#''a frat full of trust fund babies 250 yrs ago would not approve'' is really really not a solid basis for literally anything
skin-slave · 11 months
Zesty Take #46:
The idea that a gun will keep you safe from govt overreach is, at minimum, a useful tool to institute govt overreach.
When gun ownership is the standard of personal safety and success, it becomes a singular political focus. The primary question for each candidate becomes, "do they in any way threaten my guns?"
Threatening, in this context, has a very loose definition. Depending on the listener, it could be any action or inaction. The fear is both intense and nonspecific.
The rest of a "pro-2a" candidate's policies matter very little. If those policies include govt overreach or legalized abuse, that's ok. The idea that gun ownership protects them from the problems means that they will often vote against their own interests, as long as they feel secure wrt their firearms.
A militarized police force with qualified immunity - which is generally idealized by candidates who are "pro-2a" - eliminates any practical use of private firearms that could at one time have been used as protection against the govt. Legal owners protecting themselves from illegal search and seizure cut the same silhouette as an illegal owner trying to cause harm. Pulling that gun will only put you in the ground.
Increased sustainable hunting is a very valid approach to countering food deserts. However, a gun does nothing to improve infrastructure or education, or preserve social safety nets. You cannot compel an employer to stop committing labor offenses with a gun. You cannot bring a gun to a polling place and eliminate voter disenfranchisement. A gun will not increase accessibility, housing availability, wages, or access to healthcare. Statistics do not support the idea that guns reduce crime.
These are issues that have to be addressed in other ways. They are also issues that are overwhelmingly exacerbated or ignored by "pro-2a" candidates. These candidates succeed in maintaining poor conditions, or worsening them, by securing votes based on their "pro-2a" status.
Individuals who believe that guns are an ultimate protective device are incredibly vulnerable to this political manipulation. Regardless of the source of the idea, or the reason for holding it, it is easily weaponized. And it should be treated accordingly.
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