#😈🔥🐟 '' HB Brainrot ''
percyshipz · 2 years
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🥺🥺🥺 he likes the mow mow 
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percyshipz · 2 years
Why does the pig talk like me :sobs:
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percyshipz · 2 years
HELLO??? PLEASE INFO DUMP ABOUT YOUR HELLBOY S/I PLEASE??? I may not remember most of the Del Toro movies but I’d still love to hear about your insert 👉🏼👈🏼 and who they’re with hehe
Thank you for the ask Mia!!! : D 
OKAY OKAY OKAY SINCE YOU KINDA MENTIONED THE MOVIES I'M GONNA TALK ABOUT THE DEL TORO MOVIE VER OF THEM !!!!!!! ( I have like 4 diff vers, The Del Toro movies, The 2 animated movies, The comics and then the Neil Marshall movie. I am HERE for all the content I can get my grimy hands on ehehhehehehe )
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okay so they were originally founded in Scotland, No one knows exactly of their origin since they were just kinda found living in a closed off community - It started off fine until my s/i was found around one of the local farms and things started getting freaky, weird shit happened and soon some guy got a hold of them and claimed they were some sort of god - Because all the weird shit around the community was somehow linked back to them, which is not the case, But due to their weird ass appearance, Some people believed them and boom. Cult shit began. It continued and soon got so bad, some people began to escape from the closed community and word spread about them all the way to the BR.PD who began to investigate because ooaa supernatural spooky shit. 
After confirming my S/i's existence via agents who got on the inside. They stormed the place and took them away ( Much to their dismay ). My s/i was around 5 at the time and didn't understand anything and was just upset they were being taken away from their home, Didn't understand the cult stuff either though. From then on, They grew up in the BR.PD ( Specifically the European faction ) learning about the paranormal and going on missions that were relevant and they could help. During this time they learned how to " change form " kinda. Before they were a full-scale deer centaur but figured out how to make themselves more human-esque and prefers this as it's easier to fit in and maneuver around places ( although sometimes they still have to go sideways through doorways ). Since they never really met any other super natural creatures apart from ones they had to fight. Quick sketch for reference for the forms type thing : )
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Briefly met Professor Broom before he requested they be transferred to the American department sighting there were no other anomaly's similar to my s/i in the area so they were just like " here you go. "
As an adult, they were transferred to the seeing as Abe, HB and Liz were there to provide a more relatable environment, as seeing they aren't human. So when they got there and saw HB and Abe ( WHO IS MY QPP because I said so ) they were just like !!!!!!!!!!!! and immediately were sliding and trying to be friends with them, but they are incredibly introverted so it's just a small ' I will stand near you ' and ' follow you around like a lost puppy ' because that worked with other people. Then they met Liz ( when they had gotten there, Liz had tried quitting once again but returned after some events ) and she was kinda weary due to her abilities but my s/i was already glued to their side. The two bonded extremely well however, much to everyone's surprise. Professor Broom was just happy that they were getting along w/ everyone.
HOWEVERRR, they started getting real close w/ HB because they have some strange stuff in common, unnaturally so but it's fun. Okay so they bond realllyyy well. It's cute and they hang out and bond. It is a MAJORRRR SLOW BURN. Like from the time in the BP.RD and then the first film? I wanna say they've been there for atleast ten years >: ) and 5 of those were spent in the pining stage because I LIKE THE TROPE JDHDH
The stuff between Liz and HB doesn't take place because it makes me uncomfortable. I don't mind my f/os having love interests it just... WITH CONTEXT IT'S REALLY GROSS UFGHGHG but I won't here to avoid triggering people / I don't wanna talk about it 😭. So even if I didn't ship w/ him. It would NOT be happening still no no no. But either way, Liz is very supportive and thinks it's cute and totally bullies me for it ( In the friend way ofc ) while Abe is wing manning the shit out of HB. Because he thinks it's cute seeing him all staring and then just being like 😁 when I see him doing it. He takes all the long glances and when I walk past, He glancing back like ' Pretty person jdfjcb '. Also Abe totally knows how I feel and finds the whole pining stuff amusing, comparing it to his books >: ( Fucking hand man touches me once, Knows my lil secrets grrr. Turning us into his little romance novel ksjsjfjg
I've not worked out their role in the movies EXACTLY but generally they just accompany HB around as well as Abe and Liz on whatever hijinks that’s going on. They're present in the sewer scene and take down one of the dog things ( but not without being harmed lmao but they totally saved Abe's ass too ), although instead of the stuff w/ Liz, Myers shows slight interest in my s/i and Liz. Although HB is all Grrrr when Myers and I get some alone time and it's mostly just discussing HB and my feelings but he doesn't know that. Total baby about it. After realizing why he's moping, They find it absolutely amusing as hell. Although I'm still working on how, They get together by the end of the first movie and everyone's just like " TOOK YOU LONG ENOUGH. " and kinda don't say anything until I've re-watched the 2nd movie, But they totally shit talk Nua.da and he doesn't understand it thanks to my modern slang / refrences 
My S/I: I'm gonna grab you by your hair and swing you around like a barbie >: )
Nua.da: What is a... barbie?
But outside that, I'm not sure how to go from here yet with the story but I'm working on movie lore a lot : ) With all the other lore to sort through [ Working on the comics last cause I only started reading them recently :' ) Annddd it's very long ]. It's been fun re-watching and figuring out to try and fit it together. Once I do, I plan on making a more solid time line.
Their is a reason for their specific appearance and abilities BUUTTTT I wanna leave that a mystery for now cause if I end up writing a fic or something. I think it would be cool to reveal it there, If I do. If not I’ll probably just end up writing it somewhere else anyway lol. 
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percyshipz · 2 years
yeah ngl I find it really uncomfy in the movies with the whole Li.z and HB thing going on.  Just because HB and Li.z have known each other since she was young, Considering he’d be 60 in the movies but physically only just out of his late 20′s, but still mentally he’d be 60 or smth even though he’s a man baby. Going off general lore she would have been around 10 when introduced to the BR.PD and it’s CONFIRMED she grew up with an adult HB. so... ugh. I just. It’s just really fucking uncomfortable. Like I adore the movies but I hate that shitty subplot. It’s just fucking weird. 
There is EVEN a scene where they kinda address it in the first movie but it’s still ew cause it’s one sentence and then forgotten. I’m probably gonna rewrite everything for my sona because I ain’t having that shit. 
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percyshipz · 2 years
I lvoe the difference between Hel.lbo.y in the comics and movies.  Like in the comics mans just wants to be left alone
in the movies he’s a man baby. It’s so fucking funny. 
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percyshipz · 2 years
Fhdhfuv brainstorming udeas for powers / if I want them to be a cryptid kinda thing.
I'm thinking either somwthkng similar to s.cp 16.6 or like a venus flytrap dem.agor.gan type shit. Or maybe looking into more urban legends. I really don't know but The comics been good so far so 👌
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