#😎 Yomiel Answers | Asks
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@littleoneloveyou​ asked:
You are loved 🐱
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“Awwww, such a cute little kitten, I love you too!”
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temsikfates · 10 months
Yomiel, would you describe yourself as user-friendly?
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[😎] “The fuck you mean by that???”
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crossed--fates · 5 years
all multiples of 10 for the ask meme
70 asks meme
10: When was your last physical fight?
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[☄️] - “With this adorable wolf girl named Seluna. @crinosgf Such an interesting fight.”
20: Where was the last place you snogged someone?
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[😎] - Huh... That’s a rather personal question, isn’t it?” In our hotel room, since we’re still on vacation.
30: What’s irritating you right now?
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[😎] - “This damned heat. Brazil’s such a hot country at this time of the year. Although the vacation is going pretty nice, but this heat? I hate it.”
40: Have you ever walked outside completely naked?
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[😎] - “WTF? Of course not! What kind of man do you think I am?”
60: Do you wanna get married?
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[😎] - “You don’t even need to ask because this answer is quite obvious.”
70: Is there anyone you would die for?
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[😎] - “These two adorable Sissels right here.”
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temsikfates-archive · 2 years
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Anonymous asked:
Hey, Yomiel, after existing half-alive half-dead for years... What part did you miss the most of being alive? What are you most happy to have back?
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“Oh gods, there’s so many things... But I guess what I missed the most... was Warmth.
Feeling the warm sun in my skin after feeling cold for so long, the warmth of a loved one’s embrace. Warmth that reminds me that I have blood running on my veins, that I’m alive. I was left in the cold for so long that feeling it now... It feels like a blessing.”
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temsikfates-archive · 2 years
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@multivergentrp​ asked:
The bushy tail of a small fox can be seen slinking under the seat of a nearby table in the restaurant, while a young man with black hair, dark complexion, and wearing a fancy-ish grey suit is busy looking under other tables, in the wrong direction.
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Yomiel had seen lots of odd things, this certainly was one of them. But how could he judge this when he had seen so much more odd things himself, being a former undead being one of them. He just sighed, though he can’t deny the scene slightly amused him and he needed a good distraction.
“If you’re looking for your pet, it’s right there.” He pointed to where he looked the bushy tail sticking out from under the table.
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temsikfates-archive · 2 years
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@electricea​ asked:
"I got you this bright red spicy red ramen! Reminded me of your jacket!"
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[😎] “Aww, thank you kid! That’s very kind of you.” Yomiel reached for his pocket, taking some candy out from it. “Here, I have some candy left from yesterday. Happy Haloween!”
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temsikfates-archive · 2 years
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send REFLECT for me to explain a traumatic event
Anonymous asked:
REFLECT I want him to ramble about it too
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Perception of events.
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“I don’t even know where I start. Maybe I should start with the very beginning: the interrogation.
When Cabanela cornered me during the interrogation, I thought I was going to be arrested, for sure. Sissel had just lost her dad, a month ago and was depressed because she was very close to him... I feared the worst would happen if I were to be arrested for a crime I didn’t commit. Who would be there to comfort Sissel if that happened? That’s when I, in a state of panic, commited my first mistake: the stealing of Cabanela’s gun as he forgot it in the room with me.
I ran off in the hopes of returning to Sissel, but Detective Jowd was in hot pursuit. He shot a warning shot and I panicked. The first thing after that was grab a little girl that was playing by the fountain as a hostage in a desperate attempt to make the detective let me go. That was my second mistake.
Then next thing I knew... I heard a loud noise of something crashing down into the earth, my earth shaking under my feet, but before I could realize what was going on... I felt something sharp pierce me from behind, I barely even had time to process the pain as everything went black... and I died.”
(Cutting for length)
“When I came to, the world was tinted in dark blue. I had lost all my memories, I didn’t know who I was or where I was... I tiny meow next to my dead body made me reach out to a little stray kitten that was wandeirng alone in the park... I reached towards him and my soul transferred to the kitten. For a while, I thought I was a cat and lived with the little kitten, sharing his body.”
“Soon I realized I could control the kitten, making him obey my commands. I was a ghost that was somehow able to manipulate the kitten and other objects too. As I spent time sharing the kitten’s body, my memory came back once I saw a newspaper article while helping to get food for my feline friend. The news of the incident brought my memory back.”
Sissel, I have to get back to her! 
“But first I needed to get my body back. I went to the morgue, where my body was, possessed it and hurried to her old house, where she used to live with her father”
“But I was too late.”
“I had just missed her as she left this world... she only left me a note that said, “I'm coming to you, Yomiel.”
“My worst fear had come true. And worst of all, I couldn’t do anything, I was dead. Eventually I adopted the kitten I shared a body with and named him Sissel, after her, giving him her red scarf that was the only thing I got left of her.”
