#''carrying coals to newcastle'' is such a good phrase i am required to use it any time it's even remotely applicable
psygull · 11 months
get to know me
tagged by @vedurnan to fill this out and also tag 5 people i want to get to know better! i did this recently so now i've got to think of some people that i didn't tag in the other one. how about @chaumas-deactivated20230115 @lew-basnight @ashton-slashton @lostcryptids @airbus-a350
Last Song: Yü-gung (Fütter mein ego) by Einstürzende Neubauten. gotta move this big ass sheet of metal to the venue
Currently Reading: Utopia Avenue by David Mitchell still. it's such a fun book and i love the characters i just have to actually sit down and make myself read so it's slow going. hoping to actually get through more of it on vacation in maine. i was wanting to read Carrie as well there but it's got to go back to the library and bringing a Stephen King book to maine is like carrying coals to newcastle. got a silly 80s "ooohhhh d&d is reallllll and wants to hurt youuuuu" novel (Hobgoblin by John Coyne) from half price books yesterday so i'll probably bring that along too
Currently Watching: in the middle of like several tv show rewatches at the moment — Twin Peaks with my brother and my own personal very slow X-Files marathon. the plot is intricate enough and it's been so long since i've watched it that i'm thinking of restarting Dark again from the beginning. and i have been thinking about Limitless (my friend Limitless) recently
Current Obsession: yesterday on etsy i found this 3d printed "headphone stand" (just a bust, basically) of former president william howard taft and i have been thinking about him ever since. his stately presence would really tie a room together. mentally i hear the vine boom sound effect whenever i open the tab that contains him
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