#🥿! daisy's bday q&a
midnightmah07 · 4 months
Daisy's birthday is right around the corner!
To celebrate my Yuu's birthday I've decided I would be doing a small q&a (where your characters may also interact with Daisy if you wish) for my girl<3
- no nsfw questions
- regarding character interactions, if we haven't talked about your character before, you must send me a small introduction about them and their personality along with what they're saying/asking Daisy!
- nothing relating to canon x canon relationships, as in the au where Daisy lives the only canon couples are my own oc x canon. If it's oc x canon content I mighttt consider who knows we'll see >:]
- questions about the past (before NRC), present (where we're at in twsten) and future (after NRC) are allowed and encouraged
- I might not answer all questions with drawings, and I'm unsure if I'll be able to answer everything you guys send if it happens to be too many, but I will do my best!
- questions must be sent through my inbox
- q&a starts on Daisy's birthday (May 19th) and ends two days after (May 21st!)
With that out of the way, thank you so so so much for liking Daisy!!
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midnightmah07 · 4 months
With a hesitatabt knock, Poppy stood still before Ramshackle, an unusual nervousness evident on her face. Once the door opened to reveal Daisy however she looked far more pleased.
"Hello Daisy!! I was so worried that u weren't gonna be home today but im so glad you are! Hqooy birthday! "
Pushing forward a basket, Poppy looked away albit shyly.
"Its not much but i hope you like it! "
(very small cuz its js an interaction and im about to sleeo so sorry about that
The basket has pumpkin pie, a daisy plush and some actual daisies)
Daisy gasped as she looked inside the basket, a smile on her face as she held it tight to her chest.
"That's so sweet, Poppy, thank you. Come in! How about I make us some tea and we can eat this pie together?" She suggested, urging the girl to get inside. "Do make yourself at home. Oh, and if Grim tries to eat the pie before the tea is ready, don't be afraid to push him away. That kitty needs to learn how to wait."
With that, she got Poppy inside. She put the daisies in a small vase with water and the doll right beside it. She went straight to the kitchen, hurrying to get the tea ready, and once she was back she quickly sat down.
"Now..." She began, a small smile on her face. "Tell me, how are you and Epel doing?"
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midnightmah07 · 4 months
*kicks down door* Bow chicka bow bow *esplodes*
Here for the q/a!! Yeeee!!
First off, happy birthday Daisy, the skrunkly I wish to give her many hugs and kisses and just feed her so many treats and braid her hair
Okie, onto the question(I may finally come up with one later who knows-)
Okie, so, Daisy, what are your thoughts on Davi and Corbin? Especially when you first met them, what were your initial thoughts of them?
And this is a question more for you, my pookie schmoopsy bear Mah, whenever we finish our gifts do you want us to send them in asks or to posts them and tag you in them??
"Ah, Corbin-san! He's a good guy, I think I need to know more about him to have a more in depth opinion, but I do like him so far! Davi-san tho... I think he has a good heart, but I do have to say, it's a bit hard to manage being around him when Leona-senpai is an important figure in my life... I do hope they reconcile, and that I may get to know him better!"
(me talking now hehe) ahhh I don't really have a preference!! Whatever is easier for you, or whatever you feel most comfortable with I'll be ok with!! So I don't have a preference!!
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midnightmah07 · 4 months
hello hi 👋👋 happy birthday to daisy!! 😤💖💕💖 also i hope you dont mind me sending all three at once aahh
- What is Daisy’s opinion of the current slang and technology of TWST?
- How does Daisy see her future after NRC?
- If Daisy were to fall for another, who would it be? (it’s also completely valid if she can’t see being with anyone other than ruggie hfjdhdjd)
[no worries, I don't mind<3]
"Ah thank you for the questions and happy birthday wishes! Let's see... Oh, well... It's quite confusing actually. I think I have the most complicated time when I'm hanging out with Ortho and on the few occasions I interact with Idia-senpai because... I don't really understand what they're talking about most of the time. Yes, back in my world we have telephones and we have TVs but it's nothing as advanced as what they have... I've never seen such huge screens and such complicated devices, Ortho himself is unbelievable for me, I mean, he's a robot! I think slangs are easier for me to grasp, once you explain it to me I'm all good... Doesn't mean I don't need a dictionary everytime I'm trying to speak with Idia-senpai tho..."
