#'congrats on the pronouns sorry about the mental illness'
anxiously-awaiting · 2 years
anyway speaking of knights with a weird gay thing i wrote like 7 pages abt aggra(vaine) last night/today and im too embarrassed to put it anywhere but let it be known. it exists.
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xiaosmoon · 3 years
Hey, congrats on hitting your milestone! I just found your blog recently and I’m glad I did. If it's not too much trouble could I please get a matchup? My pronouns are She/Her and I was hoping to be matched with a male character. My zodiac sign is Leo the lion.
I’m a pretty introverted person and tend to keep to myself most of the time. However, once you crack through my shell and I’m comfortable with you, I’m actually a pretty passionate, kind, nerdy, loyal, chatty, and somewhat crazy friend. The MBTI test says my personality is the Turbulent Mediator (INFP-T), and it honestly summarizes me scarily well. As for the type of weapon I’d like to use it would probably be some type of polearm that could double as a very pointy walking stick (because let’s be real here, I can’t fight so it will be used as a walking stick).
And as far as likes go I have a lot of them. I love mythology and could ramble for hours about different myths and legends if you let me. Reading and writing are also two hobbies I enjoy a lot that can cause me to ramble. Playing fantasy role-playing games has a special place in my heart as well. And I’m also a big fan of photography, swimming, exploring, and playing with animals to name a few more things.
Now onto dislikes. Taking the number one spot is spiders. Those monsters terrify me and I will literally run out of the room if possible. At a close second is chronic illnesses. I’ve had psoriatic arthritis since I was a young teen and it’s definitely impacted me greatly both physically and mentally. Following this line of thought, I also dislike insensitivity. There are some things that I have a hard time doing thanks to my disability, mainly strenuous physical activities, and dealing with people who completely disregard that can seriously frustrating. Stress and depression are also things I am really not fond of.
Anyway, I’m going to end the introduction here. Sorry if it was too long and I was rambling too much. And thank you so much for doing these matchups! They’re very cool and I enjoy reading your writing.
your vision & s/o would be...
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vision: geo
for your first date, zhongli takes you to a really fancy restaurant for dinner!
as a couple, zhongli loves to tell you all of the myths and legends he knows about. it becomes a nightly routine where he tells you at least one before going to sleep
he'll kill all spiders for you, no problem
one time you took zhongli to a petting zoo and the animals wouldn't stop following him
if you're ever under any stress, zhongli will put on a pot of tea for you and massage your shoulders/back
you take tons of pictures with him and put them all in a scrapbook!
overall, you guys make a cute couple
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monkeydlesbian · 4 years
hi fyfa! congrats on 900, you're so talented smh. i was wondering if i could get a hq matchup, male or female idc. (ill send you a selfie of mine through dms!)
alr so about me; my names ivette, i use she/her pronouns, im bisexual, 5'4, 19, major is child psychology, my sun is in cancer, rising aries, moon is in gemini, infp-t, i have mommy & daddy issues 😩.
personality wise? im very sensitive but also defensive, little things can set off my waterworks but i know when i have to stand up for myself & others. im generally a very kind person. im funny as fuck 😏. im quite impatient & can get irritated fairly quickly. im very much the 'mom' in all of my relationships, i have a habit of taking on peoples problems which i dont mind, but it takes tolls on my mental health. although i love my family & friends, its hard for me to actually open up to others so i usually keep shit to myself. i also tend to run away from my problems. idk if this is a personality trait but im a very attentive person, i pick up on body language almost immediately, im exceptionally good at micro-analyzing people (my irls ask me to read them all the time 🏃🏽‍♀️).
this went on a bit long, sorry about that, thank you for this in advance <3.
hi, ivette! today, you’ve been matched with. . .
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♡︎ i matched you with ushijima because i think the two of you would really match the ‘opposites attract’ trope!!
♡︎ where ushijima struggles in reading people, you do it flawlessly. where you’re impatient, he’s the exact opposite.
♡︎ you often fill in for him in the areas he lacks, and he does the exact same for you!!
♡︎ ushijima is very blunt and you’re very good at reading people, so i feel as if communication in your relationship wouldn’t be too much of an issue!
