#๐Ÿ–ฒ โžŸ server update
cwpiqwon ยท 3 months
huh yunjin enemies to lovers oneshot!ยก
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a few weeks later:
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cwpiqwon ยท 8 months
just a call- ahn yujin
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summary- the 3 times y/n waited for yujin's call and the 1 time she called her.
warnings- angst, yujin being the worst gf ever, cheating, swearing, yujin gets slapped, screaming, not edited.
author's note- if you see any spelling errors, no you don't.
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the first time
y/n had never had to worry about her girlfriend's loyalty towards her. ahn yujin never gave her any reason to worry. she was everything you'd desire in a partner.
she always made sure to kiss y/n's cheek before going to work, she helped with the cooking and cleaning, she arranged dates for them and most importantly, she always called y/n everyday during her free time.
no matter how much workload she had or how stressed she was, yujin would always find time to call y/n. and no matter what she was doing, y/n would push everything aside to attend yujin's call.
they'd talk about the most mundane things, from how their day went to who did what at yujin's workplace today. the things they talked about never mattered, it was the other's presence that mattered for them.
and so, when one evening yujin didn't call, y/n couldn't help bet feel worried. she knew there was nothing to be worried about but the break in their daily routine really unsettled the girl.
that night when yujin returned, y/n couldn't help but voice the issue that had been weighing her down the whole evening.
"You didn't call today." the girl's small voice and sad pout made yujin's heart shatter. she quickly took her girlfriend's hands in hers and pressed a loving kiss to her cheek.
"I'm sorry love, the workload was crazy today. I had wanted to call you during my break but then an important client came in and we had to cut our break short."
y/n couldn't help but let out a giggle as the older girl basically rapped from how fast she was speaking. she pulled yujin down by her tie and placed a light kiss on her lips before rushing off to the kitchen.
the second time
y/n let out a sigh as she glanced at her phone's screen for what seemed to be the nth time. it was currently 10:30 pm and yujin's side of the bed was still empty.
yujin hadn't called her the whole evening and hadn't even replied to her texts. y/n chewed on her bottom lip as worry clouded her brain and panic filled her body to the brim.
she had called yujin's coworkers earlier and according to them, yujin had already left with another colleague. although this should have been enough to ring sirens in the girl's head, she ignored it.
y/n trusted her yujin. she was her first love and there was no way yujin would ever do something to purposely hurt her. yujin loves her.
before y/n could worry anymore, the sound of the front door opening filled her ears. she got up and rushed to check on her girlfriend just to see the girl she loved, holding hands with her colleague.
this made the girl's heart squeeze a little but she just chalked it up as worry. she forced herself to not overreact and walked up to the duo.
when yujin saw her girlfriend walking up to her, she pulled away her hand from the other girl's grasp in a hurry.
she pulled away from the girl and shrugged her coat off before looking at her girlfriend who was starting up at her.
"y/n, I'm so sorry my love! I totally forgot to tell you that I'd be going out with gaeul today. I was just so busy and..."
yujin knew the excuse was overused and so did y/n yet she still accepted it with a smile, welcoming the girl home and asking 'gaeul' if she'd like to join them for dinner.
"ah no need for that, gaeul and I already had dinner at the restaurant near office. how about you go get ready for bed while I go see her off"
y/n just nodded with a small smile before she walked off to clean dining table which was still filled with food she had prepared for both of them to eat together.
"I'll just eat in the morning I guess, I wasn't even that hungry anyways..."
that was just one of the many lies she'd have to tell herself to keep their strained relationship from breaking.
the third time
the room was filled with people yet y/n felt lonely. some people were dancing, some were drinking while some were just awkwardly standing around, hoping for the event to end.
y/n was one of them. she felt like a stranger in her own house. felt like an outsider at her own birthday party. all because the one person she truly wanted to spend her day with, was still not home.
as time progressed, the party died down and people started leaving after wishing the birthday girl a good night. bit y/n couldn't focus on any of that.
she kept gazing at the front door. waiting, wishing that yujin would walk inside with her arms wide open for the birthday girl.
yujin had left in the morning, just like every other day. there was no "goodmorning hug" or "I'm off to work now" kiss. no happy birthday and no I love you either.
this left the girl to think that maybe her girlfriend had some kind of surprise planned for her and this nonchalance was just a ploy to fool her and get a reaction out of her. alas, it was all just wishful thinking.
it was 12:00 now and everyone had already left. the red solo cups and the tears running down the girl's cheeks being the only remainder of the party.
as the girl sat there sobbing to herself, the front door finally opened. the girl she had been waiting for all night finally came in.
yujin reeked of alcohol, her tie was loose, hair messy and there was a stagger in her steps. just as y/n was about to ask her where she was, yujin spoke up.