“Those ten years were the worst thing that ever happened to me. Living in this infinite loneliness and despair, having no one else to turn to and only having a cat for a friend, it twisted my mind and turned me into a monster, hungry for revenge on all the people involved in the Temsik incident. And even if those ten years were erased by Sissel bringing me back, the memories will stay with me forever and haunt me, like a ghost lurking into my soul, leaving a permanent scar in my psyche.”
Which parts have stayed with them longest and how it affects them now.
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“The part that stayed with me the longest, of course, it was my memories of it, since memories are not erased even if a fate is averted. And it will forever be with me, reminding me of my worst crimes and what I was capable to do when at the bottom of my despair. The horrible person I had become. How it affects me now? I will never, ever be able to forgive myself for it. I’m trying to move on from the past... But it’s not easy, not with these memories, knowing what I did... And it also gave me enough traumas for a lifetime. I will never set foot in a park again and seeing a fountain is enough to trigger a panic attack... And I also have my legs, that were crushed that day when I tried to save Lynne. I can still walk, but my legs were never the same since then and I have chronic pain, having to take medicine for it once in a while and I can’t climb stairs, run, or carry weight anymore. But this is nothing compared to all the emotional damage this cursed meteorite has caused me.
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temsikfates-archive · 2 years
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Send me a number for my muse to talk about …
@dhampiravidi​ asked:
8. someone they view as a role model 9. someone they would like to befriend
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[😎] Shades ||  8. someone they view as a role model
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“Sissel’s father had always been a role model to me. My family was always messed up, my father used to beat me and my mother up when I was a child and it left scars in my soul that never fully healed. I looked up to Sissel’s dad because to me, he was the perfect example of a what a real, good father should be like. A man who puts his child above all else, who cares about them. And I vowed to be like him, when I were to build my own family with Sissel. May he rest in peace now.”
[💍] Lady Sissel ||  9. someone they would like to befriend
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“Detective Jowd and his wife, Alma seem like good people! They supported me a lot during the time Yomiel was imprisoned. I don’t know what I would have done without them, despite everything that happened ten years ago, but I’m glad it’s all left in the past now.”
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“I’m definitely inviting them to our wedding. Plus, Yomiel is quite fond of their kitten. He can’t resist a Sissel!” She giggles.
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temsikfates-archive · 2 years
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@miles-of-muses​ asked:
Firecracker hopped into his lap, making themselves comfortable. They have chosen the red suit human to lay on, there they shall stay.
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When the kitten jumps into his lap, Yomiel can’t help but smile at the little creature. Cats always seemed to brighten his humor, he can never get enough of these adorable furballs.
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“Oh, hey little buddy! You can stay here as long as you like.” He said, gently reaching to stroke the cat’s soft fur.
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temsikfates · 10 months
Sissel doesn't know why humans have a dedicated cat day, but he's not complaining! He will certainly use today as an excuse to curl up in Yomiel's lap and purr for quite a while.
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He's just gonna lavish his kitten with attention during all day, after all what better way to celebrate cat day than with the best of all cats?
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temsikfates · 10 months
What about Pomeranians? Are the pom-poms good?
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[😎] “I was never much of a dog person, for some reason dogs don't tend to like me much. But Missile is the exception, he is a good boy. He saved my life, after all. So yeah, Pomeranians are good.”
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temsikfates · 10 months
That answers my question
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[😎] “Really?”
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[💍] “Don't mind him, it's a Scorpio thing, they're always ready to 'sting'.”
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temsikfates · 10 months
Kitty Sissel wants to see if Yomiel's sunglasses still look good on him even in this form. Cue him sneaking up on a pair on the table trying to carefully nudge them onto his face without them slipping off his small head.
Yomiel noticed the kitten on thable trying to put his glasses on and he can't help cuckling at it.
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“Hey, buddy, need help? Here, lemme help ya.”
He puts the sunglasses on the kitten and takes a picture, showing it to his friend..
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“You look dashing!”
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temsikfates · 10 months
Yomiel! Do you support cats' wrongs?!
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[😎] “I support cat's everything, they're pure babies, they are never wrong, ever.”
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temsikfates · 10 months
Yomiel: you have to pick between coffee, cats, or coding. Go!
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[😎] “Ugh... Why must I choose?”
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[😎] “Well, okay, I'll stay with cats.”
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temsikfates · 11 months
❣️ how do they envision their future together ? ( Yomiel and F!Sissel )
Ship headcanons (always accepting!)
// Both of them want to have kids, maybe up to three or four. Probably some more cats along the way, Yomiel can never get enough of cats. Both of them living in a suburban home, raising their kids together (cats included) and living their best lives.
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