bitofthisandthat · 11 months
Gabby for 4.5 freaking years on this blog: I fear not the icy grip of death's bloody, unforgiving fingers. I live by the sword, and I shall DIE by it.It is the honorable end I shall take, standing up as I am slaughtered by foes. Gabby meeting ACTUAL Death recently: Bitch I am so scared of dying please oh please let me not die yet I have so much crap I'm going to have to answer for oh my GO d..
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bitofsin · 11 months
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@heedingcalls | @heedingsins asked: "See what a mess you've made me, Precious?" (Steel to Gabby. Because horny birbs and gonna be horny birbs >_>)
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It had been a LONG stint apart this time...Her freelance work had been cropping up more and more, and his missions were paring down to the one-man ops he had done before she came along. Really, it was like the whole world was trying to keep them off each other and she was FASTLY tiring of it. Squirming in her seat, she flipped through her last texts to him, and tensed again. Groaning, her head hit the back of her seat, and her long neck lolled her gaze off to stare into the dark night in her window. 40 minutes until landing...
The final text he sends has her fingers clawing into the armrest.
She practically flies across the threshold, dropping her bag and swords on marble with a loud clamour. She's peeling off each piece of stubborn clothing in growling frustration, as she races to their room.
The second her foot hits the bedroom threshold, she's met with his equally desperate, naked form, grasping at her jaw from either side, pulling her into a deep, metal-meets-fleshy kiss. Gabby's hands flay at his shoulders before she's able to dig her fingertips into his broad shoulders, scratching under pale plumage at hidden flesh. A muffled growl is met against her tongue as she hikes her bare hips into his, grinding whatever she can of her body over his arousal planted between them. His form towers over hers, able to grasp at the back of her skull with one palm; thick digits card through moss-toned feathers, as the other cups desperately over the swell of her ass with harsh possession. It wins a high-pitched squeal muffled against his tongue, that tapers into a low, barreling moan. She wrenches her hands between them, palms planted harshly at each pectoral. She manages to pull them apart, arms wavering from his strength, but she is still able to nick him HARD with a raw bite to his neck, disorienting him for a split second. It's enough to get his guard down. She shoves him roughly--playfully--backward onto the bed with a crazed chuckle.
He's larger than her, but with the state they're both in, their bodies are too supercharged and quivering to register. He's down with a loud umpf! and he's immediately trying to wedge himself back upright to grab at her again. In a quick tactical maneuver, her form lands over his, thighs parting and planting his pelvis down again as her arms pin him asymmetrically.
She crawls savagely over his form, undulating her breasts to his strong chest before sinking her hips over his, rolling over his entire form in a cruel taunt. She hums lazily into his ear, dragging her tongue down to his neckline. Her soaked folds BARELY touch his length when she feels his hips rise against her belly in a sharp clench; his warm, thick seed spurting over her abdomen and inner thigh, dripping past her entrance.
"See what a mess you've made me, Precious?"
His words are spoken between chuckles and harsh breath, with not a hint of embarrassment. Of course not.
Grey eyes stare down at his form, a fine brow quirked the sticky mess between them. She clicks her tongue, her eyes roving back from the scene of the crime to his eyes. Her voice is low, and velvety. "Hn. We just have to start over...and over..." She crawls back over him, dragging her nails over his torso as rough, possessive kisses plant higher and higher. "And....over...."
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bitofthisandthat · 11 months
Gabby what's the most complicated maneuver you've ever managed to pull off in your line of work?
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Send 🍁 + Any question you’ve been curious to know about my muse!
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"I do not think it has happened yet. Because every single time I think I have pulled off some tremendous feat, another job pushes me over the edge of my previous accomplishment to where I think to myself: 'This is it. This is where I die.'"
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"Hnnnnn. I know that everyone expects me to declare my skirmish with the Moon Invasion aliens as the most complicated maneuver I have used in battle, but truthfully--If you cannot divert and disarm space aliens shooting lasers with mere 14th century era dual blades as your only defense, you need to go home. Take a shower. Wash the shame from your body and quit everything you think you are good at. Because that is a basic Kunoichi skill set."