"why's this place so dirty? did you throw a party behind my back? you could've atleast tried to clean up before I arrived!"
instead of answering any questions, y/n just got up and walked off to their shared bedroom, ready to cry herself to sleep.
before she could get inside however, yujin grabbed her wrist and forced the girl to face her.
"I'm not done talking to you. answer me when I ask you something!"
a loud slap could be heard as y/n's hand met with yujin's cheek. she pulled her hand away from the girl and rubbed to sore flesh that was now red.
"since you want to know so bad, i'll tell you. yes I did throw a party. you want to know the occasion? it was my fucking birthday party! but you should've already known that right? it's okay though, you probably forgot, since you were so busy getting drunk with someone else!"
y/n was sure they'd be getting noise complaints from their neighbors tomorrow from all the shouting that took place but she couldn't bring herself to care. not when yujin looked so unbothered.
"You know what yujin, I think we should just end this relationship. whatever we had, it's clear that we lost it. let's not drag it on any further"
yujin's eyes which were once heavy from the alcohol in her system turned wide and frantic as she tried her best to convince the girl to stay.
"baby no, you don't mean that. it's just your anger talking. you love me, you'll never leave me. just give me another chance please. I'm so sorry. I am such an idiot, I can't believe I forgot. I was about to surprise you for your birthday but we had a company dinner today and I forgot to call to inform you! I swear it'll never happen again baby please. you don't want to do this either. I know you don't. you're just angry right now."
yujin was sobbing at this point. she whole body shaking as sobs after sobs left her pretty lips. y/n knew if she let this go once, it'll drag her down forever, but yujin's tears had always been her weakness.
and so y/n forgave yujin once again. completely ignoring the red flags that this situation raised, just like she ignored the scent of someone else's perfume on yujin's clothes and the bruises on her neck.
yujin couldn't help but be thankful for the fact that her girlfriend was such an emotional fool.
the one time y/n called yujin
the walls of the mall felt like they were closing in on y/n. she felt as if her heart had shattered into tiny pieces and left a cavity where it once sat.
her vision blurred with tears as her gaze remained fixed on the sight before her. she had came to shop for yujin's birthday gift.
just when she thought she found the perfect gift to mend her relationship with yujin, the universe decided to gift her with the view of her girlfriend with another girl. the same girl she introduced as her colleague. kim gaeul.
yujin's arm was looped around the girl's waist as she gazed at the girl with loving eyes. the last straw for y/n was when yujin bent down to place a kiss on the girl's lips.
y/n whipped her phone out, her face void of any emotions and her heart filled with pain. she called the girl that was responsible for all her pain and watched as yujin's phone rang.
she saw how yujin rolled her eyes when she saw her called id on her screen and how she picked up after a few rings, all while gaeul clinged to her arm.
"y/n, how many times do I have to tell you to not call me during work hours? is it too hard for you to understand a simple instruction? are you really that dumb?"
"turn around"
as yujin turned around, a curse left her lips. she saw the girl she played with, the girl she once loved, the girl who she once saw a future with, staring back at her.
her eyes were red and tears were running down her cheeks, yujin knew this was a lost battle and there was no point trying to convince her to stay anymore.
"fine, guess you caught me. you just made it easier for me babe, now run along, I've got things to do"
y/n couldn't believe her ears, the girl who once promised her the world, the girl who once held her heart, was the same girl who was the reason for all her pain.
she knew there was nothing left. no love to fight for, no reason to stay, no chance at getting what they once had back.
so she just turned and walked away. to some, it may look like she ran away like a coward instead of addressing the issue. but in reality, y/n faced her biggest fear of letting yujin go that day and won over it.
cause at the end of the day, having the last word isn't what matters, it's the satisfaction of having defeated your biggest fears that matters.
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cwpiqwon ยท 4 months
valentines special featuring ahn yujin!
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summary- yujin just wanted to find treasure for her beloved but she found a wife instead.
warnings- angry chaewon, swearing, a sprinkle of violence, mention of sickness, yujin and reader are so down bad for e/o.
author's note- happy valentines to all the singles out there!
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it was a fairly sunny day in the fairy meadows which were home to thousands of garden fairies.
yujin poked her head out of the bush she was hiding in. she knew that an elf's intrusion in the fairies' safe heaven wouldn't be taken lightly and so she made sure to keep herself hidden.
she perked up as a melodious voice entered into her elven ears. she poked her head out once again just in time to see the fairy who held her affection.
yujin giggled when she saw her fairy pick up the little treasure she had collected for her. she once again hid herself before sneakily running back to her tree house.
