#🖤caelan the bartender
savepc2023 · 1 year
Heyoooo! More questions for your PCs!!
If Angel, Brynn, and Caelan were LIs, how would they be like? How do we romance them? If they are impossible to romance, how to befriend them?
also uhmmmmmmmmm suggestive at Brynn's part.
Angel the Delinquent:
"Yeah the nurse isn't here right now," A student sitting on a bench near the nurse's table says. "In fact, they haven't been back for a while now. Said Leighton called for them or sum'. Anyways, what's up with you?"
Species: Human
Personality: Boyish, Confident
Occupation: Student
Role: Love Interest
Relationship: Determinant
Interests: Drawing, Comic Books, Gardening
Angel is a possible love interest that can be encountered either in the school infirmary or the orphanage. If you do not enter the infirmary at least twice within the first three weeks, you'll automatically trigger the second meeting, where you bump into her either in the morning before school, or any time after school. Their dialogue remains mostly the same regardless of when you bump into them: he apologizes before saying they recognize you from somewhere, then she snaps their fingers before recollecting that you have an english class together. They also say you should hang out sometime, just for fun. If you encounter them after twelve am, she'll add that you both should probably get to bed soon.
The infirmary encounter is more interesting, though. It'll happen any random time you step into the infirmary except for the first time. When you walk in, your character notes the nurse isn't present, but there is a student sitting on a bench near their desk. This encounter gives more content, because you get to interact with Angel more. They tell you the nurse has gone to have a talk with Leighton, and ask if he can help you. Then your character notices that she has a bruised lip and a bleeding nose. You have options to either:
Ask for painkillers: -Pain
Say you want to use a bed: -Fatigue
Ask for their name
Choosing either of the first two options has Angel either gesturing towards where the pills are kept or based off of how high your fatigue is: tell you that you do look a bit tired/tell you that you don't look that tired, but they don't give a shit.
If you ask for their name, she introduces himself as 'The great Angel, always at your service. Unless you're a jackass. You can pay me for spending time with my glorious self anytime, but I don't mind hanging out for free, either.' Then they recognize you to be from the orphanage, and invite you to hang out with her sometime.
After taking the pills/taking a nap, you're forced to ask for his name. So you can't exactly go without knowing the mf lmao
After the first encounter you have the option to look for Angel's room in the orphanage, which permanently unlocks that location for you(unlike with Mickey. ..I wanna pay them a visit so bad tf). You can read comics together, go out to the arcade/cafe together(which I won't elaborate much about bc it would become...too long) and vent to her about your day/recent events.
When going into the flower bed it gives you an option to mess with Angel's plants for some godforsaken reason. --Love
Like with Sydney and Robin(and Kylar.. and Whitney. ..) there's almost always an option to flirt with him, but unlike the others, it raises Angel's Amusement, instead. The more this special trait is raised, the easier it is to raise Angel's love and lust for you. Lust is raised only with provocative poses and expressions.
When Angel's love and amusement is high, she approaches you during lunch at school and asks you out mid meal. If you accept, they ask if they can give you a kiss and give you a little peck on the lips. If you reject them, they look disappointed, but shake it off and say they don't really mind you not liking her romantically, but he hopes you don't feel too weirded out to remain friends, because he enjoys your friendship a lot.
After a rejection things pretty much go back to how they were. After accepting, they're more affectionate than usual, almost always wrapping an arm around your waist or holding your hand. There is always an option to tell them to give you some space, and their love is never lowered because of it.
Brynn the Model:
"Oh... so Niki asked you to model for him/her too? ...Nice. I'm Brynn. You're really cute..."
Species: Human
Personality: Quiet, Aloof
Occupation: Student, Model
Role: People of interest
Relationship: Determinant
Interests: Scrapbooking, Listening to music
Brynn is an NPC that can only be encountered at the Photography Studio, and only if you ran into Niki by random in town after gaining a significant amount of fame.
After you're greeted by Niki, Brynn walks by your character and is described as looking 'angelic', because of his snow white hair and ice blue eyes. He catches your eye and asks if you were asked to model for Niki too, after which he remarks you look pretty cute.
You can not encounter Brynn at the orphanage or the school, only at the Photography Studio, and even that is only once a week. His route would be annoying ngl. The second time you walk in for a photoshoot, Niki asks if you'd be open to doing one along with Brynn, saying they'll pay you more for it, an extra £50.
