behind in your classes. 
Jungkook laughed along with you, watching as you laid down with excitement. He found the sound contagious and he often smiled widely every time he heard it. He playfully nudged your body over and started to climb next to you.
“Babe your shoes,” you whined when you noticed him beginning to lift his legs on your clean comforter. He gave you an apologetic look before taking off his boots, revealing his famous toe socks, then swinging his legs on the mattress. You smiled at the socks he adored before kissing his cheek in appreciation of his compliance. 
“Aren’t you excited?” You asked as he wrapped his arms around your small frame. He smiled at you, pressing his lips against yours softly before responding.
“Hmm, that depends on how often I’ll get to see you.”
“That won’t be a problem,” you said and tangled your legs with his. “However, a certain masked hero may claim otherwise.”
He chuckled and started to rub small shapes along the small of your back.
“I told you I’ll try to spend more time with you,” he reminded gently, observing your face carefully. Although your response was said teasingly, he knew deep down there was a part of you that still doubted him.
“I know.” You rest your forehead against his chest, falling in silence as you both lay still, listening to each other’s breathing and enjoying each other’s company. While Jungkook has kept his promise so far, leaving the smaller crimes to the actual police, you were worried it wasn’t going to last. Every time sirens went off nearby you could tell Jungkook was yearning to follow them. You felt guilty that you were holding him back, but there was a part of you that needed him as Jeon Jungkook and not Spider-Man.
Your thoughts ended when you felt Jungkook tilt your chin up and bring his lips to yours. You hummed in satisfaction when you tasted the mango smoothie he had earlier. Jungkook flattened his palms against your lower back, pressing your body against his more before traveling his hands lower. You giggled into the kiss when he grabbed a fistful of your ass in his palms. Jungkook smiled, gliding his tongue between your lips and pressing it against yours. Your hands moved to rest against his taut chest, pushing him down and climbing on top without breaking the heated kiss. Your hair fell around your face, providing a curtain-like effect around your and Jungkook’s faces. Jungkook moved his hands to push your hair back, cradling your face in his hands as he continued to move his lips against yours.
Your hands slowly began to glide downwards, taking the time to feel out every dip and curve of his muscles. An involuntarily moaned slipped past your lips when you felt Jungkook harden beneath you. At this, Jungkook playfully jerked his hips up, pressing his bulge against your clothed entrance. 
“Jungkook,” you gasped as you pulled away from the kiss. Jungkook stared up with faux innocence, tucking your hair behind your ears before moving south again.
“What?” He questioned. You spotted the corner of his lip twitching in amusement. “What’d I do, baby?”
“Don’t ‘baby’ me,” you huffed. “You know exactly what you di-”  Jungkook lifted his hips again; however, this time he pushed down on your hips simultaneously. You whimpered when he was pressed harder against where you needed him.
“What was that?” He asked teasingly and began to circle your hips.
“I- I hate you,” you gasped out. Jungkook chuckled, nuzzling his face in your neck.
“No you don’t,” he mumbled against your skin. He began kissing the column of your neck for a few seconds before biting down, eliciting another moan from you. Jungkook gently patted your ass when you didn’t start moving your hips on your own. You were too distracted by Jungkook’s mouth that you had forgotten to do so. You obliged happily, rolling your hips against his, sighing in content at the friction. You could feel Jungkook grow bigger in his black jeans, reminding you of how thick he is. With this in mind, you began to grind roughly, needing more friction between your legs. Jungkook groaned at your harsher movements, licking the spot he had been assaulting before flipping you back over so you were on your back. You whined when he did so, the loss of contact making you feel empty.
“Shhh,” Jungkook cooed, leaning down and kissing your neck again. His hands slowly began to push your shirt up, revealing your soft skin to the cool air in the room. You shivered at the temperature change which caused Jungkook to laugh softly. He placed his knee between your legs and you greedily took the opportunity to move your hips against his thigh.
“So eager,” he mumbled as he glanced down at your rocking hips. He stayed still for a moment, flexing his muscles teasingly as he watched you get yourself off on his thick thigh. You suddenly felt shy under his intense gaze and you reached up, bringing his lips back to yours to distract him. He chuckled into the kiss, pulling away too soon for your preference. He helped you remove your shirt and bra from your body as you continue to move your lower body. As soon as your chest was exposed to him, he brought his lips down upon your nipples. Licking, sucking, and biting until they hardened until his touch.
