circusgoth-dotcom · 6 months
Ship: Aniol West & Nathan Wallace (Platonic?), Pavi Largo x Aniol West
Word Count: 666
Summary: After waking up from another modification surgery, Aniol is visited by Nathan and Pavi. CWs for surgery/hospital mentions, canon-typical suggestiveness, death and illness mentions, gore mentions kind of.
Tag List: @canongf @futurewife
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Aniol blinked as feeling slowly pulsed into their body once more. By the bright lights dazzling their gaze and the soft beeping nearby, they knew they were coming out of a successful modification surgery; installing translucent plates into parts of their body to show off customised entrails and gilded bones. Their eyelids fluttered shut once more, and when they came around again, they were in a less bright room and a more comfortable bed.
They sighed and flexed their fingers, knowing better than to try and do anything more. Still, curious as to how things turned out, he cautiously lifted up the blankets and began rolling up the thin hospital gown that shielded his bandages from the elements, only to be interrupted by the door opening. Aniol froze and directed his attention toward the figure entering the room, a soft smile quickly coming to his features.
The bespectacled man with greying hair smiled back, placing a bouquet of dried scarlet pimpernels and delphiniums on the bedside table.
“How’re you feeling?” He asked, his voice just louder than a whisper.
“Groggy. A little sore. Nothing unexpected.”
His brows knit together. “Sore?”
Aniol laughed quietly, settling deeper against the mattress and pillow beneath him. “You know I always ask for a little less Zydrate than recommended. Pain is
 a delicious thing, Nat.”
“What brings you here? I mean, I know I told you about my upcoming surgery, but I didn’t expect you
 or the flowers.”
“I was in the area, and somebody was selling them outside. I thought you’d appreciate them.”
Aniol and Nathan’s hands curled together. “They’re very nice. Thank you, Nathan.” He exhaled through his nose, letting a beat of silence pass as he closed his eyes. “How’s your daughter?”
Nathan briefly squeezed their hand. “Holding on.”
“That’s good.”
“She looks more like Marni every day.”
Aniol said nothing, though opened his eyes when the door opened once more. Nathan looked over his shoulder and immediately slipped his hand out of Aniol’s.
“I should leave
” He muttered, embarrassed, as Pavi stood across from him, a slightly surprised expression on his face.
“Take care,” Aniol spoke as Nathan walked away, moving quickly past the son of his boss. As soon as he was gone, Pavi immediately dragged up the heavy chair from the foot of the bed, sitting down with his elbows on his bouncing knees and his chin in his hands.
“Did you two fuck???” His eyes sparkled as he asked the daring question.
“Good morning to you, too, Pavi. Maybe we did. Maybe we didn’t.”
Pavi scoffed, thoroughly enjoying this presumed discovery as he pressed on in an excited hiss, “Angel, he’s old enough to be your father!”
Aniol turned his head toward them. “How old’s his daughter
 seventeen, right? I’m at least ten years older than that, Pavi.”
“You are still basically half his age,~” Pavi sing-songed before laughing. “Ooh, I learn more about your habits every day! And how scandalous, doing it with a man who killed his wife! While dating me!”
“I thought you said we aren’t dating?” Aniol raised a brow, internally amused at Pavi’s reaction. “Besides, that whole dead wife thing was an accident
 and I’m not ‘doing it’ with him.”
Pavi waved his hand dismissively. “Are, aren’t, che importa! You really believe a highly skilled surgeon turned Repoman killed his wife accidentally?”
“Pavi, he’s only human. Nat was already overworked trying to find a cure for Marni’s illness, it was inevitable that he could’ve overlooked something.”
“Oh you are so carino.~” He laughed again. “Nat! Oh please, a nickname like that just proves you gave him some of your own ‘medicine.’”
Aniol hummed. “Pavi, I’m tired. I need to conserve energy so my body accepts these plates, you know.”