Accepting will raise both Brynn's Curiosity and his lust. There is no love trait for him. Rejecting will have no affect.
During the photoshoot, Niki will ask if you'd be willing to do few topless shots, then some in your underwear and then some nude. No matter what you choose Brynn is always down for all of them. You could go as far as nude shots, after which you get options to get frisky with Brynn🗿.
Finish shoot
Stroke Brynn's thigh: +Brynn's Lust
Choosing the latter will have Brynn flushing ever so slightly and wow would you look at that. Encounter.🗿 And Niki keeps taking shots throughout, dw they pay extra extra.
After the first lewd photo shoot, Brynn always asks you if you'd want to do another one every time you walk into the studio. If you reject, he doesn't say anything and only watches Niki take photos of you for the entire three hours and then sorta. Corners you and asks you if he's done anything wrong. But they don't really do much, only just like. stare at you with big eyes. If you explain you don't wanna fuck he'll leave you be. Either that or you can say you just didn't want to have another lewd photo shoot. The latter starts another encounter, in which Brynn starts by asking if you'd be down for fuckin' without the camera pointed at y'all's naked asses. You can ask him to stop and that'll instantly end the encounter or you can go with it.
If you accept then it's basically the first lewd photoshoot all over again, you stroke his inner thigh, he flushes and leans into you and sex.
It's important to note, during these encounters with Brynn he's always submissive.
It's also important to note that your relationship is more fuck-buddy than anything, you cannot increase Brynn's love for you.
Caelan the Bartender:
"Ha...you're not supposed to be here, are you? Hm. Neither am I. I suppose we can keep eachother's secrets?" The bartender chuckles.
Species: Human
Personality: Calm, Respectful
Occupation: Student, Bartender
Role: People of interest
Relationship: Determinant
Interests: Reading
You can encounter Caelan after buying a fake ID from Briar and getting a job at the Strip Club. After meeting Darryl, you make eye contact with Caelan, who looks surprised for a second before making their way over to you with a knowing smile on their face.
Once near you, they remark that they've seen you around the orphanage, and then talking about how you're not supposed to be here. But neither are they, they joke.
Caelan's interactions are somewhat similar to Alex's. You go through work together, take a break to chat maybe. If you get into an encounter and choose to scream, Caelan gets there to help before security does. Their presence scares off the creep, but Caelan calls the security on their ass. They then proceed to keep a close eye on you throughout the rest of your shift.
During your break, you can choose to either-
Ask Caelan about themself: +Caelan's respect
Choosing to gossip has Caelan listening to you talk about stuff you've heard the people at both school and the club say, mostly funny sex related stories. Your most common topic will be the students at the library. They are are freaky. Asking Caelan about themself will not reveal much, they simply state that they're an orphan themself and that they'd been working as a bartender at the club for four months now. It's not much, but you could note that they don't ever invite you to hangout in their room. This is only because they don't spend much time in there anyways, don't worry.
Caelan doesn't have a love or lust trait, instead they have the Caelan's Respect trait. Their respect is raised just by being a decent person and fairly nice, while ignoring Darryl being groped by a random person at the club or fucking someone while you're bartending(they don't give a shit if you're getting freaky while you're doing anything else, they just want you to do your part bro they're tired)
The lower their respect is, the lesser they say when you ask them about themself.
Outside of the strip club, you can sometimes see them taking a walk in the park or bump into them in the school hallways. These interactions are always short however, just a quick wave or hello.
They're the only one out of the three that has a christmas event. If you go to work at the club during christmas, they put a large sized santa hat on you before chuckling and handing you some cash. They admit that they don't know you well enough to know what you'd appreciate as a gift so they decided to let you choose for yourself instead of a shitty mug or something.
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savepc2023 · 1 year
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PC designsssss
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savepc2023 · 1 year
You know what. I wanna know what your PCs love language is.
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Like are any of them cuddly? Are any of them cheerleaders? Do they lurk in your life to show love? I want affection and how do they give it-
Angel (they/he/she):
Physical touch! They looove hugging people and keeping her arm wrapped around the other person's waist. Even with people they aren't very familiar with, (if the other person is ok with it) she tends to pat their shoulder or their back a lot. Maybe even ruffle their hair. When you sit next to him, they'll probably hold your hand and draw little stars onto the back of your palm with her thumb.
