#'but silly you said it's just pixels earlier' yeah i can still have an opinion on pixels!
sillyfudgemonkeys · 2 years
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@moldygreenblue Thank you~! 0////0 >////<
As for the fandom. Not sure. I know prior to the anni people were bitching about FES vs P3P. I think. The only person I was following that was participating in it was a FeMC lover (or maybe it was a handful, I’ve ended up following a lot of FeMC fans lately I hardly notice which one of them it is when they tweet half the time XV), and was playfully shitting on FES (memes about how P3P was better). They were playful and you could tell they were joking tho. Since I believe they got annoyed when an article came out saying that “P3P was the definitive way to play P3″ (hint: there’s no definitive way because Atlus hasn’t given us a definitive version). Or at least was annoyed by the title as I was and obvie other’s were. 
So my feed from the looks of it was missing pretty much all the drama. Heck, even the 2ish people I follow that I know who don’t really like P3 (they don’t tweet about it often) weren’t talking about it. But I would not be surprised if the stuff they’ve said about it (but taken to the extreme) were what was going around.
I kinda missed the anni cause I was at work, then I was on the road for 5ish hours. Then I fell asleep. And my phone only saves 24 tweets with the “tweet notification function” so if I’m not clearing them out, I don’t see what I’ve missed tbh. And when you’re driving..... 8U Yeah gonna miss a lot. Anything I saw were jokes (tho that was leading up to the anni more so than the anni), or that one article and everyone coming together and being annoyed with it. 
But if anyone wants to shed more like on it in the asks I’d be happy to hear it.
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geek-gem · 7 years
OK KO Parents Day and We Got Hacked
3:54 pm so I just watched the episodes. Also by mistake when I was washing my mouth because I sneezed earlier despite using water I heard won't work but anyway. I saw the show started earlier at 3:25 it said and I watched it at 3:27. I only missed some of the beginning yet it started with KO and his mom in the car and the title pops up.
Including today saw their were some pictures some leaked ones but I didn't wanna look at them despite some by mistake. Mainly from a guy I follow on here who I mentioned in my talk about Michael Bay and Dora movie shit. That's another topic that's weird.
So honestly I seriously enjoyed both episodes and will talk about them both. Yet I feel I won't be as detailed. Basically because my nose is well runny. Even I feel just....I don't know my hearing isn't bad but still.
But I'll talk about, "Parents Day" first and I seriously enjoyed it quite a lot. Including weeks ago I tried to not look at spoilers because I wanted to wait and support the show when it's on the air mainly.
Yet again I liked it a lot. But gonna talk about some stuff. So not really a Halloween episode yet KO like in the promos thinks Enid is trick or treating without him or Rad. But it's just a pretty narly episode with just all that spooky stuff it can still be enjoyed.
So basically the story is on a Parents Day the plaza has surprised Mr. Gar does that cool, KO is excited about this. Yet not Rad since he doesn't like it that his parents embarrass him. I remember seeing I think Rad's dad on a picture of a video on here but I didn't wanna see it to avoid spoilers. Yet of all the three's parents Enid's parents aren't there and she says their a clan of ninjas and decide to leave.
So wanting to find out KO and Rad want to know. Also this joke about Enid likes purple despite it's not a big deal but KO does. Yet they realize that Enid lied about her family. She lives in a haunted house and dresses up as a witch. With KO thinking she's trick or treating without them. I'm surprised Rad didn't make a joke or mention it's not Halloween yet or some shit. Kind of nice despite how weird the world is they still have holidays cool.
Including I was thinking after the episode I'm surprised I haven't cherished the concept and going all out despite I like this holiday where I feel I could be myself some sort of freak. Yet I'm just going by my days normally.
So as they discover and being found by Enid's mom. Including they find out her mom is a vampire and her dad is a werewolf. Also yeah I'm kind of explaining the episode. Let me say this and almost left turns out. But seriously Enid's parents are awesome. Including just how they are. Along with the episode being funny. They just seem so cool. Along with being supportive.
But turns out Enid is embarrassed of her parents and wants to be a ninja. Yet because of conflict with these two ghosts who live with them and possess Rad and KO stuff goes crazy but it's because of Enid's ninja skills and powers or stuff that helps end the problem. With Enid's mom sucking the ghosts right out of the guys and Enid's dad having to make sure she spits out the ghosts.
Because of that Enid's parents don't mind her being into that ninja stuff. Including just seriously it's very nice and cute. Then also Enid wants them to come to the next Parents Day which means she's alright with her parents now.
Also this interaction and development was gonna say I suppose but between Rad and Enid. Because they could relate to parents being embarrassing..... honestly I seem very different from others. Mainly not being embarrassed of my parents yet I can see it might be a problem for some people....I forgot if it was embarrassed. I'm just thinking her parents are so cool. Because of all that spooky stuff and other things.