“Jungkook,” you whined again, getting impatient at his slow pace. You needed more. Something. Anything other than rubbing yourself against him. 
“What do you need, jagi?” He asked, large hands massaging your breasts as he awaited your response. Your face reddened at the thought of speaking your desire aloud. You knew Jungkook enjoyed it when you were vocal about what you wanted, but it never got easier. You were still shy to tell him.
“I... I want you—more,” your sentence was choppy, hoping to get away with saying the minimal. Jungkook shook his head, tsking as he waited for you to elaborate.
“Want your tongue,” you mumbled. Jungkook made a disapproving sound, squeezing your breasts harder in impatience. 
“Speak up,” he encouraged, releasing his grip slightly and massaging them.
“I want your tongue,” you said, louder this time, but still not loud enough for your boyfriend. Jungkook twisted your nipples between his fingers, causing you to whine and arch your back into his touch. 
“Tongue!” You gasped. “Want your tongue, fingers, cock, anything,” you begged. Jungkook released his hold on you, smiling down at you with pride. 
“Good girl,” he hummed, kissing your bruised nipples before creating a path of kisses down to your core. Your heart raced with anticipation and you reached out to grab onto his growing locks. Jungkook had usually kept his hair pretty short, the tips falling right under his eyebrows; however, the ends were now at the bottom of his eyes. You didn’t complain though, this new look was growing on you. 
Although Jungkook ventured lower at your request, he never complied to you easily. He placed a gentle kiss against your covered core—so gently it was barely noticeable. You bucked your hips up, wanting more attention. He smiled at your action and glanced up at you as he leaned back on his heels.
“Take them off,” he said, referring to your pants, and move the comforter to the side. You wasted no time to do as he ordered, unbuttoning your pants and kicking them off quickly.
“This too?” You asked, pointing to your underwear. He nodded, watching as your hands pushed off the soaked material. Just as you were about to close your legs, Jungkook quickly reached out and pulled them apart. He moaned internally as he watched your arousal drip down, strings of it breaking as your legs parted.
“I can’t wait to taste you, baby,” he said and reached out, lightly ghosting his index finger along your wet pussy lips. Your legs shook slightly at his feather-light touch.
“Kookie,” you whined, grabbing his wrist and urging him to do more. He wrapped your wrist with his other hand, squeezing it roughly in a warning.
“You’re not in charge here,” he said sternly before releasing your wrist. You reluctantly pulled it back. 
Jungkook continued his gentle movements against your core, making his way up to your clit and mimicking his actions. Your hands fisted the sheets as you tried not to smack his hands away and touch yourself. His movements were agonizingly slow and too light. 
Jungkook noticed your knuckles turn white and decided you had had enough teasing—with his fingers at least. He removed his hands from you and lowered himself. He glanced up, watching your face as he blew on your soaked entrance. You whimpered at the cool sensation, bucking your hips again. He smirked at your actions, repeating what he had done before suddenly flatting his tongue and licking up from the base of your entrance to your clit.
“Oh,” you gasped and tangled your fingers in his hair. You watched as he closed his eyes, savoring your arousal on his tongue. After a few seconds, he locked his eyes on yours, gathering saliva in this mouth before spitting on your already slicken folds. Your mouth fell open at his actions, feeling dirty by what he had just done but also feeling excited. Jungkook rubbed his spit in your slick, watching as they mixed together.
“Please,” you begged quietly, still not completely satisfied. Your body was writhing under his cruel touches. He still hasn’t given you enough. Jungkook ducked his head down, flicking his tongue against your clit as he rubbed your messy slit. He continued giving quick swipes of his tongue against your clit as he teased your hole. He outlined the entrance with his fingers, sliding just the tip of his finger inside before pulling out. You gripped his head tighter, the urge to push him away and doing it yourself growing stronger.
“More, please, Jungkook I need more,” you panted, moving your hips against him in hopes to get more of anything. Jungkook, however, didn’t listen to your requests. He moved his head away from your clit, focusing his gaze on the way his hand teasing your entrance. He slipped his finger inside you more, but still not all the way. He was driving you insane.
“Fuck,” you cried and quickly brought your hand to your clit, rubbing fast circles against the bud. Jungkook stopped his movements, watching in surprise as you began pleasuring yourself. However, his shock didn’t last long. He grabbed both your wrists and pinned them against the bed’s headboard. He released his hold after he positioned them but before you could move, he shot out two small webs, adhering your wrists to the surface. Your eyes widened at his actions, glancing on either side as you looked at your now webbed-wrists.