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y/n yawned as she woke up. she looked out her window to see the shiny rays of the sun illuminating her garden, showering her fruits and vegetables in its warmth.
"she should be here by now" the fairy mumbled as she ruffled her wings and made her way out of the cottage. she glanced around, before she finally found what she was searching for.
on the green grass surrounding her cottage, laid a silver soda cap. it was nothing new, the fairy was accustomed to finding soda caps in her garden everyday by now and yet she let out a tiny squeal.
her noise of excitement was followed by a tiny giggle which y/n knew belonged to the notorious elf who seemed to drop soda caps in her garden everyday.
y/n watched in amusement as the poorly hidden elf scurried off to God knows where. a giggle escaping her lips at the elf's fruitless attempt at being stealthy.
"why don't you just reveal yourself you little minx, I want to see my secret admirer" the fairy pouted before dragging her feat back to her cottage with a new soda cap to add to her growing collection.
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back in her tree house, yujin was busy pacing around. nose red, eyes swollen and cheeks puffy with tears rolling down continuously.
noises of despair filled tree house as the elf let out choked sobs. she couldn't believe her misfortune. she was going to lose the love of her life.
another sob found its way out of yujin's mouth as she threw herself on her bed, crying into her pillow.
on the other side of the same house, a tiny elf grumbled under her breath as a string of curses left her mouth.
chaewon's temper raised with every sob that yujin let out. she let out a groan before marching up to the crying elf's room.
now, if it was any other day, chaewon would have knocked and asked yujin what was wrong but not today.
it was valentines day for Pete's sake! chaewon was supposed to be cuddling with her girlfriend but she just had to catch a stupid cold, leading minju to send her back home to take rest.
the stupid cold already ruined chaewon's day and yujin's unstoppable crying was making it worse.
chaewon had to summon all the patience she had left in order to not break down yujin's door and sew her mouth shut.
the angry elf took a deep breath before she barged inside and made her way to the bed. she pulled on the other elf's ear making her cries stop momentarily.
yujin looked upto chaewon with her puffy eyes, her form quivering under the shorter elf's menacing glare.
"go away, I don't want to talk to you right now" she huffed.
"oh my Pete! shut up! first you nearly damage my ears with your wailing and now you're ordering me to GO AWAY?? I WILL COOK YOU LIKE AN EGG AND FEED YOU TO THE HUMANS IF YOU LET OUT ANOTHER WORD"
chaewon's screeching left the crying elf speechless as she quickly scurried away from the fuming elf. her eyes reflecting the fear casted on her by the shorter.
"good! now that you have finally calmed the fuck down, mind telling me the reason for this breakdown? AND DONT YOU DARE CRY AGAIN OR I'LL SCOOP YOUR EYEBALLS OUT WITH A SPOON"
yujin's body quivered as the shorter elf flashed her a smile which could only be described as evil. she fumbled with her words before answering, not wanting to anger the elf any further.
"well...I can't find any treasure for my fairy anymore"
"treasure?" chaewon tilted her head staring at the puppy like elf.
"what do you mean by treasure? what is it? ooohhh is it gold?! can I see it?! pleaseeee"
"no dumbass, it's not gold. my fairy likes the shiny things. I saw her pick one of those shiny things and keep it in her pocket once! that's why I made sure to find one for her everyday! but today when I went to the human land to search for the shiny things, I couldn't find one"
yujin's voice deflated as her eyes teared up once again.
before the elf could start her waterworks again, the short elf distracted her, not wanting to deal with the crying elf once again.
"then why don't you give her some other shiny thing? something that's even more shiny than the treasure you speak of. or maybe you could finally reveal yourself! it's valentines after all! you could even take her on a date!!"
yujin let out a gasp as her eyes widened. she looked at chaewon gratefully before rushing up to her wardrobe.
"I can't believe YOU came up with such a good plan! I must go take a bath now, can't have my beloved think I'm some nasty elf with snot running down my face. must look good for my beloved!"
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back at the fairy meadows, the young fairy was getting impatient. it was way past the usual time and her elf still hadn't came.
she stomped her foot on the ground before going back to her garden. a pout evident on her face as she tended to her plants.
just as the fairy was about to take her leave after hours of nurturing her plants, a rustle in the bush caught her attention.
she turned around just in time to see an elf peeking out of the bush, staring back at the fairy with a face so red it resembled an apple.
y/n giggled slightly before waving the elf over, her face getting equally as red. she let out a gasp as the elf rushed to meet her, stumbling over her own feet in the process.
she chuckled at the clumsy elf before going towards her and helping the elf up. her wings fluttering behind her as she tried to hide her amusement.
the elf couldn't help but stare at the hand the fairy had offered her. to others it may look like a simple gesture, but the elf could already hear the wedding bells going off in her head.
she shook her thoughts away as she finally accepted the fairy's hand. her face heating up even more at the feeling of the soft hand held against her own.
she allowed herself a moment to stare at her beloved's face before she got up and dusted her pants off.
