#🤷🏽‍♀️ imo the bigger narrative evil is making maverick pull Bradley’s papers (punish the son for the sins of his father) so that was my main
compacflt · 11 months
COMPACFLT, ma’am, you’ve absolutely wrecked me with: “My father—my father was kind”. I can’t even tell you exactly why, but that just struck right in the chest with the force of a sledgehammer, gosh. If it’s alright with you, could you please share your headcanons about Ice and Mav’s fathers? I know I’m, like, quoting your own work back to you but I can’t help it: “Well, dead pilot dads, that’s one thing we have in common.” —But do they? Or is one dead pilot dad vastly different from the other?
ice’s dad (Thomas kazansky sr.): asshole army major OH-6 and UH-1 pilot who got shot down over Vietnam in 1967. son of far-eastern-european immigrants. anti-commie. wanted ice to ALSO be a chopper pilot in the army, so ice went navy instead. daredevil dipshit who died & left ice’s mom alone with two young kids & whose death encouraged ice away from breaking the rules or being unsafe (esp. in the air). not necessarily a great person or a great father but died when ice was 8 so also not a huge influence on his life (i know val kilmer has said ice’s father was a big influence… I’ve written elsewhere about why i personally shifted ice’s narrative away from daddy issues and more towards Navy authority in general issues, in light of ice’s character and rank in tgm. GOD i need a master post sorry, but i think you can find it if you search “edts notes” on my blog and scroll for a while). ice’s LACK of a father -> no man to model himself on -> overcompensating & not getting it exactly right (doesn’t know how to talk to other men) -> maverick immediately clocks him as gay -> the plot of my fic.
Maverick’s dad (peter “duke” mitchell sr.): a genuinely awesome person. funny & kind, warm & loving, a truly good father & a great fighter pilot. big american patriot. Comes from a long long line of us navy personnel—maverick has the navy family name & the pedigree ice, as a second generation american, does not. Im still not sure who raised maverick—it’s one of those things I don’t have a strong opinion on, so it could go either way (i posited in the airplane one-shot that he was raised by relatives, aunt & uncle, but I know it’s a popular hc here that he was a foster kid—all equally plausible to me) but I do think he grew up exceedingly bitter, hearing about how great his dad was and how there was just no way! his dad could’ve failed the Navy the way he supposedly did, because he was just such a good person… there’s a real bitterness about original maverick that TGM maverick kind of lost. His bitterness only shows during the “it’s not the plane it’s the pilot” “EXACTLY” exchange (incidentally the scene that gave me the idea that Bradley thinks mav pulled his papers bc he’s openly gay…it’s the pilot not the plane, ouch). but i still think maverick is like deeply deeply bitter about how the navy handled his fathers death, which is what the excerpt i posted on wednesday is actually about—he confesses to ice how disillusioned he has been with the navy as an institution since he found out the truth about his father’s heroism. I know i just just just said that Maverick’s patriotic conservatism is his reason for existence in the meta “why we make mil propaganda movies” sense, and i stand by that, but i think on a human character level there probably has to be a little bit of deep-seated resentment towards the Navy for smearing his father’s good name and his own good name in the process. My maverick grew up a good Christian kid, called himself peter jr. after his good guy father, who never broke ANY rules until he was radicalized by not getting into the academy (“punish the son for the sins of his father”) and basically lost his mind for 30+ years. “If my family name automatically makes me a sinner in the navy’s eyes, then I might as well sin anyway.”
#i really don’t like Maverick’s character in tgm#which has been dulled down and his original motivation forgotten (upset at not getting into the USNA)#for the sake of…. pulling his OWN son’s papers from the USNA???#to serve the mil propaganda movie aim of recruitment as ive written about elsewhere on this blog#i tried to rectify this in my fics but it also meant that my exTREMELY bitter maverick is at odds with#the gentle soft-spoken slightly neutered maverick TGM actually presents us with#🤷🏽‍♀️ imo the bigger narrative evil is making maverick pull Bradley’s papers (punish the son for the sins of his father) so that was my main#fix-it priority.#mav’s bitterness is a side-effect of Bradley’s papers getting pulled anyway#yes to some extent they all have daddy issues#but i think it’s more complicated than that#pete maverick mitchell#tom iceman kazansky#top gun#top gun maverick#bradley rooster bradshaw#and also yeah i know it’s cool to make ice like representative of navy lineage but#imo theres a reason they gave him a Russian name in the 1980s. like.. he’s the semi antagonist#It’s overt Cold War propaganda. he is Soviet-coded. hes meant to invoke anti-american sentiment.#so personally I shifted ice away from navy lineage… he’s from an immigrant family he has a lot to prove and a lot standing in his way#ive written about icemav & religion but if i haven’t made it clear: the Navy is their religion.
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