“You did not just do that,” you said in disbelief, tugging on your hands to free them even though you knew they weren’t that feeble. 
“And if I did?” He smugly responded. Oh how you wanted to smear that smug right off his beautiful, slightly swollen lips. 
“Isn’t this, like, against the rules? Aren’t you only supposed to use your spidey-powers when you need to?” You stared up at your boyfriend, still surprised by what he had just done. Jungkook shrugged.
“I did need to,” he countered. “You weren’t listening to me.” 
“Jungkook, you knew that’s not what I mea- Shit,” you choked as Jungkook swiftly slid two fingers inside your dripping core.
“That- This-  You can’t keep… doing that… to just… shut me up,” you stuttered as he started to pump his fingers, increasing his speed as you continued to speak.
“Why not? It’s effective,” he chuckled, resting one arm near your head while the other was between your legs. Your sarcastic reply died on your tongue when he rapidly moved his fingers, enjoying the way your face contorted in bliss. He leaned down, pressing his lips against yours before you could reply. You grumbled in disapproval against his lips, however, this only caused him to smile.
Jungkook slowed his movements and instead began to part his fingers sideways, stretching your entrance to prep you for what was to come. You moaned against his lips, bucking your hips and tugging on your webbed restraints. 
After what felt like seconds (though it was minutes), Jungkook moved away completely from you. You laid there panting with your legs spread as you watched your fully clothed boyfriend stare down at you. He gave you a gentle smile before removing his clothing. Your eyes traveled down as he abandoned his clothes on your floor. Your mouth began to water at the sight of his firm naked body. While becoming Spider-Man gave him superhuman strength and quick reflexes, it also caused his body to become even more muscular than before. It was the perfect combination of firmness and softness. 
You greedily drank in every inch of his exposed skin. Although this wasn’t your first time seeing him naked, it still amazed you. He always amazed you.
Your walls clenched around the air in anticipation as he stroked his cock a few times.
“Do you want me?” He asked and tilted his head to the side as he kept his gaze on your face. Your eyes snapped up to his as he spoke.
“Is that a trick question?” You asked, a small scoff escaping your lips. Of course you wanted him. Jungkook narrowed his eyes as you scoffed and moved closer to you.
“Answer me,” he said, lowering himself slightly to align himself at your entrance. Your mind momentarily went blank as you felt his tip press against your hole. When you didn’t respond quick enough, Jungkook slowly ran the tip between your folds, coating his hardened member with your arousal.
“Yes,” you rasped. “Yes, I want you, Jungkook.”
“What exactly do you want?” You forced yourself to not roll your eyes. Hasn’t he tortured you enough? He chuckled when he saw the twitch in your eyes, pressing the tip harder against you.
“Tell me, baby,” he murmured, rubbing your clit with his tender fingers. Your eyes closed briefly at the pleasurable sensation.
“I want your cock,” you caved and moved your hips for more friction.
“Is that all?” He pressed, enjoying the way your body trembled with need. He loved watching the way your body reacted to his touch—as if it needed him in order to live. 
“Please just fuck me already,” you huffed. While you enjoy foreplay, you’ve had enough of it today. You just needed him inside you, stretching you and rubbing against your walls. Jungkook chuckled, pressing the tip against your entrance and slowly sliding in. 
You sighed in pleasure as you relaxed your body and allowed him to penetrate you deeper. Jungkook let out a shaky breath and gave your hips a squeeze.
“You feel so good around me,” he sighed, watching as his cock disappeared inside you until his hips met yours. He didn’t wait for you to adjust before he pulled back and pushed back in. His movements were slower than usual, taking his time to roll his body against yours. You could feel every inch of his thick cock as he stretched your walls deliciously. However, your body was growing needier. You began pushing your hips in time with his, hinting at your desires. 
Jungkook must’ve understood and leaned back on his heels. He reached under your knees, propping them up before moving so he was resting his thighs under yours. His grip on your hips tightened before he started snapping your hips to his. His pace increased steadily as he slammed you onto his dick. Your hips were beginning to sting at the strong grip he had but you didn’t care. Your focus was on the way his cock filled your tight core. 
Moaning out his name, you arched your back off the mattress and tugged on the webbed restraints. Jungkook’s gaze shifted from your pussy to your breasts. He moaned quietly as he watched them bounce each time he brought your hips down. He quickened his speed, watching in fascination as your breasts moved with his rhythm. You couldn’t stop the string of moans that fell from your lips at Jungkook’s swift speed. 