"so you're the elf who has been gifting me the soda caps?"
"soda caps? ohh, you mean treasure! yes yes! it was me! did you like it?"
the fairy was sure that the elf's shy demeanor matched with her head tilt was going to be the end of her.
she had just formally met the elf but she knew she'd gladly die for her.
"I did. I really liked your treasures. I even collected them all. if you want, you can come inside my cottage and I'll show you where I kept them."
the wedding bells once again went off in yujin's head and she nodded enthusiastically before following the fairy.
she may not have found any treasure that day, but she definitely found a wife for herself.
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cwpiqwon ยท 8 months
[9:50 pm]
a sigh escape her painted lips as y/n looked down at the sleeping girl. she watches the girl's chest rise and fall with every breath before taking the cloth off the girl's forehead and soaking it in ice cold water once again before placing it back on ning's forehead.
it was almost 10 pm on a saturday night, yn and ning had made plans to go clubbing weeks ago, yet here they were. a fully dressed and glammed up yn, taking care of a sick and grumpy ning.
seeing ning coughing her lungs out was the last thing yn expected to see when she went to pick her up to go clubbing.
yn's train of thoughts was harshly broken when ning suddenly got up from her bed and rushed to the bathroom. puking noises soon filled the room, making yn cringe.
as much as she hated the noises, yn still went to hold ning's hair up in a ponytail while her other hand caressed the girl's back. she held the girl still and helped her get back to bed.
"you seem to have a fever, your body has feels like it has turned into a stove. you're burning up babe."
"are you calling me hot?"
despite the seriousness of the situation, yn couldn't help but laugh at her girlfriend's silliness. she whined as ning grabbed her shirt and pulled her down for a kiss.
"stopp, you're going to get me sick too. who'll take care of you if I fall sick too?"
"I don't need you to take care of me though, we can just be sick together and cuddle the sickness away"
even though yn scowled at her girlfriend's 'awesome' plan, she knew if ning really wanted cuddles, she'd drop anything to cuddle with her, even if it meant getting sick.
sure clubbing with ning would've been fun but yn would choose taking care of her ning over it any day.
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cwpiqwon ยท 1 month
minji and yn hate e/o, or do they?
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cwpiqwon ยท 2 months
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an intense feeling of deep affection.
love, loyalty, or enthusiasm for a person or activity.
love and devotion, so similar and yet so different. love is blind and devotion wears a blindfold. love makes way and devotion always follows. love is what lured you in and devotion is what made you sin.
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release date: ?? may
pairing: ?? x reader
taglist (open): @taniio @rd0265667
author's note: this is one of my wips. i have a few more that I'll be putting out during mid may along with a series. this is just a teaser though so drop a comment or send an ask to be tagged in the actual fic when I finally post it!
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cwpiqwon ยท 5 months
once a cheater, always a cheater- Kim gaeul
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summary- gaeul finally got everything she wanted, or did she?
warnings- angst, yujin being the worst gf ever AGAIN, cheating, yujin deserves to get slapped, crying, not edited.
Author's note- pt. 2 of the yujin fic for my pookie @flolio
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gaeul knew what she did was wrong. yujin was never meant to be hers. she already had a girl at home, waiting for her with her heart on her sleeve. gaeul knew it all and yet it didn't stop her from seeking yujin's love.
she remembers the first time yujin kissed her. it was a stormy day and they were both stuck outside the office due to the heavy rain. her clothes were wet and so were her hair and yet yujin remained the most beautiful girl in gaeul's eyes.
gaeul couldn't help herself, her eyes gently trailed up and down the girl's body. from her slightly tan skin which was partially visible through her soaked white top, to her soft lips which looked too enticing to the girl.
gaeul knew it was wrong. she shouldn't be having feelings for someone who already has a partner but the second she saw yujin's eyes trail down her body in the same manner, all the righteous thoughts seemed to leave her mind.
all she could think about was yujin's lips on hers and hands on her waist. and by the way yujin kept staring at her parted lips, her feelings didn't seem one sided anymore.
as yujin reached down to finally connect their lips, gaeul remembers thinking that this was probably just a one time thing. oh how wrong she was. so delightfully wrong. it had made her so happy that she was wrong.