She pauses, stretching into her memory of all her jobs past, and all she can register are feats anyone of her class would need to master.
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"I suppose there was a time I had been completely disarmed by my foe, and needed to leap onto a ceiling I-beam at a warehouse for escape, then swing my body into a backflip onto a moving tram that was cutting through the factory. I had to ride it low, holding a tiger stance while it sped away, whilst dodging all kinds of projectiles being hurled at me. Some basic weaponry, some bullets. And once I got out of the tunnel into the fresh air, I had to use basic hand-to-hand combat with another foe that had jumped onto the train top with me--for several minutes--while the tram barreled ahead at top speed. I had to keep this up without falling off and down to my death below, as we were racing over a bridge track. It was also a narrow surface to either side of me, and each box car top was rounded. So holding my balance while fighting intricately was...exhausting. But when I saw the next tunnel coming, I was able to flatten myself swiftly, and watch as my enemy beheaded herself by way of the tunnel's stone arch. She was far too stupid, emotional, and allowed herself to be distracted by her surroundings. Oh well.
Needless to say, slipping of that messy scene and into the boxcar window below was a welcomed rest. For...at least a few moments before her partner entered from the back.
I hate when that happens, breath is needed between bouts. But. Anyway. I am here, and they are not. End of story."
0 notes
bitofthisandthat · 6 months
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@rolliesmuses asked: " Have you considered joining FOWL? " Bradford asked the capable young lady. " We can, of course, pay you if you require money. "
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She doesn't show one scrap of emotion. Her features are cool as she's flipping through the many filed away responses she uses when approached by an illicit organization. She is not easily recruited by...Networks. Individuals? Small groups? Easy. But other Syndicates, Organizations, Secret Societies? Pass.
"Everyone requires money. If you are good at something, you never do it for free."
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"Besides. I may have severed my ties with The Dragon Heads of my old Syndicate, but they will destroy me for joining another. It was in the blood agreement I signed when I severed my ties and went rogue. I prefer my freedom in choosing whichever job I want. Joining a...club....requires I do what they say, not what I wish."
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"Leashes. Do not suit me."
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bitofthisandthat · 5 months
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@rolliesmuses: Rinko to Gabby " What are your intentions with Gyro Gearloose? Did you know his inventions have killed many people? "
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The slowest of blinks is given as the tall woman regards the other. Here we go again...why do law-abiding agent-types always feel the need to question the stoic bird like she would ever divulge anything. What about her silent behavior says: 'Yes I will buckle like a belt and tell you everything you need to know?'
Especially since she's done her fair share of killing...who is she to judge Gyro?
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"I will be picking up our dinner in a few moments, and then I will proceed to meet him where we shall be eating it comfortably while watching terrible Korean soap operas on Nestflix. Perhaps later we shall use the bathroom. I may help him feed his cats in between episodes. We may fall asleep on the sofa. That is my intention."
She's NO snitch.
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bitofthisandthat · 6 months
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@rolliesmuses asked: Markie peered at Gabby McStabberson* ' Yknow we never went on that date...' he grumbled with a pronounced pout.
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She quirked a brow over to him, and puzzled. Did he ever actually ask her anything of the sort? That family sure was an assuming, entitled bunch.
"I do not date. I may consume drinks and be seen in public with the intended partner, but only if it means I am going to get what I want later." Blunt as a brick, as always.
"But I suppose I can accommodate you this time."
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"Whatever do you have in mind?"
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bitofthisandthat · 1 year
@wolfpackmuses [ From HERE ]
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The mercenary nodded curtly, pulling her sword with a sharp, but quick screech from behind her baldric. She looked forward at her target ahead, keen eyes focused at them, but not at the white wolf adjacent to her. True to her word, she did not even utter a word or grunt to signal to Death that she was going in, she simply sped ahead in a quiet, swift leap, practically flying at her oblivious opponent.
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A soundless land behind the opponent, and her sword dispatched him in an instant, with a clean swipe before he knew what hit him. And down he collapsed in lifeless heap. Before she could root through his pockets for the prized item he carried, she whisked off again at the tiny sound of another target in the tree, probably his cohort. There was the soft sound of leaves rustling above, a few dropping in a poetic contrast to the bloody, veiled action above. Droplets of blood dripped subtly onto the branches under the shadows. There was a loud crack, and three branches being hit one after the other before the cohort's roar in pain was silenced for good...Down he went to the ground, but with no trace of the eagle, who had been concealed among leaves and shadows. Not a single leaf fluttered below her.