Brynn (he/him):
Gift giving! He tends to go on shopping sprees a lot, mostly because of how quick his clothes are to be ......torn apart. But while there he'll probably see something that reminds him of you, or something he remembers you saying you liked! It's common for his friends to get atleast three gifts each month. He sees something that can even vaguely be related to you and he's suddenly paying with cash with not a single thought behind his eyes.
Caelan (they/them):
Acts of service! It was a bit of a draw between this and quality time for me because since they tend to be very busy, they can really only spare time for their most favorite of people. But i think acts of service is a bit more suitable! Sometimes even without thinking they make more food than they'll eat and give the rest to Robin. Similar to Angel, they're a bit more leisurely with this love language as sometimes they help Sydney finish up his work even though they're simply friendly acquaintances. He's nice and his eyebags make Caelan want to immediately take over his workload.
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savepc2023 · 1 year
SORRY, GOT ANOTHER QUESTION. This question came in my head and now won't leave.
If your PCs had the chance, would they date anyone in the game outside the LIs?
Angel (he/she/they):
Mickey😩😩😩 They make a protective instinct flare up in Angel (something they interestingly enough have in common with Robin and Sydney) and they're just so cuteeeeeee. Angel always has the urge to squish their cheeks and ruffle their hair and (if Robin and Sydney aren't in the picture) kiss them all over. Mickey finds them Annoying(affectionate) and similar to Robin, they hand out mostly in Mickey's room, although at night.
Brynn (he/him):
Niki. It would be extremely slow burn though, because like have you seen Niki💀😭 Bro watches Brynn pull his weenor out and doesn't bat an eye. Whiiiich might lead to Brynn thinking he's not interested when he catches feelings for the photographer because he's so used to being admired for his beauty and sex being something everyone just expects from him that he thinks that's all he is💀💀💀 just a pretty sex doll💀💀💀 He keeps acting like usual though, and he's scarily good at pretending he doesn't have a huge ass crush on Niki, but then eventually he just can't take it anymore and asks Niki if he wants to go out after the shoot to have coffee together.
Caelan (they/them):
Since Caelan is aromantic, I'll just tell you who they're closest to out of the non love interests and it's Darryl!!!!!! ........which is not a huge surpriseee😩🤘 They have a very good relationship with one another and try to help eachother whenever possible!!! You walk in to the club and see the actual Club Owner sulking at the bar while his bartender fixes him a non alcoholic drink and gives him a little daisy from out of no where!!!! They're fucking cute as fuck, actually!!! And Leighton is very lucky that Caelan doesn't indulge in skulldugery when given an envelope by River!!!
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savepc2023 · 1 year
You asked for crumbs of my boyo, time for me to ask back. CAN WE GET SOME BACKSTORY OR FUN FACTS ON BRYNN? This odd pretty boy. I need to know him.
Also, for funsies. Which one of your PCs do you think would most likely end up in prison? Which one would most likely get kidnapped? Which one would most likely become a parent (becoming a parental figure works too)?
Most likely to end up in prison:
.. Angel😮‍💨 She mostly stays away from stealing people's stuff(unless they were trying to rape him, then they don't feel bad anymore and just steal everything they can), but he'd most likely go to prison because of.............drum roll pls............✨violence✨. Angel is a rather emotional character, unlike my other PCs. She sees something wrong being done and he will step in, and to a much higher degree.....beat the shit out of you.
They're lucky she hasn't gone to prison yet.
Most likely to get kidnapped:
Brynn. Now Angel's the one to get canonically kidnapped, but if we push that aside then Brynn. He's famous. Really famous. And really pretty, too. So here's the thing, his fame as a model outweighs his sex fame, but even the model photoshoots are mostly lewd so like.yeah. so for other folk in the town, it's like bumping into your favourite porn star in the streets or smth while rumours that they'll suck you off if you give them a 100 are drifting in the air.💀💀💀 Some sick mf might be a 'fan' or smth and want to keep him to themself. And unlike Caelan(huge body type + can smack you reall hard) and Angel(will beat your ass and steal your belt), Brynn is very physically weak. So it would be an easy kidnapping, too.