♡︎ he loves how selfless you are and how you’re always willing to help others out, but he’ll always be able to tell when you need help yourself.
♡︎ ushijima really doesn’t care all that much about what you look like, but he will not hesitate to tell you how beautiful you are. he’s so straightforward with it too, and he always manages to fluster you without even trying :’)
♡︎ i can see the two of you as being a pretty private couple, so your downtime together in your own home is something that the two of you cherish!
♡︎ your relationship with ushijima is something that works itself out beautifully, and seeing him have such a huge soft spot for you and his love for you is truly an amazing thing :’)
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You’re excitement is palpable as you drag your boyfriend through the entrance of the animal shelter. The lady at the front desk looks a little frightened at the sight of the mountain of a man behind you (you give her an apologetic smile, waving his seemingly mean expression off), but she still guides the two of you into a large hallway that gives way to multiple rooms, filled with plenty of critters waiting to be taken to a new home.
“‘Toshi,” you whisper excitedly as you tug on his arm, “which room would you like to go in first?”
He hums in contemplation, taking a look at all of the labels stamped onto each of the doors.
Suddenly, he looks down at you, “The kittens.”
At that, you beam up at him, again dragging him until you reach the door in question, turning the doorknob and stepping into a room filled with tiny kitten chirps and mewls.
There’s about fifteen of them, you think, that greet the two of you right once you close the door behind you. They all have different coat colors, different hair length, different eye color.
There’s another volunteer sitting on the couch in the corner of the room, a teenage boy who’s able to see Ushijima Wakatoshi, professional wing-spiker and member of the Japan Men’s National Volleyball Team, in the flesh.
“You— you’re—“
“Ushijima Wakatoshi,” he greets, stepping up to the boy and offering his hand for him to shake, “we’re here to adopt an animal.”
The boy takes it with wide eyes, shaking his hand in an almost trance-like state.
You wave to the boy and stifle a laugh at the way his eyes seem to twitch.
“You— uh... let me know if— if you need help or anything,” he falters, watching in awe as Ushijima plops himself down onto the floor to play with the kittens.
Several of them flock to the big man, crawling over his legs and chirping up at him to get his attention. You sit beside him, and a few of the other ones in the room come to you.
Ushijima picks up not one, but two in a single palm, and it looks like there’s still room for one more. But he doesn’t push it, instead opting to use his other hand to scratch at the kittens heads and underneath their chins.
You’re holding a baby Tabby cat, it looks like, and a Calico makes her way in between your legs and plops herself in your lap.
A tiny one, with eyes as blue as the sky and fur as white and soft as snow, somehow climbs its way up your boyfriends arm, then plops down right on his shoulder, mewling and rubbing up against his chin.
“What’s this ones name?” You ask as Ushijima sets the two kittens down in his palm to scoop up the kitten on his shoulder, holding it out in front of him with his arms outstretched.
“Her name’s Angel,” the boy responds, smiling as Ushijima brings her closer to his face as if he’s inspecting her.
“She’s so cute,” you coo as Ushijima hands her off to you, pressing tiny kisses all over her face. She chirps, butting her head against your cheek.
Your boyfriend looks fondly at you and the kitten, watching as you put her on your shoulder with a wide smile so she can mewl in your ear. You look like you have stars in your eyes, and Ushijima thinks he made the right decision to go into the kitten room first.
Suddenly, he turns to the volunteer on the couch,
“We would like to adopt her.”