She did, however, appear in the shadows next to Death with a smug, but stoic look on her face, her voice cutting into the silence like a bucket of ice.
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"How is that."
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bitofthisandthat · 7 months
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@heedingcalls asked: ❛ Everybody knows that edible arrangements are what you send to people you hate. ❜ ( from Steel to Gabby )
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The Assassian pauses thoughtfully, setting the potted fruit down elegantly. She thought nothing of it, assuming it was a carefully chosen gift for her, the sender must have known how little she thought of junk food, let alone meaningless gifts like flowers. Even with his flat sarcasm, she takes a bite out of another pineapple 'blossom.'
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"But I prefer it to candy. I see nothing wrong with it."
Yet again, Steelbeak has to remind her of certain subtleties among FOWL agent behavior. Huh. So someone's a tad JEALOUS of Gabby's success as a 'mere' subcontractor under the rooster. She can't help that she's far better at her job than a permanent agent. Truthfully, part of her is thrilled and deeply amused she's pissed off another high ranking agent by being Steelbeak's number one go-to, and impressing High Command. That kind of in-fighting behind her back is why she started working with him in the first place...It's always good for the ego when you make the little people squirm in your presence, especially when you go straight to the top and work alongside the highest ranked agent without any dues being paid first.
But the other part of her is annoyed that someone is this petty and childish. At least it wasn't poisoned.
"Too bad. I liked it." She glances over her shoulder, zero irony in her voice.
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"Should we send 10 of these to Ms. Pine? Perhaps fill a room of these for Ms. Heron? Though it seems such a waste for perfectly good fruit."
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bitofsin · 1 year
👀 from Death for Gabby/Lily
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send 👀 for a dirty thought and/or fantasy my muse has had about yours.
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"Easy enough. You are quite larger than me. I am usually the tallest one in the room. Therefore, I am expected to corner them, male or female, and fuck their brains out. So, when a male is so much bigger or taller than I, I wish to be taken hard and fast from the back. And I mean hard and fast. Although to be perfectly clear, I don't mean anything anal. That can be negotiated much later. But yes, grope me from behind and ride as rough as you please. Trust me. I can take it. My people are stronger than they look and can fuck for hours, it is in my bloodline ."
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"I will want to put up a fight, I am not as demure as ya'll think. I save that faintin'-blushin'-belle stuff if I really care about you, but if we're just talkin' pure pleasure? Then, ah-heh, I like luring ya in, lettin' you think I'm shocked and surprised, but you'll know I want it if you've been escorted int'a my quarters, where I EXPECT to be overpowered and be pinned down while you have your wild way with me. And I will play back and try to claw my way out of it, but don't worry. No one gets that far without me wantin' it. I intend to be ravaged, and dominated. If you can get me there, then alright. I may wantch'u again."
@ofwolfpacksins | @wolfpackmuses
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bitofthisandthat · 1 year
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@heedingcalls​ asked: “Don’t worry, I’ll keep your terrifying reputation in tact.” Gabs and Steel <3
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As soon as she saw it, the silver tray flew out of her hands--
Contents scattered all over the tiles as she deftly caught the tray on rebound, flinging herself tiger-crane style onto their expensive counters. Immediately, the silver tray was poised as a shield.
"Get it! Just get it and put it outside. Get it out now. Sterling--”
The very tall, stoic assassin that has raided high security fortresses, spied on lords, helped blackmail business titans, and slaughtered for mere money, is now standing high up on the countertop of their penthouse kitchen, unable to function. All because of a little...invader.
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"Do not smash it. Just...GET IT OUT. The sliding door--there--what are you doing laughing at a time like this?!” She has the silver cheese tray up to her face as if it will magically protect her from the rodent, disgusted that all its contents are on the pristine floor, feeding the ‘enemy.’ Sure, she could smash it into red and gray paste, but she is far too cringed to even FATHOM getting down there and handling it. No screams yet, but her left eye is twitching as the small rat devours their very expensive cheese and figs. 
