#'champion of underappreciated books' is not a niche i ever saw myself filling but you know what. if the demand is there. 🫡
wifegideonnav · 1 year
hey, idk if you're taking book recs but if you are you should totally try the hidden series by lian tanner. it's a middle grade scifi/steampunk published about a decade ago - and i love it to bits but i have NEVER heard anyone ever mention it. theres no wiki, no tags no nothing other than gr reviews. its quite honestly my favourite series ever, although the antagonists motive hits a bit different with the current state of the internet (apollo and the power of prophecy etc. etc.) give it a shot if you want! the 2016 allen & unwin reprint has the best cover by far btw
summary taken from gr: Twelve-year-old Petrel is an outcast, living on an ancient icebreaker that has been following the same ocean course for three hundred years. The ship's crew has forgotten its original purpose and has broken into three warring tribes. Everyone has a tribe except Petrel, whose parents were thrown overboard for alleged crimes. She has survived by living in the dark corners of the ship, and speaking to no one except two large rats, Mister Smoke and Mrs. Slink. When a boy is discovered on a frozen iceberg, the crew is immediately on alert. Petrel hides him on board, hoping he'll be her friend. What she doesn't know is that the ship guards a secret, held down deep in its belly, and the boy has been sent to seek and destroy it.
anon. i am ALWAYS taking book recs. this series sounds phenomenal, i will absolutely check it out and then come on here and talk about it. thank you so much for sharing!!
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