"My future? Hm... That's... Something I'm trying to avoid to be honest. Considering the advances my friends are making in trying to send me back I'm starting to get even more worried in what I should do. Ruggie has told me he wishes for me to stay with him– I-I mean, stay here, but I'm not sure... I'm not from here, the Dark Mirror said so... But then again, I really don't want to– ah, sorry. I shouldn't ramble about my issues today." [At the time of where we are in the story of twsten Daisy is still unsure if she needs to go back or if she should stay]
"Fall for someone else? I genuinely can't see someone as wonderful as Ruggie for me to fall in love with. (Simp) I'm sorry to disappoint, but he truly is the only one I can see myself with."
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midnightmah07 · 4 months
(I’m going into rp mode here I goooo)
“Daisy Belle! Happy Birthday! I got you a little something!”
Chris hands Daisy a small wooden box with a ribbon on it. It’s a jewelry box! It has a little ballerina inside that spins around to the music that plays when you open it. The little music box inside plays a very familiar song…
“Sam’s really got everything! I wanted to get you something for your pretty earrings! I… uh, confession time… I nearly knocked one of them down the drain while washing my hands— I caught it though! I didn’t let it get that far, but I figured it’d be better to have a little place for them so… tadaa! I hope you like it!”
She gives an awkward smile, hoping she didn’t say too much or embarrass the birthday girl. At the end of the day she means well.
Daisy burst out laughing, holding her pearl earrings stuck to her earlobes.
"Aw, Chris, thank you, I appreciate it!" She smiles as she pets the girl's head. "And it's alright, no worries. It makes me happy that you gave me such a beautiful box to put my earrings and jewelry in... It's truly so pretty."
Daisy stares at the box with a melancholic smile for a moment, before looking up at her friend.
"Did you know? These earrings were actually my mother's. They mean a ton for me, it's the only thing I have of her..." With that, she put the box aside, giving Chris a tight hug. "Thank you. You're too kind." Chris felt her shoulder getting a bit wet, but she decided to not comment on it, holding the blond in her arms as the hug lasted a bit longer than intended.
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midnightmah07 · 4 months
Hello Mah! 💖
I hope you don't mind if I ask Daisy another question!
I'm curious to know what Daisy thinks of Ruthie (since I don't believe we talked about this before!)
I hope Daisy has a wonderful birthday! 💖
Thank you! 💖
[it's totally ok!! I made it that people can make up to 3 questions/interactions hehe]
"Ah, Ruthie! She's a wonderful girl, I have seen her quite often during Light Music Club shows and she sometimes shows up to visit me when she visits NRC. I would love to get closer to her, she's very kind."
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midnightmah07 · 4 months
Hello Mah! 💖
(I'm at a baby shower right now, and on mobile, so I apologize for any errors! 💖)
"Happy birthday, Daisy!" Ruthie says, holding out a gift for her. It was a cake container, with a homemade pumpkin roll sitting inside.
"I heard from Cay-kun that you love pumpkin, so I baked you a pumpkin roll! I made enough so you can share it with your beloved! I hope you enjoy!"
She hands Daisy the container before clapping her hands together, curious to know her plans for the day.
"So what do you plan to do for your special day? Is your beloved taking you somewhere?"
Thank you! 💖
Daisy giggled, a hand in front of her mouth.
"Ruthie, you're too sweet! Thank you so much! How about we eat this together?" She urges her to sit down as she cuts two slices of the rolls, giving Ruthie one piece. "This is the first time someone's referred to Ruggie as my 'beloved', it's quite adorable!"
As the blonde chuckles, she eats a slice of the roll, humming happily and quickly complimenting her friend, saying she'd have to make something for her in return.
"My plans? Ruggie said he had an important job to do yesterday, but he cancelled it when he remembered it was my birthday." Daisy smiled fondly at the memory. "Well, he said he still had some chores to do, but he would come right away as soon as he was done. Said something about a gift too, I just hope he isn't wasting money on me... Anyways! How are you and Cater-kun doing, Ruthie?"
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midnightmah07 · 4 months
Heyy Happy birthday to Daisy
For the question :"What do you miss the most from your original World ?"
Also bonus: Hydris and Paloma Heard about your Birthday and both wanted to give you some gifts -> Hydris mades you a music box and as for Paloma she not only crafted a paper crown but also drew an hyper realistic portrait of you 💥
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[actually crying these drawings are actually so cute I'm sobbing]
"Oh my goodness! You guys really didn't need to... Thank you so much Hydris and Paloma! I will keep them forever! Hm... I guess... I was living in the 1950s... And here Twisted Wonderland is in the 2020s... So I feel a little bit out of place sometimes, you know? I was not only taken to a different world but alto to a different time frame. So I guess that's my answer? I hope it made sense!"