Most likely to become a parental figure:
First I was thinking Caelan but then I was like nah that's too obvious, then I thought Angel. But Angel has more of a big sibling aura so we're going with Caelan. They're really calm, collected and mature. And most importantly: they scare off potential creeps with just a glare. It'd be comforting for the other orphans to have someone like that with them, it's almost like they have a nice Bailey that won't sell them at the drop of a hat. They also give good advice and hugs, so. Catch them wrapping up presents for every orphan three months before Christmas.
Now for more stuff about Brynn:
Sometimes he does stuff only for the aesthetic. Like he pretends he looooooooooooves strawberries but he actually hates how tart they are. He feels the need to keep up the 'UwU femboy' image
He wants to dye his hair at some point. He's asked Niki about it before during a shoot but Niki just went 'do whatever you want'
On the topic of Niki, Brynn probably talks to him the most. Well he's the person he says the most words to in a row. Normally Brynn likes to keep himself busy in stuff, and even if he isn't he's fidgeting with his sleeves. Can't do any of that for three whole hours while on the job so. He just asks Niki random shit and Niki responds either with a hum or a short sentence.
He's thought about using kaomojis during text, they're cute and stuff. But he has no patience for that so no kaomojis😔 he's dry af btw.
But you know what's not dry?........THAT PENI-
Brynn's been fucking in the streets in exchange for money for a long time. Way before the in game stuff happens. Yk how when you first walk out of the orphanage you're immediately attacked then a rando gives you a pepper spray? Yeah that was the day he decided he wanted to dress up a bit. He's always been more attracted to feminine stuff but too shy to go through with it. So yeah, he got out in a skirt and he... Made more money with it. Like judt in general the money he was being paid increased. So he went lol profit and kept doing it. But....he really didn't like it when they called him a girl and then were surprised when he had a pp and maybe even degraded him for it. So now he avoids doing anything to his face or hair, so he's like. Evidently a boy in a dress/skirt.
Another orphan works at the brothel, and told Brynn that he could earn more by working there too. Brynn didn't think for even a moment, he refused instant lmao. The work environment there and the lack of security is gonna scare him off.
He likes bananas
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savepc2023 · 1 year
Some funfact about your PC? :D
I've got three PCs bc I have no self control so I'm gonna give three funfacts about them each :DDDD
Angel the delinquent:
Loves drawing but is absolute dog shit at it like. You cannot tell what they were going for and neither can she, he forgot about it halfway. It's just fun to put stuff on paper and go with it yk?
Can't stand coffee but LIVES for cold drinks like. What would be the mountain dew equivalent in dol bc she's ADDICTED to that
I've said this before on my previous blog but they're in a poly relationship with Robin and Sydney, annnd he's not fully corrupted Syd juuust yet but we're gettin there. She pegs Robin every night, fully clothed bc they don't like being nakey in front of ppl
Brynn the model:
He's well known around town, and for not the most pleasant reasons. Photos and videos of him posted online, showing off his bare body and his flushed face. He'd be lying if he said he wasn't phased by that, but it just means he'll be asked fewer questions if he acts like he's just dumb and horny and doesn't understand if you use big words when you speak.
Speaking of, he's very submissive. He's the definition of a good boy, say the word and he'll be on his knees for you!.......unless you're Whitney or Kylar. Funnily enough he's more likely to bottom for Kylar than he is for Whitney. He likes seeing the school bully flustered and shaking under him.
He'd like to get to know Nikki a bit better, not only because he's hot and stuff but also because every now and then he breaks his 'professional' persona to look at him with concern burning in his eyes, opening his mouth to ask something only to shut up and decide to continue with the photoshoot. Brynn just wants to know what the photographer's like when he's not speaking to a client, but with a friend.
Caelan the bartender:
They're really tall. Like. Reallyyyy tall. That paired with their resting bitch face usually scares off any people lookin to get frisky with them. But if you're yk. Not afraid and not pushy with your attempts at getting into their pants they're really good company. A little awkward but eventually they ease into the conversation and suddenly you both are just chuckling and sharing interesting experiences
They carry bandaids with them at all times. Two types, actually. The plain kind and some cute green ones with different white patterns on them. The second type is the type a certain other orphan finds pretty, a habit they picked up ever since they were kids. Even though they don't interact much with them these days, they still find themself slipping the pack into their pocket, like as if they're both seven again and Robin still has that misfortunate tendency to trip on air.