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redeadepression · 5 years
oh boy, reaction hc please! for Arthur and John? I’m 21, 5’10, curvy and soft but with smaller chest and hips. I identify as both male and female so my appearance changes day to day. I’m a deep analyser and I love to work people out. I’m mentally ill, so I have trouble with depression/low energy, and i’m really quite clingy—but i love with *everything* I have. is this too much info? probably, sorry!! congrats on your 1500 followers, you deserve it! lots of love 💙
Apologies in advance if you find any of this offensive or stereotypical. I’m not an expert in genders or how they work/how people that identify the same as you do would feel from day to day. I’m a straight woman so I’m probably not the best person to be writing a reply like this but I want everyone to feel welcome on my blog and to be able to ask for headcanons like this regardless of gender. I just really don’t want to offend anyone. I tried to include both genders in each reaction but I really hope I’m not being offensive in any way. ♥
Arthur Morgan|John Marston React 
Arthur is at first, a little confused about how you could be two genders
But he doesn’t mind as long as you’re happy
He swings both ways so whatever you’re feeling day to day he can run with
He’s very careful to ask you how you’re feeling
Making sure he’s calling you the right pronouns at any given time
You learn to casually remark what you’re feeling so he doesn’t need to ask
Sometimes he can work it out by the way you’re dressed
Thinking of you as a woman he loves your curves
Gets turned on by how sensual you are
He’s also a sucker for your height
He can’t decide what he likes best
Tall or short girls
All he knows is from one extreme to the other certainly gets him going
He loves that he doesn’t need to bend down to kiss you
Thinking of you as a man he loves that you’re slightly shorter than him
The perfect height to fuck standing up let’s be real
He loves your slim hips
They’re his favourite part of you
He often gives you bruises holding on to them so tightly
He doesn’t like your depression but he understands you can’t help it
He hates seeing you so sad and desolate
It breaks his heart
So he tries his best to cheer you up
Not really understanding that that’s not how it works
He tries anyway
He pulls you up and out of the tent to take you on a ride
Treat you to a meal in town
You hate him for it honestly
But deep down you feel so loved
He adores that you’re clingy
He is honestly so clingy himself he’s always afraid of scaring his s/o off
He really feels like he can be himself around you
He’s not scared you will disappear if he wants to spend the day wrapped around you
John is immediately a lot more welcoming to your genders than Arthur
When someone else questions it he feels himself bristle 
He never questioned it so why should they?
He actually loves it
To him it’s like having 2 partners
It’s exciting for him to wake up and find out how you’re feeling that day
He treats you like a novelty at first
You have to remind him you can’t help the way you feel
That he needs to calm tf down
You’re just a person the same as him
He’s pretty good at getting the hint of which gender you’re feeling without asking
Thinking of you as a woman he loves the same thing about you he loves about all women
Your skin is so soft
You always smell so damn good
You’re kind and compassionate
He feels like he can be vulnerable around you
Thinking of you as a man he adores how strong you are
Your height
The feel of your hips under his hands
He loves that you’re clingy
He himself is a very clingy lover so he revels in the fact you want him around constantly
Weirdly he prefers to think of you as male when you’re being clingy because it makes him feel better about his own sensitivity
He’s not such a fan of your deep analysing because sometimes he doesn’t even know how he’s feeling
So when you just come out with it he feels silly and like you know more about him than he does
He hates that he can’t hide the way he’s feeling
You always work it out
But ultimately it’s for the best because he tends to try and hide things
So with you just being able to take a step back and analyse his mood
Your relationship works 100x better than it would without your skill
He’s not really sure what to do with you when you’re feeling depressed
But he tries his best to make you happy with gifts
Lots of cuddles
He helps you with your chores
His favourite thing about you is how passionately you love
He is very affection starved so having you as his s/o has really helped him feel validated and wanted
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rookiewithachance · 7 years
ok you know what this is getting its own post so tumblr doesnt delete half my tags and therefor half the shit i have to say about this like it did with the first version of this post
personal shit below the cut—nothing bad or graphic or triggering (unless you count minor gender dysphoria and parents not getting it...) just me ranting about my parents and the gender identity crisis im going through right now.... so read at your own discretion 
i knOW that this isn’t like a special or new issue.... this shit happens to lots of people, where they’re going through gender identity crises or what have you, and when they talk to their parents about it the parents just don’t fuckin get it. they’re not even like angry about it they just actively don’t understand, and they do it in a semi harmful way.
