redflagsandbanners · 1 year
omg hi im the drawing anon youre so sweet lmao
i wish i could do it digitally but im still learning my way around the technique so until then this was the best i could come up with while avoiding schoolwork lol hope you like it!
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also i gave steve booty shorts bc its steve, although i think his hair shouldve bee fluffier, and nancy has robin' flannel tied around her waist bc girlfriends
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IM LOSING IT I swear to fuck Im absolutely losing it
My buddy my friend I cannot even express the wonder they are so on point its like you've gotten in my head and pulled the damn scene out I'm so asdfghjkfghjk this is amazing and the DETAILS WHAT LOOK AT THEIR CLOTHES AND THEIR HAIR AND AAHHHHHHH
I'm opening the doc document. IM OPENING IT.
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delikaitxx · 8 months
Tw: mentions of longing for someone without realizing it. I try to write from experience what it’s like to not know you had a crush on your best friend until you come to realize who you are. Jason is also a little bitch.
‘86 // Chapter Thirteen: The Save
The afternoon of March 22nd, 1986
I pull up to Gareth’s place and my nerves are all over the place. “C’mon Rox. Obviously they know Eddie isn’t a murderer, snap out of it!” I tell myself as I grab my bag containing my essentials, including the walkie talkie. I get out of the van and make my way to Gareth’s garage. The guys are seemingly surprised to see me. “Hey guys.” I say nervously as I put my messy auburn waves behind my left ear. Gareth notices my anxiety while Jeff and Grant are just super happy to see me. “Hey, I’ll be right back. Roxie, do you want to grab a water or something?”
I start shaking a bit at the question. “I would, thank you.” I say as Gareth leads me to the inside of his home. We’re both in the kitchen and he just flat out asks, “beer or water?” “Beer.” I quickly reply. He hands me a bottle and I start drinking it. Gareth is deeply concerned, being the one I’m closest to out of the group. He can tell something is off. There’s a reason why we call him “Gareth the Great.” “Roxie, you know you can tell me anything right?” “Right.” “So, what’s going on? Is Eddie okay?” I stop drinking my beer at the question.
“Eddie’s okay… he’s innocent. He didn’t kill her.” Gareth’s eyebrows furrow and he nods with his two hands intertwined and his elbows on the table. “Is he really okay?” I blink a couple of times thinking about everything. “Yeah… he’s just very shaken up.” “How bad?” I hesitate telling him. I made an oath not to say anything, especially for Eddie’s sake. “Gareth, I can’t say.” “I swear to god I won’t say anything. Not even to Jeff and Grant. I’m extremely worried about Eddie. And you know I’m like your comrade.” “I know Gareth….” I consider it and sigh, taking another swig of my beer. “Fine. You have to be quiet about it. Nobody can know.” “Promise.”
“We gotta sit for this. It’s a lot.” I say as I grab my beer and we sit at the table like we’re talking over coffee. I take a deep breath before I start and settle my nerves. “Okay, you know how this shit town is ‘cursed’? That’s not entirely wrong. Do you remember the boy who went missing a couple years ago? Will Byers?” “Yeah.” He whisper as if he doesn’t want anyone to hear. “Well, a supernatural entity took him…. To another dimension… we call it the Upside Down. By ‘we’, I mean my brother, Mike, Lucas, Robin, and Nancy Wheeler. I should also mention Steve Harrington… and now, Eddie.”
Gareth takes this in like a champ. I knew he was more level headed than Jeff and Grant, but he’s taking me by surprise. “We found him… then a similar event happened a year later, which led to the murder of Bob Newby. That’s also when I found out about it. Keep in mind, you know I believe in shit like this. Starcourt Mall? Ran by Russians underground who opened a sealed gate to the Upside Down. It ultimately killed Billy Hargrove, and supposedly Chief Hopper.”
Gareth nods a bit more. “What’s going on this year? Since it seems to be a yearly thing.” He asks. “That’s what we’re trying to figure out. What killed Chrissy… it definitely wasn’t Eddie… Chrissy was possessed by something. We call it ‘Vecna’. So, Steve, Max and Dustin are at the school trying to get answers about Chrissy. While Nancy and Robin are at the library to get dirt on Victor Creel.” “How was the reunion with Wheeler?” “So….. weird…. I can’t explain it dude, but it felt right with her being there. It reminded me of old times. I miss those times… I miss her.” “I still think you had a crush on her.” “Buckley says the same thing!” We both laugh. “Did you have a crush on her?”