He slowed abruptly and pushed you against him roughly. You whined as his cock rammed inside you completely, stilling himself in your warmth.
“Do you want to try something?” Jungkook asked, breathing ragged as he kept his length buried inside you. You were in such a daze it took you a second to register what he asked.
“W-what is it?” You wondered, squeezing your walls around him with need. He bit his lip when you did so.
“Do you trust me?” He responded, ignoring your question. 
“Yes,” you nodded without hesitation. He hid his smile at your quick response. He didn’t spend too much time thinking about what that meant to him—he’d do it later—and slightly extended his arm. Your eyes widened when two webs shot out, one connecting to each nipple. 
“Jungkook, what the fu-ccck,” you gasped. You were getting tired of him interrupting your sentences. Though your irritation quickly dissolved when Jungkook gently tugged on the two strings in his hand, pulling on your nipples. He watched your face closely as he did so, unsure of how you would like this. Your gaze became hazy at the sensation. It was slightly painful, uncomfortable even, but that feeling was soon replaced with pleasure. You moaned, hands curling into fists as your eyes rolled back slightly. Jungkook smirked at your reaction and tugged a little harder. 
“Oh my god, Jungkook,” you whimpered, arching your back in response to his actions.
“Just let me know if it’s too painful,” he murmured as he shifted into a position that would allow him to have a sturdier position. You cried out as Jungkook began moving his hips, sliding roughly into you while pulling on the strings. Your body felt as if it were on fire. You couldn’t think of a coherent sentence let alone form a sensible one. You were in your headspace of euphoria and the feeling in your tummy was growing with each thrust and tug of the string.
A loud hiss erupted from your throat as Jungkook pulled harder, eyes darkening as he watched the way your breasts were forming peaks when he pulled on the strings. After a few seconds, he relaxed his hold and moved his other hand to circle your swollen clit. 
“Jungkook,” you rasped when you felt yourself near the edge. Your walls clenched around his long length, which caused his thrusts to falter in their actions.
“Wanna come,” you mewled as he continued to ram into you. Jungkook smirked at your response and snapped his hips against yours with more force, yearning a yelp from you.
“I didn’t even have to ask this time,” he chuckled and pulled on the string connected to your nipples again. “Are you finally learning or are you just that fucked out?”
You were sure there was a witty response on the tip of your tongue, but honestly, he wasn’t wrong about the latter. Your thoughts were filled with Jungkook and Jungkook only.
“P-please,” you stuttered and started moving your hips with his.
“Tell me what I’m doing to you first, jagi,” he panted out and began increasing his speed. His hair was slick with sweat, golden skin shining as a few beads of sweat rolled down his muscular torso. How were you supposed to respond when he did things like that?
“‘Mm feel so big inside me,” you murmured. “‘Fucking me so good, Koo… Str-stretching me,” you replied. You weren’t even sure what you had just said but you just wanted to reach your release.
“Yeah?” He hummed. “Let me hear just how good my cock feels sliding inside your tight pussy.”
If it weren’t for your incoherent thoughts, you would be shocked by the way he spoke to you. Although this wasn’t your first time with Jungkook, you were still discovering new sides of him. However, you couldn’t lie that his words ignited more fire in your veins.
Jungkook shifted slightly then increased everything—his speed, his force, his tug. Albeit subtle, the shift had him rubbing against a spot inside you that made your vision blurry with white dots. The guttural moan that emitted from your throat was enough of a hint to Jungkook to keep hitting the same spot. 
It was more than enough to push you over the edge. Your body trembled under his as you came undone, throat growing sore from how loud you screamed his name. Your mantra was unwavering as you rode out your orgasm. 
Jungkook continued his rough ascent upon you, chasing his own release as he used your body for his pleasure. Your body was growing sensitive with each snap of his hips. Jungkook came with a deep moan and shoved his length as far as he could inside you. He leaned over your body, hands on either side of your head as he filled you with his load. Small breathless moans slipped past his parted lips; his nose was slightly scrunched as he came down his high. The lust-filled glaze in his eyes was ebbing away and was replaced with affection. You raised your face to him, connecting your lips in a lazy kiss. 