“Poo, you’re no fun.” Pavi stood, tracing their lips with his thumb. They opened their mouth and he stuck it in, savouring the slick warmth with a smirk. “Let me know if he wants a threesome sometime, giusto?”
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emoji-completionist · 8 months
omg a gimmick blog 0-0
i count how many emojis were used in a post (out of apple emojis bc thats what ive got 👍)
#emoji counting = counting emojis in posts/asks
#not emoji counting = anything else
#reblog = reblogs (shocker /s)
#oo aa that's my favorite asks = asks
#tw nsft = nsfw posts (anything ab sex or sex words)
if u want me to not reblog ur post lmk and ill take it down
im not considering skin tone variations (ex. 👍👍🏻👍🏌👍🏜👍🏟👍🏿 would all only count as 1 👍)
under the cut are all of the emojis i'm counting(1,837 total):
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circusgoth-dotcom · 6 months
Every Artist Needs A Fan Club
Ship: Pavi Largo x Aniol West
Word Count: 1026
Summary: Aniol visits his darling Pavi and the two shoot the shit. I also wanted to showcase that Rotti likes Aniol more than his own children. 👀 CWs for canon typical suggestiveness and references to/discussions about surgery, food mentions.
Tag List: @canongf @futurewife
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Aniol lounged in the lobby of a large, mostly empty apartment building, editing his latest film on his laptop. In the very topmost penthouse lived the Largos, a rich, eccentric, and exhausting family, headed by Rotti Largo, the man who started and owned GeneCo. Aniol had an off-and-on relationship with his middle child, Pavi, known mostly for his feverish swapping of faces on a near-weekly basis. He was waiting to be buzzed in, unsure of if Pavi was even around but seeking his companionship nonetheless. Finally, the elevator doors opened and Aniol saved their work, closing their laptop and placing it in their bag before stepping inside the dark metal box.
With each floor passed, a ding could be heard overhead and a brief light flashed. No one else got on as Aniol climbed to the top, and when he stepped out and knocked on the penthouse door, he was greeted by Rotti, who seemed relieved to see him.
“Ah, Aniol, my child,” he beamed, stepping back to let them in and taking its hands in his. He pressed his cheeks against each of theirs, moving from left to right, with additional air kisses in warm greeting. “How are you, what brings you here? Can my surgeons do anything for you?”
Aniol made a light sound. “I’m flattered, Mr. Largo. I’ve come looking for Pavi, though your offer sounds tempting. I’ve been thinking about sprucing up the scars a bit, now that everything’s fully healed,” he gestured to his chest; where once there were hills now lay valleys.
“Ah, very good! Let me know when you have an idea of what you want, you know I’m always happy to pay for your surgeries...” Rotti then sighed, glancing over his shoulder. “Pavi isn’t in at the moment, and neither are the other two.” Thank God for the peace and quiet.
“Of course. Let me guess, Luigi’s off yelling at somebody about something or another, Amber’s fawning for attention, and Pavi’s getting the attention Amber wants.”
“You know them well, Aniol. I can’t understand what you see in my son, but I suppose I can’t say I’m ungrateful. You’re a man of good genetics.” Rotti chuckled.
“Every artist needs their fan club,” Aniol mused, adjusting his bag. “Well, I’ll be going, then. See what grime Pavi’s stuck his nose- or dick -in this time.”
“Can’t I do something before you leave? I’d feel like a bad host if I didn’t.”
“If it makes you happy, I can raid your fridge.”
Rotti made a sweeping motion with his arm toward the kitchen. “Be my guest.”
Aniol nodded and entered the gloomy, industrial kitchen of the penthouse, opening the fridge and letting himself be bathed in yellow light. It was mostly packed with pre-cooked meals, marked with sticky notes.
Luigi's salad, DO NOT FUCKING TOUCH!!!
Amber's beer - Like we'd touch your wilted-ass loser-salad???