Their closet is kinda of....boring lmao. It's pretty classy, pretty cute but there's not much variety. Two waiter uniforms, shirts, vests, slacks. A sweater or two. Ties. That's it.
....i like to call them the ABC squad djsisisiwowowo
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savepc2023 · 1 year
What would your PCs dress up as for Halloween? I have Halloween fever and I need to know! Especially cause there are limits to what you can wear as a costume!
So if we're going by the costumes in game:
Angel would be wearing the monster hoodie and pulling the hood up before screaming at random people on the streets🗿 no one is scared 🗿maybe bc they do this every year🗿🗿🗿
Brynn would be wearing the maid dress😮‍💨 he'd wear the nurse costume if it wasn't as bright, he prefers pale and soft colors. Or just black and white lmao. He's more about getting more PPL horny than having fun himself. Gotta get that money.
Caelan would wear the classic gothic gown bc it's Caelan and they'll settle for nothing that doesn't look like they're in a formal gathering.
Angel would go as a literal angel bruh. There's fake wings(God knows where she got them from) a head piece, a flowy ass dress. She'd walk barefoot but that wouldn't be pleasant so they're wearing sandals. Got specks of gold on his face(it's literally glitter gel pen💀😭). Got flower bracelets and shit.
Brynn would be a bunny🗿😮‍💨. Yk those bunny suits🗿 yeah. Still all about getting customers than actually enjoying the costume himself but he does like it. Got fluffy ears and a fluffy tail. His ASS IS STICKING OUT
Caelan is a vampire. They're actually the first one i got an idea for bc it was just so easy💀😭 They don't do much, just put on fake fangs and some fake blood dripping from their mouth. Maybe splatter some of that fake blood onto their clothes(they're cringing the whole time bc they don't wanna buy a new outfit but they also don't like dirtying their clothes like that) Theyd ditch the glasses but they still have to work so they can't be blind for that. They smile a bit more on the job just so their teeth are visible. Gets more customers for some reason💀
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savepc2023 · 1 year
Have you ever gotten any of the DOL transformations? Any opinions on them?
(Any thoughts which tf would suit your PCs?)
I've gotten the angel and the fox tfs till now!......the cow one is in my sights tho so ig I'll be going moo real soon😩
For what tfs would suit my PCs uhhhhhhh, if we're going story wise then Angel and Caelan would probably gain the angel tf bc uhh Angel only smashes the love interests and that's a bit later on (and she doesn't ever rlly lose the virgin trait bc homie doesn't insert anything anywhere) while Caelan doesn't smash at all. Brynn might be getting the demon tf. I'd say cow but there's no way he's gonna meet the requirements for it💀😭
I'm not entirely sure what tf matches Angel's vibes💀😭
Brynn would have a cat tf annnd
Caelan would have the fox tf
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savepc2023 · 1 year
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savepc2023 · 1 year
For each PC, what is their most precious interaction or accomplishment in this town? Like what memory they can look back on and smile.
For Angel, their favourite memory is probablyyyyyy her first date with his partners. They chose to have a picnic date, on Robin's suggestion. Angel and Robin went and picked up Sydney together before walking to the forest, to the usual spot. There wasn't really an opportunity for things to get awkward, and any silence that wasn't interrupted by Angel's babbling was comfortable. It was nice for her, spending hours in the shade of a tree with the two people he loves.
Brynn's favourite memory is him celebrating his birthday alone. He's not even sure if it's the actual date, it's just one he chose on a whim. As much as he might enjoy the company of some people, he prefers being alone a lot more. It's quiet, and his room is cool. His window is open juuust a lil to let in the breeze and he eats one of the cupcakes Robin made for him(he stores the rest, he can barely manage to eat one. It's delicious, but Brynn's never had much of an appetite). He spends the night listening to music and just vibing on his own.
And finally, Caelan's favorite memory is when Robin gifted them a ring. There's no competition, without a doubt that was their favorite interaction. Its a piece of fake jewelry, Robin didn't have the money to get the real deal, but they appreciate in nonetheless. It's one of the ones you get in those make your own jewelry packs, like a simple ring with a circle on top for you stick whatever tf you wanted on it. A fake black gem is placed on there, and you can see scratches on it but Caelan never fails to wear it. Or atleast put it in their pocket if they're wearing gloves.
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