the forbidden kiss turned into kisses and planned dates were soon to follow. she remebers how yujin would ignore yn's call and lie to her about work all while laying on gaeul's bed with her arms around her waist.
it was wrong, but it made gaeul happy. seeing yujin choose her over her girlfriend made gaeul feel like she was more important, like she was worth lying about.
as the days continued, yujin's attention completely lifted from yn and shifted to gaeul. gaeul remembers feeling slight guilt but yujin was quick to kiss it all away.
she remembers asking yujin to come clean to yn and finally break up with her. she was hurt when yujin straight up refused but yujin kissed all the hurt away. she always did.
the day they were caught by yn was probably the best day of gaeul's life. all her self doubts and insecurities vanished when yujin once again chose her over yn.
the following year felt like their honeymoon phase. they took a trip to their favorite places, had multiple dates and showed their devotion to each other every night. gaeul was on cloud nine. but as they say, nothing lasts forever.
the honeymoon phase soon lifted and they were back to their mundane lives. their was no more thrill of sneaking out to meet either. gaeul thought her life was finally stable like she always wanted. she had an amazing girlfriend, a well paying job, an apartment to her name. what more could a girl want?
just when gaeul thought she reached her happily ever after, things began to change. yujin wasn't as affectionate as she used to be, the kisses and "I love you"'s kept getting lesser and lesser and they barely spent any time together.
yujin would wake up early and head off to work without even eating breakfast. this could be normal behavior if it wasn't for the fact that gaeul worked at the same office and saw yujin arrive AFTER her everyday. "maybe she was just planning a surprise for me?" was the only thought that kept gaeul sane during this whole ordeal.
gaeul thought it'll get better soon but once again, she was wrong. yujin got even more distant and was barely around anymore. she would leave early and come back at ungodly hours.
she always had a smirk when typing on her phone and her white shirt smelled like some expensive perfume that didn't belong to either her or gaeul.
if gaeul wasn't so familiar with this setting, she could've easily chalked it up as a coincidence but she knew what all this meant.
the unfamiliar scent on yujin's shirt was once hers and the shaky hands holding the shirt were yn's. gaeul felt her heart constrict.
was this karma? gaeul already knew the answer but alas, sometimes choosing to remain in the dark hurts much less than seeing the truth.and so gaeul ignored all the signs and continued to delude herself into believing her life was just as put together as it was a year ago.
she knew she couldn't choose to remain blind forever and her thought was confirmed when one day she walked into a new Cafe while grocery shopping, only to see her girlfriend making out with choi yena.
yena was a good friend of yujin's even before yujin and yn got together. they were very close to each other. yena knew everything about yujin and vice versa. yena knew about yujin and yn's relationship, she knew about yujin cheating with gaeul and she also knew about gaeul and yujin's new relationship. yet here she was, passionately kissing her.
it was familiar in a sense, gaeul was once in yena's place. she was once the "other girl". she thought that phase got over when yujin finally got rid of yn. she finally got to be the main character of her love story, just to be replaced by Choi Yena. she was once again, just the "other girl".
with a sigh, gaeul turned her back to the two, tears clouding her eyes. she let out a silent sob as she walked out of the Cafe. that day gaeul realized one thing, "once a cheater, always a cheater" isn't just a phrase, it's a reality that managed to ruin gaeul.
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cwpiqwon ยท 7 months
๐Ÿ“ฉ important notice:
it's already the end of October and I have my practicals from Jan and a shit ton of practical files to make along with studying for boards and the neet.
as much as I love talking to people and writing fics on tumblr, it's a huge distraction for me. in order to focus more on my studies and hopefully live up to my parent's expectations. I'll be going inactive soon.
this is my last day on here and I'd like to spend it with you all as you've been a major source of my happiness for a long time. let's talk one last time<3
I'll be logging off and deleting the app at 12:00 pm ist and hopefully won't re-install until like July or August of 2024. I may log in through the web a few times during holidays but that'll be all.
thank you for being by my side and making 2023 an amazing year for me!
-your chiro
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cwpiqwon ยท 1 month
here's a few upcoming fics that you can expect to see by the end of this month 1. the sin and sinner fic 2. a request by my precious red 3. a series
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cwpiqwon ยท 8 months
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cwpiqwon ยท 2 months
๐–ฅป ๐Ÿ’พ โžŸ chiro's mail : important discussions/polls
๐–ฅป ๐Ÿ–ฒ โžŸ server update : writings
๐–ฅป ๐Ÿ•น โžŸ answered queries!ยก : asks
๐–ฅป ๐Ÿ“ฅ โžŸ spam mails : random posts/rants
๐–ฅป โ˜Ž๏ธ โžŸ mootie : mutuals (new)
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