Aniol shook his head and reached for a bottle of black-cherry-flavoured ErythroPop, nestled between a styrofoam box of takeout and a half-empty condiment bottle. As they closed the fridge, they heard the front door open and a small commotion commence. Upon investigating, they found it was simply Pavi, returning home from God knows where.
“Angel!!!” Pavi squealed, pushing past his irritated father to hug Aniol tightly, rapidly kissing their jaw and neck as they held their drink aloft.
“Spotlight,” Aniol greeted affectionately, petting Pavi’s dark waves with his free hand. He gave Rotti a mildly apologetic look. “Do you mind if we stay?”
Rotti waved his hand dismissively. “Do what makes you happy. I'll be going into the office soon, anyhow.”
“I wasn't expecting you or I would've come sooner!” Pavi giggled as he loosely hung off of them, staring at them with unwavering affection.
“Well, I would’ve found you eventually,” Aniol responded, guiding them toward Pavi's room. “I’ve been editing Kidney Beach.”
“Ah, finally! I’ve been looking forward to seeing Judette Newheart in that minxy little two-piece on the big screen,” Pavi was practically drooling as he closed the door behind them and turned on the mood lamps before dramatically flinging himself onto his curtained, four-poster bed.
“You can have it if you want.” Aniol set down his bag, stretching as his boyfriend excitedly sat up, eyes wide.
“Sei sicuro? You have it?”
Aniol’s lip curled devilishly as he nodded. “I mean, it’s back at my place, but yes. And I haven’t washed it yet.”
“Oh, you dirty little bitch!” Pavi squealed again as he leapt up and wrestled them to the mattress, making them chuckle as he smothered them with his newest set of lips. Teeth and tongues clashed for a moment as fingers twirled and tugged and gripped before Pavi fell beside them, panting heavily and nestling his head against their shoulder. “I’ve missed you, Angel.”
“It’s only been two days since I last saw you.”
“Yes, two days of missing my favourite master of filth. I’d treat you like an accessory dog if I could.”
“I mean, you’ve already got me the collar...” Aniol mused as both his and Pavi’s hands instinctively rested on their neck. “But you know I’d hate that, I’ve got to stretch my legs. How can I make my art if I’m glued to your hip all the time?”
Pavi groaned quietly. “You tease too much...~”
“I’m not getting conjoined with you, Pavi.”
They closed their eyes, whining in their throat. “Let me hold onto the thought just a moment longer!”
Aniol sat up slightly, glancing down their body and scoffing lightly. “I’m surprised you’re not half-chubbed already.”
Pavi rose as well to kiss their shoulder. “Keep talking and I’ll be at full staff in no time, my sweet.~”
They sighed. “You know I love you and your dick, but I’ve got work to do.” He tapped his nose playfully.
“Yes, yes, I know.” He kissed his cheek and let him unload his laptop. Aniol settled back on the bed while Pavi stood and turned on the TV before opening his closet. “Mind if I model some things for you while you work? I haven’t decided what I’m wearing tonight.”
“Sure, go ahead.” He smiled. This was his domesticity.
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circusgoth-dotcom · 6 months
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okay i might have something for a repo! s/i
his father was a repoman who went missing when they were a teenager and they never knew their mother, but they adapted well to living on the streets, and because of their family lineage were mostly left alone and even respected by geneco authorities
as an adult, it got into the film "business," mostly specializing in arthouse porn and videos showing off people's surgeries (as a director); their art captured the attention of pavi, and now the two have an off-and-on "thing"
acquaintances with nathan wallace (repoman connection), the grave-robber (from living on the streets), blind mag* (geneco/pavi connection), and rotti largo
more than acquaintances but not necessarily friends with luigi and amber
close relationship with pavi
*he admires mag and wishes to be closer to her, but also considering his position doesn't feel the need to interfere with how geneco/rotti treats her...
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circusgoth-dotcom · 3 days
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