#'around here' like a 2hr drive oops
Video description: a large concrete block is lowered by crane to stand next to three similar though more weathered blocks. Two construction workers manipulate the block into place as it is lowered. Many people watch. End description.
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jesusizmysuperhero · 8 years
New Year, New Plans (Long Blog! Enjoy!)
As the New Year is FINALLY here, I’d like to take some time to explain what I am looking forward to doing this year! So, as my first blog of 2017(almost typed 2016 oops) I'd like to say that this year is the year I’m doing something with my band, it’s either get a solid band going or I go solo for a while which is not something I would prefer doing but I’ve been dragging this on and no one seems to be staying loyal as of of now. However, this year I’ve been in the Bible and I already have seen that it’s obvious that The Lord wants me to be more patient when it comes to prayer in my life. I’ve been praying for this band since I was 12, but never really tried to start anything until 2014 which I was pretty young then and didn’t have any songs wrote except one at that time. Late 2015-mid 2016 I started attending Lakeland Christian Academy I had to retake my freshman year which was a great thing for me cuz I made lots of friends! June 1st, 2016 I met my BFF Angel, I knew we would be the best of friends from that day on. Now she and I are the only current members of the band. She is in need of your prayers for an unspoken please. I think as Christians we ought to lift each other up in prayer daily and that is what I plan on doing more of this year is praying. Anyways, if you would like to Subscribe to the band’s/my YouTube channel it’s FaithStillStandingVEVO! This year I plan on doing song covers and makeup tutorials and fun/talkative vlogs as well. I have a lot of big plans for this year and I plan on making it my best year ever! However, the song covers and also possible for the makeup tutorials may be put on delay due to this cough I’ve had for quite some time. Now I got some new medicine for it so I’ll hopefully be getting better soon! I plan on losing a lot of weight this year as well as getting back in shape(or vice versa)! I plan on helping our Church grow both in number physically, and spiritually. I would like to attend the annual Columbia City Old Settler’s Week Fair this year. Last year was the first time I had went in about 10 years! I plan on making this year’s trip just as fun if not better! Honestly Columbia City’s fair was the best it has been in a while because they brought a lot of the classic rides back. I go back to school this coming Monday with a 2hr delay. I plan on passing my classes with better grades than this last semester. I also would like to be able to get my homework done AT school so I don’t have any homework. Doing homework at home is pretty hard for me to be able to focus because there is a lot of distractions around me and plus I want to be able to squeeze in my workout time after school as well as getting chores done more quickly, and not to mention getting to bed by 10:00pm at THE latest. I want to blog/vlog more than I ever have this year as well. I will be getting my old phone back up and running but the quality of my videos on that phone are more a 50/100 to be honest. So I like using this until I can get some professional recording and uploading equipment. Now that leads me to another topic, work. Due to me having a hard enough time getting both my homework, chores, and a workout done on a weekly basis, I am unable to get a full time job. This is why I want to get a part-time summer job. So I would be able to help my family, Church, and band out financially in the best ways that I can provide. I’m kinda lazy when it comes to certain work like taking out trash and dishes. Now I can wash a load of laundry and put it in the dryer, but it all depends on what I clean if I want to fold and put away clothing. I think right now my best job ideas would be Babysitting, maybe weeding if I have proper equipment, and perhaps mowing lawns. I would do shopping for people (as long as they provided me the money and a list to buy the items) but I do not have my license yet so I’m not able to drive yet which I suppose is alright for now. I might clean people’s houses all depending on what needs done. Basic vacuuming of carpets and maybe mopping, and folding dried clothes, hanging clothes on a clothesline, and putting clothes on the dryer is fine but washing other people’s clothes just makes me feel a bit uncomfortable which may be something I need to get over. I’m not the best but I guess you could say that I’m pretty good at organizing as long as I have somewhere to put things neatly! Now I don’t hate this winter weather, but I do not like the cold! I know in summer I don’t like scorching heated days either but I would prefer to be able to throw on shorts and a shirt instead of bundling up just to go outside. I like listening to music when I work especially when it comes to trimming bushes. Now I know what you’re probably thinking, “What? A 16 year old GIRL couldn’t possibly be able to trim bushes very well if even at all!” Just to tell you if you are thinking that, you’re sadly mistaken. I’ve trimmed all but 2 bushes at my Church plus the 2 at my house. (Which is about 12-14+ bushes. I know, seems like a lot, right?) So I might be quite busy this summer I know I will be quite busy come next week up till spring break and then busy again after that and then summer break. I don’t want to rush the year by at all but I’m more than ready for spring/summer days! I just wish the school year would fly by, then spring break would be slow, then it school would fly by again, and then slow down for summer break! I guess I’ve really come to liking summer and appreciating it more these days. So this is I guess the end of this blog! There might be another part or another blog but I would like for you guys to keep an eye out for some smoothie, shakes, and other recipes coming soon!! Thanks for reading!
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