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midnightmah07 · 4 months
Wassup again
Pookie, I'm being catapulted back in time whenever I open this blog, release me from whatever time loop you put
And I have more questions for Daisy, hi Daisy!!
What are your thoughts on Rigel and/or Coral?
What were your parents like before they unfortunately died?
Love ya girly!! Mwah!
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[before I answer just wanna let u know u reached the max of questions per person! 3 for each person! I realized with someone else asking this question that I didn't put up a limit so I'm doing it now to make it fair lol]
"Alright, let's go by parts, shall we? I like Rigel! He seems like a sweet boy, but his eating habits worry me... I asked Persie once if she'd like me to share some of my pumpkin pie with Ignihyde members in hopes that he'd eat it, but she told me she wasn't sure he'd do it... I hope he gets better from it. Coral is uh... Interesting, I suppose. I try to not think badly of him but I can't like someone who put someone so important to me like Persie in great distress, and I also don't like how he encourages Rigel's eating habits..."
"Ah, my parents! They were the best parents a girl could ask for! My mom used to make me tons of food that were made with pumpkins just to see me smile, she always read me fairytales and she taught me the value of kindness, and told me to be brave no matter what. My dad treated me like a little princess, we weren't noble nor royalty by any means but he always were so gentle with me, and he always played with me! They made sure I grew up to be accomplished, they gave me ballet and piano lessons, they taught me etiquette and much more... They were truly so loving and sweet... Ah, sorry, I guess a got a bit emotional, excuse me for a moment."
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midnightmah07 · 4 months
anyways onto my question!
what our your thoughts on the light music club and its members?
also now for Mah, can we ask questions multiple times?
"Oh, thank you so much! I appreciate it!! Well, I am a part of the Light Music Club so I guess I have a biased opinion hahah! But! It's a very fun place where I get to relax a bit after school, Cater-kun, Lilia-senpai and Kalim are extremely kind to me, they're always lifting my spirits and helping me to take things easy! I could not wish for a better club to be a part of!"
"Now, my opinions on the other members, huh... Well, I am closest with Kalim. He's a sweetheart and has helped me so much through so many things... He's always there cheering me up, and I hope I'm able to do the same for him! Cater-kun is super warm and makes me feel right at home, he keeps insisting me on calling him Cay-kun but it feels way too intimate for my liking,,, so Cater-kun is the closest I can get, sorry! I still enjoy him and look up to him as an upperclassman! I think... Lilia-senpai is the one I'm not that close with... He always treats me well, although sometimes I feel like he treats me like a child... So I am very fond of him, and he often gives me great advice!"
(me talking!) I think 3 questions per person (at max!) is alright, idk how many people will send questions but I want to make it fair for everyone, but you can ask up until 3 questions!
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midnightmah07 · 4 months
(ima be rp Sidney for this one)
"hey Daisy!" she greats Daisy hiding something behind her back "happy birthday" she says with a small smile. "i didn't just come here to say happy birthday though" she says revealing what's been behind her back: it was a crepe with vanilla ice cream dyed a light orange, and some white chocolate dyed a darker orange to outline it to make it look like a pumpkin, and of course she also made a little stem (its not edible)
"i hope you like it!" she says handing it to Daisy, "i heard you liked pumpkin so i made this" "although i couldn't find any pumpkin ice cream" she mumbles in slight embarrassment. "anyways i do hope you like it" she says with a warm smile on her face
"This is so cute, I'm feeling kinda sorry for eating it..." Daisy hesitantly takes a bite, a bit too big for her mouth, making her cover her face in embarrassment as she tries chewing on it. After she's done she looks embarrassed, picking up a napkin to clean herself. "Good grief... I apologize for this..."
After that, she clears her throat, and smiles wide at Sydney.
"Thank you, you really didn't have to! I'll make sure to enjoy it!" She urges her to get into Ramshackle. "Let's chat for a bit, ok? Tell me all about your day!"
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midnightmah07 · 4 months
Yes yes hmm hi Daisy thoughts on Poppy??
(i alr know but smth about her answering ut shkshs)
"She's seriously the sweetest girl I've met, I can tell why Isabelle-san likes her so much! She always treats me with so much kindness, and I somehow feel sort of like... A maternal instinct kick in when I'm around her? D-don't look at me like that, I know we're not that far apart age wise,,,, anyways! She's truly the most wonderful girl and I appreciate her friendship, though I don't quite understand what she sees in me to say she's my 'fan',,,"
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