“Stop it. Stop laughing.”
When the rooster finally gets ahold of himself, he plucks the rodent up by its tail, the creature writhing and squeaking. NOW she screeches like a child.
Another obnoxious fit of his tell-tale laugh, and he’s tossing the poor rat out into their elevator, off to be someone else’s problem on the ride down. When it’s gone, he’s smacking his hands together after a job complete, sighing in amusement. She is not amused...but, relaxed at last.
Oh, that face.
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“Not. One. Word. To anyone. Or I shall kill you.”
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bitofthisandthat · 1 year
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@heedingcalls​​ asked: “Do you think it’s too much, or can I pull it off?” Gabby and Steel
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He can pull almost anything off and look like a GQ model, whether he’s in his usual formal attire or if he’s just in a pair of boxers and a tank. No matter what Steelbeak is wearing, it is always perfection. He is just as obsessed as she is about her own appearance; they must always look like an unreachable standard for everyone else....and it’s one of the most binding things about their relationship that they have in common. NEITHER would let the other go out of the penthouse into the world looking like garbage. Now, coming in after a mission where either party had been beaten, disheveled, and ripped apart, that’s another story.
But once and awhile, he puts on something...that defies explanation, and she knows it’s GOT to be strictly for a mission. It’d be something he’d never be caught dead in of his own free will, something he could even be JOKING about. 
This is one of those times.
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“..........So we are doing an underwater mission, I take it?” She hopes. Because no one can see what you look like 20 fathoms below. She could say something SCATHING about this ‘uniform,’ but they are engaged to be married now, so she’s going to have to behave herself. For his sake. Because she loves him. 
No...no she can’t.
“You look like a Seaworld dolphin trainer dipped in silver nail polish. I am truly sorry that I cannot withhold the truth, but it is far too painful to let you go out there and fight SHUSH idiots looking like...that. I am ripping it off of you thread by thread as soon as the mission is over.”
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bitofthisandthat · 2 years
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@elveswithoutears​ | @terrorofthenight asked: “Can’t you just, like, chill out for once and, I don’t know, have fun?” - teenage gos to gabby
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Angry brows crease downward, an arm posted at her hip.
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“No! Not when I get a call from the principal of your school telling me and Drake to come down there immediately to deal with you.” The gambling and hustling is one thing, but skipping classes is another.
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“I will have fun when you start behaving like a hero again and not a jackass.” That came out way stranger than she meant it. Sometimes knowing 3 languages works against you when you’re upset... “What is going on with you, Gosalyn?”
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bitofthisandthat · 2 years
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@decanard​  [ JUNE or MAY ]​
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“....Were you not on some covert kiddie mission 5 minutes ago?” 
She pretends to be more interested in her weapon, polishing it with a dull expression on her face, as usual. “Or was that posturing again to get the jump on me?” 
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bitofthisandthat · 2 years
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“Hnnn...your boss put me in a deprovation cube.”​
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bitofthisandthat · 2 years
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“I must always be the one to lasso everyone in a group heist because Hack and Slash can’t tie their own bootlaces.”
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“And I must also make sure that they fasten their seat belts on the ride over. And I must keep the child locks activated on their windows.”
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bitofthisandthat · 2 years
She’s a 10 buuuuuuut….. she WILL NOT tell anyone her birthday. Or birth month. Or year. Or fucking anything. It’s a wild guess every year. It could be TODAY and you will never know how old she is.
Signed, Distressed Rooster Boyfriend
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Send “____ is a 10, but..” and fill in the rest to call out my muse!
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“Hn. The truth is...I do not know my real birthday. I was left at the residence of my masters when I was freshly hatched, so as far as I know it is in the first week of January. According to information I received from your mother, I am 5 years younger than you.”
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“Besides, birthdays are meaningless to someone that may be killed at any time, as the Snake Heads say. I do not need anything for that day. Every day I live and I am not killed by a rival is better than one day of vanity celebrating my entrance into this life.”
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“And...I am with you now, there is nothing else I need to justify my life.”
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