but listen okay l i s t e n
if i have to listen to my mom say “but why do you need to label it, why can’t you just be you” one more time im gonna mcfuckin lose it ok
she means well i know she does and she and my dad are from a very different time where labels were considered Bad but listen ma, i love you but a) why does what i choose to call myself bother you so damn much especially when you can see that im upset about it when i brought it up, and b) this??? IS me being myself????? that is exACTLY WHAT’S HAPPENING RN im trying!! to figure out who or what myself is!!! but thank you!!!!! for adding to my doubt and feeding the voice in my head that tells me that i’m just making shit up and that i’m taking away from the people who are actually going through gender stuff and that im just overthinking myself..................... because lowkey it feels like thats what im doing. and i know i kNOW that that’s probably not true because that’s exactly what i did with mental illness and boom would you look at that, and my mental health is probably affecting this as well, but...... mER
i dont even know if i can CALL this gender dysphoria... idk like that phrase carries such weight to me and this doesnt feel like its... at that level?? i dont feel like i was born into the wrong body or that i need to transition in any way bc to me my genitals dont have to define my gender. like look ok fuckin listen i have a fuckin vulva and a vagina and mammaries’r’w/e and shit but that doesnt have to mean im a girl. i dont need a dick to be masculine, just like i dont have to have a vulva to be feminine. which side tangent why do i even care masculinity and femininity are both social constructs and are complete bullshit in my opinion so whY DOES THIS EVEN MATTER TO ME??? @my brain what the actual fuck why are you like this
its not even like.... being referred to as female is what bothers me. i don’t mind she/her pronouns, i dont really care about what pronouns people use for me, but it’s just................. when someone uses female-coded or even male-coded language in reference towards me. things that started as gendered but became more neutral like dude or babe and other shit dont bother me its just...... like listen every time one of my parents calls me baby girl it lowkey actually makes me want to cry, and i dont know why i just feel so shitty being called that
i also just sometimes.... feel more masculine or more feminine than other times and wanna present differently. like im considering looking into getting a binder because i really feel like that would help with the presentation stuff but also!!! theres that doubt again!!!!! ahahahahaha silly kelli ur not trans binders arent For You and if you buy them that’s appropriation or something, either way its bad and you should feel shitty for considering it :)
is this like................ idk, is this genderfluid???? is that what this is??????? idk idk ive just been saying gender nonconforming bc that covers the gist of it and lets me sort my shit out without the pressure of needing to “””stay true””” to whatever label or thing i use..... again, another irrational anxiety but h e y thats me for ya
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa this is getting long but heres the thing: i love my parents. i really fucking do. they have their shortcomings of course because being the perfect parent is literally impossible, but all in all im pretty fortunate to have such loving parents. but theyre just. theyre a lot right now. i get it okay i do, they miss me and theyre going through separation stuff and they feel like theyre losing me or whatever but like...... i dont........ want to video chat every night, like we did my freshman year. i needed that then, and what i need now is...... space. some space to figure out how to be a singular entity doing shit for myself and having time to be alone with my thoughts yknow. my mental health is in the goddamn sewers and i havent been sleeping as well as i should be and im feeling overwhelmed with schoolwork and clubs and then of course all this gender stuff started happening :) so yeah sorry if im not very talkative when you chat with me every single night. i dont have much to talk about, and the stuff you guys talk about???? sorry but.... i dont really care. its shitty to say but i just. i dont. i love you guys but i have better shit to be doing than talking about who you saw in the coffeeshop this morning or what happened at work
and see, normally i would talk to them about this. but i just... dont think that would do anyone any good. they wont understand it, and then when i explain it theyre just gonna feel dumb, and theyre gonna forget and slip up and never remember and then just go around feeling guilty about it without ever changing their language...... and their guilt is gonna make me feel like shit too. so whats even the point of telling them about it?? of getting them to actually sit down and listen instead of bringing it up in the middle of sobbing my way through my woes and my parents asking me well meant but upsetting questions and then moving on as if nothing happened 
sigh........... idk. thats about it i guess. congrats if you got this far, im sending you digital hugs. words of support are of course appreciated but not at all necessary, i aint fishin for anything im just here to lay it all out in one place. hopefully i get some of all this mess sorted out. if i had more money id just go ahead and buy a binder but im a bit strapped for cash. not broke per se but i have very limited funds and those have to carry me through the entire semester, so....... trying not to make any unnecessary purchases and my brain refuses to justify a binder as something worth the money.......... which again, is probably not true, but.... we’ll see.
much love to you all, im gonna head to bed and try to sleep cause i got class in the morning and i still havent finished the readings ;3
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