Honestly I liked the episode. It's probably my favorite of the two being shown today. Including now finally seeing the episode I've tried to avoid spoilers for and waited for. It was seriously funny too including I guess when Rad was just seriously reacting to the concept of Enid's parents and other stuff. Including Enid's reactions just a lot of stuff was silly and funny.
But also glad I tried to avoid spoilers. I remember reading the guide of the episode on TV because I forgot last night and went to bed early by mistake the episode being called, "Parents Day" which I thought referred to Enid's parents but didn't think of a actual parents day yet I remember that video I decided not to watch.
Including I was surprised it wasn't like a Halloween episode featuring the holiday in the episode. Because it was promoted like that. I was excited yet it was different. But it was a lot of fun and loved the episode.
Random shit you guys might find funny but personal stuff. But isn't Enid pretty in a witches outfit. Even before the episode a bit yet seeing it more and in motion I like it. Even after wards when she wasn't dressed as a witch anymore. Personal opinions just saying.....she's cute well thought pretty is actually the word I wanna use mostly to be simple.
Now let's talk about, "We Got Hacked" and this in a way kind of teaches something and glad even before this I don't do this. DO NOT CLICK POP UPS including these weird ones I question are they doing that because of possible popularity, pop culture, and other shit.
So KO tries to use some sort of power mop but it messes up the plaza and he asks Dendy to come over. Okay just yawned yet just mentioning first after and funny scene Dendy basically saying, referencing, and revealing Mr. Gar's, Rad's, and Enid's personal problems and weaknesses yawned some time a bit ago. She tries to fix the mop. Yet KO presses a pop up despite Dendy clearly warning him and it being a virus. Along with it being silly mentioning it to trick old people.
But this virus is different, it's affecting costumers, and making them glitching basically scary looking when you think about it. Even before the episode aired. Almost left even again but this episode I tried my best to avoid spoilers too.
Also what was the case with Rad having his okay a friend of mine sent a photo. But what was with Rad getting his legs and arms broken. I thought it was a cramp however it's spelt. Yet seriously it was weird. I'm guessing it was being a parody of probably the idea when a group of survivors try to escape someone gets injured probably.
Also the joke of Rad his face going against the door lol and his face is still seen ha.
Honestly theirs this thing where KO tries to not admit he's the one who clicked the pop up screen. The episode tries to make some what a big deal out of this. Yet it ends with KO admitting it and to reboot the glitches. Yet Dendy just tells him that it was him who doomed the world and I suppose she said he should of not done that. Weird for some stupid reason was expecting this conclusion if KO admits it was his fault then the glitches away just to test him......ha I was being stupid lol.
Yet the reboot idea gives Dendy well the help stop the problem. But the hack pack is at the front of the plaza. So thinking this is the end KO thinks of this idea instead of becoming glitches the last thing they see being the glitches themselves. He wants it to be a friendly face they know and it's a adorable moment. But then they realized and Dendy says their is so many glitches their becoming slow. Even just in time when KO grabs Dendy to get the hack pack and Rad moves his arms seconds later.
Despite a dramatic well some what of a ending. Making it seem like KO is the only one who can do this it shows and I wondered too that Dendy shows up. Or just I mean this idea Dendy being that's not how you press those.
So they reboot the system and all of a sudden Mr. Gar returns. Seriously I was wondering where was he at. Honestly during episodes where the plaza or anything else is in danger in certain episodes he doesn't appear. I keep thinking if he does then he just fixes everything. Yet he could of been infected too. But the glitches could fuck up his powers and even did that for the others I hope so lol ha the appearance of a glitchy Mr. Gar ha.
Yet the ending also has this funny scene because of being touched by glitches before they we're rebooted just...ha that word lol. Because of that KO's face is glitchy and so fucked up. I was expecting a normal pixelated face but seeing it I remember I saw that image before the final shot with all of the characters. Yet seriously that part was funny and everyone's reactions. Then Mr. Gar mentions that Dendy might be able to fix it. Which ha would be reasonable because this show actually does have continuity smiled a few times okay being weird even my nose too.
But honestly I enjoyed both episode. I should see them again which means I will and helps ratings smiled a bit including need to see that first part of, "Parents Day" and just seriously it's not that bad. But my nose and I'm not really sick. I just don't feel like myself. Despite I left early for lunch even if I waited for a bus despite I could walk it was for personal reasons. Such as ticks and shit.
Seriously both episodes were very nice liked them. Wonder what the next episode or two episodes are. Got tags done and missed clicking the 2nd tag but honestly again wanna say seriously again good episodes 4:44 pm I just have Ridiculousness on on mtv1 yeah that channel looked up to right. I'm in my chair sorry.
Yet okay....meh I'm waiting for the time. But I again just me saying stuff over. Okay now is the time good episodes 4:45
Edit 6:32 it just turned to that it was 31 just the show is on ha I fixed witch to vampire because I fucked up seriously lol I even made a new post lol edit same time and ticks last time but my memory sucks ass just smiled a bit. Oh my nose but seriously my memory sucks 6:33 edit same time just why now 6:34
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