#' answered: ellis mckinney.
17 Questions, 17 People*
*I am not tagging 17 people, I am not sorry
Nicknames: Ellie (only adults call me this), Ella Noir (but only by two people and not often because it’s mostly a joke), Eleanora Floradora and a million other nonsense names and such because my mother just likes endearing nicknames but she’s not particularly consistent.
Zodiac: Capricorn
Height: 5 feet 4 and 3/4 inches
Last Googled: “volleyball in Spanish” because we were talking about Haikyuu and one of my brothers said “it means volleyball in Spanish” even though he meant Japanese, and then I couldn’t remember what the Spanish word for volleyball was, so I googled it (it’s different depending on region but vóleibol was the first result)
Song stuck in my head: “Farewell Wanderlust” by The Amazing Devil
Number of followers: For my writeblr it’s 43
Amount of Sleep: These days, when I have nothing to do, it’s 7-9 hours a night (but like. From 1 AM to 10 Am, or 3 AM to 11 AM). During school I usually get...less.
Lucky number: 7 and 3
Favourite Song: I hate picking favourites. Just one? Only one? I can’t. I’m incapable. Also, I refuse. But I did recently discover the band The Amazing Devil, their lyrics are phenomenal and they’re very talented musicians, so please give them a listen. I recommend their songs “The Horror and the Wild,” “That Unwanted Animal,” “Farewell Wanderlust,” “Battle Cries,” and “Pray”.
Favourite Instrument: I really like the piano, partly because I used to play the piano, but also because it’s beautiful and elegant and I like how it sounds. I’m also fond of the violin and the harp, because they’re very beautiful and make beautiful sounds and also are more portable than pianos. (Not that I can play either). I also like drums. Drums are very good and fun, and I like them a lot.
Dream Job: Author.
Aesthetic: God, I don’t know. I like lots of them but I mostly wear sweatpants and t-shirts. I don’t even know what my ideal aesthetic is. Let’s say, patchwork quilt. Lots of things I like all jumbled together that manage to look warm and inviting and interesting as a whole but probably don’t fit together intuitively and might even look bad if seen without all the other parts.
Favourite author: Again with the favourites. I'm not going to choose. In no particular order: Emily A Duncan, Susan Dennard, Traci Chee, Rin Chupeco, N.K. Jemisin, Margaret Owen, Tamsyn Muir, V.E. Schwab, Neon Yang (they changed their name so some of their stuff you might have to search J.Y. Yang to find), Aliette de Bodard, Hannah Abigail Clarke, Zen Cho, L.L. McKinney, Roseanne A. Brown, Rena Barron, Elizabeth Lim, Madeline Miller, Samantha Shannon, Roshani Chokshi, Zoraida Córdova, Sabaa Tahir, and I’ll stop there I think.
Favourite animal noise: uhhhhhh. Contented cat purrs. Those are good.
Random: I never played video games before last year, but then my brothers asked me to play Fire Emblem: Three Houses because they wanted to see which house I chose and also they thought I would enjoy it, and I *did*, so much so that I started writing fanfic for the first time and have now played several hundred hours of FE:3H as well as a good number of hours of FE: Shadow Dragon on the DS, with plans to play a lot of other FE games, plus I have my own Switch now and I’ve played so many hours of Hades, and I have a lot of other games now, too, and just. What a difference a year makes!!!
How it started: the vagueness of this worries me. I don’t know, how did what start? I can’t answer if I don’t know the question. How did this blog start? I was procrastinating my finals at the end of spring semester almost a year ago, I was sleep deprived, it was the beginning of quarantine, and I really wanted to talk to people about stories and writing.
How it’s going: I’ve made friends despite hardly ever posting actual excerpts of things I’ve written, and despite the black hole of original fiction that was my summer 2020. I think I’ve learned some things, I’ve definitely read some cool things, and met some cool people, so that’s neat. I’m glad I decided to join writeblr. It’s made my life better, I think.
Thanks, Carmen, for the tag!!! You’ve tagged me in a lot of things, and I’m slow, so that’s why this one is so late. It was fun, though.
Let’s see, who to tag, who to tag. I guess I could tag the lovely Ethereal Cove people. Feel free not to do this if you don’t have time or don’t want to for any reason.
@atelierwriting @fictional-ghost @klywrites @allywrites22 @waysofink @a-sunflower-at-night @henrike-does-writing-sometimes @fields-of-ink @dominnow @avi-burton-writing @writingonesdreams @mxxnwrites @zielenbloesem
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