cuineart · 1 year
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Vampire saga. Uraraka!🌸🍡🧛‍
Other parts click here
I forgot to post this! Another commission for redstarrynight and he was curious to see uraraka if she was a vampire too, AU inside an AU, the dekuverse! 😆
As a bonus here I merged it with the first vampire!izuku drawing (but removing his "angry" face 🤭)
For the design I followed the guidelines of what he wanted to be part of her suit! and also got a lil premise with it for if you're curious hehe:
"Uraraka is grievously wounded on assignment, say, during the Eri Rescue Arc. Panicking and seeing no alternative, Izuku exchanges blood with her. A few weeks later, she rises from her coffin and becomes the second vampire Hero Student.Now going by Moonshot, she retains her Quirk only now she suffers little to no side effects from it. This plus her additional new powers enable her to step up her game 500% as a Hero. Best of all though is the credit and debit cards she's been given as a new addition to the House of Dracula. Her folks are going to see Hawaii sooner than anyone expected."
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saiberit · 7 months
Hi otherkin vampires or just vampirekin‼️
I make flag for us‼️🧛‍
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dazzlerdrawer · 1 month
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DIO🧛‍ ️?
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userhaiz · 1 year
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Make way for the bad guy. @renfieldmovie coming to theaters in one month. 🧛‍
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astrojoy · 2 years
☁︎ Autumn ☕︎
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👂 Spooktastic classics
🖐 Soft blankets
👅 Yummy coffee
👃 Scented candles
👁 Seasonal beauty
🧛‍ Costumes
🍂 A soft chill in the air
👺 Halloween shops
🎃 Pumpkin patches
🍷 Spooky parties
���� Festive decorations
👻 Scary stories with eerie twists
🥣 Candy bowls 🍬 instead of coal 🎅
🍁 Orange trees and broke leaves
🧎‍ I never ever want to leave
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blogcrissposts · 2 years
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Olá, Perdidos!🤖 DIA MUNDIAL DO DRÁCULA - VIDEOGAME!🧛‍ . . 🦇Hoje, dia 26 de maio, é o DIA MUNDIAL DO DRÁCULA! Ou WORLD DRACULA DAY! . Lá se vão 125 anos de publicação da história de terror mais famosa do mundo: DRÁCULA. . O medo e o pavor que fizeram muitos leitores na época borrarem-se a cada página mudaram com os anos e transformaram-se em adoração ao vampirão-chefe. . Então não é de espantar que tenha sido criado um dia especial para homenagear esse imortal. . Abri a cripta e deixei Drácula apreciar a criatividade dos meros mortais que o idolatram e que por isso criaram vários games com sua participação involuntária. . Alguns títulos eu já joguei! . Vamos aos mais famosos DRÁCULAS DOS GAMES! . . 1-Castlevania - 1986. Uma das mais famosas franquias da gigante japonesa Konami. . 2-Vampire Killer - 1986. Desenvolvido pela Konami em paralelo com Castlevania, o jogo original. . 3-Bram Stoker’s Dracula - 1993. Desenvolvido pela Psygnosis. . 4-Dracula Unleashed - 1993. Desenvolvido pela ICOM Simulations. . 5-Castlevania: Symphony of the Night - 1997. Desenvolvido pela Konami. É o 13º título de Castlevania e o 1º da franquia o console da Sony.🖤 . 6-Dracula: Resurrection - 1999. Desenvolvido pela Index+. (joguei o 2) . 7-Van Helsing - 2004. Desenvolvido pela Vivendi Games. (joguei The Incredible Adventures of VH) . 8-Castlevania: Lords of Shadow - 2010. Desenvolvido pela Mercury Steam e Kojima Productions, o jogo não faz parte do enredo original da série, por ser um reboot.🖤 . 9-Nosferatu the Vampyre - 1986. Desenvolvido pela Design Design e publicado pela Piranha Software. . 10-Master of Darkness - 1993. Desenvolvido pela SIMS e publicado pela SEGA. . 11-Fury of Dracula - 1987 em boardgame pela Games Workshop. A versão digital para PC foi baseada na 4ª edição do jogo lançada pela Fantasy Flight Games. . 12-Dracula – The Undead - 1991. Desenvolvido pela Atari. . 13-Dracula: Origin - 2008. Desenvolvido pela Frogwares. Jogo de aventura Point and Click. (jogo legal) . . Já jogou alguns dos títulos? . O meu favorito é Castlevania! FELIZ DIA MUNDIAL DO DRÁCULA! . . 🤖🌸Doe livros, presenteie livros e indique livros. Incentive a leitura e que A Força Esteja Com Você! . (em Transilvania) https://www.instagram.com/p/CeBrwktLzPF/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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literalnobody · 3 years
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Plot? In my doodles? It’s more likely than you think 🧛‍
vampire mafia ocs
Tag List!