Jungkook hummed against your lips, letting the kiss linger for a few more seconds, then pulled away and rested his forehead against yours. He laid on top of you for a few more minutes, taking in the sensation of your body under his as he became flaccid within you. You whimpered when he sat up and slid out of your sensitive warmth. You watched his face as he stared down between your legs. You knew he was focused on the way his cum leaked out and pooled on the sheets. Your breath hitched when Jungkook slid his fingers between your messy folds before gathering some and gently pushing it inside. Your body jerked at the intrusion and you weakly used one of your legs to nudge him away. He smiled at your action, thinking it was cute, before sitting back a little. He raised his arm slightly and your eyes widened.
“Don’t web me there,” you gasped and closed your knees. Jungkook’s movement stopped, round eyes growing before he laughed. He continued raising his hand, bringing it to your lips.
“I wasn’t going to,” he said with amusement and pressed his cum-covered fingers against your mouth. You slowly took them in your mouth, humming quietly as his taste touched your tongue. “But now that you say that… Maybe next time.”
He slipped his fingers from you and began getting dressed. You tried to sit up, only to be reminded you couldn’t because of the tug of your wrists.
“Jungkook take these things off,” you grumbled as you tugged on your restraints. Jungkook raised a brow and looked up from buckling his belt. He quickly shook the hair from his eyes to get a better look at you. The corner of his lips twitched as he looked down at your naked form. His eyes leisurely roamed your exposed skin.
“Why would I do that?” He asked teasingly and bent down to gather his shirt in his hands. “You look pretty sexy right now.”
“Not cute, Jeon. You had your fun now take them off,” you said sternly with another tug for emphasis. 
“I would, but I can’t. They’ll dissolve in two hours,” he replied nonchalantly and shrugged on his shirt. To say your eyes widened was an understatement. They practically fell out of their sockets.
“Two hours?!” You exclaimed in disbelief as you glanced at your restraints then to your still-covered nipples. “You’re lying. Take them off now.”
Jungkook had turned to your mirror and was fixing his hair as you spoke. You knew he was doing that to be an ass. He didn’t care about styling his hair; he just wanted to ruffle your feathers. And boy were they ruffled. He craned his neck over his shoulder, giving you a sinister smirk.
“Are you hungry? I can bring back food. There’s this nice ramen place an hour away, which means I’ll be back in two—plenty of time to-”
“Jeon Jungkook!” You shrieked and pulled again even though you knew it was no use. If webbing enemies was effective, you knew you wouldn’t be able to get out that easily.
“Okay, okay, okay,” he laughed and turned his body fully to you. “I’ll get us hamburgers instead.”
“You’re dead when I get out of these,” you growled, staring daggers at your devious boyfriend.
“Well now that you’ve threatened me, I definitely don’t want you to get out,” he joked, crossing his arms over his chest. You ignored the way his arms flexed and bulged at the simple action.
“Dead. Meat,” you emphasized and turned your face away from him. You were not staying like this for two hours. There had to be a way out.
“Should I call that Spider-Man guy to save me? He seems pretty reliable.” He raised a hand up, extending his pinkie and thumb to form a telephone. “Uhh hello, yes, Spider-Man? My girlfriend is threatening to kill me. Please come sav-”
“We’re never having sex again,” you huffed as you looked at him again. His doe eyes widened and he gasped dramatically. 
“Yn, don’t say such horrific things,” he replied in mock fear.
“Just get me out of here,” you whined, sticking out your bottom lip in a pout you hoped he couldn’t resist. It was a stupid method, but he was going to get you out somehow. Jungkook stared down at you in thought.
“What do I get out of it?” He teased as he moved closer to you. 
“I won’t kill you,” you replied. Jungkook cocked his head to the side.
“Can you throw in a kiss, too?” He asked.
“Fine, now get me out,” you hissed and wiggled your wrists. He smiled and quickly leaned down, pressing his lips against yours. You whined against them, biting his bottom lip to get him to pull away.
“Now, Kookie,” you complained. 
“Such a minx,” he chuckled and nodded, no longer needing to tease you. “This won’t be easy. They’re designed to be very sturdy.”
You rolled your eyes and slumped further into the mattress. “Then why did you use them on me? Like this!” You squealed as you glanced down at your breasts. Jungkook placed a soothing hand on one of them and gave it a squeeze.
“I think it was worth it to hear you scream my name,” he smirked, giving you a teasing wink before getting to work on removing the webs.
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©️mimikookie // DO NOT REPOST OR MODIFY Please consider reblogging if you liked this work to show your support. Feedback/commentary is always welcomed.
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