I think about it. I mean, I did get extremely jealous anytime I’d see Harrington with her. But, that could be because she was my best friend and all she did was shut me out. She’d hardly ever talk to me unless it was advice for Stevie boy. I’d brush her off too. “I’m not sure what that was…. I mean, it could’ve been…. Truly. I mean, I’m so happy with Eddie. She seems content with Jonathan. We’re both extremely happy.” “Did you ever think about her sleeping? That sounds so creepy.” “That is creepy what the fuck Emerson?” “Sorry, I mean. Did you think of her constantly? Being in Steve’s place. There’s so much resentment towards her that I can see that.”
“I mean, she is cute, yes. I would protect her at all costs. Maybe even better than bozo Harrington and creep Byers….. oh hell.” “Bingo!” I bite my bottom lip for thinking of everything. “How’s Wayne?” It gets quiet for a moment as I take a huge swig of beer after just coming out. “We haven’t talked to Wayne, except for Nancy, who says he’s worried. Eddie’s terrified. Soon, the whole town could be after him. That’s why I offered to be the red herring trying to throw off everyone.”
As I say that, we hear commotion outside. “What the hell?” I ask as we look out the window and see Jason, his goons, and their pitchforks. “Fuck.” I say nervously looking at Gareth. I grab my bottle and finish the beer when I see Sinclair. “I have an idea, you may not like it.” I say. “What?” “Distract them while I get Lucas.” “Yes Dungeon Mistress.” He says as I laugh over the nickname. “It stuck.” “Of course, we’ve been calling you that for over a year.” We go outside where I remain semi hidden from the idiots. The moment Gareth and Jason face off, it’s my cue. I quickly jet to the van and Lucas and I make eye contact. Target acquired. “Come here.” I mouth and motion to him.
The scared little boy looks at his “friends” then back at me and jets to the van. I open the back inside and he jumps in quickly. We shut the door and I look out the window with binoculars. Nobody bats an eye. He climbs in the passenger seat and I climb in the driver seat. “Hey buddy. Having fun with your ‘buds’?” I start the van. “Roxie, what is going on?” “Eddie’s in trouble. Upside down trouble. He’s at the cabin. I’d like to ask you the same thing, Sinclair.” He sighs. “You don’t like them at all and you are far from being like them.” What’s going on?” I start my big sister speech.
“Rox, it’s a popularity thing. I’m so insecure. When I’m with them, I feel powerful, like I’m the coolest person in the world. With DND… I don’t know.” “You think it’s uncool?” I blink a couple times catching his stench of being hungover and I start to ask. “Can I be honest?” “Yes. You always are.” I chuckle at the boy. “DND is really freaking cool. It’s awesome. It shows creativity. Everytime I watch you guys play, it brings so much joy! You love basketball? Awesome. Congrats on your big win last night. Robin wouldn’t stop raving about it.” Also, you’re insecure of what? Jason Carver and the Idiots? Fuck them. They don’t matter. You’re only just a freshman. High school is fucking terrifying. Don’t get into the wrong crowd. I mean, getting wasted one night and extremely hungover the next morning with those jerks sound fun to you? Or spending time with your best friends playing a silly little fantasy game better? Let’s not forget Max.”
His smile beams once I mention Max. “Look at that smile.” I compliment him. “Thank you Roxie.” “Of course, that’s what I’m here for.” We hug and hear more commotion. I break away from the hug and look out the rearview mirror. Carver just punched Gareth in the face and the guys try to help. “Hang on to something.” I tell Lucas angrily as I put the van into gear, revving up the engine. I make damn sure Jason stops and stares for a second, maybe to catch a glimpse of me.
I look in the rearview mirror and I make eye contact with him. I give him the finger before driving off. Lucas is highly impressed. “Wow Rox. Thank you for taking me away from them.” “Of course. It’s what big sisters do…. I was so tempted to run him over. He’s such an asshole… do you want to meet Steve, Max, and Dustin at the school or go back to the cabin?” “School, I need to see Max. Make sure she’s okay.” I smile at the thought as I jet off.
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