@anonniemouselove  @baileyspams @beercheesecasserole   @bred-by-insanity  @caffeine-in-an-iv  @camilius-2  @colorscriptgirl  @cookiemonstor86 @crossgartered    @  dapper-comedy   @darealbellabelleoftheball @deerbunny @deerlydreaming @dontquotemetho @ejunkiet @eldr1tchhorror @fourleaves413 @fruit-caught-on-camera  @grimmgraygrime  @i-like-pirates  @imjustgonnascreamalot  @maladaptive-ninja-returns @myfandomcatchall   @nahthanks  @neverendingscreaming @northofnowhere4    @pegasusdrawnchariots @phantomofthenormandy @prationality @rainydaydarling @run-journalist-run @sudenpentulintu @sunshine-dinosaur @thegirlwhoharnessedthelight @the-original-space-cowboy  @tophat-sandpit @unzippedtracksuit @walkerofclouds @writing-with-melon
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adamruz · 3 years
🧛‍ , 😰 & 👹
[🧛‍] what reminds you of halloween?
Falling leaves, the cooler fall weather, and any time we go to my one aunt's house because that's where we'd always go trick or treating.
[😰] what is the creepiest thing to happen to you?
I'm drawing a blank on anything that happened to me, but this happened to my younger sister. She was babysitting my little cousins for like 10 minutes while my uncle drove us to a concert since we didn't want to pay for parking. Their neighbor (who was crazy) somehow got into their house and was saying that someone was trying to break into her house or something. My sister and cousins just tried to calm her down until my uncle came back. He never told my sister, but the neighbor was carrying a hammer. I have no idea what she intended to do with it. Also, sometimes when we would leave my aunt and uncle's house super late at night, we would smell perfume and we think their crazy neighbor was out wondering in their yard or something.
[👹] would you or have you ever tried ghost hunting or interacting with a ghost?
Yes, I have always wanted to go ghost hunting!!
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fortuneaday · 4 years
Alright let’s get fuckin’ spooky
Ask box is back from the dead 🧟‍
Send an ask (be polite! full sentences, please! nothing.... too yikes) and allow the ⚰️ ghosts of cookies past 🥠 to tell you the thoughts in your heads! Your futures! Insights about your youth! It’s all up to the spirts 🔮 you’ll never know what you may hear!
Want to ask for a fortune and also you’ve got some facts about the moon? Let us know!  🌕
If you want to ask for a fortune and you also want to tell us what your “lockdown costume” is, please share!  🧛‍
If you want to ask for a fortune and also you have anxiety about the American election, let the cookie distract you with spooky thoughts~ 🦇
Ask for a fortune and shout out your Animal Crossing dream codes! Let us see your spoopy islands!  🎃
Having a stressful time in general? Let the ghosts of the cookies do what they do best and shred them up like.... so many tiny pieces of paper  ☠️
Asking for a fortune while stuffing your face? 🍬 Rub it in and tell us which candy you are scarfing down! 🍭 Let us live vicariously through you!  🍫  
Ask box is here! LINK
There are lots and lots of people here, now, so if your question isn’t answered, that might be because you have had many requests in the past! The cookie spirits know! 👻 And the web knows!  🕷 🕸
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