#''death of the author'' isn't a get out of jail free card for not picking which canon you're going with or going by no canon at all
stairset · 2 years
For the record I’m not gonna add more to that post cause internet arguments are dumb and pointless especially if it’s about Star Wars and normally I just avoid them but I’m tired and got annoyed but I don’t wanna keep bothering that person nor do I want them to keep bothering me but just know that they got to the point where they started blatantly contradicting themselves and couldn’t even decide which canon they’re talking about which means I automatically win
#sw fans will have an argument stemming from a scene from a disney canon show#then i cite a bunch of examples from other disney canon materials#then suddenly disney canon doesn't matter and only lucas's personal canon matters#but then i mention something lucas said and suddenly his canon doesn't matter because uuuh death of the author#''death of the author'' isn't a get out of jail free card for not picking which canon you're going with or going by no canon at all#especially cause death of the author is controversial for a reason#some people think you can completely detach a work from the creator's intent but others would disagree with that#but no matter which way you lean you can't just say ''only the creator's canon matters''#and then say ''actually fuck the creator his intent doesn't matter'' IN THE SAME POST#you can't have it both ways you gotta PICK ONE#so no just saying ''death of the author'' isn't an automatic win#this isn't even just about that specific post this shit is EVERYWHERE in the sw fandom that's why i'm so annoyed#and i think a good chunk of the blame lies with those clickbait YOU DIDN'T KNOW THIS THIS CHANGES EVBERYTHING videos#cause i only know of maybe 1 or 2 sw youtubers that a) make it clear which canon they're talking about#and b) only present the straight facts and don't treat their personal interpretations or theories as objectively correct#most of them fail to do either of those and people take them at face value and that's why no one can agree on anything#ANYWAY now that i got that outta my system i'm dropping it now we'll return to your regularly scheduled bullshit tomorrow#shut up tristan
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